To navigate through the Help tabs in the Settings window, place the cursor over the window and press the Tab key. Press Tab and Shift simultaneously to navigate backward through the Help tabs.
In the Settings window, press Tab to move from control to control. Press Tab and Shift simultaneously to navigate backward through the controls. (The Help text at the top of the window updates automatically.
Use the arrow keys to change slider values in the Settings window. Note that the cursor needs to be over a slider for this to work.
To activate a toggle (place or remove a check mark), place the cursor over the toggle and press the keyboard space bar.)
To choose an item from a menu, you can use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the item, then press the space bar to select it.
Hold down the Shift key and press the Num Lock key to turn Mouse Keys on and off.
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to most applications that are shipped standard with your system:
To bring the next window up to the top and push the current one to the back, press Alt and Esc.
To bring the previous top window to the top, press Alt, Shift, and Esc.
To display the upper left window menu, press Shift and Esc, or press Alt and the space bar.
You can take advantage of mnemonic keyboard shortcuts for many menus: press Alt and the underlined letter to choose a menu or menu item. For example, if the S in Selected is underlined, pressing S and Alt will open the Selected menu. You can then choose an item from the Selected menu the same way.
![]() | Note: With the exception of the Shift + Num Lock mouse keys toggle, keyboard shortcuts apply to the window that has keyboard focus. By default, you need to move your mouse cursor over a window in order to type in it. This is called implicit keyboard focus or “point to type.” However, this can be changed to “click to type” with the Window Settings panel. “Click to type” means that you give a window keyboard focus by clicking in it. The window continues to have focus until you click on another window, regardless of the location of the cursor. To open the Window Settings panel from the Toolchest, choose Desktop > Customize > Windows. |