The Monitor Confidence test requires user interaction. The test displays a menu in the center of the screen. You must select one of the options from the menu and visually determine if there is a problem with the display. Online help is provided to assist in the determination of problems. The options you can select are:
100% white field -You should see the entire display turn bright white, except for the menu that displays the monitor test options, the help text, and the text below it.
30% white field - You should see the entire display turn gray, except for the menu that displays the monitor test options, the help display, and the text below it.
10% white field - You should see the entire display turn dark gray, except for the menu that displays the monitor test options, the help display, and the text below it.
Black field - You should see the entire display turn black, except for the menu that displays the monitor test options, the help display, and the text below it.
Focus - You should see the entire display fill up with the focus pattern in white displayed on a black background.
Grey scale - You should see the top half of the screen as 32 shades, ranging from white on the left to black on the right. The bottom half of the screen should range from black on the left to white on the right.
Convergence - The test draws a circle in the center of the screen and draws lines across the X and Y axes on the screen. The lines are drawn 64 pixels apart. You should see a grid that contains a circle in the center of the display.
Red video - This video control enables or disables the red beam. If the menu description specifies “on” for this video stream, the beam is enabled; otherwise it is disabled. This control is used with some of the patterns to produce different primary colors. The resultant color is a combination of enabled video streams.
Green video - This video control enables or disables the green beam. If the menu description specifies “on” for this video stream, the beam is enabled; otherwise it is disabled. This control is used with some of the patterns to produce different primary colors. The resultant color is a combination of enabled video streams.
Blue video - This video control enables or disables the blue beam. If the menu description specifies “on” for this video stream, the beam is enabled; otherwise it is disabled. This control is used with some of the patterns to produce different primary colors. The resultant color is a combination of enabled video streams.
Invert video - This reverses the foreground and background colors in the pattern displayed for the focus and convergence tests.
Quit - Exit the Monitor Confidence test.
The Monitor Confidence test also provides:
Online help for each of the options on the menu. The help is displayed by default. It can be toggled off by pressing the h key.
A facility to hide the menu and help display to enable viewing the selected test pattern across the complete screen area, with the exception of a single line of informational text. Click the middle mouse button to toggle the display.
A facility to step through the test options using the Tab key. The Tab key does not change the video controls at the bottom of the menu.
For additional questions or assistance, contact your local support provider.