The Spaceball Confidence test requires user interaction. You must press the buttons on the spaceball, and rotate the ball on the spaceball unit. As the numerical keys on the spaceball unit are pressed, the corresponding buttons on the graphical display should be highlighted. As the ball on the spaceball unit is turned, the graphical display of the cube should rotate. The coordinates of the cube should also be displayed and they should change as the cube is rotated on the screen.
The test does not display a “passed” or “failed” message when the test is complete. You determine the results of the test by monitoring the test itself.
If the numerical keys that are pressed on the spaceball unit are highlighted on the graphical interface, the test was passed. If the buttons that are pressed on the spaceball unit are not highlighted on the graphical interface, the test was failed.
If the graphical display of the cube does rotate as the ball on the spaceball unit is rotated, the Spaceball Confidence test was passed. If the graphical display of the cube does not rotate as the ball on the spaceball unit is rotated, the Spaceball Confidence test was failed.
For additional questions or assistance, contact your system administrator or your local support provider.