The Options Menu is used to gain access to the time controls and to control the level of detail shown. The time controls drive the 3D scene, and are described in “The Time Controls” section. Some `level of detail' menu items may be insensitive at times depending on what is currently shown in the scene.
Show Time Control - The “The Time Controls” is displayed or brought to the front if hidden by other windows.
New Time Control - A new “The Time Controls” is created and displayed. This is useful when the current time controls are shared with other PCP tools and a separate time control dialog is required for this oview instance.
![]() | Note: Note: The following `level of detail' menu items will not exist and do not apply when viewing an SGI 3000 series system. |
Show All Nodes - All nodes that are currently not shown will be displayed. Any hidden CPUs will remain hidden. If all nodes are already shown then this menu item will be insensitive.
Hide All Nodes - All nodes that are currently shown will be hidden. This will also hide all CPUs. If all nodes are already hidden then this menu item will be insensitive.
Show All CPUs - All CPUs that are currently not shown will be displayed. This will also display all the nodes. If all CPUs are already shown then this menu item will be insensitive.
Hide All CPUs - All CPUs that are currently shown will be hidden. If all CPUs are already hidden, then this menu item will be insensitive.
The text of the last two menu items may change, depending on the current “Metric Selection”.
Show/Hide Node(s) - Show (hide) the selected node, or the nodes connected to the selected router. These options may only be invoked when a router or a node has been selected with the left mouse button.
Show/Hide CPUs - Show (hide) the selected CPU, or the CPUs attached to the selected node or router. These options may only be invoked when a CPU, node or router has been selected with the left mouse button.