When you drag a file icon into OutBox and click the Publish button, OutBox makes a reference to the file and places an icon of the referenced file on your OutBox Web page. When others open your page, they can click on the reference to view the file (they cannot make changes to the file) or copy the file to their system by clicking download.
OutBox also gives you the option to place a copy of a file on your Web page rather than a reference to the original file. When you reference a file, any changes you make to the original file automatically appear in the file on your Web page. If you choose to publish a copy of a file instead of a reference, you can continue to make changes to the original file without the changes appearing in the file on your Web page.
If you want to organize files by topic, OutBox also lets you create directory folders on your OutBox Web page.
To publish a file on your OutBox Web page:
Before selecting a file to publish, note the following:
If the file you want to publish contains spaces in the name, OutBox replaces the spaces with “_” to retain them.
If you want to publish a hidden file, the file will appear in the public_html directory as a hidden file. It will not appear on your OutBox page.
Check permissions on the file you want to publish to make sure it gives read permission to others. By default, all files you create have read permission turned on. If you changed permissions on a file to make it unreadable by others, you will need to change it back in order to publish it on the OutBox page.
If publish a Webjumper, clicking on the icon in OutBox opens the URL. Clicking on download gives the user access to the WebJumper.
Specify the file you want by:
Dragging the file icon from an Icon View window into the OutBox drop pocket, or
Typing in the complete pathname for the file in the File to Publish text field.
Select a Show File option.
If you want to make the icon directly accessible on your Web page, select “Directly on OutBox Page.”
If you want to place the file in a separate file folder on your Web page, select “Through OutBox folder” then choose a folder from the pop-up file browser.
To create new folders, see “Creating a File Folder on Your Out Box Web Page.”
Select a “Publish File by” option.
If you want to place a reference to the original file on your Web page, choose “Making a reference to the original file.”
Linking to the file ensures that any changes you make to the original file automatically appear in the file on your Web page.
If you want to place a copy of the file on your Web page, choose “Making a copy of the original file.”
You may want to place a copy of the file on your Web page if you want to continue to make changes to the original file but you don't want others to view those changes while you're making them.
Click the Publish button to publish the file on your Web page.
Files are saved in the /usr/people/yourusername/public_html directory as links to the original files or copies of the original files, depending on what you specified. Your Web page accesses the files from this directory. To view the directory, click the Directory button.
![]() | Note: All files in the public_html directory appear on your Web page, even if you don't use OutBox to publish them. |
Click the Web Page button to view your OutBox Web page and to make sure the file icon appears as you specified.
If the page is already open, click the Reload button in the Netscape Navigator™ window to view the updated page.
Click the Close button to close OutBox.