The File Menu allows the user to record, save or print the 3D scene, or to quit pmview.
Record - this option is only available in `live' mode when performance metrics are being fetched in real-time from one or more hosts. When this menu item is selected, pmview displays the “The Record Archive Folio Dialog” dialog, to allow the user to specify the name of a PCP archive folio. The archive folio contains the archive(s) that will record values for the metrics currently visible on the display. This is intended to be an easy and convenient interface to the pmlogger(1) program. Refer to the pmafm(1) manual page for information describing how PCP archives can be replayed.
Stop Recording - this option is only available in `live' mode when recording is currently active. When this menu option is selected, pmview terminates the pmlogger(1) instance and an information dialog is displayed reporting the final state of the archive and how to replay the created PCP archive folio.
Save - this option exposes the Save Scene as Inventor dialog which prompts for an output file name. The generated file will contain the Open Inventor ASCII description of the current view which can then be read by ivview and some Web browsers.
Print - this option exposes the Print Scene dialog which prompts for the printer and size of the output image. Pressing the print button will send the current scene to the selected printer.
Quit - exit from pmview. If recording is currently in progress, a question dialog will be displayed asking whether to terminate recording before pmview exits, or whether to leave the associated pmlogger(1) processes running.