Choose the Print command when you want to print the help topic you are viewing. See “Printing” for step-by-step instructions.
Choose the Contents/Search command to display the Contents/Search pane if it is hidden. You can also click the button to the left of the Contents/Search button to show/hide the Contents/Search pane.
Choose the Pin Up command to post the current topic. A new collapsed window (one without the Contents/Search area displayed) appears containing the topic. For more information, see “Posting a Selected Topic”.
Choose the Copyright Information command to view the copyright information (if available) for the document you are viewing.
Choose the Available Application/Product Help command to to open a window that displays a list of applications/products (denoted by their "short name"). From within that list you can scroll and double-click an entry (or single click to select an entry, then click the View button). The contents area of the SGIHelp Viewer window will update with topics specific to the application/product you have chosen. Close the window by clicking the Close button.