- allocation, framebuffer
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- alpha
- Pixel Format
- and Sirius Video
- Selecting the Output Format
- channel
- Alpha On Blue
- and Sirius Video
- Alpha On Blue
- dedicated analog alpha out
- Alpha On Blue
- Alpha On Blue
- Alpha On Blue
- Using the DVP Channel
- Using the GVO Channel
- bandwidth
- Setting Pixel Depth
- Bandwidth Used Scale
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- and channel assignment
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- and channel boundaries
- Channel Placement in the Framebuffer
- and Encoder channel
- Encoder Channel
- DAC output
- DAC Output Bandwidth
- read/write
- Framebuffer Memory and Read/Write Bandwidth
- See also allocation
- Bandwidth Used Scale
- transmission
- Transmission Bandwidth
- Bandwidth Used scale
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- Bandwidth Used Scale
- channel
- aligning
- Aligning Channels
- associating with X window
- Associating a Video Channel With an X Window
- attributes, modifying
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- copying
- Copying a Channel
- delete from combination
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- menu
- Gamma
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- rectangle
- moving and resizing
- Resizing and Repositioning a Channel
- Origin and Size
- restoring origin and size
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- window
- Gamma
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- Channel Attributes window
- Gamma
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- color field sequential setting
- Pixel Format
- combination. See video format combination
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- Combiner
- Overview
- loading
- Loading the Video Format Combiner GUI
- main window
- Loading the Video Format Combiner GUI
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- setting display
- Loading the Video Format Combiner GUI
- composite output, Encoder channel
- Specifying the Output Resolution Encoder Format
- conventions
- Conventions
- Conventions
- cursor
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- priority
- Cursor Priority
- Digital Video Port. See DVP.
- Digital Video Port (DVP)
- dither
- Dither
- Download Combination
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- Using the DVP Channel
- Digital Video Port (DVP)
- and Alpha On Blue
- Alpha On Blue
- in Target Hardware window
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- and Emergency Backup Combination
- Emergency Backup Combination
- saving to
- Saving a Video Format Combination
- Emergency Backup Combination
- Emergency Backup Combination
- Setting Pixel Depth
- Encoder channel
- Encoder Channel
- attributes, modifying
- Modifying Encoder Channel Attributes
- composite output
- Specifying the Output Resolution Encoder Format
- dependent mode
- Dependent Mode
- filter, specifying
- Specifying the Filter Width for the Encoder Channel
- independent mode
- Independent Mode
- output resolution
- Specifying the Output Resolution Encoder Format
- S-Video output
- Specifying the Output Resolution Encoder Format
- setting up
- Setting Up the Encoder Channel
- Error indicator
- Error Indicator
- error messages
- Error Messages
- field layout
- Field Layout
- filter, Encoder channel
- Specifying the Filter Width for the Encoder Channel
- framebuffer
- allocation
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- and channel placement
- Channel Placement in the Framebuffer
- and managed area
- Managed Area
- for combination
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- and output pixel format
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- and raster
- Channel Input and Output
- and read/write bandwidth
- Framebuffer Memory and Read/Write Bandwidth
- arrangement
- Setting Pixel Depth
- tiles
- Channel Placement in the Framebuffer
- for combination
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- gain
- Gain
- gamma
- Gamma
- Grab window
- Associating a Video Channel With an X Window
- graphics, initializing
- Specifying Channels
- Setting Pixel Depth
- Graphics-to-Video Option. See GVO.
- Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO)
- Using the GVO Channel
- Graphics-to-Video Option (GVO)
- in Target Hardware window
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- horizontal phase
- Horizontal and Vertical Phase
- InfiniteReality graphics
- Overview
- initializing graphics
- Specifying Channels
- Setting Pixel Depth
- ircombine
- Overview
- Loading the Video Format Combiner GUI
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- on other Silicon Graphics hardware
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- IRIX version
- About This Guide
- letterboxing
- Using the Safe Area and Letterboxing
- managed area
- Managed Area
- for combination
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- panning
- Channel Placement in the Framebuffer
- pedestal
- Setup
- pixel depth
- Setting Pixel Depth
- pixel format
- Pixel Format
- Sirius Video channel
- Selecting the Output Format
- red line
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- Saving Video Format Combinations to the EEPROM
- Reduced Fill scale
- Reduced Fill Scale
- Restore Output Size
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- RGB10
- Pixel Format
- RGB12
- Pixel Format
- RGBA10
- Pixel Format
- RM board
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- Bandwidth Used Scale
- Setting Pixel Depth
- S-Video output, Encoder channel
- Specifying the Output Resolution Encoder Format
- safe area
- Using the Safe Area and Letterboxing
- setmon
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- Saving a Video Format Combination
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- setup
- Setup
- Sirius Video
- Sirius Video
- Using the Combiner With Hardware Options
- and Alpha On Blue
- Alpha On Blue
- channel
- attributes, modifying
- Modifying Sirius Video Channel Attributes
- pixel format
- Selecting the Output Format
- setting up
- Selecting Option Board Channel Mode
- dependent mode
- Dependent Mode
- in Target Hardware window
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- independent mode
- Independent Mode
- Snap to neighbor
- Aligning Channels
- swap rate
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- Swap Rate
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- sync
- channel attribute
- Sync
- video format combination
- Setting Sync Source and Format
- Target Hardware window
- Using the Target Hardware Facility
- textport
- Selecting a Channel for Textport Output
- trilevel sync
- Tri-Level Sync
- /usr/gfx/ucode/KONA/dg4/vfo/README
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- vertical phase
- Horizontal and Vertical Phase
- video bandwidth
- Setting Pixel Depth
- video format
- changing for channel
- Format
- in Channel Attributes window
- Format
- Modifying Channel Attributes
- information
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- origin and size in Channel Attributes window
- Origin and Size
- selecting for channel
- Selecting a Video Format for a Channel
- video format combination
- Creating and Setting Video Format Combinations
- Overview
- Video Format Combinations
- checking validity
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- creating
- Specifying Channels
- deleting channel
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- description
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- downloading
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- global attributes
- Changing Global Attributes for Combinations
- querying
- Programmable Querying of Video Format Combinations
- samples
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- saving
- Saving a Video Format Combination
- testing
- Saving a Video Format Combination
- Selecting Channels for a Combination
- tradeoffs
- Trading Off Format Parameters in a Combination
- Video Format Combiner. See Combiner
- Overview
- X window, associating with channel
- Associating a Video Channel With an X Window
- XSGIvc X-server extension library
- Programmable Querying of Video Format Combinations
- XSGIvcLoadVideoFormatCombination()
- Downloading a Video Format Combination
- Z component
- Pixel Format