Phase 4: Client Request for Software
architecture variables. See hardware variables.
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
assigning internet addresses
Assigning Internet Addresses
backing up client trees
Backing Up the Old Client Tree
boot file name resolution
Phase 2: The Boot File Download
bootfile NVRAM variable
Phase 1: The Boot Request
Booting a Client Workstation
Verifying Client Operation
Booting a Client Workstation
detailed description of
Debugging the Boot Process
Debugging the Boot Process
bootp protocol
Phase 1: The Boot Request
bootparamd server
Phase 3: The Server-Client Setup
bootparams map
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
chkconfig command
Enabling Network Software
clearing NVRAM variables
Installing the Hardware
client classes
Influence of Client Classes
Client Tree Configuration File
client name
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
client tree configuration file
checking syntax of
Verifying the Client Tree Configuration File
client tree variables in
Client and Swap Tree Variables
Creating a New Client Tree Configuration File
Editing the Client Tree Configuration File
Client Hardware Variables
hardware variables in
Client Hardware Variables
number required
Client Tree Configuration File
overview of
Working With Diskless Software
purpose of
Client Tree Configuration File
swap tree variables in
Client and Swap Tree Variables
client trees
adding options to
Adding Options to Client Trees
backing up
Backing Up the Old Client Tree
Cloning Client Trees
Working With Diskless Software
contents of
Planning Client Trees
contents of
Client Tree
Working With Diskless Software
installation procedure
Client and Swap Tree Installation Procedure
Installing Client and Swap Trees
Planning Client Trees
Cleaning the Old Server
Moving Private Files to the New Host
removing manually
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
root directory of
Diskless Filesystems
space requirements for
Planning Client Trees
Updating Existing Client Trees
when to build
Overview of the Installation Procedure
client.dat file. See client tree configuration file.
Working With Diskless Software
client_inst command
deleting client trees with
Removing a Client Tree
errors from
Installation Error Messages
Client and Swap Tree Installation Procedure
Client and Swap Tree Installation Procedure
overview of
Working With Diskless Software
sample entries
The client_inst Command
syntax of
The client_inst Command
Cloning Client Trees
boot file for
Phase 2: The Boot File Download
Booting a Client Workstation
Checking a Client
converting to standalone stations
Converting a Client to a Standalone Workstation
determining internet address on
Installing the Hardware
domain name on
Client and Swap Tree Variables
/etc/fstab file for
Automatic File Updates
hardware components in
Checking a Client
internet address on
Booting a Client Workstation
Moving a Client to a Different Server
network location of
Checking a Client
shutting down
Preparing the Client
Points to Keep in Mind
verifying operation of
Verifying Client Operation
definition of
Overview of the Installation Procedure
procedure for
Cloning Client Trees
CLROOT variable
Client and Swap Tree Variables
compatibility (of IRIX versions)
Checking a Server
Points to Keep in Mind
CPUARCH variable
Client Hardware Variables
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
CPUBAORD variable
Client Hardware Variables
CPUBOARD variable
Troubleshooting Checklist
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
/dev/dsk directory
Determining the Mount Partition
device special files
Determining the Mount Partition
disk drives
Converting a Client to a Standalone Workstation
disk partitions
Determining the Mount Partition
disk space
for client trees
Planning Client Trees
for diskless tree
Checking a Server
for share trees
Planning Share Trees
for swap trees
Planning Swap Trees
diskless NVRAM variable
Installing the Hardware
Booting a Client Workstation
diskless tree
and filesystems
Planning the Diskless Tree
definition of
Diskless Tree
elements of
Diskless Tree
Planning the Diskless Tree
removing manually
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
root directory of
Diskless Filesystems
space requirements for
Checking a Server
DISKLESS variable
Client and Swap Tree Variables
DISKLESS variable
Share Tree Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
distribution software
Obtaining a Software Distribution
domain name
format of
Checking a Server
of client
Client and Swap Tree Variables
Checking a Server
domainname command
Checking a Server
/etc/bootparams file
Phase 3: The Server-Client Setup
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Phase 4: Client Request for Software
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
Automatic File Updates
Before You Call for Help
/etc/exports file
Planning the Diskless Tree
Automatic File Updates
Checking a Server
Before You Call for Help
Phase 4: Client Request for Software
Diskless Filesystems
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
/etc/fstab file
Moving Private Files to the New Tree
Installing Client and Swap Trees
/etc/fstab file
Automatic File Updates
/etc/hosts file
Checking a Server
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
/etc/inetd.conf file
Checking a Server
/etc/sys_id file
Enabling Network Software
/etc/xtab file
Phase 4: Client Request for Software
export conflicts
Checking a Server
Diskless Filesystems
exported filesystems
NFS Resources
and the diskless tree
Planning the Diskless Tree
in a share tree
Planning Share Trees
in client trees
Planning Client Trees
on local disks
Setting Up a Local Disk
using multiple
Using Multiple Filesystems
GFXBOARD variable
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Troubleshooting Checklist
Client Hardware Variables
guest account
Checking a Server
hardware variables. See also individual variable names
in client tree configuration file
Client Hardware Variables
in share tree configuration file
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
hardware-specific modules
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
hinv command
Verifying Installation
Installing the Hardware
host database
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Checking a Server
Removing a Client Tree
HOSTNAME variable
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
inetd server
Phase 1: The Boot Request
Checking a Server
Phase 3: The Server-Client Setup
Phase 4: Client Request for Software
inst utility
and adding software options
Adding Options to a Share Tree
and client tree installations
Client and Swap Tree Installation Procedure
and diskless tree installations
Using inst to Install a Diskless Tree
and new client tree updates
When New Clients Need Updated Trees
and share tree installations
Share Tree Installation Procedure
and updating share trees
Updating a Share Tree
installation procedure
summary of
Overview of the Installation Procedure
installation software requirements
Obtaining a Software Distribution
internet address
Assigning Internet Addresses
determining on clients
Installing the Hardware
of clients
Assigning Internet Addresses
Removing a Client Tree
Booting a Client Workstation
configuring kernel for
Verifying Client Operation
disk partitions
Determining the Mount Partition
distribution media
Obtaining a Software Distribution
on servers
Updating Software on Diskless Trees
on share trees
Planning Share Trees
on share trees
Troubleshooting Checklist
Troubleshooting Checklist
version compatibility
Troubleshooting Checklist
Checking a Server
version compatibility
Points to Keep in Mind
lboot command
Troubleshooting Checklist
local disks
adding filesystems to
Setting Up a Local Disk
adding swap space to
Setting Up a Local Disk
Adding a Local Swap Partition
Installing the Hardware
uses for
Local Disk Resources
MACH variable
Troubleshooting Checklist
Motif 2.1 Support
Motif 2.1
Motif 2.1 Support
mounted filesystems (NFS)
NFS Resources
moving clients
Moving a Client to a Different Server
netaddr NVRAM variable
Verifying Client Operation
Installing the Hardware
Booting a Client Workstation
Network File System. See NFS.
NFS Resources
network information service. See NIS.
Checking a Server
network interfaces (multiple)
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
network problems
General Approach to Troubleshooting
network software
Enabling Network Software
turning on
Installing the Hardware
Diskless Filesystems
Planning Share Trees
export conflicts
Checking a Server
Diskless Filesystems
function in diskless networks
NFS Resources
hosts database
Removing a Client Tree
Enabling Network Software
setting domain names for
Checking a Server
NISDOMAIN variable
Client and Swap Tree Variables
NVRAM variables
Installing the Hardware
Verifying Client Operation
Handling Booting Error Messages
Booting a Client Workstation
option disks
Setting Up a Local Disk
Determining the Mount Partition
options (software)
adding to client trees
Adding Options to Client Trees
adding to share tree
Adding Options to a Share Tree
planning client trees
Planning Client Trees
planning share trees
Planning Share Trees
planning swap space
Planning Swap Trees
printenv command
Booting a Client Workstation
Installing the Hardware
private files
backing up
Backing Up the Old Client Tree
Moving Private Files to the New Host
in client tree
Client Tree
Planning Client Trees
Moving Private Files to the New Tree
Moving Private Files to the New Host
removing client trees
Moving Private Files to the New Host
Cleaning the Old Server
removing diskless software
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
removing share trees
Removing a Share Tree
rpc.mountd server
Phase 4: Client Request for Software
checking suitability of
Checking a Server
Cleaning the Old Server
definition of
Diskless Client-Server Model
disk space on
Checking a Server
IRIX version on
Updating Software on Diskless Trees
Troubleshooting Checklist
Checking a Server
network location of
Checking a Client
reliability requirements
Checking a Server
server name
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
SERVER_NIS variable
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
setting NIS domain names
Checking a Server
share tree
adding options to
Adding Options to a Share Tree
checking contents of
Share Tree Installation Procedure
Working With Diskless Software
contents of
Planning Share Trees
contents of
Share Tree
Working With Diskless Software
hardware-specific modules in
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
installation procedure
Share Tree Installation Procedure
Installing the Share Tree
Planning Share Trees
Removing a Share Tree
removing manually
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
root directory of
Diskless Filesystems
selecting software for
Installing the Share Tree
space requirements for
Planning Share Trees
Updating a Share Tree
when to build
Overview of the Installation Procedure
share tree configuration file
checking syntax of
Verifying the Share Tree Configuration File
client hardware variables in
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Share Tree Configuration File
overview of
Working With Diskless Software
server environment variables in
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
setting variables in
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
share tree variables in
Share Tree Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
share tree variables (setting)
Share Tree Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
SHARE variable
Share Tree Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
share.dat file. See share tree configuration file.
Share Tree Configuration File
Working With Diskless Software
share_inst command
Share Tree Installation Procedure
overview of
Working With Diskless Software
removing share trees with
Removing a Share Tree
syntax of
share_inst Command
SHAREHOST variable
Server Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
shutting down clients
Points to Keep in Mind
Preparing the Client
converting clients to
Converting a Client to a Standalone Workstation
swap space
changing the size of
Changing the Size of the Swap Space
on local disks
Setting Up a Local Disk
on local disks
Adding a Local Swap Partition
swap trees
Working With Diskless Software
contents of
Swap Tree
Planning Swap Trees
Working With Diskless Software
Client and Swap Tree Installation Procedure
Planning Swap Trees
removing manually
Removing a Diskless Class Manually
root directory of
Diskless Filesystems
space requirements for
Planning Swap Trees
when to build
Overview of the Installation Procedure
SWAP variable
Client and Swap Tree Variables
SWAPSIZE variable
Client and Swap Tree Variables
system disks
Setting Up a Local Disk
Determining the Mount Partition
technical assistance
Before You Call for Help
tftp protocol
PROM Resources
Checking a Server
Phase 2: The Boot File Download
Phase 2: The Boot File Download
Trivial File Transfer Protocol. See tftp protocol.
PROM Resources
Debugging the Boot Process
client_inst errors
Installation Error Messages
network problems
General Approach to Troubleshooting
uname command
Checking a Server
updating client trees
Updating Existing Client Trees
updating share trees
Updating a Share Tree
User Datagram Protocol
Phase 1: The Boot Request
/usr/etc/bootptab file
Phase 1: The Boot Request
verbose NVRAM variable
Handling Booting Error Messages
verifying client operation
Verifying Client Operation
VIDEO variable
Client Hardware Variables in the Share Tree Configuration File
Client Hardware Variables
virtual memory
Swap Tree