This appendix provides a listing of error messages, categorized by device, that may display during setup or while operating a device.
This section provides a description of the error messages that are associated with lp commands. The following variables are used in the error messages:
file(s) | Indicates the file or files that are to be printed. | |
dest | Indicates the name of the destination printer. | |
printer-id | Indicates the request identification number of the printout. For example, myprinter-46 is the printer name followed by the request identification number. | |
printer-name | Indicates the name of the printer. | |
program-name | Indicates the program name that was executed. | |
user | Indicates the user who requested the printout. |
These messages can be found in the printer log files if you missed them on the system console. Following each message is an explanation of the probable cause of the error and the corrective action. If you cannot correct all the error conditions you encounter, call your service representative.
dest is an illegal destination name
The dest you used is not a valid destination name. Use the lpstat -p command to list valid destination names.
file is a directory
The filename you typed is a directory and cannot be printed.
xx is not a request ID or a printer
The argument you used with the cancel command is not a valid request identification number or a printer name. Use the lpstat -t command to view a list of all the printers and requests waiting to be printed.
xx is not a request
The request identification number you used with the lpmove command is not a valid request identification number. To find out which requests are valid, use the lpstat -u command.
xx not a request ID or a destination
You used an invalid request identification number or destination with the lpstat command. To find out what is valid, use the lpstat -t command.
dest not accepting requests since date
Requests to the printer that you are trying to use have been stopped by the reject command.
Can't access FIFO
The named pipe file /var/spool/lp/FIFO is incorrect. The mode should be 600 with the owner lp and the group lp.
lp Administrator not in password file
You must have an entry in the /etc/passwd file for lp, and you must belong to the group lp.
destination printer-name unknown
Use the accept command to enable the printer so that it can accept requests.
can't access file xx
The mode could be wrong on your directory or the file that you are trying to access.
can't create class xx—existing printer name
The class name you are trying to use has already been given to a printer. You need to use another name or remove the printer to use the class name.
can't create new acceptance status file
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp directory. It should be 755 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create new class file
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp directory. It should be 755 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create new interface program
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/interface directory. It should be 755 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create new member file
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/member directory. It should be 755 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create new printer status file
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/pstatus file. It should be 644 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create new request directory
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/request directory. It should be 755 with the owner lp and the group lp.
can't create printer-name—existing class name
The printer name you are trying to use has already been used as a class name. You need to assign another name to the printer.
can't create new output queue
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/seqfile is incorrect. It should be 644, and the mode on the directory should be 755. The owner and the group should be lp.
can't create new sequence number file
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/seqfile is incorrect. It should be 644, and the mode on the directory should be 755. The owner and the group should be lp.
can't create request file xx
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/request/printer-name/id is incorrect. Printer-name is the name of the printer such as dqp10, and id is the request identification number. The mode of the file should be 444, and the mode of the directory should be 755. The owner and the group should be lp.
can't fork
Either you have several processes running and are not allowed to run any more, or the system has all the processes running that it can handle. You must rerun this command later.
can't lock acceptance status
The file /var/spool/lp/QSTATLOCK prevents more than one lp request from being taken at any one time. You must rerun this command later.
can't lock output queue
The file /var/spool/lp/QSTATLOCK prevents more than one lp request from being printed on a printer at a time. You must rerun this command later.
can't lock printer status
The temporary file /var/spool/lp/PSTATLOCK prevents more than one lp request from being printed on a printer at a time. You must rerun this command later.
can't lock sequence number file
The file /var/spool/lp/SEQLOCK prevents more than one lp request from getting the next printer-id (request identification) number at one time. You must rerun this command later.
can't move request printer-id
Printer-id is the request identification number that cannot be moved. You will probably have to change the modes on the files and directories in /var/spool/lp/request. Also, after you shut down the lp scheduler, you must manually move the request from the disabled printer directory to the new destination.
can't open class file
The lp program is trying to access the list of classes for printers. One reason it may not be able to open the class file is that the system might have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by typing the command at a later time.
can't open member file
The lp program is trying to access the list of members in the directory /var/spool/lp/member. The system could have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by typing the command at a later time.
can't open xx file in MEMBER directory
There are a number of reasons why file xx in the /var/spool/lp/member directory cannot be opened. The mode on the file could be incorrect; it should be 644. The system could have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any time; you can correct this by typing the command at a later time.
can't open xx file in class directory
If file xx cannot be opened, it is possible that the mode on the file or directory is incorrect. The file mode should be 644, and the directory mode should be 755. Another possibility is that the system has the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. The latter problem can be corrected by typing the command at a later time.
can't open xx
You cannot print on printer xx because the mode is incorrect on the /dev/tty file. The mode should be 622.
can't open FIFO
The mode on the named pipe file /var/spool/lp/FIFO may be incorrect. It should be 600. Or the system could have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct the latter problem by typing the command at a later time.
can't open MEMBER directory
The mode on the directory /var/spool/lp/member could be incorrect. It should be 755. Another possibility is that the system could have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. If this is the case, try typing the command at a later time.
can't open acceptance status file
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/qstatus may not be correct; it should be 644. Another possibility is that the system could have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct the latter problem by typing the command at a later time.
can't open default destination file
Check the mode on the file /var/spool/lp/default; it should be 644. If the mode is correct, it could be that the system has the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the command at a later time.
can't open file file
You incorrectly typed the filename, or you do not have the correct modes set. If you are the owner, the mode should be at least 400.
can't open output queue
Check the mode on the file /var/spool/lp/outputq; it should be 644. This error message could also be generated if the system has the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. Try entering the command at a later time.
can't open printer status file
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/pstatus is incorrect; it should be 644. This message is also generated if the system has the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the command at a later time.
can't open request directory
The mode on the directory /var/spool/lp/request is incorrect; it should be 655. The system may also have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the command at a later time.
can't open request file xx
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/member/request/xx is incorrect. The mode should be 644. The system may also have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the lpmove command at a later time.
can't open system default destination file
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/default is incorrect. The mode should be 644. The system may also have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the command again at a later time.
can't open temporary output queue
The mode on the file /var/spool/lp/outputq is incorrect. The mode should be 644. The system may also have the maximum number of files open that are allowed at any one time. You can correct this by trying the command at a later time.
can't proceed—scheduler running
Many of the lpadmin command options cannot be executed while the scheduler is running. Stop the scheduler using the lpshut command and then try invoking the command again.
can't read current directory
The lp and lpadmin commands cannot read the directory containing the file to be printed. The directory name may be incorrect, or you do not have read permission on that directory.
can't remove class file
The mode may be wrong on the file /var/spool/lp/class. It should be 755. The owner and the group should be lp. The file in that directory may also have the wrong mode; it should be 644.
can't remove printer
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/member directory. It should be 755, and the files in that directory should be 644. Both the directory and the files should be owned by lp and the group should be lp.
can't remove request directory
The mode may be wrong on the /var/spool/lp/request directory. It should be 755 and should be owned by lp, and the group should be lp. The directory may still have pending requests to be printed, which must be removed before the directory can be removed.
can't set user id to lp Administrator's user id
The lpsched and lpadmin commands can be used only when you are logged in as lp or root.
can't unlink old output queue
The lpsched program cannot remove the old output queue. You must remove it manually by using the command
rm /var/spool/lp/outputq
can't write to xx
The lpadmin command cannot write to device xx. The mode is probably wrong on the /dev/ttyxx or /dev/plp file. It should be 622 and owned by lp.
cannot create temp file filename
The system may be out of free space on the /var filesystem. Use the command
df /var
to determine the number of free blocks. Several hundred blocks are required to ensure that the system performs correctly.
class xx has disappeared!
Class xx was probably removed after the scheduler was started. The system may be out of free space on the /var filesystem. To find out, use the following command:
df /var
Use the lpshut command to stop the scheduler and restore the class from a backup.
class xx non-existent
The class xx may have been removed because the system is out of free space on the /var filesystem. To find out how much free space is available, use the following command:
df /var
The class will probably have to be restored from a backup.
class directory has disappeared!
The /var/spool/lp/class directory has been removed. The system may be out of free space on /var; use the df /var command to find out. The class directory contains all the data for each printer class. To restore this directory, get these files and directory from a backup.
corrupted member file
The /var/spool/lp/member directory has a corrupted file in it. You should restore the directory from backup.
default destination dest non-existent
Either the default destination is not assigned, or the printer dest has been removed. Use the lpadmin command to set up a default destination or set your LPDEST environment variable to the value of the destination.
destination dest has disappeared!
A destination printer, dest, has been removed after lpsched was started. Use the lpadmin command to remove the printer.
destination printer no longer accepting requests
The printer has been disabled using the reject command. Use the accept command to reenable the printer.
destination dest non-existent
The destination printer you specified as an argument to the accept or lpadmin command is not a valid destination name, or it was removed after the scheduler was started.
destination printer was already accepting requests
The destination printer was previously enabled. Once a printer is accepting requests, any further accept commands are ignored.
destination printer already not accepting requests
A reject command had already been sent to the printer. Use the accept command to allow the printer to start accepting requests again.
destination printer-name is not accepting requests – move in progress ...
The printer has been disabled by the reject command, and requests are being moved from the disabled printer to another printer. The printer can be enabled again by the accept command.
destinations are identical
When using the lpmove command, you need to specify a printer to move the print requests from and a different printer to move the requests to.
disabled by scheduler: login terminal
The login terminal has been disabled by the lp scheduler. Use the enable command to reenable the printer.
error in printer request printer-id
Printer-id is the actual request identification number. An error has likely occurred in the printer. Check the printer and reset it if needed.
illegal keyletter xx
An invalid option, xx, was used. See the reference page for the correct options.
keyletters -xx and -yy are contradictory
This combination of options to the lpadmin program cannot be used together.
keyletter xx requires a value
The option xx requires an argument. For example, in the command line
lpadmin -m model
the argument to the -m option is the name of a model interface program.
keyletters -e, -i, and -m are mutually exclusive
These options to the lpadmin command cannot be used together. Refer to the lpadmin(1M) reference page for information on usage.
lp: xx
In this message the variable xx could be one of several arguments. Typically, it is telling you that the default destination is not assigned.
member directory has disappeared!
The /var/spool/lp/member directory has been removed. The system is probably out of free disk space in the /var filesystem. You need to clean up the /var filesystem and then install the lp commands or retrieve them from a backup.
model xx non-existent
The name that you are using for a model interface program is not valid. A list of valid models is in the /var/spool/lp/model directory.
new printers require -v and either -e, -i, or -m
A printer must have an interface program, which is specified by -e, -i, or -m options. The -v option specifies the device file for the printer. For more information on these options, refer to the lpadmin(1M) reference page.
no destinations specified
There are no destination printers specified. Use the lpadmin command to set one up.
no printers specified
There are no printers specified. Use the lpadmin command to set one up.
non-existent printer xx in PSTATUS
A printer with the name xx is in the /var/spool/lp/pstatus file but no longer exists. Use the lpadmin command to remove the printer.
non-existent printer printer-name in class xx
The printer that you are trying to address in class xx has been removed from that class.
out of memory
The message states that there is not enough memory to contain the text to be printed.
printer printer-name already in class xx
The printer you are trying to move to class xx is already in that class. You cannot move a printer to a class that it is already in.
printer printer-name has disappeared!
The printer has been removed, and the enable command cannot find it. The printer was most likely removed after the workstation was rebooted or after the scheduler was started.
printer printer-name non-existent
Printer-name is the name of a printer that was removed after the scheduler was started. You must use the command
lpadmin -xprinter-name
printer status entry for printer has disappeared
The /var/spool/lp/pstatus file has been corrupted. You need to resubmit the printer request.
printer printer-name was not busy
The printer is not printing a request at this time. Either the request you wanted to cancel is finished printing or you have specified the wrong printer.
request printer-id non-existent
You are attempting to cancel a request that does not exist. You may have given the wrong printer name or wrong request ID number, or the request may have finished printing.
request not accepted
The request was not accepted by lp. The scheduler may not be running. Use the lpstat -t command to find out more information.
requests still queued for printer-name—use lpmove
Printer-name is a printer that still has requests waiting to be printed. Use the lpmove command to move those requests to another printer.
scheduler is still running—can't proceed
You cannot perform this command while the scheduler is running. Use the lpshut command first.
spool directory non-existent
The directory /var/spool has been removed. Use the mkdir command to restore the directory. This has probably removed some of the necessary lp files. You may have to reinstall the lp commands.
standard input is empty
You specified an invalid filename either by incorrectly typing a name or by specifying a nonexistent file. Nothing will be printed from this request.
this command for use only by lp Administrators
This command is restricted to someone logged in as root or lp.
too many options for interface program
The lp command called the appropriate interface program with too many arguments. For more information on the options and arguments that can be used with the lp command, refer to the lp(1) reference page.
Following are some examples of commands and error messages. This is not an exhaustive list.
tar tvf /dev/nrtape
tar: /dev/nrtape: No such device |
cpio -itvI /dev/nrtape
cpio: ERROR: Cannot open </dev/nrtape> for input. No such device |
tar t
tar: archive file /dev/tape does not exist or is a regular file |
/usr/etc/restore t
/dev/tape: No such file or directory |