- adding new users
- Adding a New User to a System
- automount
- auto.home map
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- auto.master map
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (BIND). See DNS.
- Using the Domain Name System (DNS)
- binding
- Binding
Binding to Another NIS Server
- chkconfig utility
Configuring NIS on the Client
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- client
- configuring
Configuring NIS on the Client
- debugging
- Debugging an NIS Client
- defined
- Client-Server Model
- file control on
NIS and Other Network Files
- local files for
- Local Files
- setting up
Setting Up NIS Clients
- starting daemons on
Starting NIS on the Client
- testing
Testing the NIS Client
- command failures
- Command Hangs
- NIS Command Fails
- configuration flags. See chkconfig utility.
- crontab tool
- for database updates
- Map Propagation
Establishing a Customized Update Procedure
- for map propagation
- Periodic Propagation: crontab
- daemons
- required for NIS
- starting
Starting NIS on the Master Server
Starting NIS on the Slave Server
Starting NIS on the Client
- database (NIS)
- NIS Database
- Verifying ASCII File Contents
- dbm files
- NIS Database
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- debugging
- and portmapper functions
- nsd Fails
- clients
- Debugging an NIS Client
- command errors
- Command Hangs
- NIS Command Fails
- domain name errors
- Command Hangs
- inconsistent ypwhich output
ypwhich Output Inconsistent
- map propagation failures
Different Map Versions
- network connection errors
- Command Hangs
- out-of-sync maps
Different Map Versions
- server failures
- Command Hangs
- server overload errors
- Command Hangs
- servers
- Debugging an NIS Server
- telephone help with
- Before You Call for Help
- Bridging Domain Boundaries
- domain name
- errors in
- Command Hangs
- selecting
- Selecting a Domain Name
- setting
Setting the Master Server's Domain Name
Setting the Slave Server's Domain Name
Setting the Domain Name
- Domain Name System. See DNS.
- Bridging Domain Boundaries
- domainname command
- Selecting a Domain Name
- domains
- and Internet domains
NIS and Internet Domains
Setting the Master Server's Domain Name
- defined
- NIS Domains
- multiple
- and DNS
- Bridging Domain Boundaries
- discussion of
Multiple NIS Domains
- limitations of
Establishing Multiple NIS Domains
- setting up
Establishing Multiple NIS Domains
- update procedure for
Establishing a Customized Update Procedure
- size limitations of
Multiple NIS Domains
- error logging
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- /etc/config/rpc.passwd.options file
- NIS Configuration Files
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- /etc/config/ypbind.options file
- NIS Configuration Files
Using Secure ypset
- /etc/hosts file
- Domain Boundaries
- /etc/init.d/network file
Starting NIS on the Master Server
Starting NIS on the Slave Server
- /etc/netgroup file
- Using Netgroups
- Using Netgroups
- /etc/nsswitch.conf file
- Using /etc/nsswitch.conf
- /etc/passwd.nis file
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- /etc/sys_id file
Setting the Master Server's Domain Name
- external data representation (XDR)
NIS Portability
NIS Portability
- files
- local
- Local Files
- files. See individual filenames.
- NIS Configuration Files
- font conventions
- Typographic Conventions
- home directory structure
- NIS Domains and Server Directories
- host name resolution
- Using the Domain Name System (DNS)
- host names (NIS)
- Setting Up and Testing NIS
- hostname command
- Setting Up and Testing NIS
- hosts database
- Domain Boundaries
- hosts file
- Domain Boundaries
- local.make.script file
- Map Propagation
- Creating a Nonstandard NIS Map Manually: Pre-IRIX 6.5
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- logging
- map transfers
- Using yppush
- ypmake functions
- Using yppush
- ypxfr functions
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- login daemon
- Using Netgroups
- makedbm tool
- and map propagation
- Map Propagation
- Using ypmake
- and nonstandard maps
- ASCII File Input
- purpose of
- NIS Database
- makemdbm tool
- and nonstandard maps
Modifying a Nonstandard NIS Map
- make.script file
Modifying a Standard NIS Map
- map propagation
- debugging
Different Map Versions
- defined
- Server Hierarchy
- methods
- Map Propagation
- procedures for
- Propagating an NIS Map
- maps
- creating
- Creating a Nonstandard NIS Map Manually: Pre-IRIX 6.5
- defined
- NIS Maps
- directory structure of
- NIS Domains and Server Directories
- keys and values in
- NIS Maps
- modifying
Modifying NIS Maps After NIS Installation
- nicknames for
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- nonstandard
- creating
- Creating a Nonstandard NIS Map Manually: Pre-IRIX 6.5
- defined
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- modifying
Modifying a Nonstandard NIS Map
- propagating. See map propagation.
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- See also individual map names.
- NIS Maps
- standard
- defined
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- modifying
Modifying a Standard NIS Map
- steady state of
- NIS Maps
- version errors in
Different Map Versions
- master server
- building maps on
Building the Master Maps
- changing
Changing the Master Server
- defined
- Server Hierarchy
- selecting
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- setting the domain on
Setting the Master Server's Domain Name
- setting up
Setting Up the NIS Master Server
- starting daemons on
Starting NIS on the Master Server
- testing
Testing the NIS Master Server
- mountd daemon
- Using Netgroups
- multiple domains. See domains.
Establishing Multiple NIS Domains
- named daemon. See DNS.
- Using the Domain Name System (DNS)
- netgroup file
- Using Netgroups
- Using Netgroups
- network connection errors
- Command Hangs
- NIS server
- specify at client startup
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- NIS, defined
About NIS
- nonstandard maps. See maps, nonstandard.
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- nsd daemon
- and communication errors
- Command Hangs
- and portmapper registration
- nsd Fails
- and server loading
- Command Hangs
- restarting
- Command Hangs
- nsswitch.conf file
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model
NIS Portability
- passwd.nis file
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- passwords
- in /etc/passwd file
- Local Files
- on NIS accounts
Using Secure ypset
- securing for NIS
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- planning recommendations
General Recommendations
- portability features
NIS Portability
- portmapper
- portmap daemon
- nsd Fails
- verifying on servers
- nsd Fails
- propagation. See map propagation.
- Map Propagation
- protocols (NIS)
NIS Portability
- rcp command
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- remote procedure call (RPC)
NIS Portability
- rlogind daemon
- Using Netgroups
- rpcinfo tool
- nsd Fails
- nsd Fails
- rpc.passwd daemon
- Changing NIS Passwords
- purpose of
- quick reference to
- NIS Daemons
- rpc.passwd.options file
- NIS Configuration Files
Selecting the NIS Master Server
- rshd daemon
- Using Netgroups
- Using Netgroups
- Selecting an NIS Slave Server
- Selecting the NIS Slave Servers
- server
- debugging
- Debugging an NIS Server
- defined
- Client-Server Model
- failure of
- Command Hangs
- hierarchy
- Server Hierarchy
- overloading
- Command Hangs
- See also master server and slave server.
- Client-Server Model
- slave server
- adding
Adding an NIS Slave Server
- binding for setup
Binding to Another NIS Server
- building maps on
Building the Duplicate Maps
- defined
- Server Hierarchy
- selecting
- Selecting the NIS Slave Servers
- setting the domain on
Setting the Slave Server's Domain Name
- setting up
Setting Up NIS Slave Servers
- specify an NIS server at client startup
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- starting daemons on
Starting NIS on the Slave Server
- specify an NIS server at client startup
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
- standard maps. See maps, standard.
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- sys_id file
Setting the Master Server's Domain Name
- tools. See individual tool names.
- NIS Tools
- transfer scripts
- Periodic Propagation: crontab
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
NIS Portability
- User Datagram Protocol
NIS Portability
- user groups
- Using Netgroups
- users, adding
- Adding a New User to a System
- /usr/lib/aliases file
- Local Files
- /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file
- Periodic Propagation: crontab
- Using ypmake
- /var/yp/local.make.script file
- Creating a Nonstandard NIS Map Manually: Pre-IRIX 6.5
Preparing to Propagate Nonstandard Maps
- /var/yp/make.script file
Modifying a Standard NIS Map
- /var/yp/ypdomain file
- Selecting a Domain Name
- Command Hangs
- /var/yp/ypmake.log log file
- Using yppush
- /var/yp/ypxfr.log log file
- Using yppush
- ypbind daemon
- and NIS command errors
- NIS Command Fails
- primary purpose of
- quick reference to
- NIS Daemons
- ypbind tool
- and server testing
- Testing the NIS Slave Server
- ypbind.options file
- NIS Configuration Files
- Specify an NIS Server at Client Startup
Using Secure ypset
- ypcat tool
- printing map nicknames with
- Standard and Nonstandard Maps
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- ypchpass tool
- and NIS daemons
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- ypdomain file
- Selecting a Domain Name
- Command Hangs
- ypinit tool
- for duplicating maps
Building the Duplicate Maps
- for master maps
Building the Master Maps
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- ypmake tool
- and map propagation
- Map Propagation
- Using ypmake
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- usage examples
- Using ypmake
- using
Modifying a Standard NIS Map
- ypmake.log log file
- Using yppush
- ypmatch tool
- and debugging
- Isolated, One-Time Map Propagation Failures
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- yppasswd tool
- and rpc.passwd daemon
- changing NIS passwords
- Changing NIS Passwords
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- yppoll tool
- for map versions
Different Map Versions
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- yppush tool
- and map propagation
- Map Propagation
- Using ypmake
- Using yppush
- and new maps
Building the Master Maps
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- usage examples
- Using yppush
- ypserv daemon
- and the make script
- Using ypmake
- ypservers map
- Map Propagation
- Using ypmake
Adding an NIS Slave Server
Adding an NIS Slave Server
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- ypset tool
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- secure mode
Using Secure ypset
- ypsetme option
Using Secure ypset
- ypwhich tool
- and binding
- Binding
- and client testing
Testing the NIS Client
- and server testing
Testing the NIS Master Server
- Testing the NIS Slave Server
- output from
ypwhich Output Inconsistent
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- ypxfr tool
- and debugging
Different Map Versions
- and map propagation
- Map Propagation
- Periodic Propagation: crontab
- Using ypmake
- Using ypxfr
- log file for
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- monitoring
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- quick reference to
- NIS Tools
- script errors
- Intermittent, Consistent Map Propagation Failures
- shell scripts
- Periodic Propagation: crontab
- usage examples
- Using ypxfr
- ypxfr.log log file
- Using yppush