- “Copy” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- Copy Actions
- “Cut” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- Cut Actions
- “Partial” button
- IconSmith
- Partial
- “Paste” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- Paste Actions
- “Select All” option
- IconSmith
- Select All
- “Select Next” option
- IconSmith
- Select Next
- ”Close” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- ”Delete” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- ”Deselect” button
- IconSmith
- Deselect Fragments
- ”Exit” option
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- ”multiple document, no visible main”
- application model
- Implementing the “Multiple Document, No Visible Main” Model
- ”multiple document, visible main”
- application model
- Implementing the “Multiple Document, Visible Main” Model
- ”Shear Y” transformation
- Shear Y
- ”single document, multiple primary”
- application model
- Implementing the “Single Document, Multiple Primaries” Model
- ”single document, one primary”
- application model
- Implementing the “Single Document, One Primary” Model
- ”Undo” option
- IconSmith
- Drawing With IconSmith
- 3D graphics formats
- Supported Target Formats
- 3D look
- icons
- Keeping the 3-D Look
- 4Dwm window manager
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- Window Management
- \<Alt\> key
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- access
- help
- HTML Viewer Component
- adding
- icon to Icon Catalog
- Step Five: Installing Your Application in the Icon Catalog
- AIFF data
- Supported Target Formats
- ALIAS data
- Supported Target Formats
- alignment
- IconSmith
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- GoldenGate
- The GoldenGate API
- Apple data
- Supported Target Formats
- Apple Quicktime data
- Supported Target Formats
- application integration
- checklist
- Integrating an Application
- overview
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- schemes
- Using Schemes
- application models
- Implementing an Application Model
- ”multiple document, no visible main”
- Implementing the “Multiple Document, No Visible Main” Model
- ”multiple document, visible main”
- Implementing the “Multiple Document, Visible Main” Model
- ”single document, multiple primary”
- Implementing the “Single Document, Multiple Primaries” Model
- ”single document, one primary”
- Implementing the “Single Document, One Primary” Model
- application programming
- schemes
- Using Schemes in Your Application
- application testing
- with schemes
- Testing Your Application with Schemes
- applications
- automatically restart
- Overview of Session Management
- communication
- Adding Session Management to Your Application
- creating icons. See icons
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- data exchange
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- exchanging data
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- help, integrating
- An Example of Implementing Help in an Application
- icon ID number
- Step One: Tagging Your Application
- implementation strategy
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- logging out
- Overview of Session Management
- re-invoke
- Adding Session Management to Your Application
- restarting
- Overview of Session Management
- save yourself example
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- states
- Overview of Session Management
- toolkits for integration
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- window manager
- Adding Session Management to Your Application
- window placement
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- window size
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- ApplicationShell
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- Arc widget
- The Graph Widget
- Converting a File for Printing
- Ascii predefined file type
- Ascii
- atom
- 3D graphics
- Supported Target Formats
- audio
- Supported Target Formats
- image
- Supported Target Formats
- movie
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- audio formats
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- AVID data
- Supported Target Formats
- banners
- in window title
- Setting the Window Title
- Binary predefined file type
- Binary
- blocking
- processes, data exchange
- Process Blocking
- book viewer
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- BOOKVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- browser
- color schemes
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- launch in Help
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- buttons
- recycle
- The Finder Widget
- recycle. See also recycle button
- Controlling the Finder Interface
- C language operators
- Operators
- callback
- Color Chooser
- Handling User Interaction with the Color Chooser
- caret cursor
- Caret
- catalog
- icon
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- changing
- icon design size
- Changing Drawing Size
- checklist
- creating icons
- Checklist for Creating an Icon
- Child widget
- Grid widget
- Setting Constraints on the Child Widget of a Grid
- circles
- drawing, IconSmith
- Drawing a Circle
- clicking the mouse
- Handling the Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- ClickSpeed
- mouse setting
- Handling the Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- Clipboard Selection
- ownership
- Requests for the Clipboard Selection
- Clipboard Transfer
- ”Copy” actions
- Copy Actions
- ”Cut” actions
- Cut Actions
- ”Paste” actions
- Paste Actions
- CLIPBOARD selection
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- data exchange
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- implementation
- Implementing the Clipboard Transfer Model
- loss of Clipboard Selection
- Loss of the Clipboard Selection
- close
- window
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- An Example File Type
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- example
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- CMD DROP rule
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- CMD OPEN rule
- An Example File Type
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- CMD PRINT rule
- Programming Print Behavior: The CMD PRINT Rule
- Color Chooser
- The Color Chooser Widget
- callback resources
- Handling User Interaction with the Color Chooser
- components
- The Color Chooser Widget
- example program
- Example Program for Color Chooser
- interface
- Controlling the Color Chooser Interface
- Makefile example
- Makefile for colortest.c
- user interaction
- Handling User Interaction with the Color Chooser
- widget
- The Color Chooser Widget
- color image
- resize
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- colors
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- and hues
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- and saturation
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- and values
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- and widgets
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- desktop
- Using Schemes
- get and set
- Getting and Setting the Color Chooser's Colors
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- icon fill color
- Selecting Colors
- icon outline
- Selecting Colors
- icon shadow color
- Selecting Colors
- icons
- Selecting Colors
- programming
- Getting and Setting the Color Chooser's Colors
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- Controlling the Color Chooser Interface
- See also widgets
- The Color Chooser Widget
- communication
- window and session manager
- Interacting With the Window and Session Manager
- compiling
- .ctr files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- .otr files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- programs with GoldenGate
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- concave polygons
- IconSmith
- Concave Polygons
- constants
- logical
- Constants
- context-sensitive help. See help
- Providing Context-Sensitive Help
- continuous session management
- Types of Session Management: Continuous and Explicit
- conventions
- style
- Font Conventions in This Guide
- conversion rules
- printing
- The Print Conversion Rules
- CONVERT rule
- printing
- About routeprint
- The CONVERT Rule
- converter registry
- The Converter Registry
- GoldenGate
- The Converter Registry
- converters
- data exchange
- The Converter Registry
- description file
- Creating a Converter Description File
- Building a DSO
- evaluation
- Evaluating Converters
- evaluation requests
- Implementing Your Converter - Handling Evaluation Requests
- examples
- Some Sample Converters
- FileToFile example
- A FileToFile Converter - UNIX Man Page File to HTML File
- input and output formats
- Input and Output Formats
- installing
- Installing Your Converter
- process blocking
- Process Blocking
- registering
- Registering Your Converter
- stream converter example
- Example of a Simple Stream Converter
- stream data
- Converting Data Using Stream Data Converters
- StreamToStream example
- A Simple StreamToStream Converter - UpperCase
- testing
- Testing Your Converter
- writing
- Writing Converters for the GoldenGate Data Conversion Service
- converting data
- GoldenGate
- Data Conversion Service
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- converting files
- for printing
- About routeprint
- co-primary windows
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- delete protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- example
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- copy text. See data exchange
- Primary Transfer Model Overview
- COST rule
- printing
- The COST Rule
- creating
- FTR file type
- Creating a File Type: An Example
- creating help
- See help
- Writing the Online Help
- cross
- red and blue caret
- Caret
- .ctr files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- cursor
- caret symbol
- Caret
- customizing windows
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- data
- exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- exchange transferring of data
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- data conversion
- GoldenGate
- Data Conversion Service
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- data exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- 3D graphics
- Supported Target Formats
- audio
- Supported Target Formats
- Clipboard Transfer
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- compiling
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- conversion context
- Creating a Conversion Context
- conversion context, setting up
- Setting Up the Conversion Context
- conversion overview
- Overview of the Conversion Process
- converter attributes
- Querying the Converter Registry
- converter description file
- Creating a Converter Description File
- converter evaluation
- Evaluating a Converter
- converter evaluation requests
- Implementing Your Converter - Handling Evaluation Requests
- converter example
- Example of a Simple Stream Converter
- converter registry
- The Converter Registry
- converter registry query
- Querying the Converter Registry
- converter selection
- Selecting a Converter
- converter, examples
- Some Sample Converters
- converter, FiletoFile example
- A FileToFile Converter - UNIX Man Page File to HTML File
- converter, registering
- Registering Your Converter
- converter, testing
- Testing Your Converter
- converters
- The Converter Registry
- converters, evaluating
- Evaluating Converters
- converters, installing
- Installing Your Converter
- converters, writing
- Writing Converters for the GoldenGate Data Conversion Service
- converting data
- Converting Data In a File or Stream
- display converter details
- Getting Converter Details
- Building a DSO
- example converters
- Some Sample Converters
- file converters
- Converting Data Using File Converters
- FileToFile example
- A FileToFile Converter - UNIX Man Page File to HTML File
- image
- Supported Target Formats
- input and output formats
- Input and Output Formats
- installing converters
- Installing Your Converter
- linking
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- movie
- Supported Target Formats
- operators
- Querying the Converter Registry
- Primary Transfer
- Primary Transfer Model Overview
- process blocking
- Process Blocking
- querying converter registry
- Querying the Converter Registry
- registering converters
- Registering Your Converter
- Supported Target Formats
- stream converter example
- Example of a Simple Stream Converter
- stream data converters
- Converting Data Using Stream Data Converters
- StreamToStream converter, example
- A Simple StreamToStream Converter - UpperCase
- StreamToStream example
- A Simple StreamToStream Converter - UpperCase
- target formats
- Supported Target Formats
- testing converters
- Testing Your Converter
- writing converters
- Writing Converters for the GoldenGate Data Conversion Service
- data selection
- Primary Transfer
- Data Selection
- debugging
- session manager
- Debugging Tips
- default printer
- The Current Printer
- Default Viewer panel
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- delete
- window
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- deleting
- path, IconSmith
- Deleting
- Deleting
- design elements
- icons, sharing
- Sharing Design Elements
- desk management
- Desk Management
- screens
- Desk Management
- virtual screens
- Desk Management
- Desks Overview window
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- desktop
- and fonts
- Using Schemes
- book viewer setting
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- BOOKVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- CMD PRINT rule
- Programming Print Behavior: The CMD PRINT Rule
- colors
- Using Schemes
- Default Viewer panel
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- Desks Overview window
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- display image files
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- editor
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- environment variables
- Desktop Variables
- example of setting preferred editor
- Setting the Preferred Text Editor
- Icon Catalog
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- icons
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- Using IconSmith
- image viewer
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- IMGVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- implementation strategies
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- integration checklist
- Integrating an Application
- integration of windows
- Creating Windows and Setting Decorations
- look and feel
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- look and feel, basic steps
- Getting the Right Look and Feel: The Basic Steps
- mail reader
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- menu, MENUCMD rule
- Adding Menu Items: The MENUCMD Rule
- PostScript viewer
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- printing
- Programming Print Behavior: The CMD PRINT Rule
- Printing From the Desktop
- PSVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- schemes
- Using Schemes
- setting a book viewer
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- setting a mailer
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- setting a PostScript viewer
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- setting a text editor
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- setting a Web browser
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- setting an image viewer
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- toolkits
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- turn on look and feel
- Getting the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- utilities and user preferences
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- Utilities panel
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- web browser
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- WEBBROWSER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- widgets
- Using the SGI Enhanced Widgets
- window editor
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- WINEDITOR variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- desktop environment
- introduction
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- Developer Magic RapidApp
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- device files
- FTRs
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- Dial widget
- The Dial Widget
- appearance
- Controlling the Dial Interface
- callback function
- Getting and Setting the Dial's Value
- characteristics
- Controlling the Dial Interface
- detecting changes in value
- Detecting Changes in the Dial's Value
- example program
- Example Program for Dial
- getting and setting values
- Getting and Setting the Dial's Value
- interface
- Controlling the Dial Interface
- values
- Getting and Setting the Dial's Value
- dialogs
- ”Delete” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- creating
- Creating a Support Window
- Creating a Dialog
- delete example
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- example
- Creating a Dialog
- notification
- Creating a Dialog
- windows
- Creating a Dialog
- DIB data
- Supported Target Formats
- dimensional look
- 3D and IconSmith
- Keeping the 3-D Look
- dircontains function
- Using dircontains()
- directories
- detecting changes, FAM
- Detecting Changes to Files and Directories
- monitoring changes
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- Directory predefined file type
- Directory
- drag and drop icons
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- Drop Pocket
- The Finder Widget
- example program
- Example Program for Drop Pocket
- Makefile example
- Makefile for Drop Pocket Example
- widget
- The Drop Pocket Widget
- DROPIF rule
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- GoldenGate converters
- Building a DSO
- dtUtilities
- variables and values
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- dtUtilities panel
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- Dynamenu
- example program
- Example Program for History Button (Dynamenu)
- Edit menu
- ”Copy” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- ”Cut” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- ”Paste” option
- Clipboard Transfer Model Overview
- resources
- Standard Edit Menu Resources
- Editor Utilities panel
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- enlarging
- icons
- Drawing for All Scales
- environment variable
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- environment variables
- desktop
- Desktop Variables
- example programs
- help
- Online Help Examples
- widgets
- Example Programs for SGI Enhanced Widgets
- exchanging data
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- See also data exchange
- Overview of the Conversion Process
- target formats
- Supported Target Formats
- Executable predefined file type
- Executable
- explicit session management
- Types of Session Management: Continuous and Explicit
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- See also File Alteration Monitor
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- File Alteration Monitor
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- cancel monitoring
- Suspending, Resuming, and Canceling Monitoring
- closing a connection
- Opening and Closing a FAM Connection
- detecting changes
- Detecting Changes to Files and Directories
- examples
- FAM Examples
- fam daemon
- FAM Overview
- include files
- FAM Libraries and Include Files
- interface
- The FAM Interface
- libraries
- FAM Libraries and Include Files
- monitoring a file
- Monitoring a File or Directory
- opening a connection
- Opening and Closing a FAM Connection
- polling for changes
- Polling for File Changes
- resume monitoring
- Suspending, Resuming, and Canceling Monitoring
- suspend monitoring
- Suspending, Resuming, and Canceling Monitoring
- symbolic links
- Symbolic Links
- theory of operation
- Theory of Operation
- waiting for changes
- Waiting for File Changes
- file menu
- resources
- Standard File Menu Resources
- File Selection Box
- example program
- Example Program for File Selection Box
- Makefile example
- Makefile for File Selection Box Example Program
- File Selection Box widget
- The File Selection Box Widget
- file type
- definition
- Add the FTRs
- example
- An Example File Type
- icons
- Step Three: Programming Your Icon
- file types
- predefined, FTRs
- Predefined File Types
- File Typing Rules
- File Typing Rules
- Also see FTRs
- File Typing Rules
- description of
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- files
- converting to print
- About routeprint
- creating file type, FTR
- Creating a File Type: An Example
- detecting changes, FAM
- Detecting Changes to Files and Directories
- device files
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- .ftr
- Naming File Types: The TYPE Rule
- icons
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- monitoring changes
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- predefined file types naming conventions
- Naming Conventions for Predefined File Types
- printing
- Converting a File for Printing
- printing from Desktop
- Converting a File for Printing
- selecting
- The File Selection Box Widget
- types, predefined
- Predefined File Types
- types, predefined. See also predefined file types
- Predefined File Types
- fill color
- icons
- Selecting Colors
- FILTER rule
- printing
- The FILTER Rule
- Finder widget
- The Finder Widget
- callback
- Handling User Interaction with the Finder
- components
- The Finder Widget
- Drop Pocket
- The Finder Widget
- example program
- Example Program for Finder
- interface
- Controlling the Finder Interface
- path navigation
- The Finder Widget
- recycle button
- The Finder Widget
- user interaction
- Handling User Interaction with the Finder
- values
- Controlling the Finder Interface
- Getting and Setting Finder Values
- FITS data
- Supported Target Formats
- fonts
- and desktop
- Using Schemes
- format
- files for printing
- About routeprint
- formats
- 3D graphics
- Supported Target Formats
- audio
- Supported Target Formats
- converting data
- Data Conversion Service
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- image
- Supported Target Formats
- movie
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- .ftr files
- Naming File Types: The TYPE Rule
- FTRs
- File Typing Rules
- adding
- Add the FTRs
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- CMD DROP rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- CMD OPEN rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- CMD OPEN rule, Makefile
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- CMD PRINT rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Programming Print Behavior: The CMD PRINT Rule
- compiling source files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- CONVERT rule, printing
- About routeprint
- creating a file type
- Creating a File Type: An Example
- device files
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- dircontains function
- Using dircontains()
- directory location
- Where to Put FTR Files
- DROPIF rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- example, creating file type
- Creating a File Type: An Example
- file directories
- FTR File Directories
- file type definition
- Add the FTRs
- file type example
- An Example File Type
- file type, creating
- Creating a File Type: An Example
- file types, predefined
- Predefined File Types
- ICON rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Getting the Icon Picture: The ICON Rule
- icon, file type
- Step Three: Programming Your Icon
- icons
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- LEGEND rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Adding a Descriptive Phrase: The LEGEND Rule
- MAP rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- MATCH expressions
- Valid Match-Expressions
- MATCH rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Matching File Types With Applications: The MATCH Rule
- matching files
- Matching Files Without the tag Command
- matching non-plain files
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- matching tagged files
- Matching Tagged Files
- MENUCMD rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Adding Menu Items: The MENUCMD Rule
- naming file type
- Name the File Type
- naming files
- Naming FTR Files
- predefined file types
- Predefined File Types
- set variables
- Setting FTR Variables: The SETVAR Rule
- SETVAR rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Setting FTR Variables: The SETVAR Rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Categorizing File Types: The SUPERTYPE Rule
- TYPE rule
- A Table of the FTRs With Descriptions
- Naming File Types: The TYPE Rule
- writing MATCH expressions
- Writing Effective Match Expressions
- functions
- icon descriptive functions
- Functions
- generic icons
- Importing Generic Icon Components (Magic Carpet)
- GenericWindowExecutable predefined file type
- GenericWindowedExecutable
- -geometry option
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- GIF data
- Supported Target Formats
- gizmos. See widgets
- Using the SGI Enhanced Widgets
- GoldenGate
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- The GoldenGate API
- compiling programs
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- conversion overview
- Overview of the Conversion Process
- converter description file
- Creating a Converter Description File
- converter header filedata exchange
- The GoldenGate API
- converter registry
- The Converter Registry
- The Converter Registry
- data conversion
- Data Conversion Service
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- Building a DSO
- example converters
- Some Sample Converters
- FileToFile example
- A FileToFile Converter - UNIX Man Page File to HTML File
- linking programs
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- registering converter
- Registering Your Converter
- See also data exchange
- Converting Data Using the GoldenGate Data Conversion Service
- stream converter example
- Example of a Simple Stream Converter
- StreamToStream example
- A Simple StreamToStream Converter - UpperCase
- testing converter
- Testing Your Converter
- Graph widget
- The Graph Widget
- gravity
- controlling in IconSmith
- Controlling Gravity
- gravity snap
- IconSmith
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- grid snap
- IconSmith
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- Grid widget
- The Grid Widget
- characteristics
- Setting Grid Characteristics
- child
- Setting Constraints on the Child Widget of a Grid
- examples
- Examples of Using the Grid Widget
- layout
- Setting Grid Characteristics
- grids
- controlling in IconSmith
- Controlling the Grid
- help
- Providing Online Help With SGIHelp
- application integration
- An Example of Implementing Help in an Application
- building
- Preparing to Build the Online Help
- Building the Online Help
- compiling
- Preparing to Build the Online Help
- Building the Online Help
- constructing the menu
- Constructing a Help Menu
- context-sensitive
- Providing Context-Sensitive Help
- creating files
- Creating a Help Document File
- creating installable subsystem
- Creating the Installable Subsystem
- custom installation
- Incorporating the Help Subsystem into a Product With a Custom Installation Script
- debugging
- Finding and Correcting Build Errors
- displaying a help topic
- Displaying a Help Topic
- displaying help index
- Displaying the Help Index
- document files
- Help Document Files
- Overview of Help Document Files
- DTD elements
- Allowable Elements in a Help Document
- errors
- Finding and Correcting Build Errors
- examples
- Viewing the Sample Help Document Files
- files
- Application Helpmap Files
- help button
- Implementing a Help Button
- help document example
- A Simple Help Document
- helpmap file conventions
- Helpmap File Conventions
- helpmap file format
- Helpmap File Format
- helpmap files
- Application Helpmap Files
- Application Helpmap Files
- helpmap URL
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- implementation
- Implementing Help in an Application
- include file
- The SGIHelp Library and Include File
- initializing help
- Initializing the Help Session
- installation
- custom
- Incorporating the Help Subsystem into a Product With a Custom Installation Script
- installing
- Producing the Final Product
- integrating in application
- An Example of Implementing Help in an Application
- interface
- The SGIHelp Interface
- launch browser
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- library
- The SGIHelp Library and Include File
- Makefile
- Preparing to Build the Online Help
- messages
- Finding and Correcting Build Errors
- online examples
- Online Help Examples
- overview
- Overview of SGIHelp
- packaging
- Producing the Final Product
- references
- Bibliography of SGML References
- SGML references
- Bibliography of SGML References
- spec file
- Preparing to Build the Online Help
- subsystem
- Producing the Final Product
- URL access
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- valid elements in Help DTD
- Allowable Elements in a Help Document
- viewer
- The Help Viewer
- Web access
- HTML Viewer Component
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- widget hierarchies
- Widget Hierarchies in the Helpmap File
- widgets and helpmap
- Widget Hierarchies in the Helpmap File
- windows
- The Help Viewer
- writing
- Writing the Online Help
- writing overview
- Overview of Help Document Files
- writing samples
- Overview of Help Document Files
- History Button
- example program
- Example Program for History Button (Dynamenu)
- HSV colors
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- attributes
- Supported Tags and Attributes
- libraries
- HTML Viewer Component
- tags
- Supported Tags and Attributes
- viewer component
- HTML Viewer Component
- viewer components
- Viewer Components
- widget
- HTML Viewer Component
- HTML data
- Supported Target Formats
- hypertext data
- Supported Target Formats
- ICCCM targets
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- Icon Catalog
- adding icons
- Step Five: Installing Your Application in the Icon Catalog
- Icon Catalog window
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- ICON rule
- An Example File Type
- Getting the Icon Picture: The ICON Rule
- iconbookedit command
- Step Five: Installing Your Application in the Icon Catalog
- icons
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- Using IconSmith
- 3D look
- Keeping the 3-D Look
- adding FTRs
- Add the FTRs
- and FTRs
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- badge
- Step Two: Drawing a Picture of Your Icon
- About IconSmith
- binary executables
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- C language operators
- Operators
- caret symbol
- Caret
- checklist
- Checklist for Creating an Icon
- circles
- Drawing a Circle
- CMD OPEN rule
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- compiling source files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- composition conventions
- Icon Design and Composition Conventions
- conditional operators
- Operators
- creating
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- Using IconSmith
- creating file type
- Step Three: Programming Your Icon
- custom
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- design conventions
- Icon Design and Composition Conventions
- directory
- Where to Install Your Completed Icon
- double-clicking
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- drag and drop
- Programming Drag and Drop Behavior: The CMD DROP and DROPIF Rules
- drawing
- Step Two: Drawing a Picture of Your Icon
- files
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- Where to Install Your Completed Icon
- files type
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- fill color
- Selecting Colors
- .fti file
- Where to Install Your Completed Icon
- FTR file type example
- An Example File Type
- functions
- Functions
- generic
- About IRIX Interactive Desktop Icons
- About IconSmith
- generic components
- Importing Generic Icon Components (Magic Carpet)
- icon description language
- The Icon Description Language
- ICON rule
- Getting the Icon Picture: The ICON Rule
- icon status variables
- Variables
- identification number
- Step One: Tagging Your Application
- installing in Icon Catalog
- Step Five: Installing Your Application in the Icon Catalog
- isometric circles
- Isometric Circles
- logical constants
- Constants
- Magic Carpet
- Importing Generic Icon Components (Magic Carpet)
- naming file type
- Name the File Type
- naming FTR files
- Naming FTR Files
- of windows
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- outline color
- Selecting Colors
- ovals
- Drawing an Oval
- programming
- Step Three: Programming Your Icon
- See also desktop
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- See also IconSmith
- Creating Desktop Icons: An Overview
- segments or lines
- Path
- shadow color
- Selecting Colors
- size
- Icon Size
- steps to creating
- Checklist for Creating an Icon
- IconSmith
- Using IconSmith
- “Select All” option
- Select All
- “Select Next” option
- Select Next
- ”Deselect” button
- Deselect Fragments
- ”Import” button
- Sharing Design Elements
- ”Partial” button
- Partial
- ”Shear Y” transformation
- Shear Y
- ”Undo” option
- Drawing With IconSmith
- 3D look
- Keeping the 3-D Look
- advanced techniques
- Advanced IconSmith Techniques
- align objects
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- caret
- Caret
- changing design size
- Changing Drawing Size
- circles
- Drawing a Circle
- colors
- Selecting Colors
- composition conventions
- Icon Design and Composition Conventions
- concave polygons
- Concave Polygons
- deleting path or vertex
- Deleting
- design conventions
- Icon Design and Composition Conventions
- drawing filled shapes
- Drawing Filled Shapes
- drawing paths
- Drawing Paths
- drawing tools
- Drawing With IconSmith
- enlarge icon
- Transformations
- generic components
- Importing Generic Icon Components (Magic Carpet)
- gravity
- Controlling Gravity
- gravity snap
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- grid snap
- Constraints: Gravity (Object) Snap and Grid Snap
- grids
- Controlling the Grid
- icon description language
- The Icon Description Language
- icon size
- Icon Size
- invoking
- Starting IconSmith
- isometric circles
- Isometric Circles
- menus
- IconSmith Menus
- ovals
- Drawing an Oval
- paths
- Path
- polygons
- Drawing With IconSmith
- Concave Polygons
- previewing icons
- The Preview Box
- rotate icon
- Transformations
- scaling
- Drawing for All Scales
- selecting an object
- Selecting
- shapes
- Drawing Filled Shapes
- sharing design elements
- Sharing Design Elements
- shrink icon
- Transformations
- slider
- Changing Drawing Size
- starting
- Starting IconSmith
- stretch icon
- Transformations
- techniques
- Advanced IconSmith Techniques
- templates
- Templates
- tools for drawing
- Drawing With IconSmith
- Transformation buttons
- Transformations
- Transformation example
- Transformations
- transformation pin
- Transformation Pin
- vertex
- Vertex
- windows
- IconSmith Windows
- identification number
- application icons
- Step One: Tagging Your Application
- IGES data
- Supported Target Formats
- image
- resize
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- scale
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- image formats
- Supported Target Formats
- image viewer
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- ImageFile predefined file type
- ImageFile
- IMGVIEWER environment variable
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- IMGVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- imgworks tool
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- implementation
- checklist
- Implementation Checklist
- schemes
- Turning on Schemes for Your Application
- tasks
- Implementation Checklist
- importing
- icon design elements
- Sharing Design Elements
- information
- references
- Suggested Reading
- installing
- converters
- Installing Your Converter
- icon in Icon Catalog
- Step Five: Installing Your Application in the Icon Catalog
- integration
- application
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- checklist
- Integrating an Application
- desktop
- Creating Windows and Setting Decorations
- Motif
- Implementation Checklist
- schemes<$startrange
- Using Schemes
- strategies and toolkits
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- interapplication data exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- GoldenGate conversion
- Data Conversion Service
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- See also data exchange
- Converting Data Using the GoldenGate Data Conversion Service
- target formats
- Supported Target Formats
- introduction
- desktop
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- Supported Target Formats
- Integrating an Application
- IRIS ViewKit
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- isometric circles
- drawing, IconSmith
- Isometric Circles
- JIFF data
- Supported Target Formats
- JPEG data
- Supported Target Formats
- keys
- \<Alt\>
- Programming Alt-Open Behavior: The CMD ALTOPEN Rule
- knob widget. See Dial widget
- The Dial Widget
- Kodak data
- Supported Target Formats
- labels
- minimized window
- Setting the Minimized Window Label
- LaunchExecutable predefined file type
- LaunchExecutable
- LED widget
- example program
- Example Program for LED Widget
- LEGEND rule
- An Example File Type
- Adding a Descriptive Phrase: The LEGEND Rule
- libraries
- GoldenGate DSO
- Building a DSO
- licensing on the Web
- HTML Viewer Component
- line segments
- Path
- linking
- programs with GoldenGate
- Compiling and Linking Your Program with GoldenGate
- logical constants
- icon description language
- Constants
- look and feel
- basic steps
- Getting the Right Look and Feel: The Basic Steps
- introduction
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- overview
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- schemes
- Using Schemes
- turn on
- Getting the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- Magic Carpet
- icons
- Importing Generic Icon Components (Magic Carpet)
- mail reader setting
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- MAILBOXPROG variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- mailer
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- main windows
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- example
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- Makefile
- CMD OPEN rule
- Programming Open Behavior: The CMD OPEN Rule
- MAP rule
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- MATCH rule
- An Example File Type
- Matching File Types With Applications: The MATCH Rule
- matching tagged files
- Matching Tagged Files
- menu bar
- resources
- Common Menu Bar Resources
- MENUCMD rule
- Adding Menu Items: The MENUCMD Rule
- menus
- ”Close” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- ”Delete” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- ”Exit” option
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- edit menu resources
- Standard Edit Menu Resources
- file menu resources
- Standard File Menu Resources
- IconSmith
- IconSmith Menus
- menu bar resources
- Common Menu Bar Resources
- standard resources
- Standard Menu Resources
- Microsoft data
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- middle mouse button
- inserting text
- Inserting the Primary Selection
- MIME types
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- minimized windows
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- creating
- Creating a Minimized Window Image: The Basic Steps
- examples
- Some Different Sources for Minimized Window Images
- using imgworks
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- mixed-model programming widgets
- The Mixed-Model Programming Widgets
- monitor file changes. See File Alteration Monitor
- Monitoring Changes to Files and Directories
- Motif
- desktop integration
- Implementation Checklist
- Motif window manager
- Window Management
- mouse
- setting the click speed
- Handling the Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- movie formats
- Supported Target Formats
- MPEG data
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- multiClickTime resource
- Handling the Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- naming conventions
- predefined file types
- Naming Conventions for Predefined File Types
- navigation
- path
- The Finder Widget
- NEXT data
- Supported Target Formats
- notification dialogs
- Creating a Dialog
- online help
- examples
- Online Help Examples
- See also help
- Online Help Examples
- See help
- Providing Online Help With SGIHelp
- Web access
- HTML Viewer Component
- OpenGL
- Integrating an Application
- reference
- Suggested Reading
- operators
- conditional
- Operators
- icon description routines
- Operators
- OSF/Motif
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- desktop integration
- Implementation Checklist
- reference
- Suggested Reading
- .otr files
- Step Four: Compiling the Source Files
- outline color
- icons
- Selecting Colors
- ovals
- drawing, IconSmith
- Drawing an Oval
- overview
- of desktop
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- Integrating an Application Into the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment: An Introduction
- ownership
- Clipboard Selection
- Requests for the Clipboard Selection
- pages
- icon catalog
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- path navigation
- The Finder Widget
- paths
- drawing, IconSmith
- Drawing Paths
- segments
- Path
- percent done indicator
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- example program
- Example Programs for Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- persistent selection
- See Primary Transfer
- Loss of the Primary Selection
- PHOTO data
- Supported Target Formats
- PIXAR data
- Supported Target Formats
- pixmap data
- Supported Target Formats
- placement
- of windows
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- point
- vertex
- Vertex
- pointer widget. See Dial widget
- The Dial Widget
- polling
- for file changes
- Polling for File Changes
- polygons
- IconSmith
- Drawing With IconSmith
- Concave Polygons
- pop-up windows
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- PostScript files
- printing
- Converting a File for Printing
- PostScript viewer
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- PPM data
- Supported Target Formats
- predefined file types
- Predefined File Types
- Ascii
- Ascii
- Binary
- Binary
- Directory
- Directory
- Executable
- Executable
- GenericWindowExecutable
- GenericWindowedExecutable
- ImageFile
- ImageFile
- LaunchExecutable
- LaunchExecutable
- naming conventions
- Naming Conventions for Predefined File Types
- Script
- Scripts
- SourceFile
- Source Files
- SpecialFile
- The Predefined File Types and What They Do
- ttyExecutable
- ttyExecutable
- ttyLaunchExecutable
- ttyLaunchExecutable
- ttyLaunchOutExecutable
- ttyLaunchOutExecutable
- ttyOutExecutable
- ttyOutExecutable
- predefined file types, FTRs
- Predefined File Types
- predesigned
- icon templates
- Templates
- preview icons
- The Preview Box
- Primary Selection
- inserting
- Inserting the Primary Selection
- See also Primary Transfer
- Requests for the Primary Selection
- Primary Transfer
- callback function
- Requests for the Primary Selection
- data exchange
- Primary Transfer Model Overview
- data selection
- Data Selection
- implementation
- Implementing the Primary Transfer Model
- loss of
- Loss of the Primary Selection
- requests for
- Requests for the Primary Selection
- primary windows
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- example
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- Print Manager
- default printer
- The Current Printer
- printing
- Printing From the Desktop
- ASCII files
- Converting a File for Printing
- CONVERT rule
- The CONVERT Rule
- converting files
- About routeprint
- Converting a File for Printing
- COST rule
- The COST Rule
- current printer
- The Current Printer
- default printer
- The Current Printer
- FILTER rule
- The FILTER Rule
- PostScript files
- Converting a File for Printing
- print conversion rules
- The Print Conversion Rules
- RGB files
- Converting a File for Printing
- routeprint command
- About routeprint
- routing a job
- About routeprint
- process blocking
- data exchange
- Process Blocking
- programming
- mixed model widgets
- The Mixed-Model Programming Widgets
- programs
- widget examples
- Example Programs for SGI Enhanced Widgets
- progress indicator
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- protocols
- close
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- delete
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- delete, example
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- quit
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- quit, example
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- saving state information
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- window manager
- Handling Window Manager Protocols
- PSVIEWER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- quit
- window
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- RapidApp
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- recycle button
- The Finder Widget
- customize
- Controlling the Finder Interface
- references
- list
- Suggested Reading
- removing
- path, IconSmith
- Deleting
- resize
- image
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- windows
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- resources
- menus
- Standard Menu Resources
- schemes
- Pre-Defined Scheme Resources and Symbolic Values
- restarting applications
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- session management
- Overview of Session Management
- states
- Overview of Session Management
- RGB colors
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- Controlling the Color Chooser Interface
- RGB files
- printing
- Converting a File for Printing
- RGB image
- resize
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- rotation
- transformation pin
- Transformation Pin
- routeprint command
- About routeprint
- saving state information
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- scale
- image
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- Scale widget
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- example program
- Example Programs for Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- scaling
- icons
- Drawing for All Scales
- transformation pin
- Transformation Pin
- schemes
- Using Schemes
- application testing
- Testing Your Application with Schemes
- basic concepts
- Basic Scheme Concepts
- browser
- Testing Your Application with Schemes
- Color Schemes option
- Creating New Schemes
- considerations
- Special Considerations for Programming with Schemes
- creating new
- Creating New Schemes
- customization
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- defaults
- Schemes Overview
- designing new
- Creating New Schemes
- direct access
- Directly Accessing Colors and Fonts
- ease of use
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- implementation
- Turning on Schemes for Your Application
- new
- Creating New Schemes
- non-default colors
- Assigning Non-Default Colors and Fonts to Widgets
- override the default
- Assigning Non-Default Colors and Fonts to Widgets
- overview
- Schemes Overview
- pre-defined resources
- Pre-Defined Scheme Resources and Symbolic Values
- programming
- Using Schemes in Your Application
- schemebr browser
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- Testing Your Application with Schemes
- symbolic values
- Pre-Defined Scheme Resources and Symbolic Values
- turn on
- Turning on Schemes for Your Application
- user customization
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- why use
- Why You Should Use Schemes
- Script predefined file type
- Scripts
- SD2 data
- Supported Target Formats
- segments
- IconSmith
- Path
- selecting
- IconSmith
- Selecting
- session management
- Session Management
- communication with window manager
- Interacting With the Window and Session Manager
- continuous
- Types of Session Management: Continuous and Explicit
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- debugging
- Debugging Tips
- example
- Debugging Tips
- explicit
- Types of Session Management: Continuous and Explicit
- overview
- Overview of Session Management
- saving state information
- Saving Session Information to a File
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- Setting the WM_COMMAND String
- session manager
- and window manager
- Interacting With the Window and Session Manager
- SETVAR rule
- Setting FTR Variables: The SETVAR Rule
- SGI audio data
- Supported Target Formats
- SGI data
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- SGI help
- See help
- Providing Online Help With SGIHelp
- sgiMode resource
- Getting the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look
- shadow color
- icons
- Selecting Colors
- shapes
- filled, IconSmith
- Drawing Filled Shapes
- size
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- image
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- of windows
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- sizing
- icons
- Drawing for All Scales
- slider
- IconSmith
- Changing Drawing Size
- slider widget
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- sliders
- color
- Controlling the Color Chooser Interface
- Supported Target Formats
- SourceFile predefined file type
- Source Files
- SpecialFile predefined file type
- The Predefined File Types and What They Do
- Matching Non-Plain Files: The SPECIALFILE Rule
- speed of mouse clicking
- Handling the Mouse Double-Click Speed Setting
- Springbox widget
- The Springbox Widget
- states
- saving
- Saving Session Information to a File
- stream converter example
- Example of a Simple Stream Converter
- stream data converters
- Converting Data Using Stream Data Converters
- style
- conventions
- Font Conventions in This Guide
- An Example File Type
- Categorizing File Types: The SUPERTYPE Rule
- support windows
- Creating a Support Window
- ”Delete” option
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- example
- Creating a Support Window
- symbolic links
- File Alteration Monitor
- Symbolic Links
- symbolic values
- schemes
- Pre-Defined Scheme Resources and Symbolic Values
- syntax
- conventions
- Font Conventions in This Guide
- system
- default printer
- The Current Printer
- tag command
- Matching Tagged Files
- target formats
- 3D graphics formats
- Supported Target Formats
- audio formats
- Supported Target Formats
- image formats
- Supported Target Formats
- movie formats
- Supported Target Formats
- SGI formats
- Supported Target Formats
- targets
- data exchange
- Supported Target Formats
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- telldesktop command
- Step Six: Restarting the Desktop
- templates
- icons
- Templates
- testing
- application with schemes
- Testing Your Application with Schemes
- text
- copy. See data exchange
- Primary Transfer Model Overview
- text editor
- example setting
- Setting the Preferred Text Editor
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- text field widget
- The Text and TextField Widgets
- text widget
- The Text and TextField Widgets
- ThumbWheel widget
- The Thumbwheel Widget
- callback structure
- Detecting Changes in the ThumbWheel's Value
- detecting changes
- Detecting Changes in the ThumbWheel's Value
- example program
- Example Program for ThumbWheel
- interface
- Controlling the ThumbWheel Interface
- interface values
- Controlling the ThumbWheel Interface
- values
- Getting and Setting the ThumbWheel's Value
- Getting and Setting the ThumbWheel's Value
- TIFF data
- Supported Target Formats
- title
- minimized window
- Setting the Minimized Window Label
- titles
- of windows
- Setting the Window Title
- tools
- application integration
- Implementation Strategies and Toolkits
- Integrating an Application
- OpenGL
- Integrating an Application
- RapidApp
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- ViewKit
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- Integrating an Application
- topics
- additional references
- Suggested Reading
- tracing
- design templates
- Templates
- transferring data
- Interapplication Data Exchange
- Using GoldenGate Data Conversion Services
- See Primary Transfer
- Primary Transfer Model Overview
- Transformation button
- IconSmith
- Transformations
- transformation pin
- Transformation Pin
- ttyExecutable predefined file type
- ttyExecutable
- ttyLaunchExecutable predefined file type
- ttyLaunchExecutable
- ttyLaunchOutExecutable predefined file type
- ttyLaunchOutExecutable
- ttyOutExecutable predefined file type
- ttyOutExecutable
- TYPE rule
- An Example File Type
- Naming File Types: The TYPE Rule
- types
- Mapping Names: The MAP Rule
- predefined file types
- Predefined File Types
- predefined file types. See also predefined file types
- Predefined File Types
- access in helpmap file
- Example of Helpmap Entry to Access a Web Browser
- user interaction
- Finder widget
- Handling User Interaction with the Finder
- variables
- desktop
- Desktop Variables
- icon status
- Variables
- set, FTRs
- Setting FTR Variables: The SETVAR Rule
- vertex
- Vertex
- ViewKit
- Using ViewKit and RapidApp
- desktop integration
- Integrating an Application
- HTML widget
- Viewer Components
- reference
- Suggested Reading
- retrieve resource
- Directly Accessing Colors and Fonts
- views
- desktop
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- virtual reality data
- Supported Target Formats
- virtual screens
- Desk Management
- VRML data
- Supported Target Formats
- WAVE data
- Supported Target Formats
- Supported Target Formats
- Web access
- HTML widget
- HTML Viewer Component
- information retrieval
- HTML Viewer Component
- licensing
- HTML Viewer Component
- online help
- HTML Viewer Component
- web browser
- setting on desktop
- Using the Default Viewer and Editor Utilities Panel
- web browser setting
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- WEBBROWSER variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- wheel widget. See ThumbWheel widget
- The Thumbwheel Widget
- widgets
- Using the SGI Enhanced Widgets
- ApplicationShell
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- Arc
- The Graph Widget
- building demos
- Instructions for Building the Widget Demos
- Color Chooser example program
- Example Program for Color Chooser
- Color Chooser Makefile example
- Makefile for colortest.c
- ColorChooser
- The Color Chooser Widget
- ColorChooser. See also colors
- The Color Chooser Widget
- demos
- Using the Widget Demos
- Dial
- The Dial Widget
- Dial example program
- Example Program for Dial
- Dial. See also Dial widget
- Detecting Changes in the Dial's Value
- Drop Pocket
- The Drop Pocket Widget
- Drop Pocket example program
- Example Program for Drop Pocket
- Drop Pocket Makefile example
- Makefile for Drop Pocket Example
- enhanced
- The Enhanced Widgets
- example programs
- Example Programs for SGI Enhanced Widgets
- File Selection Box
- The File Selection Box Widget
- File Selection Box example program
- Example Program for File Selection Box
- File Selection Box Makefile example
- Makefile for File Selection Box Example Program
- Finder
- The Finder Widget
- Finder example program
- Example Program for Finder
- Finder. See also Finder widget
- The Finder Widget
- Graph
- The Graph Widget
- Grid
- The Grid Widget
- Grid. See also Grid widget
- Setting Grid Characteristics
- History Button example program
- Example Program for History Button (Dynamenu)
- HTML viewer component
- HTML Viewer Component
- knob
- The Dial Widget
- LED example program
- Example Program for LED Widget
- OpenGL
- The Mixed-Model Programming Widgets
- Percent Done Indicator example
- Example Programs for Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- percentage done
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- programming mixed-model
- The Mixed-Model Programming Widgets
- progress indicator
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- Scale
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- Scale example program
- Example Programs for Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- SgColorChooser
- The SGI Enhanced Widgets
- slider
- The Scale (Percent Done Indicator) Widget
- Springbox
- The Springbox Widget
- text
- The Text and TextField Widgets
- text field
- The Text and TextField Widgets
- ThumbWheel
- The Thumbwheel Widget
- ThumbWheel example program
- Example Program for ThumbWheel
- ThumbWheel. See also ThumbWheel widget
- The Thumbwheel Widget
- window categories
- Implementing an Application Model
- implementation
- Creating Windows and Setting Decorations
- window management
- Window Management
- communication with session manager
- Interacting With the Window and Session Manager
- debugging
- Debugging Tips
- window manager
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Look and Feel
- and session manager
- Interacting With the Window and Session Manager
- protocols
- Handling Window Manager Protocols
- sending messages
- Handling Window Manager Protocols
- windows
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- Also see IconSmith, windows
- IconSmith Windows
- banner
- Setting the Window Title
- co-primary
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- customizing
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- Desks Overview
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- desktop
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- dialogs
- Creating a Support Window
- Creating a Dialog
- example, creating a co-primary
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- example, creating a dialog
- Creating a Dialog
- example, creating a main primary
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- example, creating a support
- Creating a Support Window
- example, delete protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Delete Window Protocol
- example, quit protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Quit Protocol
- example, save yourself protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- help
- The Help Viewer
- Icon Catalog
- About the IRIX Interactive Desktop Environment
- iconified
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- iconified, changing state
- Changing the Minimized Window Image
- iconified, creating
- Creating a Minimized Window Image: The Basic Steps
- iconified, examples
- Some Different Sources for Minimized Window Images
- iconified, labeling
- Setting the Minimized Window Label
- iconified, using imgworks
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- integration with desktop
- Creating Windows and Setting Decorations
- main
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- minimized
- Customizing Your Application's Minimized Windows
- creating
- Creating a Minimized Window Image: The Basic Steps
- examples
- Some Different Sources for Minimized Window Images
- using imgworks
- Resizing the RGB Image Using imgworks
- minimized, changing state
- Changing the Minimized Window Image
- minimized, labeling
- Setting the Minimized Window Label
- placement
- Controlling Window Placement and Size
- pop-up
- Creating a Co-Primary Window
- primary
- Creating a Main Primary Window
- protocol
- Handling Window Manager Protocols
- save yourself example
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- save yourself protocol
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- sending messages
- Handling Window Manager Protocols
- session management
- Handling the Window Manager Save Yourself Protocol
- support
- Creating a Support Window
- title
- Setting the Window Title
- Setting the Minimized Window Label
- WINEDITOR variable
- Selecting Utilities and Their Values
- session management
- Setting the WM_COMMAND String
- writing help
- See help
- Writing the Online Help
- X Window System
- reference
- Suggested Reading
- Xt help
- See help
- Providing Online Help With SGIHelp