- 64-bit address space
- 64-bit Address Space Support
- absolute value operator
- Single-input Operators
- accessing data, see reading, writing, or copying
- Accessing Image Data
- addInput()
- Adding and Removing Inputs
- addition operator
- Dual-input Operators
- addView()
- Step 2: Open an X Window and Create an ilDisplay Object
- Adding Images
- affine transformations
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- alignImg()
- alignImg()
- Relocating Views and Images
- aligning
- images
- alignImg()
- views
- display()
- alignView()
- alignView()
- Relocating Views and Images
- Relocating Views and Images
- alignView()
- allocPage()
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- alpha value
- ilBlendImg
- AND operator
- Dual-input Operators
- arithmetic operators
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- dual-input
- Dual-input Operators
- single-input
- Single-input Operators
- asynchrounous operations
- Asynchronous Operations
- attributes, see image attributes
- Image Attributes
- background
- color
- Background Color
- view
- Background Color
- bias value
- Dual-input Operators
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- Convolving an Image
- BinBin
- Morphological Operators
- BinGray
- Morphological Operators
- blending images
- Combining Images
- blurring an image
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- border style
- Border Styles
- breakpoint
- ilPiecewiseImg
- buffers, using
- Buffer Space
- C interface
- The C Interface
- cache
- The Cache
- monitoring
- Monitoring the Cache
- optimizing use of
- Optimizing Use of Cache
- replacing pages in
- The Cache
- cache size
- Cache Size
- affected by multi-threading
- Effect of Multi-threading on Cache
- default
- Cache Size
- optimum
- Cache Size
- calcPage()
- finishRequest Phase
- Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg
- Deriving From ilSpatialImg
- chain
- Working with Image Chains
- chain of operators
- On-demand Processing
- The ilLink Class
- components of
- The ilLink Class
- propagation
- Propagating Image Attributes
- querying
- Querying Chained Images
- reconfiguring
- Dynamically Reconfiguring a Chain
- changes, to 2.5 classes
- Changes to Existing Classes
- checkColorModel()
- Color Conversion
- checkMinMax()
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- clamp()
- Clamping Processed Data
- class name conversions
- Automatic Class Name Conversion
- classes, new in 3.0
- Understanding New Classes
- clearAllowed()
- Preventing Attributes From Changing
- clearCenter()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- clearSet()
- Changing Image Attributes
- clearStatus()
- Error Codes
- clipping
- clipTile()
- clipTile()
- clipTile()
- closing a file
- Closing a File
- cmplxVectorCalc()
- Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg
- color conversion
- Color Conversion and Transformation
- color model
- Determining the Color Model
- Color Conversion and Transformation
- Color Model
- determining
- Color Conversion
- Determining the Color Model
- initializing when deriving
- Deriving From ilImage
- color palette
- Color Palette
- color saturation
- ilSaturateImg
- color-index mode
- Converting to Color-index Mode
- combining images
- Combining Images
- compass operator
- Edge Detection
- compatibility with version 2.5
- Backwards Compatibility with IL 2.5
- compiling
- Programs Written in C++
- complex conjugate of an image
- Single-input Operators
- compose()
- iflConfig
- compression, data
- Setting a File's Compression
- Setting a File's Compression
- Data Compression
- conjugate of an image
- Single-input Operators
- constant value image
- Constant-valued Images
- constants
- Enumerated Types and Constants
- convolution
- Convolving an Image
- Edge Detection
- Dual-input Operators
- coordinates
- Coordinate Data Structures
- initializing
- Using setMouse()
- copying
- image data
- Accessing Image Data
- tiles efficiently
- Maximizing Efficiency When Copying Pages
- copyTile()
- The Left-Shift or Output Operator, <<
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Two-dimensional Functions
- Maximizing Efficiency When Copying Pages
- Buffer Space
- On-demand Processing
- Creating an Image File
- copyTile3D()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- copyTileCfg()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- copyTile()
- creating a file
- Creating an Image File
- Creating an Image File
- cross-correlation operator
- Dual-input Operators
- data ordering
- Data Ordering
- data type of an image
- Determining Operator Data Types, Ordering, Working Types, and Definable Fields
- Data Type
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- deferred drawing
- Deferring Drawing
- moveView()
- Adding Images
- deleteView()
- Removing Views
- deriving classes
- Extending ImageVision Library
- display facility in 3.0
- Changes to the Display Facility
- display mode
- Mode Flags
- display operators
- Applying a Display Operator
- display()
- Drawing Views
- display()
- paint()
- displaying an image
- Displaying an Image
- division by zero
- Dual-input Operators
- Dual-input Operators
- division operator
- Dual-input Operators
- for Fourier images
- Dual-input Operators
- doUserPageAlloc()
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- drawing
- area
- The Drawing Area
- deferred
- Adding Images
- Deferring Drawing
- moveView()
- views
- Drawing Views
- edge detection
- Edge Detection
- edge image
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- edge mode
- Rank Filtering an Image
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- enableMP()
- Generation of Statistical Data
- enumerated types
- Enumerated Types and Constants
- for image attributes
- Describing Image Attributes
- environment variable
- Environment Variables
- error codes
- Error Codes
- Error Codes
- error handling in 3.0
- Error handling
- evalUV()
- Resampling Methods
- Geometric Mapping Support
- evalXY()
- Geometric Mapping Support
- Resampling Methods
- event-handling
- Step 3: Process Events
- exclusive-OR operator
- Dual-input Operators
- executeRequest
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- execution model
- On-demand Processing
- advantages
- On-demand Processing
- exponential operator
- Single-input Operators
- Fourier
- Single-input Operators
- exporting data
- Importing and Exporting Image Data
- extending the IL
- Extending ImageVision Library
- faLse coloring
- ilFalseColorImg
- fast Fourier transform
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- features, new for 3.0
- Understanding the New Features
- file
- access mode
- Opening an Existing File
- closing
- Closing a File
- creating
- Creating an Image File
- opening
- Opening an Existing File
- file formats
- Supported IFL Image File Formats
- filename syntax for images
- Opening an Existing File
- fill value
- Fill Value
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- fillTile()
- Two-dimensional Functions
- fillTile3D()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- findEdge()
- wipe()
- Finding an Edge
- findPoint()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- findView()
- Finding a View
- finishRequest
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- FIT file format
- flags, for display operators
- Mode Flags
- align mode
- Align Mode Flags
- coordinate
- Coordinate Flags
- display
- Display Flags
- wipe mode
- Wipe Mode Flags
- flipping an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- flush()
- Managing Cache
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- Fourier filtering
- Filtering
- Fourier transform
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- freePage()
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- freqFilt()
- Deriving From ilFFiltImg
- frequency domain operators
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- frequency filtering
- Filtering
- Gaussian kernel
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- geometric operators
- Geometric Transformations
- getAddressError()
- Resampling Methods
- getAlphaRange()
- ilBlendImg
- getAngle()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Edge Detection
- getBackground()
- Background Color
- getBias()
- Edge Detection
- getBkgd()
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- getBorderStyle
- Border Styles
- getBreakpoints()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- getCacheSize()
- Managing Cache
- getCenter()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- getChained()
- Querying Chained Images
- getClassProp()
- Object Properties
- getCoeff()
- Resampling Methods
- getColorMap()
- Color Palette
- getColorModel()
- Color Model
- getCompression()
- Setting a File's Compression
- getCopyConverter()
- Color Conversion
- getCsize()
- Size
- getCurrentImg()
- Kodak Photo CD Overview Pac
- Photo CD Images
- getDataPtr()
- Images in Memory
- getDataType()
- Data Type
- getDBinSize()
- An Image's Histogram
- getDMax()
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- getDMean()
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- getDMin()
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- getDStart()
- An Image's Histogram
- getDStDev()
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- getEdgeMode()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- getErrorColor
- Managing Views
- getFileDesc()
- Querying a File Image
- getFileMode()
- Querying a File Image
- getFileName()
- Querying a File Image
- getFill()
- Fill Value
- getFloatProp()
- Object Properties
- getHist()
- An Image's Histogram
- getImg()
- Retrieving Images
- getInput()
- Querying Chained Images
- getInputMax()
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- getInputMin()
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- getIntProp()
- Object Properties
- getKernelSize()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- getLImg()
- Retrieving Images
- getLoc()
- Locating a Point
- getMaxPixel()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values
- getMaxRank()
- Rank Filtering an Image
- getMaxValue()
- Morphological Operators
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values for a Channel
- getMinPixel()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values
- getMinValue()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values for a Channel
- getMorphType()
- Morphological Operators
- getNbins()
- An Image's Histogram
- getNumBreakpoints()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- getNumChained()
- Querying Chained Images
- getNumImgs()
- Photo CD Images
- Kodak Photo CD Overview Pac
- Querying a File Image
- getNumInputs()
- Querying Chained Images
- getNumViews()
- Retrieving Views
- getOffset()
- Dual-input Operators
- getOrder()
- Data Ordering
- getOrientation()
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- Orientation
- getOrigin()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- getPage()
- On-demand Processing
- overriding when deriving
- Reading and Writing Formatted Data
- getPageBorder()
- Page Borders
- getPageSize()
- Page Size
- getPageSizePix()
- Page Size
- getPageSizeVal()
- Page Size
- getPixel()
- Operating on a Pixel
- Two-dimensional Functions
- getPixel() and setPixel()
- getPoint()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- getPolyOrder()
- Resampling Methods
- Resampling Methods
- getProp()
- Object Properties
- getPropSet()
- Object Properties
- getPtrProp()
- Object Properties
- getResampType()
- Resampling Methods
- getRImg()
- Retrieving Images
- getRoi()
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- ilCombineImg
- getSaturation()
- ilSaturateImg
- getScaleMax()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- getScaleMin()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- getSize()
- Image Attributes
- The Drawing Area
- Orientation Support
- Size
- getStart()
- Using setMouse()
- Creating an ilSubImg
- getStatus()
- Error Codes
- Error Codes
- getStrides()
- Data Access Support Functions
- getStrides3D()
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- getSubTile()
- Two-dimensional Functions
- getSubTile3D()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- Defining a Region of Interest
- getThresh()
- The Threshold Operator
- getTile()
- The Cache
- Two-dimensional Functions
- On-demand Processing
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- getTile3D()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- getTotal()
- An Image's Histogram
- getValidValue()
- A Rectangular ROI
- getView()
- Retrieving Views
- getViewIndex()
- Retrieving Views
- getVisibleArea
- Scrolling Windows
- getXImg()
- Retrieving Images
- getXkernel()
- Convolving an Image
- getXsize()
- Size
- getXYWt()
- Edge Detection
- getYkernel()
- Convolving an Image
- getYsize()
- Image Attributes
- Size
- getZ()
- Adding Images
- getZoom()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- getZsize()
- Size
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- GIF file format
- gradient operators
- Edge Detection
- GrayBin
- Morphological Operators
- GrayGrayFct
- Morphological Operators
- GrayGraySet
- Morphological Operators
- hardware acceleration
- Using Graphics Hardware for Acceleration
- disabling
- Disabling Hardware Acceleration
- hasPages()
- Creating an ilSubImg
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- header files
- Header Files
- including
- Including Header Files
- high-pass filter
- Filtering
- histogram
- equalization
- Histogram Operators
- of an image
- An Image's Histogram
- Generation of Statistical Data
- Radiometric Transformations
- operators
- Histogram Operators
- scaling
- Histogram Operators
- Image Format library
- iflABGR
- Color Model
- iflBGR
- Color Model
- iflBitArray
- Auxiliary Classes
- iflCMY
- Color Conversion
- Color Model
- Color Conversion
- iflCMYK
- Color Model
- iflColorModel
- Color Model
- iflConfig
- Auxiliary Classes
- iflDataIsSigned()
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- iflDataSize()
- The resetOp() Function
- Opening an Existing File
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- iflDataType
- Data Type
- iflDataTypeFromRange()
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- iflFile
- Deriving and Implementing Your Image File Format Class
- iflHSV
- Color Model
- iflInterleaved
- Data Ordering
- iflLut
- Color Palette
- Using iflLut
- iflMax()
- Minimum and Maximum Comparisons
- iflMin()
- Minimum and Maximum Comparisons
- iflMinBlack
- Color Model
- iflMinWhite
- Color Model
- iflMultiSpectral
- Color Model
- iflOrientation
- Orientation Support
- Orientation
- iflPixel
- Auxiliary Classes
- Fill Value
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- iflRGB
- Color Model
- iflRGBA
- Color Conversion
- Color Model
- iflRGBPalette
- Color Model
- iflSeparate
- Data Ordering
- iflSequential
- Data Ordering
- iflSize
- Auxiliary Classes
- Size
- iflTile
- Auxiliary Classes
- iflXYSfloat
- Resampling Methods
- iflXYZCint
- The resetOp() Function
- Deriving From ilSpatialImg
- iflYCC
- Color Conversion
- Color Conversion
- Color Model
- Environment Variables
- Managing Cache
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Managing Cache
- Multi-threading
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Monitoring the Cache
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Environment Variables
- Multi-threading
- ilABGRImg
- Color Conversion
- ilAbsSplit
- split()
- ilAddImg
- color illustration
- Dual-input Operators
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilAndImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- illustration
- Dual-input Operators
- ilArithLutImg
- Single-input Operators
- ilBlendImg
- ilBlendImg
- color illustration
- Combining Images
- illustration
- ilBlendImg
- ilBlurImg
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- ilBRG
- Color Conversion
- ilCacheImg
- deriving from
- Extending ImageVision Library
- ilCMYKImg
- Color Conversion
- ilColorImg
- Color Conversion
- ilColSplit
- split()
- ilCombineImg
- color illustration
- Combining Images
- ilCompactCache()
- Managing Cache
- ilCompassImg
- illustration
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- ilConfig
- Image Attributes
- iflConfig
- ilConstImg
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilDelVal
- Relocating Views and Images
- Relocating Views and Images
- ilDilateImg
- Morphological Operators
- illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- ilDilateImg()
- Morphological Operators
- ilDisplay
- Overview of the Display Facility
- The IL Class Hierarchy
- creating
- Opening an X Window and Creating an ilDisplay Object
- ilDisplayImg
- Overview of the Display Facility
- ilDivImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilDumpChain()
- Monitoring the Cache
- Monitoring the Cache
- ilDyadicImg
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg
- ilErodeImg
- Morphological Operators
- illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- ilExpImg
- Single-input Operators
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilFalseColorImg
- ilFalseColorImg
- color illustration
- ilFalseColorImg
- Color Conversion
- ilFDyadicImg
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg
- ilFFiltImg
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilFFiltImg
- ilFGaussFiltImg
- color illustration
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- illustration
- Filtering
- ilFileImg
- The ilImage Class
- ilFlushCache()
- Managing Cache
- ilFMonadicImg
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilFMonadicImg or ilFDyadicImg
- ilFrameBufferImg
- The ilImage Class
- ilGBlurImg
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- ilGetCompactFraction()
- Managing Cache
- ilGetCurCacheSize()
- Managing Cache
- ilGrayImg
- Color Conversion
- illustration
- Color Conversion
- ilHistEqImg
- color illustration
- Radiometric Transformations
- ilHistNormImg
- color illustration
- Radiometric Transformations
- ilHistScaleImg
- color illustration
- Radiometric Transformations
- ilHSVImg
- Color Conversion
- ilImage
- The ilImage Class
- deriving from
- Extending ImageVision Library
- ilInvertImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilLaplaceImg
- color illustration
- Edge Detection
- ilLink
- classes deriving from
- Foundation Classes
- implements chaining model
- The ilLink Class
- ilLogImg
- Single-input Operators
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilLutImg
- color illustration
- Radiometric Transformations
- ilMaxFltImg
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- ilMaxImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilMedFltImg
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Rank Filtering an Image
- ilMemCacheImg
- The Cache
- The ilImage Class
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- ilMemoryImg
- Importing and Exporting Image Data
- The ilImage Class
- ilMinFltImg
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- ilMinImg
- color illustration
- Dual-input Operators
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilMonadicImg
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- deriving from
- finishRequest Phase
- The resetOp() Function
- Deriving From ilMonadicImg or ilPolyadicImg
- ilMorphType
- Morphological Operators
- ilMultiplyImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilNegImg
- color illustration
- Single-input Operators
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilOKAY
- Error Codes
- ilOldRel
- Relocating Views and Images
- IlOpImg
- The ilImage Class
- deriving from
- Implementing an Image Processing Operator
- Extending ImageVision Library
- ilOpImg, 3.0 changes
- Deriving Image Operators
- ilOrImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- illustration
- Dual-input Operators
- ilPage
- Auxiliary Classes
- ilPiecewiseImg
- ilPiecewiseImg
- ilPixel
- Operating on a Pixel
- ilPowerImg
- Single-input Operators
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilRelSplit
- split()
- ilRelVal
- Relocating Views and Images
- ilRFFTfImg
- Dual-input Operators
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- ilRFFTiImg
- Frequency Domain Transformations
- Dual-input Operators
- ilRGBImg
- Color Conversion
- ilRobertsImg
- color illustration
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- ilRoi
- deriving from
- Extending ImageVision Library
- Deriving From ilRoi
- ilRoiImg
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- ilRotZoomImg
- Step 2: Create IL Objects for Sharpening and Rotating
- Geometric Transformations
- color illustration
- Geometric Transformations
- ilRowSplit
- split()
- ilSaturateImg
- ilSaturateImg
- ilScaleImg
- Scaling an Image
- color illustration
- Scaling an Image
- ilSepConvImg
- Convolving an Image
- Convolving an Image
- ilSetCompactFraction()
- Managing Cache
- ilSetMaxCacheFraction()
- Optimizing Use of Cache
- Managing Cache
- ilSetMaxCacheSize()
- Optimizing Use of Cache
- Managing Cache
- ilSGIPaletteImg
- Color Conversion
- ilSharpenImg
- Step 2: Create IL Objects for Sharpening and Rotating
- color illustration
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- ilSigned()
- Data Type
- ilSobelImg
- color illustration
- Edge Detection
- ilSpatialImg
- deriving from
- Deriving From ilSpatialImg
- ilSqRootImg
- Single-input Operators
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilSquareImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilSquareRootImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilStatus
- Error Codes
- ilSubImg
- Creating an ilSubImg
- ilSubtractImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- ilThreshImg
- Step 1: Open an Input Image File and Create a Threshold Image
- The Threshold Operator
- color illustration
- Radiometric Transformations
- ilTieWarpImg
- color illustration
- Resampling Methods
- ilView
- Overview of the Display Facility
- ilViewBdrCornerHandles
- Border Styles
- ilViewBdrDashedLines
- Border Styles
- ilViewBdrMiddleHandles
- Border Styles
- ilViewBdrSolidLines
- Border Styles
- ilViewBorderStyle
- Border Styles
- ilViewer
- Step 4: Display the Processed Data
- ilWarpImg
- Warping an Image
- color illustration
- Geometric Transformations
- ilXorImg
- color illustration
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- image
- aligning
- alignImg()
- moving
- moveImg()
- replacing
- Replacing Images
- retrieving
- Retrieving Images
- image attributes
- Changing Image Attributes
- Describing Image Attributes
- Image Attributes
- adding new
- Adding New Attributes
- allowing to change
- Allowing Attributes to Change
- clearing once set
- Changing Image Attributes
- initializing when deriving
- Deriving From ilImage
- marking as altered or set
- Setting Altered and Stuck Flags
- preventing from changing
- Preventing Attributes From Changing
- Changing Image Attributes
- propagating
- Propagating Image Attributes
- resetting
- The reset() Function
- setting directly when deriving
- Setting Attributes Directly
- The resetOp() Function
- image chains
- constructing dynamically
- Dynamically Reconfiguring a Chain
- querying
- Querying Chained Images
- replacing an operator in
- Replacing a Chained Operator
- image format
- Image Attributes
- Image Format Library
- Image Format library
- Image Pac
- Photo CD Images
- image tools
- Image Tools
- imgcopy tool
- Image Tools
- imgformats tool
- Image Tools
- imginfo tool
- Image Tools
- imgview tool
- Image Tools
- importing data
- Importing and Exporting Image Data
- initClamp()
- Clamping Processed Data
- initColorModel()
- Deriving From ilImage
- initMinMax()
- Deriving From ilImage
- initScaleMinMax()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- insertPoint()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- interleaved ordering
- Data Ordering
- invert()
- iflConfig
- isAltered()
- Setting Altered and Stuck Flags
- isDefer()
- Deferring Drawing
- isDiff()
- The resetOp() Function
- isInvertable()
- iflConfig
- isMirrorSpace()
- Orientation Support
- isMPenabled()
- Generation of Statistical Data
- isNop()
- Preventing View Operations
- isSet()
- Setting Altered and Stuck Flags
- isSigned()
- Computing the Size of Data Types
- isStaticUpdate()
- setStaticUpdate()
- isWellDefined()
- Resampling Methods
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- JFIF file format
- JPEG file format
- kernel
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- Edge Detection
- separable
- Convolving an Image
- Laplace operator
- Edge Detection
- laying out views
- split()
- left-shift operator
- The Left-Shift or Output Operator, <<
- linking with libraries
- Programs Written in C++
- loadLut() example
- Deriving From ilArithLutImg
- lockPage()
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- Cache Priority
- Priority
- lockPageSet()
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- log operator
- Single-input Operators
- logical operators
- Arithmetic and Logical Transformations
- lookup table
- Color Palette
- Auxiliary Classes
- low-pass filter
- Filtering
- Deriving From ilFFiltImg
- LUT, see lookup table
- Color Palette
- magnifying an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- magnitude component, Fourier image
- Separating the Magnitude and Phase Components
- mapChan()
- iflConfig
- mapFlipTrans()
- Orientation Support
- mapFromSource()
- Geometric Mapping Support
- mapSpace()
- Orientation Support
- mapTile()
- Orientation Support
- mapToSource()
- Geometric Mapping Support
- mapXY()
- Orientation Support
- mapXYSign()
- Orientation Support
- markSet()
- Setting Altered and Stuck Flags
- maximum comparison
- Minimum and Maximum Comparisons
- Dual-input Operators
- maximum filtering
- Rank Filtering an Image
- maximum pixel value
- Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- Generation of Statistical Data
- The Threshold Operator
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- initializing when deriving
- Deriving From ilImage
- mean and standard deviation
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- Generation of Statistical Data
- Histogram Operators
- median filtering
- Rank Filtering an Image
- memory
- optimizing usage
- Managing Memory Usage
- memory image
- Importing and Exporting Image Data
- merging images
- Combining Images
- minifying an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- minimum comparison
- Dual-input Operators
- Minimum and Maximum Comparisons
- minimum filtering
- Rank Filtering an Image
- minimum pixel value
- Generation of Statistical Data
- The Threshold Operator
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- initializing when deriving
- Deriving From ilImage
- mirroring an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- mode, display
- Mode Flags
- monitoring cache
- Monitoring the Cache
- morphological
- dilation
- Rank Filtering an Image
- erosion
- Rank Filtering an Image
- operators
- Morphological Operators
- moveImg()
- moveImg()
- Relocating Views and Images
- A More Complicated Interactive Display Program
- moveView()
- Relocating Views and Images
- moving
- images
- moveImg()
- views
- moveView()
- multi-threading
- Multi-threading
- finishRequest Phase
- effect on cache size
- Effect of Multi-threading on Cache
- turning off
- Multi-threading
- multi-threading architecture
- Multi-threading Architecture Changes
- multiplication operator
- Dual-input Operators
- for Fourier images
- Dual-input Operators
- multispectral image
- Color Model
- ilFalseColorImg
- needColorConv()
- Color Conversion
- nop flag
- Preventing View Operations
- object properties
- Object Properties
- scope of
- Object Properties
- one's complement operator
- Single-input Operators
- online
- documentation
- Reading the Reference Pages
- source code
- Online Source Code
- OpenGL
- Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering
- opening a file
- Opening an Existing File
- Step 1: Open an Input Image File and Create a Threshold Image
- Opening an Existing File
- operator, definition of
- The ilLink Class
- OR operator
- Dual-input Operators
- order of an image
- Data Ordering
- orientation
- Orientation Support
- Orientation
- outOfBound()
- Support Functions
- padding an image
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Creating an ilSubImg
- page
- default size
- Creating an Image File
- replacement
- The Cache
- size
- Page Size
- Optimum Page Size
- Page Size
- page borders
- Page Borders
- pageBorder
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- pages
- priority in cache
- Priority
- pageSize
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- pageSizeBytes
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- paging support
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- paint()
- Drawing Views
- paint()
- PBM file format
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- PGM file format
- phase component, Fourier image
- Separating the Magnitude and Phase Components
- Photo CD
- color model
- Photo CD Color Model
- file format
- Kodak Photo CD Image Pac
- Image Pac
- Photo CD Images
- image resolutions
- Photo CD Images
- Overview Pac
- Kodak Photo CD Overview Pac
- pixel
- operating on
- Operating on a Pixel
- PNG file format
- pop()
- Reordering the View Stack
- position()
- moveView()
- power operator
- Single-input Operators
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- PPM file format
- prepareRequest
- Deriving From ilMemCacheImg
- priority of pages in cache
- Priority
- priority, of cache pages
- Cache Priority
- propagating image attributes
- Propagating Image Attributes
- push()
- Reordering the View Stack
- radiometric operators
- Radiometric Transformations
- rank filtering
- Rank Filtering an Image
- Raw
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- Raw image file format
- Raw
- reading image data
- Accessing Image Data
- redraw()
- redraw()
- save()
- On-demand Processing
- Drawing Views
- reference pages
- Reading the Reference Pages
- region of interest
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Generation of Statistical Data
- Defining a Region of Interest
- Histogram Operators
- Radiometric Transformations
- bitmap
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- combining images with
- ilCombineImg
- rectangular
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- removeInput()
- Adding and Removing Inputs
- removePoint()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- removeProp()
- Object Properties
- rendering
- Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering
- Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering
- replacePoint()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- resampling method
- Warping an Image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- reset mechanism
- Support Functions
- The Constructor
- reset()
- An Image's Histogram
- The reset() Function
- resetCheck()
- The reset() Function
- The Constructor
- resetDomain()
- Scaling an Image
- resetOp()
- Deriving From ilOpImg
- The reset() Function
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- example
- The resetOp() Function
- resetRange()
- Scaling an Image
- resetScaling()
- Scaling an Image
- resize()
- Resizing Views
- Roberts operator
- Edge Detection
- ROI, see region of interest
- Generation of Statistical Data
- root-filtering
- Single-input Operators
- rotating an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Step 2: Create IL Objects for Sharpening and Rotating
- run-time object-type inquiries
- Run-time Object-Type Query Macros
- save()
- Drawing Views
- scaling data
- during color conversion
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- for displaying
- Setting Minimum and Maximum Pixel Values
- scrolling window
- Scrolling Windows
- select()
- Borders
- separable kernel
- Convolving an Image
- separate ordering
- Data Ordering
- sequential ordering
- Data Ordering
- setAddressError()
- Resampling Methods
- setAllowed()
- Allowing Attributes to Change
- setAlpha()
- Filtering
- setAlphaPlane()
- ilBlendImg
- setAlphaRange()
- ilBlendImg
- setAltered()
- The Constructor
- Setting Altered and Stuck Flags
- setAngle()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Edge Detection
- setAutoStaticUpdate()
- setStaticUpdate()
- setBackground()
- Background Color
- setBase()
- Single-input Operators
- Single-input Operators
- setBeta()
- Filtering
- setBias()
- Convolving an Image
- Edge Detection
- setBicubicFamily()
- Warping an Image
- setBkgd()
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- setBlendMode()
- ilBlendImg
- setBlur()
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- setBlurKernelSize()
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- setBlurRadius()
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- setBorders()
- Step 2: Open an X Window and Create an ilDisplay Object
- Borders
- setBorderStyle
- Border Styles
- Border Styles
- setBorderWidth()
- Borders
- setBreakpoints()
- ilPiecewiseImg
- setCenter()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- setCheck()
- Dual-input Operators
- Dual-input Operators
- setClamp()
- Clamping Processed Data
- setClip()
- Histogram Operators
- setCoeff()
- Resampling Methods
- Resampling Methods
- Resampling Methods
- setColorMap()
- Color Palette
- setColorModel
- Determining the Color Model
- setColorModel()
- Color Model
- setConfig()
- Creating an ilSubImg
- setConstAlpha()
- ilBlendImg
- setCsize()
- Image Attributes
- Size
- setCurrentImg()
- Kodak Photo CD Overview Pac
- Photo CD Images
- setDataType()
- Page Size
- Data Type
- setDCgain()
- Filtering
- setDefer()
- Deferring Drawing
- setDomain()
- Scaling an Image
- setEccent()
- Filtering
- setEdgeMode()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- setErrorColor
- Managing Views
- setFill()
- Fill Value
- setGamma()
- Filtering
- setHFgain()
- Filtering
- setHistLimits()
- Histogram Operators
- setImg()
- Replacing Images
- setImgStat()
- Histogram Operators
- Histogram Operators
- Histogram Operators
- setInput()
- Replacing a Chained Operator
- The Constructor
- setKernel()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- Edge Detection
- setKernelSize()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- setKernFlags()
- Deriving From ilSpatialImg
- setLoc()
- Locating a Point
- setLookUpTable()
- ilLutImg
- setMajHalf()
- Filtering
- setMaxComputeThreads
- Multi-threading
- setMaxPixel()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values
- setMaxSamples()
- Resampling Methods
- setMaxValue()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values for a Channel
- setMean()
- Histogram Operators
- setMinHalf()
- Filtering
- setMinifyKernel()
- Resampling Methods
- setMinPixel()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values
- setMinValue()
- Morphological Operators
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Pixel Values for a Channel
- setMorphType()
- Morphological Operators
- setNop()
- Preventing View Operations
- setNumInputs()
- Adding and Removing Inputs
- Deriving From ilImage
- The Constructor
- setOffset()
- Dual-input Operators
- Defining a Region of Interest
- setOption()
- Forward and Inverse Fourier Transforms
- Forward and Inverse Fourier Transforms
- setOrder()
- Page Size
- Data Ordering
- setOrientation()
- Orientation
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- setOrigin()
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- setPage()
- overriding when deriving
- Reading and Writing Formatted Data
- setPageBorder()
- Page Borders
- setPageSize()
- Page Size
- setPagingCallback()
- Monitoring the Cache
- Deriving From ilCacheImg
- setPixel()
- getPixel() and setPixel()
- Operating on a Pixel
- Two-dimensional Functions
- setPolyOrder()
- Resampling Methods
- setPower()
- Single-input Operators
- Single-input Operators
- setPriority()
- Cache Priority
- Priority
- setProp()
- Object Properties
- setRange()
- Scaling an Image
- Histogram Operators
- setRank()
- Rank Filtering an Image
- setResampFunc()
- Resampling Methods
- setResampType()
- Resampling Methods
- setRoi()
- Creating an ilRoiImg
- Histogram Operators
- ilCombineImg
- Histogram Operators
- Histogram Operators
- setSaturation()
- ilSaturateImg
- setScale()
- Single-input Operators
- setScaleMinMax()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- setScaleType()
- Setting Maximum and Minimum Scaling Values For Color Conversion
- setScaling()
- Scaling an Image
- setSharpenRadius()
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- setSharpness()
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- setSize()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Dual-input Operators
- Image Attributes
- Size
- setStart()
- Using setMouse()
- Creating an ilSubImg
- setStaticUpdate()
- Drawing Views
- setStaticUpdate()
- setStatus()
- Deriving From ilImage
- setStdev()
- Histogram Operators
- setSubTile()
- Two-dimensional Functions
- setSubTile3D()
- Defining a Region of Interest
- Three-dimensional Functions
- setTheta()
- Filtering
- Filtering
- setThresh()
- The Threshold Operator
- setTiePoints()
- Resampling Methods
- Resampling Methods
- setTile()
- Two-dimensional Functions
- setTile3D()
- Three-dimensional Functions
- setValidOrder()
- The Constructor
- setValidType()
- The Constructor
- setValidValue()
- A Rectangular ROI
- setVisibleArea
- Scrolling Windows
- setWorkingType()
- The Constructor
- setXImg()
- Replacing Images
- setXkernel()
- Convolving an Image
- setXsize()
- Separating the Magnitude and Phase Components
- setXYWt()
- Edge Detection
- setYkernel()
- Convolving an Image
- setZ()
- Adding Images
- setZoom()
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- SGI file format
- sharpening an image
- Step 2: Create IL Objects for Sharpening and Rotating
- Blurring or Sharpening an Image
- size of an image
- Size
- Sobel operator
- Edge Detection
- spatial operators
- Spatial Domain Transformations
- split()
- Relocating Views and Images
- split()
- square root operator
- Single-input Operators
- squaring operator
- Single-input Operators
- standard deviation
- Minimum, Maximum, Mean, and Standard deviation
- Histogram Operators
- Generation of Statistical Data
- statistical operator
- Generation of Statistical Data
- stereo viewing
- Stereo Viewing
- stride
- Deriving From ilSpatialImg
- Using getStrides()
- subimage
- Defining a Region of Interest
- Creating an ilSubImg
- subtraction operator
- Dual-input Operators
- swap()
- Reordering the View Stack
- threshold operator
- The Threshold Operator
- Step 1: Open the File of Image Data
- TIFF file format
- tile of data
- Accessing Image Data
- tools, image
- Image Tools
- two's complement operator
- Single-input Operators
- unlockPage()
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- unlockPageSet()
- Multi-threaded Paging Support
- unselect()
- Borders
- update()
- Updating Views
- Applying a Display Operator
- version 3.0, overview of changes
- Overview of Changes in 3.0
- view
- adding
- Adding Images
- borders
- Borders
- finding an edge
- Finding an Edge
- moving
- moveView()
- A More Complicated Interactive Display Program
- removing
- Removing Views
- reordering in the stack
- Reordering the View Stack
- resizing
- Resizing Views
- retrieving
- Retrieving Views
- stereo
- Stereo Viewing
- updating
- Updating Views
- view stack
- Managing Views
- reordering
- Reordering the View Stack
- viewstack
- Overview of the Display Facility
- warping operators
- Geometric Transformations
- window
- The Drawing Area
- window,scrolling
- Scrolling Windows
- wipe()
- wipe()
- Resizing Views
- wipeSize()
- Resizing Views
- wipeSize()
- wipeSplit()
- Resizing Views
- wipeSplit()
- wiping an image
- wipe()
- working type
- Determining Operator Data Types, Ordering, Working Types, and Definable Fields
- writing image data
- Accessing Image Data
- X rendering
- Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering
- Choosing OpenGL or X Rendering
- XNextEvent()
- Step 3: Process Events
- XOpenDisplay()
- Opening an X Window and Creating an ilDisplay Object
- XQueryPointer()
- Step 3: Process Events
- zooming an image
- Rotating, Zooming, and Flipping an Image