Written by Jed Hartman, Debbie Myers, and Pam Sogard
Updated by Joe Kish
Illustrated by Dany Galgani
Production by Joe Kish
Engineering contributions by Adrian Daley, Greg Ferguson, David Clarke, Victor Riley, Steve Schmitt, and Lorrie Williams
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Cover design by Sarah Bolles, Sarah Bolles Design, and Dany Galgani, SGI Technical Publications.
Revision 004 | November 2002 | ||
Incorporates information for building of DocBook XML books. | |||
Revision 003 | June 2002 | ||
Incorporates information for the release of 5.0 build tools with IRIX 6.5.17. | |||
Revision 002 | June 1999 | ||
Incorporates information for the release of insight_dev and 4.2 build tools with IRIX 6.5.5.