The color and style of an online glossary term. Click on the word to launch a restricted viewer containing its definition.
The process of converting a book from FrameMaker files to SGML and HTML using SGI Professional Publisher tools. Sometimes called a “build.”
Computer Graphics Metafile image file format. An “infinite-resolution” image format, relying on shape descriptions rather than bitmaps.
Pages used in a hard-copy book to mark the beginnings of chapters. Tabs often have shaded edges so that a reader can easily find them by looking at the edge of the book.
Small units of text, written so as to make sense without surrounding context. Text intended for online viewing should be chunked as much as possible, since there's no guarantee that a reader will have read any surrounding sections.
The second tag in a pair of SGML tags. The corresponding opening tag stops applying to subsequent text after the closing tag.
Figures in a FrameMaker file which consist of more than one image—either multiple imported image files in your book directory, or a combination of FrameMaker line art and one or more imported image files. Note that it's often best to create a composite image outside of FrameMaker—using IRIS ShowCase, for instance—and snap the result, in order to import only one file into a given frame in FrameMaker and thereby make color separations easier. However, it's legal to import multiple files into a single frame should you wish to do so.
A DTD designed for technical documentation. Used as a source or intermediate format within the SGI Book Publishing Tools.
Document Type Definition: a formal description of the allowable structure of a document. Specifies, for instance, what tags can follow what other tags.
In SGML jargon, an entity is a named definition of a character, usually named with a cryptic-looking string like ““” (which indicates a left double quotation mark).
An error during the bookbuild process with an obvious cause, recognized by the build tools.
Maker Interchange Format: an ASCII format for FrameMaker files which makes it easier to convert between FrameMaker's normal binary format and the formats of other systems and word processors.
The first tag in a pair of SGML tags. An opening tag applies to all subsequent text up to the corresponding closing tag.
Pages used in a hard-copy book to mark the beginnings of multi-chapter sections of the book. Tabs often have shaded edges so that a reader can easily find them by looking at the edge of the book.
The person who handles production for a book—can include anything from incorporating an online book into a software product, to checking a hard-copy book's pagination, to doing color separations for figures.
One of the DTDs used by SGI.
One of the DTDs used by SGI.
Standard Generalized Markup Language: a standardized format for describing structured documents in terms of their nested structures.
Another name for the short title of a book.
An abbreviated form of the title of an online book. Appears as an icon label when the book window is iconified. Also called a “short name.”
An error during the bookbuild process with a non-obvious cause, not recognized by the build tools.
Extensible Markup Language: a subset of SGML designed as a simplified format for structured documents.