The User Interface Language (UIL) allows an application developer to separate the specification of particular widget hierarchies from the application source code. The application defines widgets and their characteristics in a text file, which the developer compiles into a User Interface Definition (UID) file in binary format. At run time the application, using Motif Resource Manager (MRM) routines, retrieves the widget descriptions from the binary file, and MRM creates the widgets from these descriptions. The application defines callback procedures and interacts with the widgets as if it were using the Motif toolkit alone.
UIL offers several advantages over toolkit-only applications:
UIL enforces the separation of the user interface specification from the application.
A developer can change the interface by editing and recompiling a text file without recompiling and relinking the application program.
The UIL compiler generates warnings for errors that the developer otherwise would not discover until running the program, if then. For example, the UIL compiler checks the spelling of resource names.
The toolkit may handle large databases more efficiently when they are represented as UID files rather than resource files.
An application that uses UIL has two separate components: the UIL file and the application program.
The UIL file consists mainly of definitions of the application's widget hierarchy. The declaration for each widget typically includes the following components:
Widget type
Widget children
Initial resource values
Declarations for callback procedures
The UIL file can also define values for data such as compound strings, colors, and icons.
The structure of the application program is similar to that of a toolkit-only program. The chief difference is that, instead of explicitly creating each widget, the program uses MRM routines to retrieve widget definitions from the UID file and to create the widgets themselves. The program might also use MRM routines to retrieve data values defined in the UIL file. An application program using UIL must take the following actions:
Include the required header files
Initialize the Intrinsics
Initialize MRM
Open the UID file
Register the names of callback procedures and values of identifiers specified in the UID file
Retrieve and create widgets and data defined in the UID file
Close the UID file
Define callback procedures
Make the widgets visible
Enter the event loop
A UIL module is a block of declarations and definitions for the values, procedures, literals, and objects that make up a user interface specification. Each UIL file contains either one complete module or, if the file is to be included in another UIL file, at least one complete top-level construct within a module.
Each module has the following structure:
This section discusses the components of a UIL module, but it does not describe the UIL syntax in detail. For more information, see the UIL(5X) reference page in the Motif Programmer's Reference.
Several optional declarations at the beginning of the module modify characteristics of the module as a whole:
The include directive includes the contents of a file in the current module. The directive consists of the keywords include file followed by a string representing the filename. If the filename has a full directory specification, UIL searches that directory for the file. Otherwise, UIL searches the directory of the main UIL source file and then the directory of the current UIL source file. The −I option to the uil command adds a directory to the search list.
Included files are useful for definitions common to more than one UIL module. In conjunction with the −I option to uil, they are also useful in internationalizing applications. Localized definitions for strings, font lists, and the like can reside in files included from different directories depending on language environment. In this case, the include directives should not specify the directories; instead, you can use the −I option to uil to compile files for different language environments without editing or duplicating UIL files.
The value clause defines one or more names and associates them with values. The names can stand for values elsewhere in the module.
The specification for each value is either a literal expression or a call to a UIL function that generates a value. Each value has a UIL type that depends on the representation of the literal or the type of value returned by the UIL function. For more information on UIL types, literals, and functions, see the UIL(5X) reference page in the Motif Programmer's Reference.
By default, the names and their associated values are private to the module. The value declaration can also export a value to other modules or import a value from another module. For each name declared to be imported, MRM assigns the value from the corresponding exported declaration at run time.
In this example, the value id_1 is exported:
value id_1: exported 1; label_1: compound_string('Off'); |
Another module can use the value id_1 as follows:
value id_1: imported integer; |
An identifier clause declares one or more names that can appear elsewhere in the module. At run time, MRM assigns values to these names from data defined in the application program. The application uses the MrmRegisterNames or MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy routine to establish the correspondence between UIL identifier names and application-defined data. The UIL compiler performs no type checking on identifiers.
The following example identifies names for x and y values that the application defines at run time:
identifier app_x_value; app_y_value; |
A procedure clause declares names of callback procedures or of creation routines for user-defined widgets. The application program itself defines the actual procedures. As with identifiers, the application must use MrmRegisterNames or MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy to associate the procedure names with the actual procedures at run time.
For a callback procedure, the procedure declaration can also specify the type of data represented by the second argument (the application data pointer) to the callback routine:
procedure toggle_cb (integer); push_button_cb (integer); |
An object clause defines a widget or gadget and assigns a name that can stand for the object elsewhere in the UIL module. As with values, an object definition by default is private to the UIL module, but the object clause can declare it to be exported or imported. In addition to the UIL name, the object clause specifies the object's type and a list (enclosed in braces) that can define children, initial resource values, and callback procedures.
The object type specification is a keyword that is usually the same as the name of the corresponding toolkit widget class. For example, the type keyword for a MainWindow is XmMainWindow and for a PushButton is XmPushButton. UIL also allows type specifications that correspond to toolkit convenience routines for creating some kinds of specialized widgets, including menus, dialogs, ScrolledList, and ScrolledText. For example, the keyword XmPulldownMenu specifies a PulldownMenu, and the keyword XmPromptDialog specifies a PromptDialog.
The object clause can also specify that the object is to be either a widget or a gadget, overriding the default specified by the objects clause. For example, the following defines a PushButtonGadget:
object pb: XmPushButton gadget {}; |
Alternately, an object clause can specify a gadget by using the gadget class name (for example, XmPushButtonGadget) as the type specification.
An object clause can specify the children of a composite widget. This specification appears inside the object list section and consists of the keyword controls followed by a list of child declarations. The declaration for each child consists of an object type and, usually, a name that refers to the definition for the child widget in its own object clause. Instead of a name for the child, the declaration can contain an entire local definition for the child widget in the form of an object list section. The child declaration can optionally begin with the keyword managed or unmanaged, which specifies whether or not MRM should manage the child after creating it. The default is to manage the child.
Some manager widgets automatically create children. For example, MainWindow creates three separators to separate its main components. The controls list can contain declarations for these children so that the UIL file can specify resource values for them. The declaration for an automatically created child begins with a specification of the name of the child, formed by prepending Xm_ to the actual name of the child widget. The names of automatically created children are documented in the reference pages for the manager widgets in the Motif Programmer's Reference.
Following is an example of specifications for child widgets:
object main_win: XmMainWindow { controls { XmMenuBar main_menu; Xm_Separator1 { arguments { XmNseparatorType = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT; XmNmargin = 5; }; }; XmScrolledText text_win; }; }; |
In general, a child widget can be of any type the Motif toolkit allows for a child of the parent widget. In some cases, the type of the child differs from the Motif toolkit class. For example, dialogs and menus require shells as their parents, but in UIL a dialog or menu is declared to be a direct child of its parent, with no intervening shell. MRM creates the shell at run time. In this way, UIL and MRM act like the Motif convenience routines for creating dialogs and menus.
Some widget hierarchies in UIL are slightly different from the corresponding hierarchies in the toolkit. For example, in UIL a PulldownMenu in an OptionMenu is described as a child of the OptionMenu, not of the OptionMenu's parent as it is in the toolkit. In a PulldownMenu system from a MenuBar or a PopupMenu, each PulldownMenu is a child of the associated CascadeButton, not of the CascadeButton's parent as it is in the toolkit. For more information, see Chapter 6.
An object clause can specify resource values for MRM to pass to the widget's creation function. This specification appears inside the object list section and consists of the keyword arguments followed by a list of resource declarations. The declaration for each resource consists of the name of the resource as in the toolkit (for example, XmNheight) followed by = (equals sign) and a value for the resource. The type of the value must be of the proper UIL type for that resource. For information on the required UIL type for each resource, please refer to the Motif Programmer's Reference.
Following is an example of specifications for initial resource values:
object main_win: XmScrolledText { arguments { XmNrows = 10; XmNwordWrap = true; XmNbackground = color('red'); }; }; |
In some cases, UIL provides a value for a resource related to a resource that appears in a specification. For example, if a specification contains a value for XmNitems in a List, UIL provides the appropriate value for XmNitemCount. For resources of type, dimension, or position, you can specify units by using the syntax described in the XmNunitType resource of the XmPrimitive reference page.
An object clause can specify procedures to appear in callback lists for the object. This specification appears inside the object list section and consists of the keyword callbacks followed by a list of callback list declarations. The declaration for each callback list consists of the name of the callback resource as in the toolkit (for example, XmNactivateCallback) followed by = (equals sign) and a value specification for the resource.
In addition to appropriate toolkit resources, the specification can include the special callback list name MrmNcreateCallback. MRM invokes callback procedures on this list when it creates the widget. These procedures provide a means for the application to identify the widget ID of a widget created by MRM.
The value specification can be one of two forms:
If the callback list contains only one procedure, the specification consists of the keyword procedure followed by the procedure name and, optionally, a value in parentheses for the application data argument to the procedure.
If the callback list contains more than one procedure, the specification consists of the keyword procedures followed by a list of procedure specifications. Each specification consists of the procedure name and, optionally, a value in parentheses for the application data argument to the procedure.
The UIL compiler issues a warning if a procedure specification contains an application data argument whose type does not match the argument type in the corresponding procedure declaration.
The application uses the MrmRegisterNames routine or the MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy routine to establish the correspondence between UIL procedure names and the application-defined procedures.
Following is an example of specifications for a callback list:
object pb: XmPushButton { callbacks { XmNactivateCallback = procedure pb_activate_cb (pb_ident); }; }; |
A list clause defines one or more lists of specifications for resources, callbacks, procedures, or widget children. Each list has a symbolic name that the application can use to refer to the list elsewhere in the UIL file, usually in an object declaration. The main use for this clause is to define lists of specifications that are common to more than one object definition.
A list clause consists of the keyword list followed by one or more list specifications. Each list specification contains the name, type, and contents of the list. Following are the four kinds of lists:
A list of resources consists of the keyword arguments followed by a list of resource specifications.
A list of callbacks consists of the keyword callbacks followed by a list of callback specifications.
A list of procedures consists of the keyword procedures followed by a list of procedure specifications.
A list of widget children consists of the keyword controls followed by a list of specifications for the children.
In each case, the form of the list is the same as that of the corresponding clause of an object declaration.
Following is an example of a list declaration:
list pb_activate_procs: procedures { pb_ac_proc_1 (); pb_ac_proc_2 (); }; list pb_callbacks: callbacks { XmNactivateCallback = pb_activate_procs; XmNarmCallback = procedure pb_arm_proc (); }; list pb_args: arguments { XmNheight = 10; XmNbackground = color('red'); }; object pb_1: XmPushButton { arguments { arguments pb_args; XmNlabelString = pb_label_1; }; callbacks pb_callbacks; }; object pb_2: XmPushButton { arguments { arguments pb_args; XmNlabelString = pb_label_2; }; callbacks pb_callbacks; }; list menu_items: controls { XmPushButton pb_1; XmPushButton pb_2; }; object menu_1: XmPulldownMenu { controls menu_items; }; |
The following sections describe the structural elements of an application program that uses the Motif Resource Manager.
An application that uses MRM must include all the header files it would need if it did not use MRM. These include <Xm/Xm.h>, header files specific to each widget the program uses, and any header files needed by Motif routines. In addition, the application must include the file <Mrm/MrmPublic.h>. This file contains definitions that the MRM routines need.
Following is an example of including header files for an application that uses only a Text widget and MRM:
#include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h> #include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Xm/Text.h> |
An application initializes the Intrinsics as in any other program, usually by calling XtAppInitialize. The application must call XtDisplayInitialize either directly or indirectly before opening any UID files.
An application that uses MRM must initialize MRM by calling MrmInitialize before fetching any widgets from UID files. It is a good idea to call MrmInitialize before using any other MRM routines.
After initializing MRM and the Intrinsics, an application uses MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay to find and open one or more UID files that contain the widget definitions and other information to be loaded.
![]() | Note: The UID format is portable only across same-size architecture machines. |
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay uses search paths in much the same way XtDisplayInitialize uses them to build the initial resource database. One argument to MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay is a list of UID filenames, each of which represents either a full pathname or a name to be substituted in a file search path. The search path comes from the UIDPATH environment variable or, if UIDPATH is not set, from a series of default paths. MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay calls XtResolvePathname to search these paths. When it uses a search path, MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay looks for files first by using a suffix of .uid and then by using a NULL suffix.
As with the initial resource database, UID files can reside in different directories depending on the language environment. The search paths can include these substitutions, as well as others recognized by XtResolvePathname:
MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay returns an ID that identifies the list of open UID files for subsequent calls to routines that load data from the files. On each request to load data, MRM searches the list of files in order. This ordered list of open files is the UID hierarchy. The program can retrieve data from the hierarchy until it calls MrmCloseHierarchy.
Following is an example of a call to MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay. The example initializes MRM and the Intrinsics, opens a UID hierarchy, and closes the hierarchy.
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Widget app_shell; XtAppContext app; static String file_names[] = { "app_1", "app_2" }; MrmHierarchy hierarchy_id; app_shell = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Example", (XrmOptionDescList) NULL, 0, (Cardinal *) &argc, argv, (String *) NULL, (ArgList) NULL, 0); MrmInitialize(); switch (MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(XtDisplay(app_shell), (MrmCount) XtNumber(file_names), file_names, (MrmOsOpenParamPtr *) NULL, &hierarchy_id)) { case MrmSUCCESS: if (MrmCloseHierarchy(hierarchy_id) == MrmSUCCESS) { exit 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } case MrmNOT_FOUND: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID files.\n"); exit 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } } |
The application must register the names of all callback procedures and identifiers defined in the UIL files. Registering the names associates the symbolic names in the UIL files with procedures and data defined in the program. MrmRegisterNames and MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy accomplish this task. Names registered by MrmRegisterNames are global to all UID hierarchies, whereas names registered by MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy are local to a particular hierarchy. When MRM looks up the program-defined value associated with a name in a given hierarchy, it searches first for an association local to the hierarchy and then for a global association.
Following is an example using MrmRegisterNames:
void PBActivateCB_1(Widget pb, XtPointer app_data, XtPointer widget_data); void PBActivateCB_2(Widget pb, XtPointer app_data, XtPointer widget_data); void PBArmCB(Widget pb, XtPointer app_data, XtPointer widget_data); static MrmRegisterArg cb_list[] = { { "pb_ac_proc_1", (XtPointer) PBActivateCB_1 }, { "pb_ac_proc_2", (XtPointer) PBActivateCB_2 }, { "pb_arm_proc", (XtPointer) PBArmCB } }; ... if (MrmRegisterNames(cb_list, (MrmCount) XtNumber(cb_list)) == MrmSUCCESS) { ... } else { ... } |
MRM can fetch the following information from UID files:
Named widgets, defined by object clauses, and their descendants. Use MrmFetchWidget or MrmFetchWidgetOverride.
Named color literals, defined by color or rbg functions and appearing in value clauses. Use MrmFetchColorLiteral.
Named icon literals, defined by icon functions and appearing in value clauses. Use MrmFetchIconLiteral.
Other named literals appearing in value clauses. Use MrmFetchLiteral or MrmFetchSetValues.
MRM can fetch literals appearing in value clauses only if they are defined as exported.
After creating a top-level shell, using XtAppInitialize or XtAppCreateShell, the application can use MrmFetchWidget to fetch the child of the top-level shell and its descendants. For each widget in the tree, MrmFetchWidget does the following:
The application does not have to fetch all widgets at the beginning of the program. To create widgets such as menus and dialogs as needed, the application can call MrmFetchWidget at any time.
The application can fetch the same widget definition more than once. MRM creates a new widget each time, essentially using the UIL definition as a template. MrmFetchWidgetOverride is useful here, as it allows the application to override the initial resource values specified in the UIL file.
Following is a simple example using MrmFetchWidget to create the main widget hierarchy for an application:
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Widget app_shell, top_level; XtAppContext app; static String file_names[] = { "app_1", "app_2" }; MrmHierarchy hierarchy_id; MrmType top_level_class; MrmInitialize(); app_shell = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Example", (XrmOptionDescList) NULL, 0, (Cardinal *) &argc, argv, (String *) NULL, (ArgList) NULL, 0); switch (MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(XtDisplay(app_shell), (MrmCount) XtNumber(file_names), file_names, (MrmOsOpenParamPtr *) NULL, &hierarchy_id)) { case MrmSUCCESS: if (MrmFetchWidget(hierarchy_id, "top_level", app_shell, &top_level, &top_level_class) != MrmSUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch top-level widget.\n"); } if (MrmCloseHierarchy(hierarchy_id) == MrmSUCCESS) { exit 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } case MrmNOT_FOUND: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID files.\n"); exit 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } } |
MrmCloseHierarchy closes all files in the specified UID hierarchy. The application can close and reopen a hierarchy, but usually it does not close a hierarchy until it is finished reading data from the UID files. When the application uses multiple hierarchies, operating system limits on the number of open files may make it necessary to close one hierarchy before opening another.
An application that uses MRM defines callback procedures in the same way as an application that uses only the toolkit. For callbacks delared in UIL files, the application must use MrmRegisterNames or MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy to associate the UIL callback procedure names with the actual procedures defined in the program.
An application can create widgets, such as dialogs and PopupMenus, as the program needs them. If these widgets are defined in UIL files, a callback procedure can call MrmFetchWidget to fetch them from UID files.
MrmFetchWidget never manages the widget the application is fetching. It does manage all other widgets in the tree whose root is the widget being fetched, except for widgets declared unmanaged in the UIL file. MrmFetchWidget does not realize any widgets in the tree.
The application must manage any unmanaged widgets created by MrmFetchWidget, and it must realize all widgets it wants to make visible. In the simple case where the application fetches the entire widget hierarchy at the beginning of the program, it typically manages the widget it fetches and then realizes the top-level shell:
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Widget app_shell, top_level; XtAppContext app; static String file_names[] = { "app_1", "app_2" }; MrmHierarchy hierarchy_id; MrmType top_level_class; MrmInitialize(); app_shell = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Example", (XrmOptionDescList) NULL, 0, (Cardinal *) &argc, argv, (String *) NULL, (ArgList) NULL, 0); switch (MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(XtDisplay(app_shell), (MrmCount) XtNumber(file_names), file_names, (MrmOsOpenParamPtr *) NULL, &hierarchy_id)) { case MrmSUCCESS: if (MrmFetchWidget(hierarchy_id, "top_level", app_shell, &top_level, &top_level_class) == MrmSUCCESS) { XtManageChild(top_level); XtRealizeWidget(app_shell); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fetch top-level widget.\n"); } if (MrmCloseHierarchy(hierarchy_id) == MrmSUCCESS) { exit 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } case MrmNOT_FOUND: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID files.\n"); exit 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open UID hierarchy.\n"); exit 1; } } |