A key or sequence of keys (typically a modifier key and some other key) that provides a shortcut, immediately accessing a program function.
* See also shortcut key.
The window that is currently selected to receive the input focus. Only one window can be active at a time. See also focus.
A window that receives keyboard input.
A submenu that provides selections that amplify the parent selection on a Pulldown or Popup Menu.
A component used to select settings that are not mutually exclusive. The visual cue to the selection is frequently that the button is filled in or checked.
To press and release a mouse button. The term comes from the fact that pressing and releasing most mouse buttons makes a clicking sound.
To press and release a button on a pointing device without significantly moving the pointer and within a time specified by the operating environment.
CDS: Any application that interacts with a CDS server through the CDS clerk.
DTS: Any application that interacts with a DTS server through the DTS clerk.
RPC: The party that initiates a remote procedure call. Some applications act as both an RPC client and an RPC server. See also server.
DFS: A consumer of resources or services. See also server.
GDS: The client consists of an application that links the DUA library, the C-stub that handles the connection over the communications network for accessing a remote server, and the DUA cache.
A program written specifically for use with the X Window System. Clients create their own windows and know how to resize themselves.
The portion of a distributed program that issues requests for service to a server. The client's address space is separate from the server's address space; the two programs may reside on separate machines. See also server.
A DialogBox used for entering commands.
A secondary window that provides you with information or asks you to enter information.
A secondary window that the user can display and that contains application components.
To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession.
To press and release a button on a pointing device twice without significantly moving the pointer and within a time specified by the operating environment.
To press and hold down a mouse button while moving the mouse on the desktop and thus the pointer on the screen. Dragging is typically used when selecting menus, moving and resizing windows, and transferring data.
A user interaction in which elements or their representations change their position or appearance in conjunction with movement of the pointer.
A transfer mechanism where data is dragged from a source to a drop site using mouse motion.
A user interaction in which a user drags source elements to a target element on which they are dropped.
A graphic that is generated using pixmaps and is moved during a drag operation. The drag icon is composed of a source pixmap, a state cursor, and an operation cursor.
The object whose graphical representation is being dragged and whose data the user wishes to transfer.
An area of the screen on which the user can drop a drag icon.
A DialogBox that presents an error message.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that was specified explicitly with a mouse button press or a keyboard event.
A focus policy in which the user must explicitly indicate which window or control receives input focus. Also referred to as “click-to-type” focus. Contrast with implicit focus.
A DialogBox used for entering the name of a file for processing.
A state of the system that indicates which component receives keyboard events. A component is said to have the focus if keyboard events are sent to that component.
* See also keyboard focus.
The place to which keyboard input is directed.
The model by which keyboard focus is moved among components. See also explicit focus, implicit focus.
A means of determining which element or window receives input focus. See also explicit focus, implicit focus.
A list of fonts used as a resource specification for fontList resources.
A list of entries, each of which consists of a font list element tag and either a font or a font set. When Motif displays text, it associates the text with a font list element tag in a font list and uses the corresponding font or font set to render the text.
A group of fonts often representing the fonts needed to display text in the encoding of a particular locale.
A directory associated with an individual user.
The user's current directory on login or after issuing the cd command with no argument.
A parameter that supplies the full path name of the home directory for the transaction program.
The directory in which you are placed after you log in. Your home directory is where you keep all of your files. Enter cd to change to your home directory. Enter echo $HOME to view the path and name of your home directory.
See internationalization.
A picture or graphical representation of an objection a display screen to which a user can point to with a device such as a mouse in order to select a particular operation or perform a certain action.
A pictorial representation of an object or a selection choice. Icons can represent objects that users want to work on or actions that users want to perform. A unique icon also represents the application when it is minimized.
A small graphical image used to represent a window. Windows can be turned into icons or minimized to save room or unclutter the workspace.
An element representing an object or an window as a graphic, often with an associated text label.
A window for organizing icons.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that the mouse pointer is over.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that the mouse pointer is over. See also pointer focus.
A focus policy, based on pointer movement, in which keyboard events are automatically sent to the window and control where the pointer is located. Also referred to as pointer-driven focus. Contrast with explicit focus. See also explicit focus.
A DialogBox that is used to display an informational message.
A layer of mapping between the keyboard keys (or combination of keys) that the user types and the text data that is passed to the application.
The graphical symbol that provides the visual cue to the location of the insertion point.
The graphical symbol that provides the visual cue to the location of the insertion point in a Text component.
The process of generalizing programs or systems so that they can handle a variety of languages, character sets, and national customs.
Indicates the window or component within a window that receives keyboard input. It is sometimes called the input focus.
A state of the system that indicates which component receives keyboard events. A component is said to have the focus if keyboard events are sent to that component.
A component that presents a list of items for selection.
The language. geographic location, and software environment required to support the local language and customs. For example, the environment required to support the French language in Canada is a locale. A locale can include information about the language, the code set used to represent the language, the collating sequence, and cultural requirements for printing numeric and date values.
The international environment of an application program that defines the language-dependent behavior of the program at run time. An application derives the locale based on internal procedures and a set of implementation-defined values.
A graphical symbol that marks the current location of the keyboard input focus for selection. Typically, this symbol is a box that surrounds the current object.
To move a window to the bottom of the window stack on the workspace.
The component that organizes the contents of an application.
To enlarge a window to its maximum size.
A control button placed on a window manager window frame and used to initiate the maximize function.
The button on the mwm title bar that is used to initiate the maximize function. The button contains a large square graphic.
A button on the title bar that represents the Maximize choice. The user activates this button to enlarge the window to its largest size.
A list of available selections from which a user chooses.
A rectangular area at the top of the client area of a window that contains the titles of the standard Pulldown Menus for that application.
A DialogBox that presents a message to the user.
To turn a window into an icon.
A control button placed on a window manager window frame and used to initiate the minimize function.
The button on the mwm title bar that is used to initiate the minimize function. The button contains a small square graphic.
A button on the title bar that represents the Minimize choice. The user activates this button to remove the window and all secondary windows dependent on the window being minimized, and to display the corresponding window icon.
A symbol chosen to help the user remember the significance of the symbol.
The field of an assembler instruction that contains the acronym or abbreviation for a machine instruction. Using mnemonics frees the programmer from having to remember the machine's numeric operator codes.
A single character (frequently the initial character) of a Menu selection. When the Menu is displayed and the user presses the key that corresponds to that character, the Menu selection is chosen.
A character that the user can type (possibly augmented with Alt) to move the focus elsewhere in a window or menu and/or to activate or toggle a choice whose label contains and emphasizes that character.
A DialogBox that requires a response before you can interact with other components in an application.
A state of a dialog that requires the user to interact with the dialog before interacting with other parts of the application or with other applications. Three modal styles exist: primary application modal, full application modal, and system modal. See also modeless.
A state in which the user must complete the operation of the mode before continuing.
A DialogBox that does not limit your interaction with the rest of an application.
A state of a dialog that does not require the user to interact with the dialog before interacting with other parts of the application or with other applications. See also modal.
A state that does not interfere with the user performing any other action.
A Menu that is associated with an OptionButton. It presents a list of choices within a relatively small space.
A component that allows you to adjust the relative size of its components.
A variable that holds the address of a data object.
In computer graphics, a manually operated functional unit used to specify an addressable point. A pointer may be used to conduct interactive graphic operations, such as selection of one member of a predetermined set of display elements, or indication of a position on a display space while generating coordinate data.
A physical or symbolic identifier of a unique target.
The device attached to the cursor and tracked on the screen.
The graphical image that appears on the workspace and represents the current location of a mouse or other pointing device.
A visible cue, usually in the shape of an arrow, that a user can move with a pointing device. Users place the pointer over elements they want to work with.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that the mouse pointer is over. See also implicit focus.
A Menu that provides no visual cue to its presence, but simply pops up when a user performs a particular action. Popup Menus are associated with a particular area of the workspace, such as the client area of an application, and a user must memorize where these areas are.
A state of a Menu where it remains in a visible state even though a mouse button is not being held down. See also spring-loaded.
To hold down a mouse button or a key.
To press a key or mouse button or other button on an input device.
A top-level window of an application. Primary windows can be minimized.
A window in which the main interaction between the user and an object or application takes place.
A DialogBox that prompts the user for some input.
A Menu that is pulled down from a client application's title bar.
A graphic component that simulates a real-life push button. When a user pushes the PushButton, by pressing a key or a mouse button, an action takes place.
A graphic component that simulates a real-life PushButton. You use the mouse to push the button and start an action.
A DialogBox that asks the user to answer a question.
A graphic component that simulates the buttons on a real-life car radio. Each button represents a mutually exclusive selection. RadioButtons are typically used for setting states or modes.
A variable that controls a single aspect of the appearance or behavior of an application or component.
An element of a database representing options or values for attributes of an application. A resource is a triple consisting of a name, a class, and a value. A name and class may consist of components, each identifying the name or class of a particular level of a hierarchy. A widget can also have resources, whose values are derived from the resource database or set directly by the application.
DFS: The translation of a previously dumped fileset back into fileset format and its eventual replacement in the file system. The operation need not involve recovery from other media such as tapes. The DFS Backup System allows several different types of restores, including full restores and date-specific restores. See also date-specific restore, dump, full restore.
To return to an original value or image. For example, to restore a library from diskette.
To return an icon or maximized window to its normal size.
The Menu associated with the root window.
The window that covers the entire screen. The root window is the backdrop of your X environment. All windows and graphic objects appear stacked on the root window.
A window that covers the entire viewable extent of the screen and is the ancestor of all other windows on the screen.
The component of a PanedWindow that allows you to adjust the relative size of adjacent panes.
A component that allows you to select a value from a continuous range of values.
A graphical device used to change a user's view of the contents of a window. A ScrollBar consists of a slider, a trough, and scroll arrows. A user changes the view by sliding the slider up or down in the scroll area or by pressing one of the scroll arrows. These actions cause the view to scroll up or down in the window adjacent to the ScrollBar.
A component that frames other components and provides ScrollBars as necessary to view the contents of the window.
A child window of a primary window.
A window dependent on another window, either primary or second ary, that is used to supplement the interaction in that window.
A DialogBox that allows you to make a selection from a list of choices.
RPC: The party that receives remote procedure calls. A given application can act as both an RPC server and an RPC client. See also client.
CDS: A node running CDS server software. A CDS server handles name-lookup requests and maintains the contents of the clearinghouse or clearinghouses at its node.
DTS: A system or process that synchronizes with its peers and provides its clock value to clerks and their client applications.
DFS: A provider of resources or services. See also client.
GDS: The server consists of a DSA, which accesses the database, and an S-stub, which handles the connection over the communications network for responding to remote clients and accessing remote servers.
An application program that usually runs in the background (daemon) and is controlled by the System Program Controller.
On a network, the computer that contains the data or provides the facilities to be accessed by other computers on the network.
A program that handles protocol, queuing, routing, and other tasks necessary for data transfer between devices in a computer system.
The component of the X Window System that manages input and the visual display.
The portion of a distributed program that handles requests for service from one or more client programs. The server's address space is separate from the client address spaces. See also client.
A state of a Menu where it remains only as long as a mouse button is being held down. See also posted.
A Menu that remains posted until you cancel it.
A component for entering and editing text.
A button that has two states.
A window of short duration such as a DialogBox. The window is displayed for only a short time, usually just long enough to convey some information or get some operational directions.
A DialogBox that presents a warning to the user.
The technical term for user-interface components.
An object used to hold data and present an interface to the user. A widget is a combination of state and procedure. Each widget is a member of a class, which holds the procedures and data structures common to all widgets of that class. A widget instance holds the procedures and data structures particular to that single widget. Each widget class typically provides the general behavior associated with a particular kind of interaction with the user.
In curses, the internal representation of what a portion of the display may look like at some point in time. Windows can be any size, from the entire display screen to a single character.
A division of a screen in which one of several programs being executing concurrently can display information.
In data communications, the number of data packets a DTE or DCE can send across a logical channel before waiting for authorization to send another data packet. The window is the main mechanism of pacing, or flow control, of packets.
In X.25 communications, the number of packets that can be outstanding without acknowledgement.
In the context of the OSF/1 loader, a temporarily established mapping for a (possibly) small piece of a file.
A data structure that represents all or part of the display screen. Visually, a window is represented as a subarea of the display screen.
An area with visible boundaries that can be defined so that the user can view interact with an application.
The frame and window-control buttons that surround windows managed by the Motif Window Manager.
The position and size of a window.
A program that controls the size, placement, and operation of windows on the workspace. The window manager includes the functional window frames that surround each window object and may include a separate Menu for the workspace.
A program that provides users with the capability to manipulate windows on the workspace; for example, opening, resizing, moving, and closing windows.
The Menu that appears when the Window Menu button is pressed. The Window Menu typically contains selections for restoring, moving, sizing, minimizing, maximizing, and closing the window.
The graphical control button that appears at the left side of the title bar in the window frame. The button posts the Window Menu.
A DialogBox that informs the user that the application is busy performing a task.
A network-based graphics windowing system.