A selection often used to cut or copy data from one client and paste it into another client or another window of the same client.
The principal selection, used to transfer data from one client to another or to another window of the same client.
A selection that is automatically deselected when a new primary selection is made elsewhere.
A selection, usually transitory, used to transfer data from one client to another or to another window of the same client without disturbing the primary selection.
Addressing a terminal or a component on a selective calling circuit.
The process by which a computer requests a station to send it a message.
* See also addressing.
The object or action that is selected. Menus are composed of selection items. DialogBoxes contain components, each of which represents a selection.
A mechanism for transferring data from one client to another or to another window of the same client. The principal types of selection are primary, secondary, and clipboard. The display contains only one selection of each type. It is owned by a client or by no one and, if owned, is attached to a window of the owning client.
An assocation between an abstract key or pointer button, known as a virtual key or virtual button, and a physical key or button on the display.
A model, used by this style guide, which defines mouse button bindings independent of the actual number of buttons on the mouse.
An abstract representation of a pointer button that is independent of any physical button. A virtual button is associated with a physical button by means of a virtual binding.
An abstract representation of a key that is independent of any physical key. A virtual key is associated with a physical key by means of a virtual binding.