XmeTraitGet — Returns the trait record associated with a given object
#include <Xm/XmP.h>
XtPointer XmeTraitGet
(object, trait);Use XmeTraitGet to determine whether or not a given object has installed a given trait. (Widgets install traits by calling XmeTraitSet.) If object has installed trait, you can use XmeTraitGet to get a pointer to the associated trait record. After obtaining this pointer, you can call the trait methods of trait.
object | Specifies the object (typically, a widget class) that you are inquiring about. | |
trait | Specifies the trait name. The trait name must be an XrmQuark value; for example, XmQTaccessTextual. |
If trait was installed on object, XmeTraitGet returns a pointer to the associated trait record. Otherwise, it returns NULL.