XmQTcontainerItem — A widget holding this trait can serve as a child of a widget holding the XmQTcontainer trait
#include <Xm/ContItemT.h>
typedef struct {
Mask valueMask;
unsigned char view_type;
unsigned char visual_emphasis;
Dimension icon_width;
Cardinal detail_count;
} XmContainerItemDataRec, *XmContainerItemData;
typedef struct {
int version;
XmContainerItemSetValuesProc setValues;
XmContainerItemGetValuesProc getValues;
} XmContainerItemTraitRec, *XmContainerItemTrait;
void (*XmContainerItemSetValuesProc)
(, ,
void (*XmContainerItemGetValuesProc)
, );
A widget holding the XmQTcontainerItem trait can serve as
a child to a widget holding the XmQTcontainer trait.
XmIconGadget is the only standard Motif class holding
the XmQTcontainerItem trait.
XmContainer is the only standard Motif widget
that examines its children for this trait.
The setValues Trait Method
void setValues
(containerChildWidget, containerItemData);
A container widget (such as XmContainer)
calls the setValues trait method of its
in order to set certain visual properties.
containerChildWidget | | Specifies the container child widget that is holding this trait.
containerItemData | | Specifies an XmContainerItemData structure.
This structure holds five
fields, but only the first three fields are meaningful to the
setValues trait method.
Following is a description of those three fields:
valueMask | | Specifies a bit mask. Each bit in the bit mask symbolizes
a visual property affected by the setValues trait method.
If a particular bit is set to 1,
setValues modifies the associated visual property.
If this same bit holds a 0,
setValues does not modify the associated visual property.
To help you set bits,
the ContItemT.h header file provides three relevant constants.
ContItemViewType | | Sets the view_type visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemVisualEmphasis | | Sets the setValues visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemAllValid | | Sets both visual property bits to 1.
| view_type | | Specifies the view type of widget.
For example, when XmContainer calls setValues,
it passes a view_type value of
(See the XmIconGadget(3) reference page for a description
| visual_emphasis | | Specifies the visual emphasis of widget.
For example, when XmContainer calls setValues,
it passes a visualEmphasis value of
See the XmIconGadget(3) reference page for a description
The getValues Trait Method
void getValues
(containerChildWidget, containerItemData);
A container widget calls the getValues trait method of its
containerChildWidget to determine what visual properties
the containerChildWidget provides.
containerChildWidget | | Specifies the child widget that is holding this trait.
containerItemData | | Specifies an XmContainerItemData structure.
This structure holds the following five fields:
valueMask | | Specifies a bit mask. Each bit in the bit mask symbolizes
a visual property returned by the getValues trait method.
If the caller sets a particular bit to 1,
getValues returns meaningful information about the
associated visual property.
However, if the caller places a 0 in this same bit,
then getValues does not return meaningful information about
the associated visual property. In short, the valueMask lets
the caller specify the visual properties that it is interested in.
To help you set bits,
the ContItemT.h header file provides the following
five constants:
ContItemViewType | | Sets the view_type visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemVisualEmphasis | | Sets the visual_emphasis visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemIconWidth | | Sets the icon_width visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemDetailCount | | Sets the detail_count visual property bit to 1.
| ContItemAllValid | | Sets all four visual property bits to 1.
| view_type | | Returns the view type of childContainerWidget.
If XmContainer is managing containerChildWidget,
XmContainer expects that the returned value will be
See the XmIconGadget(3) reference page for a description
of these two values.
| visual_emphasis | | Returns the visual emphasis of childContainerWidget.
If XmContainer is managing widget,
XmContainer expects that the returned value will be
(See the XmIconGadget(3) reference page for a description
of these two values.)
| icon_width | | Returns the width of the icon.
(This width will not include the width of any associated detail strings.)
| detail_count | | Returns the number of details strings in this container child.