A temporary change in the mouse pointer gain.
A key or sequence of keys (typically a modifier key and some other key) that provides a shortcut, immediately accessing a program function.
Invocation of a component's primary action. For example, the user activates a PushButton by pressing BSelect on the PushButton.
A position in a collection of selectable objects that marks one endpoint of an extended selection range.
A state of a window in which interaction is limited to that window and windows outside of that window's application.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of applying the current changes in the DialogBox without closing the DialogBox.
A means of PushButton activation where a mouse button is pressed and held on a PushButton and the PushButton continues to activate at regular intervals until the mouse button is released.
A selection model that allows browsing through single selection collections.
A button on a mouse pointing device; mouse buttons can be mapped to the keyboard. A graphical component on a window frame or in a DialogBox that works by pressing it.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of closing the DialogBox without implementing any changes.
A submenu that provides selections that amplify the parent selection on a Pulldown or Popup Menu.
A component used to select settings that are not mutually exclusive. The visual cue to the selection is frequently that the button is filled in or checked.
To press and release a mouse button. The term comes from the fact that pressing and releasing most mouse buttons makes a clicking sound.
The area within the borders of a primary window's frame that is controlled by an application.
Any device used to store text or graphics during cut-and-paste operations.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of closing the DialogBox. Close is also used as a selection in Menus to close the window associated with the Menu.
An area of a window, similar to the control panels in real life, that is used to hold PushButtons and other graphical components.
A graphical image, usually a pipe (|) or block, that shows the location where text will appear on the screen when keys on the keyboard are pressed or where a selection can be made.
See workspace.
The location at which transfer actions place data.
A secondary window that the user can display and that contains application components.
A selection that is not currently available.
A selection model that allows multiple discontiguous selections.
To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession.
A transfer mechanism where data is dragged from a source to a drop site using mouse motion.
A graphic that is generated using pixmaps and is moved during a drag operation. The drag icon is composed of a source pixmap, a state cursor, and an operation cursor.
See drag and drop.
An area of the screen on which the user can drop a drag icon.
A means of activation where double-clicking on a PushButton activates a different action from clicking the PushButton.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that was specified explicitly with a mouse button press or a keyboard event.
A state of the system that indicates which component receives keyboard events. A component is said to have the focus if keyboard events are sent to that component.
The model by which keyboard focus is moved among components. See also explicit focus.
The ratio of the distance the pointer moves to the distance the mouse moves.
A Menu selection that is not currently available and so has been dimmed.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of providing help for the DialogBox.
A graphic technique used to provide a visual cue to the current selection or to the current location of the input focus. Highlighting is frequently accomplished by reversing the video of the selection.
The area of a graphical image used as a pointer or cursor that is defined as the point of the pointer or cursor.
A graphical image used to symbolize the passage of time and provide a visual cue that the application is currently performing an operation.
A graphical image used to represent the location of the mouse pointer in a text entry box and providing a visual cue that text can be entered in an area.
A small graphical image used to represent a window. Windows can be turned into icons or minimized to save room or unclutter the workspace.
A window for organizing icons.
A keyboard focus model that sends keyboard events to the window or component that the mouse pointer is over.
The graphical symbol that provides the visual cue to the location of the insertion point.
An input device consisting of various keys that allows the user to input data, control cursor and pointer locations, and to control the dialog with the workstation.
Indicates the window or component within a window that receives keyboard input. It is sometimes called the input focus.
The text part of an icon or graphical component.
A component that provides users with a scrollable list of options from which to choose.
A graphical symbol that marks the current location of the keyboard input focus for selection. Typically, this symbol is a box that surrounds the current object.
To move a window to the bottom of the window stack on the workspace.
To enlarge a window to its maximum size.
A control button placed on a window manager window frame and used to initiate the maximize function.
A list of available selections from which a user chooses.
A collection of Menus cascading from a single CascadeButton.
An application window used to contain a Menu. Menu windows are transitory.
A rectangular area at the top of the client area of a window that contains the titles of the standard Pulldown Menus for that application.
A collection of Menus associated with a MenuBar and the MenuBar itself.
The generic name for any DialogBox that provides information, gives the current state of a work in progress, asks a question, issues a warning, or draws attention to an error.
To turn a window into an icon.
A control button placed on a window manager window frame and used to initiate the minimize function.
A single character (frequently the initial character) of a Menu selection. When the Menu is displayed and the user presses the key that corresponds to that character, the Menu selection is chosen.
A fictional keyboard that contains the keys and key labels described by this guide.
A key that, when pressed with another key, changes the meaning of the other key. <Ctrl>, <Alt>, and <Shift> are modifier keys.
Movement of the mouse.
A pointing device commonly used in conjunction with a keyboard in point-and-click, object- oriented user interfaces.
A button on a mouse pointing device. Mouse buttons can be pressed, released, moved, clicked, and double-clicked.
To click a mouse button multiple times without moving the pointer.
To press a mouse button multiple times without moving the pointer and then move the mouse pointer.
A selection model that allows multiple single selections.
To press a mouse button multiple times without moving the pointer.
An action that causes the focus to move to another component.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of answering "no" and closing the DialogBox.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of answering "OK" and closing the DialogBox without implementing any changes.
To start an action or begin working with a text, data, or graphics file.
Inserting data into an area. Pasting is commonly used in reference to text files where a block of text is cut from one area and pasted into another area.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of pausing the action of the DialogBox.
The graphical image that appears on the workspace and represents the current location of a mouse or other pointing device.
A device such as a mouse, trackball, or graphics tablet that allows users to move a pointer about on the workspace and point to graphical objects.
A Menu that provides no visual cue to its presence, but simply pops up when a user performs a particular action. Popup Menus are associated with a particular area of the workspace, such as the client area of an application, and a user must memorize where these areas are.
A state of a Menu where it remains in a visible state even though a mouse button is not being held down. See also spring-loaded.
To hold down a mouse button or a key.
A means of PushButton activation where information about the impending action of a button release is displayed on the button press action.
A state of a window in which interaction is limited to that window and windows that are not ancestors of that window.
A transfer mechanism where the primary selection is transferred to the destination.
A top-level window of an application. Primary windows can be minimized.
A Menu that is pulled down from a client application's title bar.
A graphic component that simulates a real-life push button. When a user pushes the PushButton, by pressing a key or a mouse button, an action takes place.
A transfer mechanism where selected data is immediately transferred to the destination.
A graphic component that simulates the buttons on a real-life car radio. Each button represents a mutually exclusive selection. RadioButtons are typically used for setting states or modes.
A selection model that allows selection of a range of elements.
To let up on a mouse button or key that has been pressed. Sometimes it is the press that initiates the action; sometimes it is the release.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of resetting the initial state of the DialogBox.
To change the height or width of a window.
The window manager window frame part that surrounds the client area of an application and that is used to change the height or width of the window.
To return an icon or maximized window to its normal size.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of resuming the action of a DialogBox previously paused.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of retrying the action whose failure posted the DialogBox.
To write changes to a data file to a storage device for safekeeping.
A graphical device used to change a user's view of the contents of a window. A ScrollBar consists of a slider, a trough, and scroll arrows. A user changes the view by sliding the slider up or down in the scroll area or by pressing one of the scroll arrows. These actions cause the view to scroll up or down in the window adjacent to the ScrollBar.
A child window of a primary window.
To choose an object to be acted upon or an action to be performed.
The object or action that is selected. Menus are composed of selection items. DialogBoxes contain components, each of which represents a selection.
A selection model that allows selection of a single element.
One of the graphical components of a ScrollBar or Scale. The slider is the object that is dragged along the scroll area to cause a change.
A state of a Menu where it remains only as long as a mouse button is being held down. See also posted.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of stopping the work in progress indicated by the DialogBox.
A cascading Menu.
See window Menu.
A state of a window in which interaction is limited to that window.
See insertion cursor.
The area at the top of the window frame immediately beneath the resize border. The title bar has two functions: it contains a title or name that identifies the window, and it can be grabbed and dragged to relocate the window.
The bar across the top of a window manager window that consists of the window Menu button, the title area, and the window-control buttons.
A window of short duration such as a DialogBox. The window is displayed for only a short time, usually just long enough to convey some information or get some operational directions.
See navigation (traversal).
A model, used by this style guide, which defines mouse button bindings independent of the actual number of buttons on the mouse.
A data structure that represents all or part of the display screen. Visually, a window is represented as a subarea of the display screen.
The frame and window-control buttons that surround windows managed by the window manager.
The area surrounding a window. A window frame can consist of a resize border, a window Menu button, a title bar, and window-control buttons.
A program that controls the size, placement, and operation of windows on the workspace. The window manager includes the functional window frames that surround each window object and may include a separate Menu for the workspace.
The Menu that appears when the window Menu button is pressed. The window Menu typically contains selections for restoring, moving, sizing, minimizing, maximizing, and closing the window.
The graphical control button that appears at the left side of the title bar in the window frame.
Moving the keyboard focus among windows.
The CRT screen. The area on which the windows of a user's environment appear. The workspace is sometimes called the desk, desktop, or root window.
A label given to a PushButton in some DialogBoxes that performs the action of answering "yes" and closing the DialogBox.