- -lvl
- Performing Preliminary Steps
- API, Compression Library
- Programming With the Compression Library
- application
- creating
- Programming With the Video Library
- sample, location
- Generic Video Tools
- Video Library Capabilities
- audio compression
- OCTANE Compression Features
- blending, before or after zooming
- Using VL_ZOOM
- bufCompression Library
- buffered interface
- Using the Buffering Interface
- buffer
- VL Architectural Model of Video Devices
- CL
- Using the Buffering Interface
- creating
- Creating a Buffer
- creating for video data
- Creating a Buffer for Video Data
- flushing
- Hardware Buffer Flushing and Latency
- getting DMediaInfo and image data from
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- internal versus external
- Creating a Buffer
- managing
- Managing Buffers
- architecture
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- non-blocking playback
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Playback Application
- non-blocking recording application
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Record Application
- playback application
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- reading data from
- Reading Data From the Buffer
- reading frames to memory from
- Reading the Frames to Memory From the Buffer
- record application
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- registering
- Registering the VL Buffer
- ring
- Using the Buffering Interface
- capture type, specifying in application
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- CL. See Compression Library
- OCTANE Compression and the Compression Library
- Compression Ratio and Quality Parameters
- Data Format Parameters
- Buffer Parameters
- Determining the JPEG Codec
- Data Format Parameters
- Buffer Parameters
- Controlling JPEG Compressed Image Quality
- Compressing Frames
- Controlling Compression and Decompression Operation
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Controlling Compression and Decompression Operation
- Compressing Frames
- Getting Compressed Image Information
- Getting Compressed Image Information
- Adding OCTANE Compression Support to an Application
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- Compression Ratio and Quality Parameters
- Compressing Frames
- Buffer Parameters
- Buffer Parameters
- Buffer Parameters
- Using Frame Type Parameters
- Image Frame Dimension Parameters
- Memory-to-Memory Decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Memory-to-Memory Compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Getting Stream Information
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Getting Stream Information
- Image Frame Dimension Parameters
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Memory-to-Memory Decompression
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Memory-to-Memory Compression
- Controlling Compression and Decompression Operation
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Interleaving
- Interleaving
- Determining the JPEG Codec
- Data Format Parameters
- Memory-to-Memory Compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Memory-to-Memory Decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- Memory-to-Memory Compression
- Memory-to-Memory Decompression
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Defining and Using Custom JPEG Quantization Tables
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- Specifying a JPEG Quality Factor
- Defining and Using Custom JPEG Quantization Tables
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- Closing a Decompressor
- Closing a Compressor
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Data Format Parameters
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Data Format Parameters
- Buffer Parameters
- clCloseCompressor()
- Closing a Compressor
- clCloseDecompressor()
- Closing a Decompressor
- clCompress()
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Record Application
- Compressing Frames
- Compressing Frames
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- clCompressImage()
- Using the Still Image Interface
- clCreateBuf()
- Getting Stream Information
- Creating a Buffer
- clDecompress()
- Decompressing Frames
- Decompressing Frames
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- clDecompressImage()
- Using the Still Image Interface
- clDestroyBuf()
- Creating a Buffer
- clDoneUpdatingHead()
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- Managing Buffers
- clGetAlgorithmName()
- Getting an Algorithm Scheme or Name
- client
- Video Daemon
- clipping
- compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- VL control
- Padding and Scaling
- clOpenCompressor()
- Opening a Compressor
- clOpenDecompressor()
- Opening a Decompressor
- clQuery()
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- clQueryAlgorithms()
- Getting a List of Algorithms
- clQueryBufferHdl()
- Creating a Buffer
- clQueryFree()
- Managing Buffers
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- clQueryHandle()
- Creating a Buffer
- clQueryLicense()
- Getting License Information
- clQueryMaxHeaderSize()
- Getting Stream Information
- clQueryScheme()
- Getting Stream Information
- clQuerySchemeFromHandle()
- Getting an Algorithm Scheme or Name
- clQuerySchemeFromName()
- Getting an Algorithm Scheme or Name
- Opening a Compression Session
- clQueryValid()
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Record Application
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- Managing Buffers
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- clReadHeader()
- Getting Stream Information
- clUpdateHead()
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- Managing Buffers
- clUpdateTail()
- Creating a Basic Buffered Playback Application
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- Managing Buffers
- codec
- available
- Adding OCTANE Compression Support to an Application
- JPEG, determining
- Determining the JPEG Codec
- node
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- Compressing Frames
- compression
- format
- OCTANE Compression Formats
- hardware acceleration
- Using the Buffering Interface
- image
- Using the Still Image Interface
- multiprocessing example
- Creating Buffered Multiprocess Record and Play Applications
- multithreading
- Using the Buffering Interface
- performance
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- Compression Library
- Programming With the Compression Library
- error handling
- Error Handling
- file I/O
- Error Handling
- Compression Library
- OCTANE Compression and the Compression Library
- OCTANE Compression Features
- algorithms
- Using Compression Library Algorithms
- choosing
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- independence
- Querying Compression Library Algorithms
- performance statistics
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- querying
- Querying Compression Library Algorithms
- buffered interface
- Using the Buffering Interface
- parameters
- Using Compression Library Parameters
- Video Library Controls and Compression Library Parameters for the OCTANE Compression Option
- definitions
- Compression Library Parameter Definitions
- frame type
- Using Frame Type Parameters
- setting, querying
- Setting and Querying Compression Library Parameters
- sequential interface
- Using the Sequential Frame Interface
- Using the Sequential Frame Interface
- still-frame interface
- Using the Still Image Interface
- compressor
- Compressing a Sequence of Frames
- connection
- Port
- consuming
- Using the Buffering Interface
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- contcapt.c (OpenGL)
- Example Programs
- control
- Using Video Library Controls
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- VL Architectural Model of Video Devices
- Device Node Controls
- classes
- VL Control Classes
- fraction ranges
- VL Control Fraction Ranges
- groupings
- VL Control Groupings
- in header file
- Using Video Library Controls
- type and values
- VL Control Type and Values
- conventions
- Conventions
- ctrlusage
- Setting Up the Data Path
- daemon, video
- Video Daemon
- opening connection to
- Opening a Connection to the Video Daemon
- data transfer
- ending
- Ending Data Transfer
- starting
- Starting Data Transfer
- to and from memory
- Setting Parameters for Data Transfer to or From Memory or Codec Nodes
- decimation
- Using VL_ZOOM
- compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- decompressor
- Decompressing a Sequence of Frames
- dev_mgv.h
- Library and Header Files
- device
- VL Architectural Model of Video Devices
- ID, getting
- Getting the Device ID
- management
- Video Daemon
- video, transferring data
- Transferring Video Data to and From Devices
- Using OCTANE Compression Image Formats
- Setting Interlacing for NTSC and PAL
- DMediaInfo, getting from buffer
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- documentation, other
- Other Documents
- drain
- Node
- blending and zooming
- Using VL_ZOOM
- contrrol for default
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- node controls, setting
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- See also memory node, screen node, video node
- Programming With the Video Library
- error handling, Compression Library
- Error Handling
- event
- masks
- Specifying the Path-Related Events to Be Captured
- specifying path-related
- Specifying the Path-Related Events to Be Captured
- trigger
- Starting Data Transfer
- explicit routing
- Setting Up the Data Path
- external buffer
- Creating a Buffer
- field dominance, memory source node control
- Memory Node DMA Controls
- Setting Field Dominance
- field mask
- file I/O in the Compression Library
- Error Handling
- format, compression
- OCTANE Compression Formats
- gray-scale
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- hardware acceleration
- Padding and Scaling
- compression
- Using the Buffering Interface
- header
- reading
- Getting Stream Information
- structure
- Getting Stream Information
- header file
- Library and Header Files
- VL
- Library and Header Files
- Huffman encoding
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- JPEG and MPEG Parameters
- Controlling JPEG Compressed Image Quality
- Defining and Using Custom JPEG Quantization Tables
- image compression
- Using the Still Image Interface
- image data, getting from buffer
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- implicit and explicit routing
- Setting Up the Data Path
- See also connection
- Setting Up the Data Path
- interlacing
- Setting Interlacing for NTSC and PAL
- interleaving
- Interleaving
- internal buffer
- Creating a Buffer
- Using the Still Image Interface
- data
- getting
- Getting Compressed Image Information
- invalid
- Using the Still Image Interface
- Getting Compressed Image Information
- latency
- Hardware Buffer Flushing and Latency
- license, algorithms
- Getting License Information
- linking
- Performing Preliminary Steps
- malloc()
- Getting an Algorithm Scheme or Name
- manuals, other
- Other Documents
- memory
- and data transfer
- Setting Parameters for Data Transfer to or From Memory or Codec Nodes
- node
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- node controls
- Memory Node Controls
- node DMA controls
- Memory Node DMA Controls
- reading from buffer to
- Reading the Frames to Memory From the Buffer
- sending frames to video from
- Sending Frames From Memory to Video
- memtovid
- Generic Video Tools
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- mtov.c (OpenGL)
- Example Programs
- multimedia applications, choosing a compression method
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- multiple clients
- Video Daemon
- multiprocessing compression
- Using the Buffering Interface
- example
- Creating Buffered Multiprocess Record and Play Applications
- MVC1
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- node
- VL Architectural Model of Video Devices
- adding
- Adding a Node
- defined
- Node
- setting controls
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- specifying
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- NTSC interlacing
- Setting Interlacing for NTSC and PAL
- OCTANE Compression
- and video options
- OCTANE Compression and Video Options
- features
- OCTANE Compression Features and Capabilities
- OpenGL programs
- Example Programs
- padding
- compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- VL controls
- Padding and Scaling
- PAL interlacing
- Setting Interlacing for NTSC and PAL
- parameters, Compression Library
- Using Compression Library Parameters
- definitions
- Compression Library Parameter Definitions
- frame type
- Using Frame Type Parameters
- setting, querying
- Setting and Querying Compression Library Parameters
- path
- VL Architectural Model of Video Devices
- blending
- Path
- creating
- Creating the Path
- creating and setting up
- Creating and Setting Up the Data Path
- defined
- Path
- setting up
- Setting Up the Data Path
- specifying events
- Specifying the Path-Related Events to Be Captured
- specifying nodes on
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- playback, non-blocking
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Playback Application
- port, defined
- Port
- predefined scheme value
- Opening a Compression Session
- producing
- Using the Buffering Interface
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- recording
- using buffers for non-blocking compression
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Record Application
- using buffers to compress for
- Creating a Buffered Record Application
- ring buffer
- head and tail
- Using the Buffering Interface
- See also buffer
- Using the Buffering Interface
- RTR1
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- sample programs
- Video Library Capabilities
- Generic Video Tools
- scaling
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- compression
- Video-to-Memory Compression
- decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- Memory-to-Video Decompression
- VL controls
- Padding and Scaling
- scheme pound define
- Opening a Compression Session
- sequential interface of the Compression Library
- Using the Sequential Frame Interface
- simpleccapt.c
- Example Programs
- simplegrab.c
- Example Programs
- simplem2v.c
- Example Programs
- simplev2s.c
- Example Programs
- source
- Node
- blending and zooming
- Using VL_ZOOM
- control for default
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- node controls, setting
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- See also memory node, screen node, video node
- Programming With the Video Library
- sproc()
- Creating Buffered Multiprocess Record and Play Applications
- Creating a Nonblocking Buffered Record Application
- starvation policy
- Memory Node DMA Controls
- streamusage
- Setting Up the Data Path
- syntax
- The VL Programming Model
- telecommunications, choosing a compression method
- Choosing a Compression Library Algorithm
- tools, VL
- Generic Video Tools
- trigger
- Starting Data Transfer
- vcp
- Generic Video Tools
- video
- daemon
- Video Daemon
- opening connection to
- Opening a Connection to the Video Daemon
- data transfer
- Transferring Video Data to and From Devices
- ending
- Ending Data Transfer
- starting
- Starting Data Transfer
- to and from memory
- Setting Parameters for Data Transfer to or From Memory or Codec Nodes
- drain
- Node
- format, converting
- node
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- sending frames from memory to
- Sending Frames From Memory to Video
- source
- Node
- Video Library
- OCTANE Compression and the Video Library
- Video Library. See VL
- VL System Software Architecture
- videod
- Video Daemon
- videoin
- Generic Video Tools
- videoout
- Generic Video Tools
- videopanel
- Generic Video Tools
- vidtomem
- Generic Video Tools
- vidtomem.c (OpenGL)
- Example Programs
- vintovout
- Generic Video Tools
- VL
- capabilities
- Video Library Capabilities
- control
- Using Video Library Controls
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- See also control
- VL Control Type and Values
- controls
- Video Library Controls and Compression Library Parameters for the OCTANE Compression Option
- device management
- Video Daemon
- header files
- Library and Header Files
- programming model
- The VL Programming Model
- requirements for running
- Performing Preliminary Steps
- syntax
- The VL Programming Model
- system software architecture
- VL System Software Architecture
- tools
- Generic Video Tools
- VL buffer
- Creating a Buffer for Video Data
- vl.h
- Library and Header Files
- and buffer size
- Creating a Buffer for Video Data
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- Padding and Scaling
- vl_mgv.h
- Library and Header Files
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- Using VL_SIZE
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- Using VL_ZOOM
- vlAddNode()
- Adding a Node
- vlBeginTransfer()
- Starting Data Transfer
- vlCloseVideo()
- Ending Data Transfer
- vlcmd
- Generic Video Tools
- vlCreateBuffer()
- Creating a Buffer for Video Data
- vlCreatePath()
- Creating the Path
- vlDeregisterBuffer()
- Ending Data Transfer
- vlDestroyBuffer()
- Ending Data Transfer
- vlDestroyPath()
- Ending Data Transfer
- vlEndTransfer()
- Ending Data Transfer
- Starting Data Transfer
- vlGetActiveRegion()
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- vlGetControl()
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- vlGetDevice()
- Getting the Device ID
- vlGetDMediaInfo()
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- vlGetImageInfo()
- Getting DMediaInfo and Image Data From the Buffer
- vlGetLatestValid()
- Reading the Frames to Memory From the Buffer
- Reading Data From the Buffer
- vlGetNextFree()
- Sending Frames From Memory to Video
- vlGetNextValid()
- Reading the Frames to Memory From the Buffer
- Reading Data From the Buffer
- vlGetNode()
- Specifying Nodes on the Data Path
- vlGetTransferSize()
- Creating a Buffer for Video Data
- vlinfo
- Generic Video Tools
- vlOpenVideo()
- Opening a Connection to the Video Daemon
- vlPutFree()
- Reading Data From the Buffer
- Reading the Frames to Memory From the Buffer
- vlPutValid()
- Sending Frames From Memory to Video
- vlRegisterBuffer()
- Registering the VL Buffer
- vlSelectEvents()
- Specifying the Path-Related Events to Be Captured
- vlSetConnection()
- Setting Up the Data Path
- vlSetControl()
- Setting Node Controls for Data Transfer
- vlSetupPaths()
- Setting Up the Data Path
- wrap
- Managing Buffers
- Producing and Consuming Data in Buffers
- zoom
- Using VL_ZOOM
- before or after blending
- Using VL_ZOOM