- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- acbuf()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- acbuf() arguments
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- accumulation buffer
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- accumulation buffer operations
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- acsize()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction()
- afunction() Test Functions
- alpha component, lighting
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- alpha test functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- angles
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- antialiasing
- Porting Antialiasing Calls
- Antialiasing Calls
- blending
- Blending
- end correction
- Antialiasing Calls
- lines
- Porting Lines
- points
- Porting Points
- arc()
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- arcf()
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- Editing toogl Output: An Example
- arcs
- porting
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Athena widget set
- About Xt
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- attenuation
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- attribute groups
- Porting greset()
- back, polygons
- Setting Polygon Modes
- beautifier, cb
- Using toogl Effectively
- begin and end commands
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- bgn/end commands
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- bgnclosedline()
- Porting Lines
- bgncurve()
- NURBS Curves
- bgnline()
- Porting Lines
- bgnpoint()
- Porting Points
- bgnpolygon()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- bgnqstrip()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- bgnsurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- bgntmesh()
- Porting Triangles
- bgntrim()
- Trimming Curves
- binds
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- blend factors
- Blending
- blend functions
- Blending
- blendfunction()
- Blending
- blending
- Blending
- C comments, and toogl
- Using toogl Effectively
- c()
- Porting Color Calls
- callbacks
- concave polygons
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- with quadric objects
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- callfunc()
- Porting Display Lists
- callobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- cb
- Using toogl Effectively
- character strings
- Fonts and Strings
- choosing visuals for blending
- Blending
- circ()
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- circf()
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- circles
- porting
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- clear()
- clear() Calls
- clipplane()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- closeobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- cmov()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- color
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- color constants
- Defined Color Constants
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- color maps
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- Installing Color Maps
- mixed model
- X Window System Background
- simulating RGB with
- Installing Color Maps
- Xlib
- Using X Color Maps
- color()
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- comments,toogl
- What toogl Will and Won't Do for You
- comparing files
- Using xdiff or gdiff to Compare Files
- comparison functions
- stencil
- Stencil Plane Calls
- concave polygons
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- cones using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- conversion tool, see toogl
- Getting Started with toogl
- coordinates, texture
- Porting Texture Calls
- cpack()
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- crv()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- crvn()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- current graphics position
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- current matrix mode
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- curvebasis()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- curveit()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- curveprecision()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- curves
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- trimming
- Trimming Curves
- types (NURBS)
- NURBS Curves
- cylinders
- using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- czclear()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- defbasis()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- defined color constants
- Defined Color Constants
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- deflinestyle()
- Porting Lines
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- defpattern()
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- defs
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- delobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- deltag()
- Porting Display Lists
- depth cueing
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- depthcue()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- destination alpha bits
- Blending
- device calls
- toogl
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- differences, OpenGL and IRIS GL
- Differences Between IRIS GL and OpenGL
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- diffuse lighting components
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- direct rendering
- Performance
- disks
- using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- display lists
- Porting Display Lists
- editing
- Achieving Edited Display List Behavior
- example
- Sample Implementation of a Display List
- for X bitmap fonts
- Fonts and Strings
- performance of
- Performance
- display mode
- Dealing With Window Depth and Display Mode
- dither()
- Porting Shading Models
- dithering
- Porting Shading Models
- documentation
- Background Reading
- Background Reading
- Where to Get More Information
- Motif
- Background Reading
- Where to Get More Information
- X
- Background Reading
- Where to Get More Information
- double-matrix mode
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- draw()
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- drawing commands
- Porting Drawing Commands
- drawing single points
- Porting Points
- editing display lists
- Achieving Edited Display List Behavior
- editing toogl output
- Editing toogl Output: Areas that Need Special Attention
- editobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- end commands
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- end correction
- Antialiasing Calls
- endclosedline()
- Porting Lines
- endcurve()
- NURBS Curves
- endfeedback()
- Porting Feedback Calls
- endpick()
- Porting Picking Calls
- endpoint()
- Porting Points
- endpolygon()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- endqstrip()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- endselect()
- Porting Picking Calls
- endsurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- endtmesh()
- Porting Triangles
- endtrim()
- Trimming Curves
- event calls and toogl
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- event handling
- mixed model
- X Window System Background
- Xlib
- Using X Events
- extensions
- video source
- Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features
- extensions to OpenGL
- OpenGL Extensions
- feedback()
- Porting Feedback Calls
- flat shading
- Porting Shading Models
- fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- fog modes
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- fogvertex()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- fonts
- mixed model
- X Window System Background
- porting
- Fonts and Strings
- front, polygons
- Setting Polygon Modes
- function flags,stencil
- Stencil Plane Calls
- functions
- alpha testing
- afunction() Test Functions
- functions, blending
- Blending
- gdiff
- Using xdiff or gdiff to Compare Files
- genobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- gentag()
- Porting Display Lists
- get commands
- Get Calls
- Porting IRIS GL get* Commands
- getcmmode()
- Porting Color Calls
- getcolor()
- Porting Color Calls
- getdcm()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- getgpos()
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- getlsbackup()
- Porting Lines
- getlsrepeat()
- Porting Lines
- getlstyle()
- Porting Lines
- getlwidth()
- Porting Lines
- getmap()
- Porting Color Calls
- getmatrix()
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- getmcolor()
- Porting Color Calls
- getmmode()
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- getpattern()
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- getresetls()
- Porting Lines
- getscrbox()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- getscrmask()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- getsm()
- Porting Shading Models
- getviewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- getwritemask()
- Porting Color Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- afunction() Test Functions
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating tevdef()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating tevdef()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Antialiasing Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- afunction() Test Functions
- Translating texgen()
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- Antialiasing Calls
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- afunction() Test Functions
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating texdef()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- Translating tevdef()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- afunction() Test Functions
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- Antialiasing Calls
- afunction() Test Functions
- Translating texgen()
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- GL_Q
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- GL_R
- Translating texgen()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- GL_S
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- GL_T
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Translating texdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Porting get* Calls for Matrices and Transformations
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- glAccum()
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- glBegin()
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- Porting Points
- lines
- Porting Lines
- polygons
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- glBegin/glEnd
- valid commands
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- glBlendFunc()
- Blending
- glCallList()
- Porting Display Lists
- glCallLists()
- Porting Display Lists
- fonts
- Fonts and Strings
- glClear()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- accumulation buffer
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- stencil planes
- Stencil Plane Calls
- glClearAccum()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- glClearDepth()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- glClearStencil()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- Stencil Plane Calls
- glClipPlane()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- glColor()
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- glColorMask()
- Porting Color Calls
- glColorMaterial()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glCopyPixels()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glDeleteLists()
- Porting Display Lists
- glDepthMask()
- Porting Color Calls
- glDisable()
- antialiasing
- Antialiasing Calls
- dithering
- Porting Shading Models
- fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- polygon stippling
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- textures
- Porting Texture Calls
- glDrawPixels()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glEdgeFlag()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- glEnable()
- Porting Points
- antialiasing
- Antialiasing Calls
- blending
- Blending
- dithering
- Porting Shading Models
- fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- lighting
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- logicop
- Porting Pixel Operations
- NURBS Objects
- polygon stippling
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- stencil planes
- Stencil Plane Calls
- textures
- Porting Texture Calls
- glEnd()
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- and porting lines
- Porting Points
- lines
- Porting Lines
- polygons
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- porting
- Porting bgn/end Commands
- glEndList()
- Porting Display Lists
- glFeedbackBuffer()
- Porting Feedback Calls
- glFog()
- arguments
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- porting
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- glFrustum()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glGenLists()
- Porting Display Lists
- glGet*()
- Porting IRIS GL get* Commands
- color index
- Porting Color Calls
- color mask
- Porting Color Calls
- line width
- Porting Lines
- RGB color values
- Porting Color Calls
- shade model
- Porting Shading Models
- glGetClipPlane()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- glGetLight()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glGetMaterial()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glGetPolygonStipple()
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- glGetTexParameter()
- Porting Texture Calls
- glHint() and antialiasing
- Antialiasing Calls
- glIndex()
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- glIndexMask()
- Porting Color Calls
- glInitNames()
- Porting Picking Calls
- glIsList()
- Porting Display Lists
- glLight()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glLightModel()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glLineStipple()
- Porting Lines
- glLineWidth()
- Porting Lines
- glListBase()
- Porting Display Lists
- fonts
- Fonts and Strings
- glLoadIdentity()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glLoadMatrixd()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glLoadMatrixf()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glLoadName()
- Porting Picking Calls
- glLogicOp()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glMap1()
- NURBS Curves
- glMaterial()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glMaterial() parameters
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- glMatrixMode()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glMultMatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glMultMatrixd()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glMultMatrixf()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glNewList()
- Porting Display Lists
- glOrtho()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glPassThrough()
- Porting Feedback Calls
- glPixelStore()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- glPixelTransfer()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glPixelZoom()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glPointSize()
- Porting Points
- glPolygonMode()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Setting Polygon Modes
- glPolygonStipple()
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- glPopAttrib()
- Porting greset()
- Porting greset()
- glPopMatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glPopName()
- Porting Picking Calls
- glPushAttrib()
- Porting greset()
- Porting greset()
- glPushMatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glPushName()
- Porting Picking Calls
- glRasterPos()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glReadBuffer()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glReadPixels()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- glRect()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- glRenderMode()
- feedback
- Porting Feedback Calls
- picking
- Porting Picking Calls
- select
- Porting Picking Calls
- glRotate()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glRotated()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glRotatef()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glScaled()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glScalef()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glScissor()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- glSelectBuffer()
- Porting Picking Calls
- glShadeModel()
- Porting Shading Models
- glStencilFunc()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- glStencilMask()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- glStencilOp()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- glTexCoord()
- Porting Texture Calls
- glTexEnv()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- glTexGen()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Translating texgen()
- glTexImage1D()
- Porting Texture Calls
- glTexImage2D()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- glTexParameter()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- glTranslated()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glTranslatef()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- GLU quadrics routines
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluBeginCurve()
- NURBS Curves
- gluBeginPolygon()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluBeginSurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- gluBeginTrim()
- Trimming Curves
- gluBuild1DMipmaps()
- Porting Texture Calls
- gluBuild2DMipmaps()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting Texture Calls
- gluCylinder()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluDeleteNurbsRenderer()
- NURBS Objects
- gluDeleteQuadric()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Porting Spheres
- gluDeleteTess()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluDisk()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- gluEndCurve()
- NURBS Curves
- gluEndPolygon()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluEndSurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- gluEndTrim()
- Trimming Curves
- gluLookAt()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- gluNewNurbsRenderer()
- NURBS Objects
- gluNewQuadric()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Porting Spheres
- gluNewTess()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluNextContour()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluNurbsCallback()
- NURBS Objects
- gluNurbsCurve()
- NURBS Curves
- Trimming Curves
- gluNurbsSurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- gluOrtho2D()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- gluPartialDisk()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- gluPerspective()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- gluPickMatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting Picking Calls
- gluProject()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- gluPwlCurve()
- Trimming Curves
- gluQuadricCallback()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluQuadricDrawstyle()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluQuadricNormals()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluQuadricOrientation()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluQuadricTexture()
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- gluScaleImage()
- Porting Texture Calls
- gluSphere()
- Porting Spheres
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Porting Spheres
- gluTessCallback()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluTessVertex()
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- gluUnProject()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- glVertex()
- Porting v() Commands
- glViewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- GLwDraw
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- GLwMDraw
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- GLX commands
- Using Xlib and GLX Commands
- GLX routines
- Using Xlib
- glXChooseVisual()
- Getting Started With Xlib and GLX
- accumulation buffer
- Accumulation Buffer Calls
- glXCreateContext()
- Getting Started With Xlib and GLX
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- GlxCreateMDraw
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxDraw,IRIS IM version
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxDrawingAreaMakeCurrent()
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- glXMakeCurrent()
- Getting Started With Xlib and GLX
- GlxMDraw
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxNinputCallback
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- glXUseXFont()
- Fonts and Strings
- gouraud shading
- Porting Shading Models
- graphics position, current
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- greset()
- Porting greset()
- gRGBcolor()
- Porting Color Calls
- gRGBmask()
- Porting Color Calls
- groups, state attribute
- Porting greset()
- header files
- Header Files
- hint modes, fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- how to port
- Porting IRIS GL Programs to OpenGL
- image scaling
- Porting Texture Calls
- include files
- Header Files
- initnames()
- Porting Picking Calls
- installing color maps
- Installing Color Maps
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- What You Need to Know About Xt and IRIS IM
- About IRIS IM
- Two Choices for Using OpenGL and X
- traversal
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- IRIS IM documentation
- Where to Get More Information
- Background Reading
- isobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- istag()
- Porting Display Lists
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- light models
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- lighting
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- display lists
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- two-sided
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- linear fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- lines
- drawing
- Porting Lines
- quadric routines
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- stipples
- Porting Lines
- linesmooth()
- Antialiasing Calls
- Porting Lines
- linewidth()
- Porting Lines
- lmbind()
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- lmcolor()
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- lmdef()
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- loadmatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- loadname()
- Porting Picking Calls
- logical pixel operations
- Porting Pixel Operations
- logicop()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- lookat()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- lrectread()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- lrectwrite()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- lRGBrange()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- lsbackup()
- Porting Lines
- lshaderange()
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- lsrepeat()
- Porting Lines
- makeobj()
- Porting Display Lists
- maketag()
- Porting Display Lists
- mapcolor()
- Porting Color Calls
- mapw()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- mapw2()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- material parameters
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- materials
- display lists
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- porting overview
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- matrices
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- matrix modes
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- mipmaps
- Porting Texture Calls
- mixed-model programming
- X Window System Background
- Converting Your IRIS GL Program
- Athena widget set
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxDraw (IRIS IM version)
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxMdraw
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- installing colormaps
- Installing Color Maps
- What You Need to Know About Xt and IRIS IM
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- GlxMDraw
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- traversal
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- without IRIS IM
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- Xlib
- Using Xlib
- Xlib
- Using Xlib and GLX Commands
- Xt
- What You Need to Know About Xt and IRIS IM
- mmode()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- modelview matrix
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- modes, fog
- Porting Depth Cueing and Fog Commands
- Motif documentation
- Where to Get More Information
- Background Reading
- move()
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- multimap()
- Porting Color Calls
- multiplying matrices
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- multmatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- normals and GLU quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- curve types
- NURBS Curves
- objects
- NURBS Objects
- surface types
- NURBS Surfaces
- surfaces
- NURBS Surfaces
- trimming
- Trimming Curves
- nurbscurve()
- NURBS Curves
- Trimming Curves
- nurbssurface()
- NURBS Surfaces
- objdelete()
- Porting Display Lists
- objinsert()
- Porting Display Lists
- objreplace()
- Porting Display Lists
- onemap()
- Porting Color Calls
- OpenGL extensions
- OpenGL Extensions
- OpenGL widget
- Converting Your IRIS GL Program
- ortho()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- ortho2()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- parentheses, and toogl
- Parentheses and Quotes
- pass/fail operations for stencil planes
- Stencil Plane Calls
- passthrough()
- Porting Feedback Calls
- patch()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- patchbasis()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- patchcurves()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- patchprecision()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- pclos()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- pdr()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- performance
- Performance
- perspective()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- pick()
- Porting Picking Calls
- picking
- Porting Picking Calls
- picksize()
- Porting Picking Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- pixel operations
- Porting Pixel Operations
- pixmode()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- Porting Pixel Operations
- pmv()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- pnt()
- Porting Points
- pntsize()
- Porting Points
- pntsmooth()
- Antialiasing Calls
- Porting Points
- points
- antialiasing
- Porting Points
- drawing single points
- Porting Points
- quadric routines
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- set point size
- Porting Points
- vertices as points
- Porting Points
- pol()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- polarview()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- poly()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- polygons
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- arcs, circles
- Porting Arcs and Circles
- back/front
- Setting Polygon Modes
- concave
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- modes
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Setting Polygon Modes
- quadric routines
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- stipples
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- tessellated
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- triangles
- Porting Triangles
- polymode()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Setting Polygon Modes
- polynomial curve
- NURBS Surfaces
- NURBS Curves
- polysmooth()
- Antialiasing Calls
- popmatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- popname()
- Porting Picking Calls
- popviewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- porting tools
- Tools and Libraries to Help Port Your Code
- porting, how to
- Porting IRIS GL Programs to OpenGL
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- projection matrix
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- pushmatrix()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- pushname()
- Porting Picking Calls
- pushviewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- pwlcurve()
- Trimming Curves
- qread()
- X Window System Background
- quadrics routines
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- quadrilaterals
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- quotes, and toogl
- Parentheses and Quotes
- rational curves
- NURBS Surfaces
- NURBS Curves
- rcrv()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- rcrvn()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- rdr()
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- readRGB()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- readsource()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- RealityEngine graphics
- Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features
- rect()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- rectangles, drawing
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- rectcopy()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- rectf()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- rectread()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- rectwrite()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- rectzoom()
- Porting Pixel Operations
- rendering, direct
- Performance
- repeat factor for lines
- Porting Lines
- resetls()
- Porting Lines
- reshapeviewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- RGB, simulating with color map
- Installing Color Maps
- RGBcolor()
- Porting Color Calls
- RGBwritemask()
- Porting Color Calls
- rot()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- rotate()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- rotations
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- rpatch()
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- rpdr()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- rpmv()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Commands That Required Current Graphics Positions
- sbox()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- sboxf()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- scale()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- scaling images
- Porting Texture Calls
- sclear()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- scrbox()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- scrmask()
- Porting Clipping Planes
- select()
- Porting Picking Calls
- setlinestyle()
- Porting Lines
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- setmap()
- Porting Color Calls
- setpattern()
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- sets
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- setting matrix mode
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- SGIX_video_source
- Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features
- shademodel()
- Porting Shading Models
- shading
- Porting Shading Models
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- single points
- Porting Points
- single-matrix mode
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- slices, spheres
- Porting Spheres
- smooth shading
- Porting Shading Models
- smoothline()
- Porting Lines
- spclos()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- specular lighting components
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- sphdraw()
- Porting Spheres
- Porting Spheres
- spheres
- Porting Spheres
- slices, stacks
- Porting Spheres
- sphere library
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- using quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- sphfree()
- Porting Spheres
- sphgnpolys()
- Porting Spheres
- sphmode()
- Porting Spheres
- sphobj()
- Porting Spheres
- sphrotmatrix()
- Porting Spheres
- splf()
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- stacks, spheres
- Porting Spheres
- state attribute groups
- Porting greset()
- state variables, saving/restoring
- Porting greset()
- stencil function flags
- Stencil Plane Calls
- stencil planes
- Stencil Plane Calls
- stencil()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- stensize()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- steps to porting
- Porting IRIS GL Programs to OpenGL
- stippled polygons
- Setting Polygon Stipples
- stored definitions
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- strings
- Fonts and Strings
- subpixel mode
- Porting Antialiasing Calls
- surface types, NURBS
- NURBS Surfaces
- surfaces
- NURBS Surfaces
- porting
- Porting Curve and Surface Commands
- swaptmesh()
- Porting Triangles
- swritemask()
- Stencil Plane Calls
- t2()
- Porting Texture Calls
- tables
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- tessellated polygons
- Porting Polygons and Quadrilaterals
- Porting Tessellated Polygons
- test functions, alpha
- afunction() Test Functions
- tevbind()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- texbind()
- Porting Texture Calls
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Porting defs, binds, and sets: Replacing `Tables' of Stored Definitions
- texdef2d()
- Porting Texture Calls
- texgen()
- Translating texgen()
- Porting Texture Calls
- text handling
- Fonts and Strings
- textures
- Porting Texture Calls
- with quadrics
- Porting the IRIS GL Sphere Library
- Translating texgen()
- Translating texgen()
- Translating texgen()
- toogl
- and spaces, tabs
- Using toogl Effectively
- C comments and
- Using toogl Effectively
- calling
- Getting Started with toogl
- comments
- What toogl Will and Won't Do for You
- device calls
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- editing output
- Editing toogl Output: Areas that Need Special Attention
- event calls
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- options
- Calling toogl
- parentheses and quotes
- Parentheses and Quotes
- processing entire directory
- Using toogl in Batch Mode
- tips
- Using toogl Effectively
- windowing calls
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- tools for porting
- Tools and Libraries to Help Port Your Code
- transformations
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- translate()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- traversal
- IRIS IM and Other Widget Sets
- triangle fans
- Porting Triangles
- triangle strips
- Porting Triangles
- triangles
- Porting Triangles
- trimming curves
- Trimming Curves
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- Translating tevdef()
- two-sided lighting
- Porting Lighting and Materials Calls
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- TX_Q
- Translating texgen()
- TX_R
- Translating texgen()
- TX_S
- Translating texgen()
- TX_T
- Translating texgen()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- Translating texdef()
- User Interface Language
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- v()
- Porting v() Commands
- vertices
- Porting v() Commands
- video source extension
- Porting RealityEngine Graphics Features
- viewport()
- Porting Viewports, Screenmasks, and Scrboxes
- visuals
- for blending
- Blending
- for stencil planes
- Stencil Plane Calls
- widget sets
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- window()
- Porting Matrix and Transformation Calls
- windows
- depth
- Dealing With Window Depth and Display Mode
- toogl windowing calls
- Windowing, Device, and Event Calls
- Xlib
- Opening a Window With GLX
- winopen()
- X Window System Background
- wmpack()
- Porting Color Calls
- WorkProc
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- writemask()
- Porting Color Calls
- writemasks
- Porting Color, Shading, and Writemask Commands
- X bitmap fonts
- Fonts and Strings
- X documentation
- Where to Get More Information
- Background Reading
- X functions
- XSetWMColormapWindows()
- Installing Color Maps
- Installing Color Maps
- X Toolkit Intrinsics See Xt $nopage$
- About Xt
- XCreateWindow()
- Getting Started With Xlib and GLX
- Xlib
- Two Choices for Using OpenGL and X
- Using Xlib and GLX Commands
- color maps
- Using X Color Maps
- event handling
- Using X Events
- windows
- Opening a Window With GLX
- XmForm widget
- Using the OpenGL Widget
- XOpenDisplay()
- Getting Started With Xlib and GLX
- XSetWMColormapWindows()
- Installing Color Maps
- XStoreColor()
- Porting Color Calls
- Xt
- What You Need to Know About Xt and IRIS IM
- Two Choices for Using OpenGL and X
- Using Xt and a Widget Set
- mixed model programming
- Converting Your IRIS GL Program
- zclear()
- Porting Screen and Buffer Clearing Commands
- zwritemask()
- Porting Color Calls