Written by Renate Kempf and Jed Hartman. Revised by Renate Kempf.
Illustrated by Dany Galgani and Martha Levine
Edited by Christina Cary
Production by Allen Clardy
Engineering contributions by Allen Akin, Steve Anderson, David Blythe, Sharon Rose Clay, Terrence Crane, Kathleen Danielson, Tom Davis, Celeste Fowler, Ziv Gigus, David Gorgen, Paul Hansen, Paul Ho, Simon Hui, George Kyriazis, Mark Kilgard, Phil Lacroute, John Leech, Mark Peercy, Dave Shreiner, Chris Tanner, Joel Tesler, Gianpaolo Tommasi, Bill Torzewski, Bill Wehner, Nancy Cam Winget, Paula Womack, David Yu, and others.
Some of the material in this book is from “OpenGL from the EXTensions to the SOLutions,” which is part of the developer's toolbox.
St. Peter's Basilica image courtesy of ENEL SpA and InfoByte SpA. Disk Thrower image courtesy of Xavier Berenguer, Animatica.
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