For information on writing C programs and binding them with Tcl, see the third part of the book by John Ousterhout, An Introduction to Tcl and Tk. (See "Additional Reading" for bibliographic information.)
In order to extend Tcl by writing your own C routines, you must install the sgitcl_dev option in addition to the sgitcl.eoe product. The product image includes C and C++ header files for program development. The <tcl.h> include file is the most important of the many C include files.
The <tcl++.h> include file defines a set of C++ classes that can be used to access a Tcl interpreter.
A C++ class may be instantiated in one of two ways. In one method, an interpreter is created and owned by the object. When the object is deleted, the interpreter is deleted. In the other method, the interpreter is passed to the constructor and is referenced by the object, but not owned by it. When the object is deleted, the interpreter is not deleted.
Places on the Internet where you can find archives of Tcl extensions and releases, or pointers to information about Tcl, are listed below (as Web sites in URL format): |
In order to make C program procedures available as Tcl procedures, you need to build and link them as a dynamic shared object for Tcl to invoke with the dlopen() library call. See the dlopen(3) and DSO(5) reference pages for details.
Here are the steps to follow for porting an existing Tcl extension package:
Build the .so file using the -shared option to the compiler or loader. Make sure that the build line references all libraries needed by the extension library. For example, Tk requires -lX11 -lc -lm as libraries. It is a good idea to add the -no_unresolved flag to ensure that there are no unresolvable symbols.
Many Tcl packages come with a Makefile that builds a library archive (.a) from which ld can produce a shared object. If not, you need to identify what object files need to be included in the build. For extensions that follow normal conventions, this usually means everything except the file containing the Tcl_AppInit routine, since your library will be initialized by a Tcl command.
Install the .so file in /usr/sgitcl/lib. Inside sgitcl, call the dlopen procedure:
sgitcl>dlopen init init-routine |
In this example, libname is the library name (for example,, and init-routine is the initialization routine called by Tcl_AppInit (for example, Db_Init).
The dlopen procedure prints out the return value of the initialization routine, which may be an empty string. At this point the library should be loaded and initialized, and all the new extensions should be available.
If dlopen returns the "unable to open library" message, make sure you have placed the .so file in /usr/sgitcl/lib. If so, there are probably unresolvable symbols in your library; relink the library specifying -no_unresolved to check if there are unresolvable symbols.
If dlopen returns the "no such routine init-routine" message, it indicates that the initialization routine you specified is not defined in the library. Make sure the routine was included in the object list. Some packages fold this routine into the same file as Tcl_AppInit. If this is the case you will need to edit this file to remove Tcl_AppInit (comment it out or use #ifdef's). Then add this file to the list of linked files and rebuild the library.
After you write code for new procedures as described in Ousterhout's Tcl book, you then need to write an initialization routine that adds the new commands to the interpreter using Tcl_CreateCommand. By convention this routine is named module-name_Init where module-name is a short acronym for your extension library, such as Tk, TclX, or Tm. This routine takes a Tcl_Interp pointer as its only argument.
Build and install your new shared object as described in the section above. To test your library, run this command:
sgitcl>dlopen init init-routine |
This should print the string returned by your initialization routine. Your new commands should be added to the interpreter and you can begin testing them.
As a side effect of dlopen, a new command is automatically added to the interpreter—the name of the library. For example, the tclMotif library is opened by the command:
sgitcl>dlopen |
This adds a new command, the sole function of which is to permit the calling of routines defined in the library, as shown in the example below.
sgitcl> call procedure args... |
There are two types of routines that may be called: init routines and call routines.
The init routine has the following prototype:
int Init_Routine(Tcl_Interp* interp) |
The interp argument is set to the interpreter pointer created by Tcl. To reference an init routine, type:
sgitcl>library-name init Init-routine |
The call routine has the following prototype:
int Call_Routine(Tcl_Interp* interp, int argc, char* argv[]) |
The interp argument is the Tcl interpreter; argc is a count of arguments and argv is an array of argument strings with argc elements in the array. To call such a routine, type:
sgitcl>library-name call routine-name args... |
Tcl will parse the args in the same way that command arguments are parsed, and pass them to the routine in argc and argv.
Both routine types should return TCL_OK if successful or TCL_ERROR if something went wrong. Additionally, your procedure should set interp->result to a descriptive error string. The return value of an init or call routine will be the value that your procedure places in interp->result, or the empty string if you fail to set a return value.
Note that dlopen allows an optional init or call to follow the library name:
sgitcl>dlopen init init-routine |