Authors: Tools.h++ Team
Tools.h++ Team:
Tools.h++ Version 7 Development: Anna Dahan, Frank Griswold, Kevin Johnsrude, Tom Pearson, and Jim Shur
Engineering Services: Wade Brittain, Bruce Kyle, Randall Robinson, Howard Sanders, and Tibbi Scott
Manuals: Elaine Cull, Wendi Minne, and Julie Prince
Marketing: Anita Covelli and Michael Nelson
Support: North Krimsly
With invaluable help from: James Fowler, John Vriezen, and the entire Rogue Wave Crew
Tools.h++ Version 6 Documentation: Thomas Keffer, with Sheldon Dealy, Frank Griswold, Nathan Myers, Randall Robinson, and Jim Shur
Production by: Obe Lynd
Copyright © 1996 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Rogue Wave and .h++ are registered trademarks, and Tools.h++ is a trademark of Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All other mentioned names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Based on the Rogue Wave Tools.h++ Version 6 Introduction and Reference Manual
Printed in the United States of America.
Part # RW30-01-2-032596a
Users Guide Printing History:
March 1996 First Printing
Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 850 SW 35th St., Corvallis, Oregon, 97333 USA
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