- adding a message pattern callback
- Adding a Message Pattern Callback
- adding values to spec properties
- Adding Values to Properties
- address attribute
- Address
- address attributes
- Address Attribute
- addressing
- otype
- Otype addressing
- addressing messages, methods of
- ToolTalk Message Distribution
- algorithm
- object-oriented message delivery
- Object-Oriented Message Delivery
- process-oriented message delivery
- Process-Oriented Message Delivery
- allocating storage space
- Allocating Storage Space
- allocation stack
- Information Provided by the ToolTalk Service
- API header file, including in program
- Including the ToolTalk API Header File
- API libraries See application programming interface
- ToolTalk Architecture
- API See application programming interface
- Modifying Applications to Use the ToolTalk Service
- application programming interface (API)
- Modifying Applications to Use the ToolTalk Service
- application programming interface (API) libraries
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ToolTalk Architecture
- args attribute
- Args
- assigning otype, for specs
- Assigning Otypes
- attributes
- address
- Address
- Address Attribute
- arg
- Args
- class
- Class
- op
- Op
- scope
- Scope Attributes
- Scope
- setting
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- attributes, of message patterns
- Message Pattern Attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- background jobs
- Background and Batch Sessions
- batch sessions
- Background and Batch Sessions
- broken references
- Managing Object and File Information
- callback routines
- Callback Routines
- invoking
- Invoking Callback Routines
- callback routines, adding to message patterns
- Adding a Message Pattern Callback
- calls provided to manage information storage
- Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information
- checking ToolTalk error status
- Checking ToolTalk Error Status
- class attribute
- Class
- communicating with other vendors' applications
- Data Type Registration
- communication process
- ToolTalk Architecture
- comparing objids
- Comparing Object Specs
- components of the ToolTalk service
- ToolTalk Architecture
- context arguments
- Special Case: Callback and Filter Routines
- cpp command
- Installing Type Information
- creating a ptype file
- Creating a Ptype File
- creating dynamic message patterns
- Creating a Message Pattern
- creating general messages
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- creating messages
- Creating Messages
- creating object-oriented messages
- Creating and Completing Object-Oriented Messages
- creating otype files
- Creating Otype Files
- creating process-oriented messages
- Creating Process-Oriented Messages
- creating specs
- Creating Object Specs
- database
- check and recovery tool
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- records
- ToolTalk Architecture
- database server
- process
- ToolTalk Architecture
- default session
- joining
- Joining the Default Session
- quitting
- Joining the Default Session
- delete message
- Sending a Message
- deleting message patterns
- message patterns
- deleting
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- deleting messages
- Destroying Messages
- destroying message patterns automatically
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- destroying messages
- Destroying Messages
- destroying specs
- Destroying Object Specs
- determinging spec properties
- Determining Object Specification Properties
- directories, list and location of
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- dynamic message patterns
- Defining Dynamic Messages
- creating
- Creating a Message Pattern
- error handling functions
- Retrieving ToolTalk Error Status
- error macros
- Checking ToolTalk Error Status
- error messages
- Initialization Error Messages
- error propagation
- Error Propagation
- error status
- Handling Errors
- checking
- Checking ToolTalk Error Status
- retrieving
- Retrieving ToolTalk Error Status
- error value
- Functions with Natural Return Values
- examining messages
- Examining Messages
- examining spec information
- Examining Spec Information
- failing requests
- Failing a Request
- fd
- Registering in the Initial Session
- features, of the ToolTalk service
- Callback Routines
- features, of ToolTalk
- Message Patterns
- file
- ToolTalk concept of
- Files
- file descriptor (fd)
- Registering in the Initial Session
- file information
- managing
- Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information
- file query functions
- Filter Routines
- file scope
- File Scope
- file-in-session scope
- File-In-Session Scope
- files
- list and location of
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- managing with object data
- Managing Files that Contain Object Data
- object type
- Defining Object Types
- files of interest
- joining
- Joining Files of Interest
- quitting
- Joining Files of Interest
- filter routines
- Filter Routines
- free storage space
- Sending a Message
- freeing allocated storage space
- Allocating Storage Space
- functions with natural return values
- Functions with Natural Return Values
- functions without natural return values
- Functions with No Natural Return Values
- handling replies easily
- Recognizing and Handling Replies Easily
- handling requests
- Handling Requests
- header file
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- identifying data in existing files
- Object Data
- identifying messages easily
- Identifying and Processing Messages Easily
- information provided by the ToolTalk service
- Information Provided by the ToolTalk Service
- information provided to the ToolTalk service
- Information Provided to the ToolTalk Service
- informing sender of failed request
- Failing a Request
- initial session
- Registering with the ToolTalk Service
- initializing your process
- Registering in the Initial Session
- installing type information
- Installing Type Information
- invoking callback routines
- Invoking Callback Routines
- joining default sessions
- Joining the Default Session
- joining files of interest
- Joining Files of Interest
- killcommand
- Making Type Information Available to the ToolTalk Service
- libtt
- ToolTalk Architecture
- libtt.a
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- libtt.so
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- location of the ToolTalk service files
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- maintaining specs
- Maintaining Object Specs
- managing files that contain object data
- Managing Files that Contain Object Data
- managing object and file information
- Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information
- marking information for storage
- Marking Information for Storage
- marking the ToolTalk API stack
- Examining Messages
- message
- delete
- Sending a Message
- message attributes
- Message Attributes
- message attributes, comparing to pattern attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- message callback
- Callback Routines
- message callbacks, adding
- Adding Message Callbacks
- message delivery
- object-oriented algorithm
- Object-Oriented Message Delivery
- process-oriented algorithm
- Process-Oriented Message Delivery
- message paterns
- unregistering
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- message pattern attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- message patterns
- Dynamic Message Patterns
- Static Message Patterns
- Message Patterns
- adding callbacks to
- Adding a Message Pattern Callback
- automatically unregistering and destroying
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- minimum specifications
- Message Pattern Attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- static
- Defining Static Messages
- updating
- Updating Message Patterns with the Current Session or File
- message protocol
- Modifying Applications to Use the ToolTalk Service
- messages
- completing
- Creating Messages
- creating
- Creating Messages
- creating general-purpose
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- deleting
- Destroying Messages
- determining recipients of
- Message Patterns
- examining
- Examining Messages
- handling
- Message Patterns
- identifying and processing easily
- Identifying and Processing Messages Easily
- methods of addressing
- ToolTalk Message Distribution
- object-oriented
- Object-Oriented Messages
- observing
- Message Patterns
- process-oriented
- Process-Oriented Messages
- receiving
- Receiving ToolTalk Messages
- sending
- Sending ToolTalk Messages
- Sending a Message
- messages, retrieving
- Retrieving Messages
- modifying applications to send messages
- Modifying Applications to Send ToolTalk Messages
- modifying your application to use the ToolTalk service
- Modifying Applications to Use the ToolTalk Service
- moving objects between file systems
- Moving Object Specs
- moving objects between files
- Moving Object Specs
- notice
- How the ToolTalk Service Routes Messages
- object content
- Object Data
- object data
- Object Data
- object information
- managing
- Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information
- object specification (spec)
- Object Data
- object type (otype)
- Defining Object Types
- object-oriented message delivery
- Object-Oriented Message Delivery
- object-oriented messages
- Object-Oriented Messages
- Object-Oriented Messaging
- creating
- Creating and Completing Object-Oriented Messages
- objects
- moving between file systems
- Moving Object Specs
- moving between files
- Moving Object Specs
- ToolTalk
- Object Data
- objid
- comparing
- Comparing Object Specs
- obtaining
- Creating Object Specs
- obtaining new
- Updating Object Specs
- retrieving new
- Updating Object Specs
- obtaining new objid
- Updating Object Specs
- obtaining objid
- Creating Object Specs
- ONC Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- ToolTalk Architecture
- op attribute
- Op
- otype
- assigning for specs
- Assigning Otypes
- otype addressing
- Otype addressing
- otype file
- Defining Object Types
- otype files
- creating
- Creating Otype Files
- header information
- Obj_Header Information
- signature information
- Osignature Information
- otype signature
- Signatures
- pattern attributes, comparing to message attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- Message Pattern Attributes
- pattern callback
- Callback Routines
- pointers, to API objects
- Special Case: Callback and Filter Routines
- process
- communication
- ToolTalk Architecture
- database server
- ToolTalk Architecture
- process identifier (procid)
- Registering in the Initial Session
- process type (ptype)
- Defining Process Types
- process type, declaring
- Declaring Process Type
- process-oriented message delivery
- Process-Oriented Message Delivery
- process-oriented messages
- Process-Oriented Messages
- creating
- Creating Process-Oriented Messages
- processing messages easily
- Identifying and Processing Messages Easily
- procid
- Registering in the Initial Session
- closing default
- Unregistering from the ToolTalk Service
- setting default
- Registering in the Initial Session
- ps command
- Making Type Information Available to the ToolTalk Service
- ptype files
- creating
- Creating a Ptype File
- property information
- Property_id Information
- registering
- Defining Process Types
- registering with ToolTalk
- Declaring Process Type
- signature information
- Psignature Matching Information
- ptype signature
- Signatures
- quitting default session
- Joining the Default Session
- quitting files of interest
- Joining Files of Interest
- read-only file systems
- Object Data
- read-only files, creating objects of pieces of
- Object Data
- receiving applications
- How Applications Use ToolTalk Messages
- receiving ToolTalk messages
- Receiving ToolTalk Messages
- recognizing replies easily
- Recognizing and Handling Replies Easily
- records database
- ToolTalk Architecture
- registering
- in a specified session
- Registering in a Specified Session
- in the initial session
- Registering in the Initial Session
- with the ToolTalk service
- Registering with the ToolTalk Service
- registering ptypes
- Defining Process Types
- rejecting requests
- Rejecting a Request
- replies
- recognizing and handling easily
- Recognizing and Handling Replies Easily
- replying to requests
- Replying to Requests
- request
- How the ToolTalk Service Routes Messages
- requests
- failing
- Failing a Request
- handling
- Handling Requests
- informing sender of failed
- Failing a Request
- rejecting
- Rejecting a Request
- replying to
- Replying to Requests
- retrieving new obji
- Sending a Message
- retrieving new objid
- Updating Object Specs
- retrieving ToolTalk error status
- Retrieving ToolTalk Error Status
- return value
- natural
- Functions with Natural Return Values
- no natural
- Functions with No Natural Return Values
- returned integer, status
- Returned Integer Status
- returned pointer, status
- Returned Pointer Status
- returned value, status
- Returned Value Status
- rnregistering from the ToolTalk service
- Unregistering from the ToolTalk Service
- routines
- callback
- Callback Routines
- filter
- Filter Routines
- RPC See ONC Remote Procedure Call
- ToolTalk Architecture
- rpc.ttdbserverd
- ToolTalk Architecture
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- runtime stack
- Information Provided by the ToolTalk Service
- sample programs
- Sun_EditDemo
- Sample Programs
- ttsample1
- Sample Programs
- scope attribute
- Scope
- scope attributes
- Scope Attributes
- file
- File Scope
- file-in-session
- File-In-Session Scope
- session
- Session Scope
- sending applications
- How Applications Use ToolTalk Messages
- sending messages
- Sending a Message
- modifying applications
- Modifying Applications to Send ToolTalk Messages
- sending notices
- Sending Notices
- sending requests
- Sending Requests
- sending ToolTalk messages
- Sending ToolTalk Messages
- session identifier (sessid)
- Sessions
- session scope
- Session Scope
- session, ToolTalk concept of
- Sessions
- sessions bound to a character terminal
- Background and Batch Sessions
- setting attributes
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- setting up to receive messages
- Setting Up to Receive Messages
- shell commands
- ToolTalk-enhanced
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information
- ttcopy
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttmv
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttrm
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttrmdir
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- tttar
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- signatures
- otype
- Signatures
- ptype
- Signatures
- spec See object specification
- Object Data
- spec, destroying an object
- Destroying Object Specs
- specs
- adding values to properties
- Adding Values to Properties
- assigning otype
- Assigning Otypes
- creating
- Creating Object Specs
- destroying
- Destroying Object Specs
- determining properties
- Determining Object Specification Properties
- examining information
- Examining Spec Information
- maintaining
- Maintaining Object Specs
- moving objects
- Moving Object Specs
- querying for objects
- Querying for Specific Specs in a File
- storing properties
- Storing Spec Properties
- updating
- Updating Object Specs
- updating existing properties
- Updating Object Specs
- writing into ToolTalk database
- Writing Object Specs
- starting a ToolTalk session
- Starting a ToolTalk Session
- static message patterns
- Defining Static Messages
- storing spec properties
- Storing Spec Properties
- Sun_EditDemo program
- Sample Programs
- ToolTalk messages
- Sending ToolTalk Messages
- ToolTalk object
- Object Data
- ToolTalk type compiler tt_type_comp
- Defining Object Types
- ToolTalk-enhanced shell commands
- Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information
- Tt_address
- Tt_address
- Tt_scope
- tt_c.h
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- Tt_callback
- Tt_callback
- Tt_callback
- Tt_callback
- Tt_category
- Tt_category
- Tt_class
- Tt_class
- tt_close
- tt_close
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- tt_close()
- Unregistering from the ToolTalk Service
- Tt_state
- tt_default_file
- tt_default_file
- tt_default_file_set
- tt_default_file_set
- tt_default_procid
- tt_default_procid
- tt_default_procid_set
- tt_default_procid_set
- tt_default_ptype
- tt_default_ptype
- tt_default_ptype_set
- tt_default_ptype_set
- tt_default_session
- tt_default_session
- tt_default_session_set
- tt_default_session_set
- Registering in a Specified Session
- tt_default_session_set()
- Registering in a Specified Session
- Tt_disposition
- Tt_disposition
- Tt_disposition
- tt_error_int
- tt_error_int
- tt_error_pointer
- tt_error_pointer
- Tt_state
- tt_fd
- tt_default_procid_set
- tt_fd
- Registering in the Initial Session
- tt_fd()
- Registering in a Specified Session
- Tt_scope
- tt_file_copy
- tt_file_copy
- tt_file_destroy
- tt_file_destroy
- Tt_scope
- tt_file_join
- tt_file_join
- Joining Files of Interest
- tt_file_move
- tt_file_move
- tt_file_objects_query
- Filter Routines
- tt_file_objects_query
- Querying for Specific Specs in a File
- tt_file_quit
- Joining Files of Interest
- tt_file_quit
- Tt_filter_action
- Tt_filter
- Tt_filter
- Tt_filter
- tt_free
- Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information
- tt_free
- Tt_category
- Tt_state
- Tt_mode
- tt_initial_session
- tt_initial_session
- Tt_mode
- tt_int_error
- tt_int_error
- Returned Integer Status
- tt_is_err
- Returned Integer Status
- tt_is_err
- Functions with No Natural Return Values
- tt_malloc
- Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information
- tt_malloc
- tt_mark
- tt_mark
- Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information
- tt_message__set
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- tt_message_address
- tt_message_address
- tt_message_address_set
- tt_message_address_set
- tt_message_arg_add
- tt_message_arg_add
- tt_message_arg_bval
- tt_message_arg_bval
- tt_message_arg_bval_set
- tt_message_arg_bval_set
- tt_message_arg_ival
- tt_message_arg_ival
- tt_message_arg_ival_set
- tt_message_arg_ival_set
- tt_message_arg_mode
- tt_message_arg_mode
- tt_message_arg_type
- tt_message_arg_type
- tt_message_arg_val
- tt_message_arg_val
- tt_message_arg_val_set
- tt_message_arg_val_set
- tt_message_args_count
- tt_message_args_count
- tt_message_callback_add
- Adding Message Callbacks
- tt_message_callback_add
- tt_message_class
- tt_message_class
- tt_message_class_set
- tt_message_class_set
- tt_message_create
- tt_message_create
- Using the General-Purpose Function to Create ToolTalk Messages
- tt_message_create_super
- tt_message_create_super
- tt_message_destroy
- Destroying Messages
- Sending a Message
- Adding Message Callbacks
- tt_message_destroy
- tt_message_disposition
- tt_message_disposition
- tt_message_disposition_set
- tt_message_disposition_set
- tt_message_fail
- tt_message_fail
- Failing a Request
- tt_message_file
- tt_message_file
- tt_message_file_set
- tt_message_file_set
- tt_message_handler
- tt_message_handler
- tt_message_handler_ptype
- tt_message_handler_ptype
- tt_message_handler_ptype_set
- tt_message_handler_ptype_set
- tt_message_handler_set
- tt_message_handler_set
- tt_message_iarg_add
- tt_message_iarg_add
- tt_message_object
- tt_message_object
- Sending a Message
- Updating Object Specs
- tt_message_object_set
- tt_message_object_set
- tt_message_op
- tt_message_op
- tt_message_op_set
- tt_message_op_set
- tt_message_opnum
- tt_message_opnum
- tt_message_otype
- tt_message_otype
- tt_message_otype_set
- tt_message_otype_set
- tt_message_pattern
- tt_message_pattern
- tt_message_receive
- Retrieving Messages
- tt_message_receive
- tt_message_reject
- tt_message_reject
- Rejecting a Request
- tt_message_reply
- tt_message_reply
- tt_message_scope
- tt_message_scope
- tt_message_scope_set
- tt_message_scope_set
- tt_message_send
- Moving Object Specs
- tt_message_send
- tt_message_sender
- tt_message_sender
- tt_message_sender_ptype
- tt_message_sender_ptype
- tt_message_sender_ptype_set
- tt_message_sender_ptype_set
- tt_message_session
- tt_message_session
- tt_message_session_set
- tt_message_session_set
- tt_message_state
- tt_message_state
- tt_message_status
- tt_message_status
- tt_message_status_set
- tt_message_status_set
- tt_message_status_string
- tt_message_status_string
- tt_message_status_string_set
- tt_message_status_string_set
- tt_message_uid
- tt_message_uid
- tt_message_user
- tt_message_user
- tt_message_user_set
- tt_message_user_set
- Tt_mode
- Tt_mode
- Tt_class
- Tt_address
- tt_objid_equal
- Comparing Object Specs
- tt_objid_equal
- tt_objid_objkey
- tt_objid_objkey
- Tt_category
- tt_onotice_create
- Creating and Completing Object-Oriented Messages
- tt_onotice_create
- tt_open
- tt_open
- Registering in the Initial Session
- tt_open()
- Registering in a Specified Session
- tt_orequest_create
- tt_orequest_create
- Creating and Completing Object-Oriented Messages
- Tt_address
- tt_otype_base
- tt_otype_base
- tt_otype_derived
- tt_otype_derived
- tt_otype_deriveds_count
- tt_otype_deriveds_count
- tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode
- tt_otype_hsig_arg_mode
- tt_otype_hsig_arg_type
- tt_otype_hsig_arg_type
- tt_otype_hsig_args_count
- tt_otype_hsig_args_count
- tt_otype_hsig_count
- tt_otype_hsig_count
- tt_otype_hsig_op
- tt_otype_hsig_op
- tt_otype_is_derived
- tt_otype_is_derived
- tt_otype_osig_arg_mode
- tt_otype_osig_arg_mode
- tt_otype_osig_arg_type
- tt_otype_osig_arg_type
- tt_otype_osig_args_count
- tt_otype_osig_args_count
- tt_otype_osig_count
- tt_otype_osig_count
- tt_otype_osig_op
- tt_otype_osig_op
- Tt_mode
- tt_pattern_add
- Creating a Message Pattern
- tt_pattern_address_add
- tt_pattern_address_add
- tt_pattern_arg_add
- tt_pattern_arg_add
- tt_pattern_barg_add
- tt_pattern_barg_add
- tt_message_barg_add
- tt_pattern_callback_add
- Adding a Message Pattern Callback
- tt_pattern_callback_add
- tt_pattern_category
- tt_pattern_category
- tt_pattern_category_set
- tt_pattern_category_set
- tt_pattern_class_add
- tt_pattern_class_add
- tt_pattern_create
- Creating a Message Pattern
- tt_pattern_create
- tt_pattern_destroy
- tt_pattern_destroy
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- tt_pattern_disposition_add
- tt_pattern_disposition_add
- tt_pattern_file_add
- tt_pattern_file_add
- tt_pattern_iarg_add
- tt_pattern_arg_add
- tt_pattern_object_add
- tt_pattern_object_add
- tt_pattern_op_add
- tt_pattern_op_add
- tt_pattern_otype_add
- tt_pattern_otype_add
- tt_pattern_register
- Registering a Message Pattern
- tt_pattern_register
- tt_pattern_scope_add
- tt_pattern_scope_add
- tt_pattern_sender_add
- tt_pattern_sender_add
- tt_pattern_sender_ptype_add
- tt_pattern_sender_ptype_add
- tt_pattern_session_add
- tt_pattern_session_add
- tt_pattern_set
- Creating a Message Pattern
- tt_pattern_state_add
- tt_pattern_state_add
- tt_pattern_unregister
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- Declaring Process Type
- tt_pattern_unregister
- tt_pattern_user
- tt_pattern_user
- tt_pattern_user_set
- tt_pattern_user_set
- tt_pnotice_create
- Creating Process-Oriented Messages
- tt_pnotice_create
- tt_pointer_error
- tt_pointer_error
- Returned Pointer Status
- tt_prequest_create
- Creating Process-Oriented Messages
- tt_prequest_create
- Tt_address
- tt_ptr_error
- tt_ptr_error
- tt_ptype_declare
- Declaring Process Type
- tt_pattern_create
- tt_ptype_declare
- Tt_disposition
- Tt_state
- Tt_state
- tt_release
- tt_release
- Calls Provided to Manage the Storage of Information
- Tt_class
- Tt_scope
- Tt_scope
- Tt_state
- Tt_scope
- tt_session_bprop
- tt_session_bprop
- tt_session_bprop_add
- tt_session_bprop_add
- tt_session_bprop_set
- tt_session_bprop_set
- tt_session_join
- Joining the Default Session
- tt_session_join
- tt_session_prop
- tt_session_prop
- tt_session_prop_add
- tt_session_prop_add
- tt_session_prop_count
- tt_session_prop_count
- tt_session_prop_set
- tt_session_prop_set
- tt_session_propname
- tt_session_propname
- tt_session_propnames_count
- tt_session_propnames_count
- tt_session_quit
- tt_session_quit
- Joining the Default Session
- tt_spec_bprop
- Examining Spec Information
- tt_spec_bprop
- tt_spec_bprop_add
- tt_spec_bprop_add
- tt_spec_bprop_set
- tt_spec_bprop_set
- tt_spec_create
- tt_spec_create
- Creating Object Specs
- tt_spec_destroy
- Destroying Object Specs
- tt_spec_destroy
- tt_spec_file
- tt_spec_file
- Examining Spec Information
- tt_spec_move
- Moving Object Specs
- tt_spec_move
- tt_spec_prop
- tt_spec_prop
- Examining Spec Information
- tt_spec_prop_add
- Updating Object Specs
- Adding Values to Properties
- tt_spec_prop_add
- tt_spec_prop_count
- tt_spec_prop_count
- tt_spec_prop_set
- tt_spec_prop_set
- Updating Object Specs
- Storing Spec Properties
- tt_spec_propname
- tt_spec_propname
- tt_spec_propnames_count
- tt_spec_propnames_count
- tt_spec_type
- Examining Spec Information
- tt_spec_type
- tt_spec_type_set
- tt_spec_type_set
- Assigning Otypes
- tt_spec_write
- Writing Object Specs
- tt_spec_write
- Tt_disposition
- Tt_state
- Tt_state
- Tt_state
- Tt_status
- Tt_status
- Unregistering from the ToolTalk Service
- tt_status_message
- Functions with No Natural Return Values
- tt_status_message
- tt_type_comp
- Defining Object Types
- Installing Type Information
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- Defining Process Types
- Sending a Message
- tt_X_session
- tt_X_session
- ttcopy command
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttdbck
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttmv command
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttrm command
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttrmdircommand
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttsample1 program
- Sample Programs
- ttsession
- ToolTalk Architecture
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- ttsession parameters
- Starting a ToolTalk Session
- tttar command
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- type compiler
- Location of the ToolTalk Service Files
- type compiler tt_type_comp
- Defining Process Types
- type information, making available to ToolTalk
- Making Type Information Available to the ToolTalk Service
- unregistering a message pattern
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- unregistering message patterns automatically
- Deleting and Unregistering a Message Pattern
- update existing spec properties
- Updating Object Specs
- updating existing specs
- Updating Object Specs
- updating message patterns
- Updating Message Patterns with the Current Session or File
- vendor data type registration program
- Data Type Registration
- writing specs, into ToolTalk database
- Writing Object Specs
- X Window System, establishing a session under
- X Window System