This extension introduces the concept of an Application Group. An Application Group is a set of one or more applications that are primarily managed by a special application known as the Application Group Leader, which, for example, might be a web browser. The primary purpose of Application Groups is to provide a means of sharing the Substructure-Redirect attribute of the root window between the window manager and one or more Application Group Leaders.
To join an Application Group an application must present the proper authorization during the connection setup. Authorizations are generated by the X server at the request of an Application Group Leader, and are then stored for the application to use to establish its connection to the X server. To generate an authorization the Application Group Leader sends a request to the server naming the Application Group to which the authorization will be bound, and any applications that connect using that authorization will automatically become part of the associated Application Group. The protocol to generate an authorization is defined in the Security Extension specification.
As a member of an Application Group, when an application creates and maps a window as a child of the root window, the MapRequest and ConfigureRequest events are delivered to the Application Group Leader instead of the window manager. The Application Group Leader may then reparent the window into its own window hierarchy; or reissue the map request, in which case the window comes under the control of the window manager.