A Window error is returned if default_root is specified and is not a valid root window.
A Color error is returned default_colormap is specified but default_colormap is not a valid colormap for the screen of default_root.
A Match error is returned if root_visual and default_colormap are both specified, but default_colormap's visual is not root_visual.
A Match error is returned if root_visual does not exist for the screen of the default_root.
An AppGroup error is returned if app_group is not a valid Application Group.
An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to destroy an Application Group created by a trusted application.
An AppGroup error is returned if app_group is not a valid Application Group.
An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to get the attributes of an Application Group created by a trusted application.
An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to query the Application Group of a trusted application.
A Match error is returned if the X server does not support the window_type.
An Access error may be returned if the X server only supports the window_type on the local host and the program making the request is on a non-local host.
A Window error may be returned for system-specific errors related to system_window, e.g. system_window does not represent a valid native window.