ConfigureNotify — (generated event).
When Generated
A ConfigureNotify event announces actual changes to a
window's configuration (size, position, border, and stacking
order). See also the CirculateRequest reference page.
Select With
This event is selected for a single window by specifying the
window ID of that window with StructureNotifyMask.
To receive this event for all children of a window, specify
the parent window ID with SubstructureNotifyMask.
XEvent Structure Name
typedef union _XEvent {
XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
} XEvent;
Event Structure
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window event;
Window window;
int x, y;
int width, height;
int border_width;
Window above;
Bool override_redirect;
} XConfigureEvent;
Event Structure Members
event | | The window that selected the event. The event and
window members are identical if the event was selected
with StructureNotifyMask.
window | | The window whose configuration was changed.
x, y | | The final coordinates of the reconfigured window relative to its parent.
width, height | | The width and height in pixels of the window after reconfiguration.
border_width | | The width in pixels of the border after reconfiguration.
above | | If this member is None, then the window is on the bottom of
the stack with respect to its siblings. Otherwise, the window is
immediately on top of the specified sibling window.
override_redirect | | The override_redirect attribute of the reconfigured window.
If True, it indicates that the client wants this window to
be immune to interception by the window manager of configuration
requests. Window managers normally should ignore this event if
override_redirect is True.