GravityNotify — (generated event).
When Generated
A GravityNotify event reports when a window is moved
because of a change in the size of its parent. This happens
when the win_gravity attribute of the child window is
something other than StaticGravity or UnmapGravity.
Select With
This event is selected for a single window by specifying the window
ID of that window with StructureNotifyMask. To receive
notification of movement due to gravity for a group of siblings,
specify the parent window ID with SubstructureNotifyMask.
XEvent Structure Name
typedef union _XEvent {
XGravityEvent xgravity;
} XEvent;
Event Structure
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* True if this came from SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window event;
Window window;
int x, y;
} XGravityEvent;
Event Structure Members
event | | The window that selected the event.
window | | The window that was moved.
x, y | | The new coordinates of the window relative to its parent.