- !
- See modifiers
- # directive
- See translations
- #include files
- Including Files in a Resource File
- Including Files in a Resource File
- %C
- Customized Resource Files
- %L
- Customized Resource Files
- %N
- Customized Resource Files
- %S
- Customized Resource Files
- %T
- Customized Resource Files
- * wildcard
- Wildcarding Resource Component Names
- ? wildcard
- Wildcarding Resource Component Names
- example
- Resource Matching Algorithm
- accelerators
- about
- Core Resources
- The Core Class Part
- Events, Translations, and Accelerators
- Accelerators and Mnemonics
- The display_accelerators Method
- Glossary
- adding
- Xt Accelerators
- and mnemonics
- Motif Accelerators and Mnemonics
- Mnemonics
- and translations; conflicts with
- Event Propagation
- and translations; translation table limitations
- Xt Accelerators
- defining default table in code
- Defining the Accelerator Table in the Code
- event propagation
- Event Propagation
- for gadgets
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- for menus
- Cascaded Menus
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- installing
- Xt Accelerators
- installing; in multiple widgets
- Installing Accelerators in Multiple Widgets
- Installing Accelerators in Multiple Widgets
- Installing Accelerators in Multiple Widgets
- not usable in gadgets
- Gadgets
- accept_focus method
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- accepts_objects field
- The Gadget Parent
- access control list
- Glossary
- action hooks
- Action Hooks and Calling Actions Directly
- actions
- Actions
- The Translation Table
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- The Gadget Parent
- Application Contexts
- See Also XtAddActions
- See Also XtAppAddActions
- See Also XtMenuPopdown
- See Also XtMenuPopup
- about
- Widget-Application Interaction
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- Glossary
- action proc format
- Format of an Action Function
- actions table; about
- Glossary
- adding to widget
- The Actions Table
- contrasted with callbacks
- Format of an Action Function
- defined in widget implementation file
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- gadget parent example
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- in gadgets
- Gadgets
- naming conventions
- Callbacks
- using event data
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- vs. methods
- Methods
- widget instance pointer
- Actions in the Widget Framework
- widget/application conflicts
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- actions table
- adding
- The Actions Table
- The Actions Table
- example
- The Actions Table
- format
- The Actions Table
- active grab
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- address mode
- XtAddress constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtBaseOffset constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtImmediate constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtProcedureArg constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtResourceQuark constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtResourceString constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtWidgetBaseOffset constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- aliasing font names
- Font Name Aliasing
- Font Name Aliasing
- Alt key
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- See Also modifiers
- ancestor
- Glossary
- anonymous ftp
- Compiling the Application
- app-defaults
- recommended bindings
- Resource Precedence Rules
- app-defaults file
- about
- The Code
- The App-defaults File
- directory
- The App-defaults File
- naming conventions
- The Code
- The App-defaults File
- Apple Computer
- bitmap fonts
- Font Service
- font servers
- Font Service
- application contexts
- More About Application Contexts
- More About Application Contexts
- about
- More About Application Contexts
- Application Contexts
- Connecting to Multiple Servers
- Glossary
- applicationShellWidgetClass
- Shell Subclasses
- creating
- More About Application Contexts
- multiple
- Multiple Application Contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtOpenDisplay
- Connecting to Multiple Servers
- application resources
- about
- Application Resources
- adding
- Application Resources
- data structure
- The Application Data Structure
- The Application Data Structure
- The Application Data Structure
- The Application Data Structure
- retrieving values
- Getting the Resources
- appres utility
- Resource Precedence Rules
- arguments
- Arg structure
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- argc
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- Setting Shell Resources
- ARGSUSED lint comment
- Callbacks
- argument lists
- Getting a Resource Value
- argument lists; about
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Glossary
- argument lists; creating
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- Getting a Resource Value
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- argument lists; creating dynamically
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- argument lists; example
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- argv
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- Setting Shell Resources
- command line
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- to actions
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- varargs
- Using the Varargs Interfaces
- aspect ratio
- Screen Space
- Athena widgets
- Subparts and Subresources
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- See Also MenuButton widget
- See Also Text widget
- about
- About Widget Sets
- Glossary
- atoms
- about
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Glossary
- for protocols; _MOTIF_WM_MESSAGES
- for protocols; WM_DELETE_WINDOW
- for protocols; WM_PROTOCOLS
- for protocols; WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
- for protocols; WM_TAKE_FOCUS
- obtaining; example
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- predefined
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- standard
- ICCCM Compliance
- augmenting translations
- The Translation Table
- Hardcoding Translations
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- background
- about
- Glossary
- option (-background
- -bg)
- Standard Command-line Options
- Standard Command-line Options
- pixmap
- Core Resources
- processing
- Work Procedures
- resources
- Core Resources
- window attribute
- A Sample Method
- backing_store
- about
- Glossary
- window attribute
- A Sample Method
- A Sample Method
- binding
- tight vs. loose
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- bit
- bit gravity window attribute
- A Sample Method
- Glossary
- bit plane
- Glossary
- bitmap
- about
- Icons
- Glossary
- files
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- fonts
- Scalable Fonts
- font-scaling algorithm
- Font Service
- BitmapEdit widget
- Geometry Management in Practice
- An Example Application
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- The resize Method
- Writing a Composite Widget
- The BitmapEdit Widget
- BitmapEditClassRec
- Class Part and Class Record
- Class Part and Class Record
- Visibility Interest
- BitmapEditRec example
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- class hierarchy of
- Parts and Records
- instance part and record
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- border
- about
- Glossary
- border option (-border, -bd)
- Standard Command-line Options
- bordercolor option (-bordercolor)
- Standard Command-line Options
- borderwidth option (-borderwidth, -bw)
- Standard Command-line Options
- pixmap
- Core Resources
- resources
- Core Resources
- width
- Geometry Management
- window attribute
- A Sample Method
- bounding box
- The expose Method
- Box widget
- Xt Accelerators
- BulletinBoard widget
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- ButtonPress event
- Modifiers
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- ButtonRelease event
- Modifiers
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- buttons
- Command Buttons
- See Also command buttons
- grabbing
- Glossary
- byte order
- Glossary
- caching
- old size
- The resize Method
- resource
- Registering Type Converters
- Registering Type Converters
- standard atoms
- Xmu Atom Caching
- Xmu Atom Caching
- Xmu; initializing
- Xmu Atom Caching
- Xmu Atom Caching
- callbacks
- about
- Widget-Application Interaction
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- Glossary
- adding
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- adding; more than one
- Callback Lists
- arguments to
- Callbacks
- The call_data Argument
- as resources
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- callback list
- Callback Lists
- contrasted with actions
- Format of an Action Function
- format
- Callbacks
- naming conventions
- Callbacks
- passing data
- Passing Data to Callback Functions
- The client_data Argument
- The client_data Argument
- The client_data Argument
- The call_data Argument
- reasons
- Widget-Application Interaction
- Widget-Application Interaction
- structure
- The call_data Argument
- callbacks~order of
- Callback Lists
- Caption widget
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- Cardinal *
- R4 to R5
- cascading popups
- about
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- Cascaded Menus
- Cascaded Menus
- example
- Cascaded Menus
- Cascaded Menus
- case converter
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- chained methods
- See inheritance
- change_managed method
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- The change_managed Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- in constraint widgets
- The change_managed Method
- The change_managed Method
- CheckBox widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- class
- about
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Glossary
- class_initialize method
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Registering Type Converters
- Registering Type Converters
- Class Structure Initialization
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- Class Extension Structures
- class_part_initialize method
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Class Structure Initialization
- The class_part_init Method
- The Gadget Parent
- extension structure
- Class Extension Structures
- hierarchy;
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Parts and Records
- See Also widget classes
- hierarchy; Athena widgets
- Description of Core Methods
- hierarchy; gadgets
- Gadgets
- Gadgets
- Gadgets
- name; defined in Core class part
- The Core Class Part
- name; matching widgets
- Setting Resources for an Instance Hierarchy
- part
- Parts and Records
- part; combining into class record
- Parts and Records
- record
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- record; allocating storage
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- record; BitmapEdit widget
- Class Part and Class Record
- Class Part and Class Record
- record; contents
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- structure
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Summary of Conventions
- structure; adding resource list to
- Defining the Resource List
- client
- about
- The Server and Client
- Glossary
- client-server model
- The Server and Client
- clipboard functions
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- clipping region
- Glossary
- color
- Core Resources
- Graphics from the Application
- A Sample Method
- A Sample Method
- Colormaps
- determining available
- How Many Colors are Available?
- displaying
- How Many Colors are Available?
- false
- Colormaps
- hexadecimal specification
- Hexadecimal Color Specification
- names
- Color Names
- RGB model
- The RGB Color Model
- specifying
- Color Specification
- color specification
- new-style RGB
- The RGB Color Model
- color vs. mono
- File Finding and Internationalization
- colorcell
- How Many Colors are Available?
- See Also colormap
- about
- Glossary
- read-only
- How Many Colors are Available?
- read/write
- How Many Colors are Available?
- shared
- How Many Colors are Available?
- colormap
- about
- Core Resources
- How Many Colors are Available?
- Glossary
- installing
- Colormaps
- virtual
- Colormaps
- window attribute
- A Sample Method
- Colormaps
- command
- command buttons
- Command Buttons
- Exclusive and Nonexclusive Settings
- Command Buttons
- command line; compiling
- Compiling the Application
- command line; options
- See options
- Command widget
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- Xt Accelerators
- Event Propagation
- Installing Accelerators in Multiple Widgets
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- Cascaded Menus
- command widgets; Motif
- Command Buttons
- command widgets; OPEN LOOK
- Application Controls
- Exclusive and Nonexclusive Settings
- compiling Xt
- Compiling the Application
- composite widgets
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- about
- Programming with Widgets
- Geometry Management
- Geometry Management
- Glossary
- as parent and child
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- class
- Programming with Widgets
- Parts and Records
- class; about
- Using Composite Widgets
- class; XtNinsertPosition resource
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- Composite widget
- Widget Classes and Instances
- general purpose
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- importance
- Composite Widgets
- initial size
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- inserting children
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- management
- How Composite Management Works
- menus and control areas
- Menus and Control Areas
- Motif
- Composite Widgets
- Scrollable Windows
- reasons for writing
- Geometry Management
- using within other widgets
- Geometry Management
- writing
- Writing a Composite Widget
- compound strings
- Compound Strings
- Rendering Compound Strings
- converting to text
- Converting Compound Strings to Text
- rendering
- Rendering Compound Strings
- setting
- Using the Varargs Interfaces
- compound widgets
- Compound Widgets
- Compound Widgets
- compress_exposure field
- Event Filters
- compression filters (see events
- event filters
- Event Filters
- connection
- Glossary
- constraint widgets
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- about
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Geometry Management
- Glossary
- class
- Parts and Records
- class; part
- Class Structure Initialization
- class; refiguring child locations
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- management
- How Constraint Management Works
- How Constraint Management Works
- Delaying Geometry Recalculation
- part structure
- The Constraint Resource List
- resources
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- The Constraint Resource List
- resources; example
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- vs. composite widgets
- Using Constraint Widgets
- writing
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- containment
- Glossary
- conventions
- action function names
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- app-defaults file
- The Code
- The App-defaults File
- callback function names
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- font naming
- Font Naming Conventions
- for XtInherit constants
- A Sample Method
- gadget internals
- Inside a Gadget
- instance variables order
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- keysym naming
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Details in Keyboard Events
- resource; class
- Defining the Resource List
- resource; names
- Defining the Resource List
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- resource; representation types
- Defining the Resource List
- widget; internals
- Widget Source File Organization
- widget; source file names
- Widget Source File Organization
- widget; structure declarations
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Summary of Conventions
- Summary of Conventions
- conversion caching
- Registering Type Converters
- converters
- Type Conversion
- Defining the Default Value
- Application Contexts
- Application Contexts
- See Also XtAppAddConverter
- See Also XtSetTypeConverter
- color name to pixel value
- Graphics from the Application
- Colormaps
- Convert.h
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- explicitly invoking
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- registering
- Resource Management and Type Conversion
- coordinate system
- Introduction to the X Window System
- Glossary
- Core widget
- Programming with Widgets
- xbitmap2: Adding Graphics to Display the Bitmap
- Parts and Records
- The Core Class Part
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- See Also methods
- about
- Programming with Widgets
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Core Resources
- Glossary
- class part; initializing
- The Core Class Part
- The Core Class Part
- The Core Class Part
- The Core Class Part
- class structure; in gadgets
- Gadgets
- CoreClassPart structure
- Class Part and Class Record
- CorePart structure
- Class Part and Class Record
- drawing into from application
- Exposure Strategy
- fields;
- The Core Class Part
- See Also methods, set_values_hook
- fields; compress_enterleave
- The Core Class Part
- Event Filters
- fields; compress_exposure
- The Core Class Part
- The expose Method
- Event Filters
- fields; compress_motion
- The Core Class Part
- Event Filters
- fields; display_accelerator
- The Core Class Part
- fields; extension
- The Core Class Part
- fields; superclass
- The Core Class Part
- fields; tm_table
- The Core Class Part
- fields; version
- The Core Class Part
- fields; visible_interest
- The Core Class Part
- Visibility Interest
- fields; widget_size
- The Core Class Part
- fields; xrm_class
- The Core Class Part
- hidden superclasses
- A Sample Method
- instance record; height field
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- instance record; width field
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- resources
- Core Resources
- superclasses
- Gadgets
- counter incrementing
- inside XtSetArg
- Setting Resources with the ArgList Interfaces
- Ctrl key
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- See Also modifiers
- cursor
- about
- A Sample Method
- Glossary
- hotspot
- Glossary
- window attribute
- A Sample Method
- customization
- File Finding and Internationalization
- customizations
- resources
- Customized Resource Files
- specifying multiple
- Customized Resource Files
- customization~resource
- Merging of Resource Files
- cut and paste
- See selections
- debugging
- Debugging Xt Applications
- DECnet
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- decoration
- A Simple X Toolkit Application
- Window Manager Decorations
- default
- multiple click timing
- Event Sequences
- size
- The query_geometry Method
- delete_child method
- How Composite Management Works
- depth
- Creating GCs
- Core Resources
- Glossary
- derived instances
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- of scalable fonts
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- descendants
- Glossary
- destroy method
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- about
- The destroy Method
- Constraint
- Class Structure Initialization
- example from BitmapEdit
- The destroy Method
- destructors
- Registering Type Converters
- details in translations
- See translations
- device
- Glossary
- dialog boxes
- About Dialog Boxes
- About Dialog Boxes
- cascading
- About Dialog Boxes
- creating
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- grabs in
- About Dialog Boxes
- without grabs
- About Dialog Boxes
- Dialog widget
- Compound Widgets
- Dialog widgets
- different kinds of
- Dialog Widgets
- Dialog Widgets
- DirectColor
- Glossary
- directories
- font
- Font Specification
- display
- about
- The Server and Client
- Glossary
- connecting to multiple displays
- Connecting to Multiple Servers
- depth
- How Many Colors are Available?
- display_accelerator method
- The display_accelerators Method
- lists
- The expose Method
- option (-display)
- Standard Command-line Options
- DISPLAY environment variable
- Core Resources
- distributed processing
- The Server and Client
- DoesBackingStore Xlib macro
- A Sample Method
- DoesSaveUnders Xlib macro
- A Sample Method
- double clicks
- Event Sequences
- Event Sequences
- downward chaining
- Initializing the Core Methods
- drawing
- about
- The expose Method
- Graphics from the Application
- Graphics from the Application
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- The Core Class Part
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The expose Method
- after Expose event
- Description of Core Methods
- bitmap cells
- The Process of Widget Writing
- coordinate system
- Introduction to the X Window System
- due to set_values method changes
- The set_values Method
- in expose method
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- into Core widget
- Exposure Strategy
- Exposure Strategy
- into DrawingArea widget
- Exposure Strategy
- window attributes
- A Sample Method
- A Sample Method
- DrawingArea widget
- xbitmap2: Adding Graphics to Display the Bitmap
- xbitmap3: Another Way to Create a Custom Window
- Drawing Areas
- drawing from application
- Exposure Strategy
- updating
- Graphics from the Application
- DrawnButton widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- R4 to R5
- editres
- R4 to R5
- use in programming
- Using Editres in Xt
- Testing a Widget's geometry_manager
- encapsulation
- Encapsulation
- Glossary
- enter/leave compression
- Event Filters
- EnterNotify event
- Details in Other Event Types
- Details in Other Event Types
- Modifiers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- EnterWindow event
- Event Handlers
- environment variables
- Core Resources
- environment variables~syntax of
- Syntax of Environment Variables
- Error
- Cannot convert...
- Using Constraint Widgets
- error handling
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- and application contexts
- Errors and Warnings
- error resource database
- Errors and Warnings
- levels
- Errors and Warnings
- redefining handlers
- Errors and Warnings
- string conversion warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- XtAppInitialize
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- error messages
- localization of
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- event handlers
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Event Handlers
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- about
- Widget-Application Interaction
- More Input Techniques
- Glossary
- adding
- Event Handlers
- Adding Event Handlers
- for nonmaskable events
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- raw
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- reasons to use
- Event Handlers
- event sequences
- Event Sequences
- events
- about
- Event-driven Programming
- Event-driven Programming
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- as argument of action
- Format of an Action Function
- ButtonPress
- Modifiers
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- ButtonRelease
- Modifiers
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- EnterNotify
- Details in Other Event Types
- Details in Other Event Types
- Modifiers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- EnterWindow
- Event Handlers
- event compression
- Glossary
- event data; example of using in an action
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- event filters
- The Core Class Part
- The expose Method
- Event Filters
- event loop
- See main loop
- event masks; about
- Event Handlers
- Event Handlers
- Glossary
- Glossary
- event masks; window attribute
- A Sample Method
- event propagation
- Glossary
- event queue
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- event sequences
- Event Sequences Sharing Initial Events
- Event Sequences Sharing Initial Events
- Event Sequences Sharing Noninitial Events
- Event Sequences Sharing Noninitial Events
- event source
- Glossary
- event structure
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- event-driven programming
- Event-driven Programming
- Event-driven Programming
- Expose
- Event-driven Programming
- Event-driven Programming
- Widget Independence
- Graphics from the Application
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- The Core Class Part
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Timeouts
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- FocusIn
- Details in Other Event Types
- Details in Other Event Types
- Event Handlers
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- Glossary
- FocusOut
- Details in Other Event Types
- Details in Other Event Types
- Event Handlers
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- frozen
- Glossary
- GraphicsExpose
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- in action routines
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- in gadgets
- Gadgets
- KeyPress
- Modifiers
- Keyboard Interpretation
- KeyRelease
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Modifiers
- LeaveNotify
- Details in Other Event Types
- Details in Other Event Types
- Modifiers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- list of types and structure names
- Event Types and Structure Names
- Event Types and Structure Names
- mocking up from action
- The expose Method
- MotionNotify
- Modifiers
- Special Considerations Involving Motion Events
- Event Handlers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- NoExpose
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- nonmaskable
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Event Propagation
- Event Handlers
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Glossary
- nonmaskable; example of handlers
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Event Propagation
- Event Handlers
- propagation
- Event Propagation
- selecting
- Event Propagation
- SelectionClear
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- SelectionNotify
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- SelectionRequest
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- translation table abbreviations
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- using inside actions or event handlers
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- VisibilityNotify
- The Core Class Part
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- XEvent; example
- Writing Routines That Use Specific Event Data
- expo.lcs.mit.edu
- Compiling the Application
- expose
- Expose events
- Widget Independence
- Basic Widget Methods
- The expose Method
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- exposure;
- Event-driven Programming
- See Also events, Expose
- exposure; compression
- The expose Method
- Event Filters
- method
- The expose Method
- The expose Method
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The expose Method
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- method; example from BitmapEdit
- The expose Method
- method; in gadgets
- Gadgets
- The Gadget Source File
- The Gadget Parent
- extensions
- about
- Extensions to X
- Glossary
- structures
- The Gadget Parent
- Class Extension Structures
- fallback resources
- Fallback Resources
- Fallback Resources
- File menu
- creating
- Building a Main Window
- Using Popups
- example
- Creating a Basic Menu
- files
- character limit in filenames
- Widget Source File Organization
- file input
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- Getting File Input
- file input; source masks
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- including in resource files
- Including Files in a Resource File
- paths to resource
- Syntax of Environment Variables
- resource
- File Finding and Internationalization
- FileSelectionDialog widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- finding files
- Syntax of Environment Variables
- float type
- setting resources
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- FocusIn event
- Details in Other Event Types
- Event Handlers
- FocusOut event
- Details in Other Event Types
- Event Handlers
- font clients
- Font Service
- font names
- overspecified
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- scalable fields
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- underspecified
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- well-formed
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- -font option
- lack of
- XFontSet Resources
- font scaling
- Scalable Fonts
- font scaling algorithms
- Font Service
- font service
- Font Service
- Using Scalable Fonts
- architecture
- Font Service
- Font Service
- configuration
- Font Service
- Font Service
- diagram
- Font Service
- motivation for
- Font Service
- new features
- Font Service
- protocol
- Font Service
- scaling
- Scalable Fonts
- used for licensing
- Font Service
- font set
- XFontSet Resources
- fonts
- about
- Glossary
- aliasing
- Font Name Aliasing
- Font Name Aliasing
- bitmap
- Scalable Fonts
- creating databases (mkfontdir)
- The fonts.dir Files
- directories
- Font Specification
- display (xfd)
- Font Specification
- families
- Font Specification
- Font Name Wildcarding
- font option (-font)
- Standard Command-line Options
- Standard Command-line Options
- fonts.dir files
- The fonts.dir Files
- foreign language
- Compound Strings
- Rendering Compound Strings
- naming convention
- Font Naming Conventions
- printer
- Font Specification
- represented by compound strings
- Compound Strings
- Rendering Compound Strings
- scalable
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- See Also scalable fonts
- screen
- Font Specification
- specifying
- Specifying Fonts and Colors
- using filename as alias
- Font Name Aliasing
- wildcarding
- Font Name Wildcarding
- foreground
- about
- Glossary
- option (-foreground
- -fg)
- Standard Command-line Options
- Form widget
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- Delaying Geometry Recalculation
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- about
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Using Constraint Widgets
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- example
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- General Purpose Composite Widgets
- layout method
- Class Structure Initialization
- Frame widget
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- ftp
- Compiling the Application
- functions
- widget creation
- Widget Creation Functions
- Widget Creation Functions
- gadgets
- about
- Using Composite Widgets
- A Sample Method
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- Gadgets
- accelerators
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- accelerators; not usable
- Gadgets
- actions in
- Gadgets
- class hierarchy
- Gadgets
- Gadgets
- class structure
- Private Header File
- Private Header File
- composite parent
- Gadgets
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- Core class structure
- Gadgets
- drawbacks of
- Gadgets
- event handling in
- Gadgets
- Gadgets
- expose method
- The Gadget Source File
- implementation file
- The Gadget Source File
- instance structure
- Private Header File
- Private Header File
- Private Header File
- Private Header File
- internals
- Inside a Gadget
- The Public Header File
- private header file
- Private Header File
- Private Header File
- public header file
- The Public Header File
- The Public Header File
- query_geometry method
- The Gadget Source File
- reason for
- Gadgets
- set_values_almost method
- The Gadget Source File
- Sme
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- The Public Header File
- SmeBSB
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- The Public Header File
- SmeLine
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- The Public Header File
- superclass
- The Gadget Source File
- unused Core fields in
- The Gadget Source File
- The Gadget Source File
- games
- Timeouts
- GCs
- See graphics contexts
- sharing between instances
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- geometry management
- How Composite Management Works
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Screen Space
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Application Resizes a Widget
- Application Resizes a Widget
- The set_values_almost Method
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- See Also methods
- See Also methods, set_values_almost
- See Also XtDestroyWidget
- about
- The Code
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- Geometry Management
- Stacking Order
- Glossary
- almost right
- The set_values_almost Method
- border width
- Geometry Management
- changing (XtMakeGeometryRequest)
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- composite resource
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- compound widgets
- Compound Widgets
- Compound Widgets
- constraints
- How Constraint Management Works
- Class Structure Initialization
- delaying recalculation
- Delaying Geometry Recalculation
- height
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- initial geometry negotiation
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- inserting children
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- minimal useful size
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- querying; preferred geometry
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- querying; XtQueryOnly constant
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- resizing
- User Resizes the Application
- Geometry Management
- resizing; by application
- Application Resizes a Widget
- Application Resizes a Widget
- resizing; by user
- User Resizes the Application
- User Resizes the Application
- resizing; by widget request
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- scope
- Geometry Management
- size preferences
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- stacking order
- Geometry Management
- Stacking Order
- trickle-down
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- unmanaging widget
- The change_managed Method
- what if requests
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- width
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- XtGeometryAlmost
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryDone
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryNo
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryResult
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryYes
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtMakeGeometryRequest
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Application Resizes a Widget
- XtMakeResizeRequest
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtQueryGeometry
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- XtWidgetGeometry
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- geometry option
- (-geometry)
- Standard Command-line Options
- get_values_hook method
- Description of Core Methods
- The Hook Methods
- global variables
- The client_data Argument
- glyph
- Glossary
- grabs
- about
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Glossary
- Glossary
- active vs. passive
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- adding or removing explicitly
- About Dialog Boxes
- exclusive vs. nonexclusive
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Cascaded Menus
- global
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- grab modes
- Cascaded Menus
- in dialog boxes
- About Dialog Boxes
- keyboard
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- passive
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Glossary
- pointer
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- reasons for in menus
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- graphics contexts
- about
- Graphics from the Application
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- A Sample Method
- Glossary
- caching
- Creating GCs
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- changing
- Creating GCs
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- creating
- Creating GCs
- Creating GCs
- Creating GCs
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- exclusive or logical function
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- freeing
- The set_values Method
- The destroy Method
- hardcoding values in
- Creating GCs
- read-only
- Creating GCs
- reasons for
- Graphics from the Application
- setting with resources
- Creating GCs
- graphics primitive
- Glossary
- GraphicsExpose event
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- gravity
- Glossary
- GrayScale
- Glossary
- hand-tuned~fonts
- Scalable Fonts
- hardcoding
- resources
- To Hardcode or Not to Hardcode
- Preventing User Customization of Widget Resources
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- translations
- Hardcoding Translations
- header files
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- Core Resources
- Widget Source File Organization
- Getting File Input
- Gadgets
- Naming Conventions
- not included twice
- Class Part and Class Record
- private
- Glossary
- public
- Glossary
- height
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- checking in initialize method
- The initialize Method
- help
- Help button; creating
- Creating a Basic Menu
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- Help dialogue box; creating
- Creating a Basic Menu
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- help text
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- hexadecimal color specification
- Hexadecimal Color Specification
- hints
- about
- Window Manager Interactions
- Glossary
- icon position
- Setting Shell Resources
- position
- Other Inherited Resources
- size
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- size increment
- Screen Space
- hooks
- Action Hooks and Calling Actions Directly
- host access list
- Glossary
- Hyper key
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- See Also modifiers
- The Window Manager
- Interclient Communications
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- ICCCM Compliance
- Converting the Standard Selections
- icon
- creating pixmap
- Icons
- Icons
- iconic option, (-iconic)
- Standard Command-line Options
- popups
- Setting Shell Resources
- setting; name
- Icons
- setting; pixmap
- Interclient Communications
- Icons
- size and position
- Window Geometry
- starting application as
- Setting Shell Resources
- identifier
- Glossary
- ifndef statement
- Class Part and Class Record
- image caching
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- Imakefile
- writing
- Customized Resource Files
- implementation file
- See widget
- include files
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- Core Resources
- Widget Source File Organization
- Class Part and Class Record
- in widget implementation
- Obligatory Include Files
- incremental selections
- How Incremental Selection Works
- inferiors
- Glossary
- inheritance
- about
- Widget Classes and Instances
- More About Resources
- Other Inherited Resources
- The Core Class Part
- A Sample Method
- Glossary
- adding features to superclass
- A Sample Method
- among Motif Widgets
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- among OPEN LOOK widgets
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- Command Buttons
- in widget class and instance record
- Parts and Records
- Parts and Records
- of chained methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- of conflicting methods
- A Sample Method
- of Core resources
- Core Resources
- Core Resources
- of self-contained methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- of superclass method
- A Sample Method
- resources
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- styles
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Initializing the Core Methods
- using XtInherit constants
- Initializing the Core Methods
- widget not using resource value
- Other Inherited Resources
- initial size
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- initialize method
- Creating GCs
- Basic Widget Methods
- The initialize Method
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- about
- The initialize Method
- Constraint
- The Constraint initialize Method
- creating GCs in
- Creating GCs
- example from BitmapEdit
- The initialize Method
- initialize_hook method
- The Hook Methods
- input
- focus
- Glossary
- from file
- Getting File Input
- Getting File Input
- from pipe
- Getting Pipe Input
- Getting Pipe Input
- InputOnly window
- Glossary
- InputOutput window
- Description of Core Methods
- Glossary
- manager
- Glossary
- source masks
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- input methods
- and text internationalization
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- insert_child method
- How Composite Management Works
- instance
- about
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Glossary
- record
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- record; adding variables to
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- record; allocating storage
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- record; BitmapEdit widget
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- record; contents
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- structures
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Summary of Conventions
- The initialize Method
- structures; constraints in
- The Constraint Resource List
- instance names~requirements for
- The Code
- Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual
- internationalization
- and the X Toolkit
- Internationalization in the X Toolkit
- Intrinsics
- Obligatory Include Files
- about
- The Software Hierarchy
- Glossary
- Intrinsic.h header file
- Structure of Motif Applications
- IntrinsicP.h header file
- Obligatory Include Files
- Obligatory Include Files
- key events
- See events or translations
- keyboard
- keyboard focus;
- Input Model
- See Also XmNinput resource
- keyboard focus; about
- Input Model
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- keyboard focus; in Motif widgets
- Keyboard Traversal and Focus
- Keyboard Traversal and Focus
- keyboard focus; setting
- Input Model
- keyboard focus; styles
- Input Model
- Glossary
- keyboard grabbing
- See grabs
- keyboard shortcuts
- See accelerators
- keycodes
- about
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Keyboard Interpretation
- Glossary
- KeyPress event
- Modifiers
- KeyRelease event
- Modifiers
- keysyms
- about
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Keyboard Interpretation
- Glossary
- converting case
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- key generated
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- keysymdef.h header file
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- naming conventions
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Label widget
- How Composite Management Works
- Widget Classes and Instances
- The Object
- xbitmap2: Adding Graphics to Display the Bitmap
- The resize Method
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Naming Conventions
- Label.h file
- Encapsulation
- labels
- setting
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- LANG environment variable
- The Language String
- language
- portability
- Setting and Getting Resources from the Application
- language procedures
- registering
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- language strings
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- LANG~environment variable
- Merging of Resource Files
- layout Form method
- Class Structure Initialization
- LeaveNotify event
- Details in Other Event Types
- Modifiers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- LeaveWindow event
- Event Handlers
- A Pulldown Menu
- Cascaded Menus
- libraries
- Xext
- Extensions to X
- Xlib
- Compiling the Application
- Xm
- Compiling the Application
- Xt
- Compiling the Application
- lint
- Callbacks
- Using the Varargs Interfaces
- List widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- Event Handlers
- Command Buttons
- loading
- scalable fonts
- Using Scalable Fonts
- Locale
- definition
- Glossary
- dependencies in X Toolkit
- String Encoding and Locale Dependencies in Xt
- establishing;in X Toolkit
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- localization
- of error messages
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- loose bindings
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- Glossary
- macros
- Macros For Getting Information
- Macros For Getting Information
- main loop
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Code
- customizing example
- Low-level Management of the Event Queue
- Low-level Management of the Event Queue
- internals
- Low-level Management of the Event Queue
- MainWindow widget
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- creation example
- Building a Main Window
- Makefile
- writing
- Customized Resource Files
- Manager widget
- Widget Classes and Instances
- mapping
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- See Also MappingNotify event
- about
- Core Resources
- Glossary
- mechanism without policy
- The Software Hierarchy
- Interclient Communications
- memory allocation
- Memory Allocation
- for widget instance record
- The Core Class Part
- menus
- about
- The Code
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- The Gadget Parent
- Menus and Control Areas
- accelerators in
- Cascaded Menus
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- cascaded
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- Cascaded Menus
- Cascaded Menus
- menu items
- Creating a Basic Menu
- menu pane
- Creating a Basic Menu
- menubar
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- panes
- Using Composite Widgets
- pointer grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- popping down
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Cascaded Menus
- popping up
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- popping up with callbacks
- A Pulldown Menu
- pulldown
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- pulldown; example
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- SimpleMenu widget, example
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- spring-loaded
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtMenuPopdown
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtMenuPopup
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- merging of resource files
- Merging of Resource Files
- messages
- about
- Messages
- Glossary
- OOP vs. Xt
- Messages
- Meta key
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- methods
- about
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Glossary
- accept_focus
- Description of Core Methods
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- accept_focus; about
- Glossary
- and instance structure
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- change_managed
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- The change_managed Method
- The change_managed Method
- change_managed; about
- Glossary
- change_managed; in constraint widgets
- The change_managed Method
- The change_managed Method
- class_initialize
- Description of Core Methods
- Registering Type Converters
- The Gadget Parent
- class_initialize; about
- Glossary
- class_part_initialize
- Description of Core Methods
- Constraint; destroy
- Class Structure Initialization
- Constraint; initialize
- The Constraint initialize Method
- The Constraint initialize Method
- Constraint; resizing
- The resize Method
- declarations in widget implementation file
- Declaring Methods
- Declaring Methods
- delete_child
- How Composite Management Works
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- delete_child; about
- Glossary
- destroy
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- Class Structure Initialization
- Class Structure Initialization
- destroy; about
- Glossary
- destroy; example
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- display_accelerator
- The display_accelerators Method
- drawing; due to changes in set_values
- The set_values Method
- drawing; in expose
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- expose
- The expose Method
- Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The expose Method
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Gadgets
- The Gadget Source File
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- Glossary
- Form layout
- Class Structure Initialization
- gadget; expose
- The Gadget Source File
- gadget; query_geometry
- The Gadget Source File
- gadget; set_values_almost
- The Gadget Source File
- geometry_manager
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- get_values_hook
- Description of Core Methods
- The Hook Methods
- get_values_hook; about
- Glossary
- get_values_hook; example
- The Hook Methods
- The Hook Methods
- The Hook Methods
- The Hook Methods
- in OOP
- Methods
- inheritance; adding to superclass
- A Sample Method
- inheritance; of superclass
- A Sample Method
- initialize
- Creating GCs
- Description of Core Methods
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The initialize Method
- The Constraint initialize Method
- initialize; about
- Glossary
- initialize; calling XInternAtom
- Creating GCs
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The initialize Method
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- initialize; example
- The initialize Method
- The initialize Method
- initialize; in constraint widget
- The Constraint initialize Method
- initialize_hook
- Description of Core Methods
- The Hook Methods
- initialize_hook; about
- Glossary
- insert_child
- How Composite Management Works
- insert_child; about
- Glossary
- insert_position
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- not known to Xt
- Class Structure Initialization
- query_geometry
- How Composite Management Works
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- query_geometry; about
- How Composite Management Works
- Basic Widget Methods
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- Glossary
- query_geometry; in constraint widget
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- The query_geometry Method
- query_geometry; in gadgets
- The query_geometry Method
- The Gadget Source File
- realize
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Description of Core Methods
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- realize; about
- Glossary
- reconciliation
- A Sample Method
- resize
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- How Composite Management Works
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- resize; about
- Glossary
- resize; in composite widget
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- resize; in constraint widget
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- resize; in gadget parent
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- resources and set_values
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- set_values
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- Application Resizes a Widget
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- The Core and Constraint set_values Methods
- set_values; about
- Glossary
- set_values_almost
- Description of Core Methods
- Application Resizes a Widget
- The set_values_almost Method
- The set_values_almost Method
- The set_values_almost Method
- set_values_almost; about
- Glossary
- set_values_almost; in gadgets
- The Gadget Source File
- set_values_hook
- Description of Core Methods
- The Hook Methods
- Managing Subresources
- Managing Subresources
- set_values_hook; about
- Glossary
- vs. actions
- Methods
- minimal useful size
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- mkfontdir
- The fonts.dir Files
- mnemonics
- Mnemonics
- Mod keys
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- See Also modifiers
- modal cascade
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- modal popups
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- modifiers
- !
- Requiring an Exact Match
- Requiring an Exact Match
- adding
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- and event sequences
- Modifiers and Event Sequences
- case-specifics
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- colon
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- displaying list
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- for button events
- Using Modifiers to Specify Button Event Sequences
- keys
- Modifiers
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- Glossary
- matching exactly
- Requiring an Exact Match
- Requiring an Exact Match
- negating
- Prohibiting a Modifier
- None
- Requiring an Exact Match
- mono vs. color
- File Finding and Internationalization
- monochrome
- Glossary
- Motif
- application's look and feel
- The OSF/Motif Widgets
- popup widgets
- Popups
- Motif Style Guide
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- Motif widgets
- The App-defaults File
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Using Constraint Widgets
- The OSF/Motif Widgets
- Drawing Areas
- See Also Form widget
- See Also Label widget
- See Also PanedWindow widget
- See Also PushButton widget
- See Also RowColumn widget
- See Also Scrollbar widget
- about
- About Widget Sets
- command
- Command Buttons
- composite
- Composite Widgets
- Scrollable Windows
- DrawingArea
- Drawing Areas
- inheritance among
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Text
- Text Widgets
- Motif~converters
- Conversions from XmRString
- motion compression
- Event Filters
- MotionNotify event
- Modifiers
- Event Handlers
- Event Filters
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- multiple
- click timing
- Event Sequences
- toplevel shells
- Multiple Top-level Shells
- mwm
- interclient communication
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- keyboard focus in
- Input Model
- .mwmrc file
- Interclient Communications
- use of input hint
- Input Model
- name option (-name)
- Standard Command-line Options
- naming conventions
- for widgets
- Naming Conventions
- native language option
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- netnews
- Netnews
- networked font service
- See font service
- newlines
- in translations
- Translation Table Syntax
- nonfatal error
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- See Also error handling
- nonmaskable events
- See events
- notify method
- The Gadget Parent
- notify modes
- See translations
- objects
- about
- The Object
- Glossary
- Object class
- Gadgets
- object-oriented programming
- Xt and Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
- Messages
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- Glossary
- obscure
- Glossary
- occlude
- Glossary
- OOP (see objects
- object-oriented programming
- Xt and Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
- application's look and feel
- The AT&T OPEN LOOK Widgets
- popup widgets
- Popups
- OPEN LOOK widgets
- The AT&T OPEN LOOK Widgets
- Drawing Areas
- command
- Application Controls
- Exclusive and Nonexclusive Settings
- text
- Text Widgets
- optimization
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- The resize Method
- Multiple Application Contexts
- options
- abbreviating
- Standard Command-line Options
- argument styles
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- -background
- Standard Command-line Options
- Standard Command-line Options
- Color Specification
- -border
- Standard Command-line Options
- Color Specification
- -bordercolor
- Standard Command-line Options
- -borderwidth
- Standard Command-line Options
- command line
- Command-line Options
- command line; styles
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- custom
- Merging of Resource Files
- defining your own
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- -display
- Standard Command-line Options
- -font
- Standard Command-line Options
- -foreground
- Standard Command-line Options
- Color Specification
- -geometry
- Screen Space
- Window Geometry
- Window Geometry
- handling errors in
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- -iconic
- Standard Command-line Options
- Setting Shell Resources
- options table example
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- overriding standard
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- -rv/+rv
- Standard Command-line Options
- -selectionTimeout
- Standard Command-line Options
- Standard Command-line Options
- standard
- Standard Command-line Options
- Standard Command-line Options
- -synchronous
- Standard Command-line Options
- -title
- Standard Command-line Options
- -xrm
- Standard Command-line Options
- Merging of Resource Files
- outline~fonts
- Font Service
- OverrideShell widget
- Using Popups
- Setting Shell Resources
- overriding
- redirect
- Setting Shell Resources
- redirect; window attribute
- A Sample Method
- standard options
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- translations
- The Translation Table
- Hardcoding Translations
- overspecified font names
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- padding
- Glossary
- Paned widget
- about
- Geometry Management in Practice
- PanedWindow widget
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- parent
- about
- Glossary
- window
- Glossary
- parsing
- command-line arguments
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- translations
- Hardcoding Translations
- part (vs. record)
- Parts and Records
- passive grab
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- path resources
- Merging of Resource Files
- paths
- to resource files
- Syntax of Environment Variables
- pipe input
- Getting Pipe Input
- Getting Pipe Input
- pixel values
- about
- Graphics from the Application
- Glossary
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- pixmap
- about
- Core Resources
- The expose Method
- Glossary
- built-in
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- freeing
- The destroy Method
- XYPixmap format
- Glossary
- ZPixmap format
- Glossary
- plane
- Glossary
- Glossary
- See Also bit plane
- plane mask
- Glossary
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- pointer
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- See Also grabs
- about
- Introduction to the X Window System
- Glossary
- dereferencing
- Glossary
- device
- Glossary
- events
- See events or translations
- grabbing
- Glossary
- popup menus
- example
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- popup widgets
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- Motif
- Popups
- Popups
- popups
- about
- Programming with Widgets
- Using Popups
- Glossary
- cascading
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- creating
- Creating a Basic Menu
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- creating; before popping up
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- creating; in work procedure
- Work Procedures
- example
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- from callback function
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- linking group
- Setting Shell Resources
- menus
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- menus, spring-loaded using Box widget
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- modal
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- modal; about
- Glossary
- modeless
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- modeless; about
- Glossary
- OverrideShell
- Setting Shell Resources
- sensitivity
- About Dialog Boxes
- spring-loaded
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- Glossary
- when application is iconified
- Setting Shell Resources
- portability
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- Private Header File
- Keyboard Interpretation
- Application Contexts
- Application Contexts
- position
- about
- Other Inherited Resources
- hints
- Setting Shell Resources
- relative to root window
- Window Manager Decorations
- setting with resources
- Other Inherited Resources
- PRIMARY selection
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Primitive widget
- Widget Classes and Instances
- xbitmap2: Adding Graphics to Display the Bitmap
- PrimitiveClassPart
- Class Part and Class Record
- PrimitivePart
- Class Part and Class Record
- printer fonts
- See fonts
- private header file
- BitmapEdiP.h
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- private instance variables
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- program structure
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Structure of Motif Applications
- properties
- about
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Glossary
- and atoms
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- protocol
- network
- Introduction to the X Window System
- Protocols.h header file
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- PseudoColor
- Glossary
- public
- functions
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- header file
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Public Header File
- header file; BitmapEdit.h
- Widget Source File Organization
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- instance variables
- See resources
- routines
- Delaying Geometry Recalculation
- pulldown menu
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- A Pulldown Menu
- creating
- Creating a Basic Menu
- example
- A Pulldown Menu
- vs. spring-loaded
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- push buttons
- Programming with Widgets
- PushButton widget
- Programming with Widgets
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- Using Composite Widgets
- Geometry Management in Practice
- The Translation Table
- PushButtonGadget
- Using Composite Widgets
- example using
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- quarks
- Writing a Type Converter
- Glossary
- query_geometry method
- Description of Core Methods
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- The Gadget Source File
- about
- The query_geometry Method
- example from BitmapEdit
- The query_geometry Method
- gadgets
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- The Gadget Source File
- querying
- scalable fonts
- Using Scalable Fonts
- R5
- new features;font service
- Font Service
- RadioBox widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- raise
- Glossary
- raw event handlers
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- See Also events
- realization
- The Code
- The expose Method
- The set_values Method
- realize method
- Initializing the Core Methods
- A Sample Method
- A Sample Method
- Screen Space
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- reason
- in callbacks
- Widget-Application Interaction
- rectangle
- Glossary
- RectObj
- A Sample Method
- Gadgets
- Gadgets
- Private Header File
- The Gadget Source File
- redrawing windows
- Widget Independence
- The expose Method
- regions
- The expose Method
- The Gadget Parent
- registering
- actions
- See actions
- converters
- Registering Type Converters
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- event handlers
- Adding Event Handlers
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- fatal error handlers
- Description of Core Methods
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- nonfatal error handlers
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- registering language procedures
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- Release 4 (R4)
- Details in Other Event Types
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- Class Extension Structures
- reparenting
- Window Manager Decorations
- Window Manager Decorations
- A Pulldown Menu
- Glossary
- See Also window manager
- reply
- Glossary
- representation types
- The Resource List
- The Resource List
- about
- Resource Management and Type Conversion
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Glossary
- resizing
- How Composite Management Works
- See Also methods, resize
- about
- User Resizes the Application
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Basic Widget Methods
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- Geometry Management
- caching old size
- The resize Method
- reasons
- The set_values_almost Method
- resize method
- How Composite Management Works
- Basic Widget Methods
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- resize method; example from BitmapEdit
- The resize Method
- resize method; in gadgets
- The Gadget Parent
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- resource databases
- ? wildcard
- Wildcarding Resource Component Names
- screen specific
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- X Toolkit
- Merging of Resource Files
- resource files
- color vs. mono
- File Finding and Internationalization
- customized
- Customized Resource Files
- including files in
- Including Files in a Resource File
- paths to
- Syntax of Environment Variables
- syntax
- Wildcarding Resource Component Names
- Resource Manager
- Glossary
- resource strings
- screen specific
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- Merging of Resource Files
- Merging of Resource Files
- resources
- about
- Widget Configurability with Resources
- The Code
- The App-defaults File
- More About Resources
- Getting a Resource Value
- Core Resources
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Glossary
- and set_values method
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- and specifying locales
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- application
- Application Resources
- caching
- Registering Type Converters
- callbacks
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- checking validity
- The initialize Method
- classes and instances
- The Resource List
- comment character in files
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- constraint
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- database; about
- Glossary
- database; sources
- Merging of Resource Files
- default address; interpreting
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- default value; converting
- Other Built-in Type Conversions
- Other Built-in Type Conversions
- default value; retrieving
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- default value; setting
- The Resource List
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- defined; by Core
- Core Resources
- defined; characteristics
- The Resource List
- The Resource List
- defined; in widget
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- fallback
- Fallback Resources
- Form widget
- Using Constraint Widgets
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- The Constraint Resource List
- format of definitions
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- freeing compound strings
- Getting a Resource Value
- hardcoding; advantages
- To Hardcode or Not to Hardcode
- Preventing User Customization of Widget Resources
- Using the Varargs Interfaces
- hardcoding; disadvantages
- Preventing User Customization of Widget Resources
- in instance record
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- inheritance of
- More About Resources
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- interactions between
- Other Inherited Resources
- Other Inherited Resources
- Other Inherited Resources
- interactions between; example
- Other Inherited Resources
- loading; from .Xdefaults file
- Other Inherited Resources
- loading; with xrdb
- Other Inherited Resources
- loose bindings
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- merging of files and sources
- Merging of Resource Files
- Merging of Resource Files
- naming
- The Resource List
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- precedence rules
- Resource Precedence Rules
- Resource Precedence Rules
- representation types
- The Resource List
- The Resource List
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- resource conversion; about
- The Resource List
- resource conversion; in Xmu
- Conversions from XmRString
- resource conversion; registering
- Registering Type Converters
- Registering Type Converters
- resource list; declaring
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- resource list; example
- The Resource List
- The Resource List
- resource list; format
- The Resource List
- The Resource List
- resource list; XmR
- The Resource List
- retrieving; application resources
- Getting the Resources
- Getting the Resources
- server resources
- Widget Configurability with Resources
- setting floats
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- setting in application
- Preventing User Customization of Widget Resources
- setting; about
- Widget Configurability with Resources
- Glossary
- setting; defaults
- Dynamic Resource Defaulting
- setting; for multiple widgets
- Setting Resources for an Instance Hierarchy
- Setting Resources for an Instance Hierarchy
- setting; for widget hierarchy
- Setting Resources for an Instance Hierarchy
- setting; in application
- Setting and Getting Resources from the Application
- setting; with XtSetValues
- Setting Resources with the ArgList Interfaces
- setting; XmNinput
- Input Model
- size
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- sources priority
- Merging of Resource Files
- specifications; about
- Resource Precedence Rules
- Resource Precedence Rules
- Glossary
- specifications; errors in
- The App-defaults File
- specifications; format
- The App-defaults File
- The App-defaults File
- specifications; wildcards in
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- specifying translation tables as
- The XtNbaseTranslations Resource
- symbolic constants
- The App-defaults File
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- tight bindings
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- type conversion
- The App-defaults File
- Type Conversion
- Defining the Default Value
- types table
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- use of classes
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- values; changing
- The set_values Method
- values; getting
- Setting and Getting Resources from the Application
- Getting a Resource Value
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- Resource Precedence Rules
- XmN constants
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- XmNaccelerators (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNancestorSensitive (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNargc (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNargv (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNbackground (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNbackgroundPixmap (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNbaseHeight (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNbaseWidth (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNborderColor (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNborderPixmap (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNborderWidth (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNclientDecoration (Shell)
- XmNcolormap (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNdepth (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNdestroyCallback (Core)
- Connecting Widgets to Application Code
- Core Resources
- XmNgeometry (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- Screen Space
- XmNheight (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNheightInc (Shell)
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- XmNiconic (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNiconName (Shell)
- Icons
- Icons
- XmNiconPixmap (Shell)
- Icons
- XmNiconX (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNiconY (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNinput (Shell)
- Input Model
- Input Model
- Input Model
- Input Model
- XmNmappedWhenManaged (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNmaxAspectX (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNmaxAspectY (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNmaxHeight (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNmaxWidth (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNminAspectX (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNminAspectY (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNminHeight (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNminWidth (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNoverrideRedirect (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNscreen (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNsensitive (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNtitle (Shell)
- Icons
- XmNtransient (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNtranslations (Core)
- Core Resources
- Translations
- Hardcoding Translations
- XmNwaitForWm (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNwidth (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNwidthInc (Shell)
- Screen Space
- XmNwindowGroup (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNwmTimeout (Shell)
- Setting Shell Resources
- XmNx (Core)
- Core Resources
- XmNy (Core)
- Core Resources
- xnlLanguage
- The Language String
- XtNdefaultDistance (Form)
- The Core Resource List
- XtNhorizDistance (Constraint)
- The Core Resource List
- XtNinsertPosition (Composite)
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- XtNmappedWhenManaged (Core)
- The change_managed Method
- XtNpopdownCallback (Shell)
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtNpopupCallback (Shell)
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtNvertDistance (Constraint)
- The Core Resource List
- reverse option (-rv/+rv)
- Standard Command-line Options
- new-style color specification
- The RGB Color Model
- RGB color model
- The RGB Color Model
- The RGB Color Model
- root window
- Core Resources
- Input Model
- Window Manager Decorations
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Glossary
- Glossary
- root_geometry_manager
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- round trip request
- Structure of Motif Applications
- RowColumn widget
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- example
- Using Composite Widgets
- Using Composite Widgets
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- rubber-band outline
- The resize Method
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- save_under window attribute
- A Sample Method
- scalable fields
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- scalable fonts
- Font Service
- Using Scalable Fonts
- and scalable fields
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- average width
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- backwards compatibility
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- derived instances
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- finding
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- Using Scalable Fonts
- in complex applications
- Using Scalable Fonts
- in simple applications
- Using Scalable Fonts
- loading
- Using Scalable Fonts
- naming
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- overspecified names
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- pixel size
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- point size
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- querying
- Using Scalable Fonts
- recognizing
- Using Scalable Fonts
- resolution
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- scaling
- Using Scalable Fonts
- underspecified names
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- well-formed names
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- scalable~fonts
- Scalable Fonts
- Scale widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- scaling~fonts
- Scalable Fonts
- scan line
- Glossary
- Glossary
- screen
- Introduction to the X Window System
- about
- The Server and Client
- Glossary
- example of standard Motif
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- example of typical X Window
- Introduction to the X Window System
- fonts
- See fonts
- layout of
- The Standard Motif Instance Hierarchy
- Screen Space
- monochrome
- Creating GCs
- setting defaults for
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- specifying default
- Multiple Top-level Shells
- setting resources in
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- Merging of Resource Files
- scrollbars
- Building a Main Window
- about
- Programming with Widgets
- Scrollbars and Scrollable Windows
- Scrollable Windows
- Glossary
- ScrollBar widget
- Programming with Widgets
- Geometry Management in Practice
- ScrollBox widget
- Writing a Composite Widget
- The geometry_manager Method
- ScrolledWindow widget
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Managing Widgets
- Compound Widgets
- selections
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- See Also events, SelectionRequest
- See Also SelectionClear event
- See Also SelectionNotify event
- See Also SelectionRequest event
- about
- Interclient Communications
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- Glossary
- and CurrentTime
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- asserting ownership
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- converting; example
- Converting the Selection (Owner)
- Converting the Selection (Owner)
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- converting; selection
- Converting the Selection (Owner)
- Converting the Selection (Owner)
- converting; standard selections
- ICCCM Compliance
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- disowning
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- handling large selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- highlighting
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- highlighting; example
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- incremental
- How Incremental Selection Works
- losing selection
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- If the Selection is Lost (Owner)
- If the Selection is Lost (Owner)
- pasting
- The Paste Action from BitmapEdit
- The Paste Action from BitmapEdit
- pasting; example
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- pasting; selection
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- querying for desired target
- ICCCM Compliance
- Converting the Standard Selections
- requesting
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- SelectionBox widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- target types
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- timeout
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- Converting the Standard Selections
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- ICCCM Compliance
- self-contained methods
- See inheritance
- sensitivity
- Core Resources
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Input Sensitivity
- Input Sensitivity
- in popup callbacks
- About Dialog Boxes
- Separator widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- sequences
- event
- Event Sequences
- server
- about
- The Server and Client
- The Server and Client
- Glossary
- freeing server resources
- The destroy Method
- grabbing
- Glossary
- request
- Glossary
- round trip request
- Glossary
- servers
- guide to server code
- Finding Out for Yourself
- set_values method
- Description of Core Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- about
- The set_values Method
- example from BitmapEdit
- The set_values Method
- set_values_almost method
- The Gadget Source File
- in gadgets
- Description of Core Methods
- set_values_hook method
- Description of Core Methods
- The Hook Methods
- Managing Subresources
- setting resources in application
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- sharing GCs
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- Shell widget
- Programming with Widgets
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Using Composite Widgets
- reason for invisibility
- Using Composite Widgets
- resources
- Setting Shell Resources
- Setting Shell Resources
- Setting Shell Resources
- Setting Shell Resources
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- Input Model
- Colormaps
- Colormaps
- Window Manager Decorations
- Shell widget; about
- Programming with Widgets
- The Code
- Other Inherited Resources
- Using Composite Widgets
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Interclient Communications
- sibling
- Glossary
- Simple widgets
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- SimpleMenu widget
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- The Gadget Parent
- The Gadget Parent
- single-line input field
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- sink
- in Athena Text widget
- Subparts and Subresources
- size
- Geometry Management
- hints
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- preferences
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- sizeof
- The Core Class Part
- Sme
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- Using the R4 SimpleMenu Widget
- The Public Header File
- The Public Header File
- software architecture
- The Software Hierarchy
- source
- compatibility
- Class Extension Structures
- files for widget
- Widget Source File Organization
- in Athena Text widget
- Subparts and Subresources
- obtaining source code
- Compiling the Application
- spring-loaded menu
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Glossary
- See Also popups
- vs. pulldown
- Menu Styles and Implementation
- stacking order
- Geometry Management
- Stacking Order
- Glossary
- standard colormaps
- Xmu utilities
- Colormaps
- StaticColor
- Glossary
- StaticGray
- Glossary
- status
- Glossary
- stdio.h file
- Obligatory Include Files
- stipple
- Glossary
- string constants
- X Toolkit
- R4 to R5
- string encodings
- in the X Toolkit
- String Encoding and Locale Dependencies in Xt
- strings
- setting
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- StringDefs.h header file
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- The Resource List
- Obligatory Include Files
- Registering Type Converters
- StringToWidget resource converter
- Writing a Constraint Widget
- structure
- of Motif applications
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Style Guide
- Motif
- Creating a Basic Dialog Box
- subclass
- Widget Classes and Instances
- about
- Glossary
- subclassing
- Inside a Widget
- submenus
- Cascaded Menus
- See Also XtPopup
- cascading
- Cascaded Menus
- creating
- Cascaded Menus
- popping up
- Cascaded Menus
- subparts
- The Core Class Part
- Description of Core Methods
- Subparts and Subresources
- Managing Subresources
- subresources
- The Core Class Part
- Description of Core Methods
- Subparts and Subresources
- Managing Subresources
- managing
- Managing Subresources
- Managing Subresources
- Super key
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- See Also modifiers
- superclass
- The Core Class Part
- The set_values Method
- about
- Widget Classes and Instances
- Glossary
- class structure
- Parts and Records
- gadget
- The Gadget Source File
- inheritance
- Other Inherited Resources
- of Core
- Gadgets
- synchronous option
- Standard Command-line Options
- syntax functions
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- tear off~menus
- Tear-off Menus
- Text widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- The Core Class Part
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Motif
- Text Widgets
- OPEN LOOK text widgets
- Text Widgets
- TextField widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- tight bindings
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- Glossary
- tilde
- Prohibiting a Modifier
- Prohibiting a Modifier
- tiling
- Core Resources
- about
- Glossary
- time
- Glossary
- timeouts
- about
- Timeouts
- adding
- Timeouts
- and visibility interest
- Visibility Interest
- example
- Timeouts
- Timeouts
- removing
- Timeouts
- Timeouts
- timing
- multiple clicks
- Event Sequences
- title option (-title)
- Standard Command-line Options
- ToggleButton widget
- The Remaining Motif Widgets and Gadgets
- top-level
- topLevelShellWidgetClass
- Shell Subclasses
- widget
- The Code
- See Also Shell widget
- window
- Glossary
- training available for Xlib
- Training, Consulting, and Support
- transientShellWidgetClass
- Using Popups
- Shell Subclasses
- translation tables
- encoding
- String Encoding and Locale Dependencies in Xt
- specifying as resources
- The XtNbaseTranslations Resource
- translations
- Translations
- Hardcoding Translations
- Xt Accelerators
- See Also accelerators
- ! modifier symbol
- Requiring an Exact Match
- Requiring an Exact Match
- #augment directive
- The Translation Table
- #override directive
- The Translation Table
- #replace directive
- The Translation Table
- *Notify details
- Details in Other Event Types
- about
- Widget-Application Interaction
- Core Resources
- The Actions Table
- The Translation Table
- Glossary
- augmenting
- The Translation Table
- Hardcoding Translations
- compiling; when widget class initialized
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- defining; default in Core class part
- The Core Class Part
- defining; in source
- Hardcoding Translations
- details in
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Details in Other Event Types
- differences between directives
- The Directive
- double-clicks
- Event Sequences
- event abbreviations
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- event sequences
- Event Sequences
- Key Event Sequences
- hardcoding
- Hardcoding Translations
- in widget implementation file
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- inheritance
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- interactions between
- Interactions Between Translations
- Xt Accelerators
- keyboard events
- Details in Keyboard Events
- Details in Keyboard Events
- merging
- Order of Translations
- modifiers
- Modifiers
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- modifiers; and event sequences
- Modifiers and Event Sequences
- Motion events
- Special Considerations Involving Motion Events
- newlines in
- Translation Table Syntax
- order
- Order of Translations
- Order of Translations
- overriding
- The Translation Table
- Hardcoding Translations
- parsing
- Hardcoding Translations
- replacing
- The Translation Table
- The Translation Table
- Hardcoding Translations
- syntax
- Translation Table Syntax
- Translation Table Syntax
- tilde modifier symbol
- Prohibiting a Modifier
- translation table
- Glossary
- translation table; example
- The Translation Table
- translations,
- modifier symbol
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- Paying Attention to the Case of Keysyms
- traversal
- post-order
- Glossary
- pre-order
- Glossary
- TrueColor
- Glossary
- type converters
- The App-defaults File
- See Also resources
- about
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- explicitly invoking
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- explicitly invoking; example
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- format
- Writing a Type Converter
- Defining the Default Value
- passing arguments to
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- passing arguments to; example
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- registering
- Registering Type Converters
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- type property
- Glossary
- typedefs
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- The Motif User Interface Language
- The Motif User Interface Language
- underspecified font names
- Finding Derived Instances of Scalable Fonts
- units of measurement
- setting
- Resolution Independence
- unmanaging widget
- The change_managed Method
- upward chaining
- Initializing the Core Methods
- Usenet network news
- See netnews
- user interface language
- See UIL
- uunet
- Compiling the Application
- uwm
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- varargs interfaces
- advantages and disadvantages
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- VendorShell widget
- Input Model
- Viewport widget
- Writing a Composite Widget
- virtual colormaps
- A Sample Method
- Colormaps
- visibility interest
- The Core Class Part
- Visibility Interest
- Visibility Interest
- visual class
- Glossary
- Warning
- Cannot convert...
- Using Constraint Widgets
- warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- See Also error handling
- WCL toolkit aid
- The Motif User Interface Language
- well-formed font names
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- widget
- resizing; reasons for
- The set_values_almost Method
- widgets
- Using Composite Widgets
- See Also individual widgets alphabetically
- about
- The Software Hierarchy
- Introduction to the X Toolkit and Motif
- About Widget Sets
- Glossary
- actions example
- Actions in the Widget Framework
- Actions in the Widget Framework
- adding to parent list
- Programming with Widgets
- as data types
- The Code
- child widget; creating/managing
- How Composite Management Works
- Using Composite Widgets
- child widget; layout of
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- converting (R4 to R5)
- Release Notes
- creating
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Callback Lists
- creating; Motif vs. Xt
- Motif Widget Creation Routines
- declaring class record pointer
- Packaging the Class Record for Application Use
- default size
- The query_geometry Method
- defining conventions
- Widget Source File Organization
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- defining conventions; summary
- Summary of Conventions
- destroying
- Widget-Application Interaction
- The destroy Method
- The destroy Method
- Exclusives and Nonexclusives
- Exclusive and Nonexclusive Settings
- framework of code
- Inside a Widget
- Summary of Conventions
- hierarchy
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- hierarchy; creating
- Using Composite Widgets
- implementation file; actions table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- implementation file; declaration of methods
- Declaring Methods
- Declaring Methods
- implementation file; resources
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- Defining the Resource List
- implementation file; translation table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- implementation files
- Widget Source File Organization
- The Widget Implementation File--BitmapEdit.c
- A Sample Method
- include files
- Widget Source File Organization
- inheritance among (Motif)
- Widget Classes and Instances
- instance structure
- The initialize Method
- internals
- Inside a Widget
- Summary of Conventions
- macros for
- Macros For Getting Information
- management
- Using Composite Widgets
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- management; child
- Creating GCs
- The initialize Method
- mapping
- Core Resources
- mapping; windows
- The Code
- moving/resizing
- Core Resources
- name defined
- The Core Class Part
- naming conventions
- Naming Conventions
- popping up
- Creating a Basic Menu
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- private header file
- Widget Source File Organization
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- public functions
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- public header file
- Widget Source File Organization
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- The Public Header File--BitmapEdit.h
- realizing
- The set_values Method
- record size
- The Core Class Part
- removing
- Programming with Widgets
- resizing
- How Composite Management Works
- Geometry Management in Practice
- The resize Method
- The resize Method
- Writing a Composite Widget
- resizing; by application
- Application Resizes a Widget
- resizing; by parent
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- routines for creating
- Widget Creation Functions
- Widget Creation Functions
- sets; about
- The Software Hierarchy
- About Widget Sets
- About Widget Sets
- sets; compared
- Athena, OPEN LOOK, and Motif
- sets; Motif
- About Widget Sets
- The OSF/Motif Widgets
- Drawing Areas
- sets; OPEN LOOK
- About Widget Sets
- The AT&T OPEN LOOK Widgets
- Drawing Areas
- sets; special defaults
- Input Model
- source file
- Widget Source File Organization
- superclass; inheritance
- Other Inherited Resources
- techniques for writing
- The Process of Widget Writing
- windowless
- See gadgets
- width
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- checking in initialize method
- The initialize Method
- wildcards
- and resource component names
- Wildcarding Resource Component Names
- in font names
- Font Name Wildcarding
- in resource specifications
- The App-defaults File
- Basic Syntax of Resource Specifications
- in scalable fonts
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- window
- geometry
- Window Geometry
- gravity
- Glossary
- hierarchy
- Popup Window Hierarchy
- unnamed class
- Gadgets
- viewable
- Glossary
- visible
- Glossary
- visual
- Glossary
- WindowObj class
- A Sample Method
- zoomed
- Glossary
- window attributes
- A Sample Method
- about
- A Sample Method
- background
- A Sample Method
- backing_store
- A Sample Method
- bit_gravity
- A Sample Method
- border
- A Sample Method
- colormap
- A Sample Method
- Colormaps
- cursor
- A Sample Method
- event_mask
- A Sample Method
- override_redirect
- A Sample Method
- save_under
- A Sample Method
- setting in realize method
- A Sample Method
- A Sample Method
- window manager
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Interclient Communications
- Geometry Management
- about
- A Simple X Toolkit Application
- The Window Manager
- Glossary
- and decoration
- Window Manager Decorations
- and icons
- Icons
- Icons
- Icons
- click-to-type
- Input Model
- colormaps
- Colormaps
- Colormaps
- Colormaps
- focusing styles
- Details in Other Event Types
- hints
- The Window Manager
- Window Manager Interactions
- input models
- Input Model
- interacting with
- Window Manager Interactions
- keyboard focus
- Input Model
- Input Model
- Input Model
- listener
- Glossary
- pointer focus
- Input Model
- real estate driven
- Input Model
- Glossary
- redirect
- Glossary
- reparenting
- Window Manager Decorations
- A Pulldown Menu
- Glossary
- save-set
- Glossary
- screen layout
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- Screen Space
- work procedures
- registering
- Work Procedures
- Work Procedures
- removing
- Work Procedures
- X
- about
- Introduction to the X Window System
- extensions to
- Extensions to X
- source software
- Sources of Additional Information
- X Protocol
- Introduction to the X Window System
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- XView
- The Software Hierarchy
- X Consortium
- address
- The X Consortium
- current members
- The X Consortium
- The X Consortium
- X Font Service Protocol
- Font Service
- X Logical Font Description (XLFD)
- Font Service
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- X Portable Character Set
- Merging of Resource Files
- X Toolkit
- and internationalization
- Internationalization in the X Toolkit
- and locale dependencies
- String Encoding and Locale Dependencies in Xt
- and string encoding
- String Encoding and Locale Dependencies in Xt
- building resource databases
- Merging of Resource Files
- changes in X11R5
- R4 to R5
- locale, establishing
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- string constants
- R4 to R5
- X11/Intrinsic.h
- R4 to R5
- X11R5
- X Toolkit changes
- R4 to R5
- X11/Xos.h
- R4 to R5
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- See Also selections
- XA_MULTIPLE property
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- See Also selections
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- See Also selections
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- See Also selections
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- See Also selections
- XAPPLRESDIR~environment variable
- Merging of Resource Files
- Xatom.h file
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- xbitmap application
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- The xbitmap Application
- xbitmap1 example
- xbitmap1: Bitmap Editor Using a BitmapEdit Widget
- XBitmap1 App-defaults File
- xbitmap2 example
- xbitmap2: Adding Graphics to Display the Bitmap
- Graphics from the Application
- xbitmap3 example
- xbitmap3: Another Way to Create a Custom Window
- Adding Actions to Existing Widgets
- xbitmap4 example
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- xbitmap4: A Bitmap Editor Without a BitmapEdit Widget
- XChangeGC Xlib function
- Creating GCs
- XClearArea Xlib function
- The set_values Method
- xclipboard
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- Motif Cut and Paste Functions and the Clipboard
- XConfigureWindow Xlib function
- Stacking Order
- XCopyArea Xlib function
- Graphics from the Application
- The expose Method
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- XCopyColormapAndFree Xlib function
- Colormaps
- XCopyPlane Xlib function
- Graphics from the Application
- The expose Method
- Selecting the Events to Translate
- XCreateGC Xlib function
- Graphics from the Application
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- XCreateWindow Xlib function
- A Sample Method
- XDefaultFontSet
- XFontSet Resources
- Xdefaults file
- Other Inherited Resources
- .Xdefaults-hostname~file
- Merging of Resource Files
- .Xdefaults~file
- Merging of Resource Files
- xedit
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- XENVIRONMENT~environment variable
- Merging of Resource Files
- xev
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- xfd (font displayer)
- Font Name Wildcarding
- Customized Resource Files
- Customized Resource Files
- XFILESEARCHPATH~environment variable
- Merging of Resource Files
- XFlush Xlib function
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XFontSet
- XFontSet Resources
- Font Service
- XGCValues structure
- Creating GCs
- XGetIconSizes Xlib function
- Icons
- XGetImage Xlib function
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- XGetStandardColormap Xlib function
- Colormaps
- xgoodbye.c example
- Callbacks
- xhello.c example
- The Code
- A Simple X Toolkit Application
- XInternAtom Xlib function
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- Font Service
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- Xlib
- training available
- Training, Consulting, and Support
- Xlib library
- Creating GCs
- Compiling the Application
- The expose Method
- The set_values Method
- XListFonts
- Font Service
- and scalable fonts
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- new semantics
- Finding Scalable Fonts
- xload
- Input Model
- XLoadFont
- Font Service
- XLoadQueryFont
- Font Service
- XLookupString Xlib function
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XLowerWindow Xlib function
- Stacking Order
- Xm library
- Compiling the Application
- XmAddProtocolCallback function
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- XmAddProtocols function
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- XmCreateMenuBar function
- Motif Widget Creation Routines
- Building a Main Window
- XmCreatePopupMenu function
- Popup Menus
- XmCreatePulldownMenu function
- Cascaded Menus
- XmDestroyPixmap function
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- xmh
- Geometry Management in Practice
- Selections: Widget-to-Widget Communication
- Xm.h header file
- Obligatory Include Files
- XmInstallImage function
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- XmInternAtom function
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- XmIsMotifWMRunning function
- Interacting With the Motif Window Manager
- XmMainWindowSetAreas function
- Building a Main Window
- XmN constants
- The App-defaults File
- XmNcolormap
- setting
- Colormaps
- XmNfontList resource
- Strings with Multiple Fonts
- XmNinitialResourcesPersistent
- Registering Type Converters
- XmNinput
- setting
- Input Model
- XmNmultiClickTime resource
- Event Sequences
- XmNsubMenuId resource
- Creating a Basic Menu
- xmodmap
- Physical Keys Used as Modifiers
- XmP.h header file
- Obligatory Include Files
- XmR resource lists
- The Resource List
- XmRAcceleratorTable representation type
- Conversions from XmRString
- XmRCallProc representation type
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- XmRImmediate representation type
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- XmStringByteCompare function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringCompare function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringConcat function
- Strings with Multiple Fonts
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringCopy function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringCreate function
- Strings with Multiple Fonts
- XmStringCreateLocalized
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- XmStringCreateLocalized function
- Simple Compound Strings
- XmStringCreateSimple
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- XmStringFree function
- Simple Compound Strings
- XmStringGetLtoR function
- Converting Compound Strings to Text
- XmStringHasSubstring function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringLength function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringNConcat function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- XmStringNCopy function
- Manipulating Compound Strings
- Xmu library
- Registering Type Converters
- ICCCM Compliance
- atom caching; initializing
- Xmu Atom Caching
- Xmu Atom Caching
- resource converters in
- Conversions from XmRString
- XmuConvertStandardSelection
- ICCCM Compliance
- Converting the Standard Selections
- Converting the Standard Selections
- XmuInternAtom
- Xmu Atom Caching
- Xmu Atom Caching
- XNextEvent Xlib function
- User Resizes the Application
- xnlLanguage
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- xnlLanguage option
- The Language String
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- -xnlLanguage~command line option
- Merging of Resource Files
- xnlLanguage~resource
- Merging of Resource Files
- X/Open
- Compound Strings
- XParseGeometry Xlib function
- Screen Space
- XPG3
- Compound Strings
- XPutImage Xlib function
- Pixmap and Image Caching Functions
- XRaiseWindow Xlib function
- Stacking Order
- xrdb
- Other Inherited Resources
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- xrdb client
- Merging of Resource Files
- XRectInRegion Xlib function
- The expose Method
- XResourceManagerString
- Screen-specific Resource Strings and Databases
- XRestackWindows Xlib function
- Stacking Order
- Xrm
- XrmOptionDescRec; example
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- XrmOptionDescRec; structure
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- XrmOptionKind enum values
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- -xrm option
- XFontSet Resources
- XrmCombineFileDatabase
- Including Files in a Resource File
- XrmGetFileDatabase
- Including Files in a Resource File
- XrmLocaleOfDatabase function
- Merging of Resource Files
- XSelectInput Xlib function
- Event Propagation
- Event Handlers
- XSetErrorHandler Xlib function
- Errors and Warnings
- XSetInputFocus Xlib function
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- XSetIOErrorHandler Xlib function
- Errors and Warnings
- xstuff server
- Bug Fixes
- Fairness
- XSync Xlib function
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- Xt library
- Compiling the Application
- XtActionProc
- Format of an Action Function
- XtAddActions
- The Gadget Parent
- XtAddCallback
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- Conversions from XmRString
- arguments
- Callbacks
- Callbacks
- XtAddCallbacks
- Callback Lists
- XtAddConverter
- Registering Type Converters
- XtAddEventHandler
- More Input Techniques
- Event Handlers
- arguments
- Adding Event Handlers
- when to call
- Adding Event Handlers
- XtAddGrab
- About Dialog Boxes
- XtAddInput
- Application Contexts
- XtAddRawEventHandler
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- XtAddress address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtAddressMode enum
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtAllocateGC
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- XtAppAddActionHook
- Action Hooks and Calling Actions Directly
- Application Contexts
- XtAppAddActions
- Actions
- The Translation Table
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- Application Contexts
- XtAppAddConverter
- Application Contexts
- XtAppAddInput
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- File, Pipe, and Socket Input
- Getting File Input
- Application Contexts
- XtAppAddTimeOut
- Timeouts
- XtAppAddWorkProc
- Work Procedures
- XtAppCreateShell
- Shell Subclasses
- Application Contexts
- Multiple Top-level Shells
- XtAppError
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppErrorMsg
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppGetErrorDatabase
- Application Contexts
- XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText
- Application Contexts
- XtAppGetSelectionTimeout
- Application Contexts
- XtAppInitialize
- Creating GCs
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Standard Command-line Options
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- Merging of Resource Files
- Application Contexts
- R4 to R5
- fallback resources in
- Fallback Resources
- passing options table to
- Defining Your Own Command-line Options
- XtAppMainLoop
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Code
- The Widget Implementation File--BitmapEdit.c
- Timeouts
- Application Contexts
- and multiple application contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtAppNextEvent
- Low-level Management of the Event Queue
- Application Contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtAppPeekEvent
- Application Contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtAppPending
- Application Contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtAppProcessEvent
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- Application Contexts
- Rewriting XtAppMainLoop for Multiple Application Contexts
- XtAppReleaseCacheRefs
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetErrorHandler
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetFallbackResources
- Merging of Resource Files
- Fallback Resources
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetSelectionTimeout
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetTypeConverter
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetWarningHandler
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppTimeOut
- Application Contexts
- XtAppWarning
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppWarningMsg
- Errors and Warnings
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtAppWorkProc
- Application Contexts
- XtArgVal
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- XtAugmentTranslations
- Hardcoding Translations
- XtBaseOffset address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtC symbols
- A Pulldown Menu
- See Also XmC
- XtCallAcceptFocus
- Description of Core Methods
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- XtCallActionProc
- Action Hooks and Calling Actions Directly
- XtCallbackExclusive
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtCallbackNone
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtCallbackNonexclusive
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtCallbackPopdown
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtCallbackRec
- format
- Callback Lists
- XtCallCallbacks
- Actions
- XtCallConverter
- Registering Type Converters
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- XtCalloc
- The destroy Method
- Memory Allocation
- XtCancelConvertSelectionProc
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtCaseProc
- function prototype
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtCFontSet
- XFontSet Resources
- XtConfigureWidget
- Core Resources
- XtConvert
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- XtConvertAndStore
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- Registering Type Converters
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- XtConvertArgRec
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtConvertCase
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtConvertSelectionIncrProc
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtConvertSelectionProc
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- XtCreateApplicationShell
- Application Contexts
- Multiple Top-level Shells
- XtCreateManagedWidget
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Setting Resources for an Instance Hierarchy
- Building a Main Window
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- XtCreatePopupChildProc
- Delayed Popup Creation
- XtCreatePopupShell
- Shell Subclasses
- XtCreateWidget
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Basic Widget Methods
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- hardcoding resources with
- Using the Argument List Interfaces
- XtCreateWindow
- A Sample Method
- XtCWQueryOnly mask
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtDefaultBackground
- Defining the Default Value
- Colormaps
- XtDefaultForeground constant
- Defining the Default Value
- Colormaps
- XtDestroyWidget
- Basic Widget Methods
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- XtDisownSelection
- When the Selection Transfer is Complete (Owner)
- How Incremental Selection Works
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- XtDispatchEvent
- Low-level Management of the Event Queue
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- XtDisplay
- Explicitly Invoking a Converter
- XtDisplayInitialize
- R4 to R5
- XtDisplayOfObject
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtDisplayStringConversionWarning
- Writing a Type Converter
- Errors and Warnings
- XtDisplayToApplicationContext
- Functions Used with Multiple Application Contexts
- xterm
- Screen Space
- Menus, Gadgets, and Cascaded Popups
- XtError
- Application Contexts
- XtErrorDB~file
- Other Xt Changes for Internationalization
- XtErrorMsg
- Application Contexts
- xtetris
- Timeouts
- Timeouts
- Timeouts
- XtExposeCompressMultiple
- Event Filters
- XtExposeCompressMultiple flag
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- XtExposeCompressSeries flag
- Event Filters
- XtExposeGraphicsExpose flag
- Adding Nonmaskable Event Handlers
- XtExposeNoCompress flag
- Event Filters
- XtFindFile
- File Finding and Internationalization
- XtFree
- The destroy Method
- Finally Pasting the Selection (Requestor)
- Memory Allocation
- XtGeometryAlmost
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryAlmost constant
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- The query_geometry Method
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- The geometry_manager Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtGeometryDone
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryDone constant
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryNo
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryNo constant
- The query_geometry Method
- The set_values_almost Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtGeometryResult
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryResult enum
- The query_geometry Method
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- The geometry_manager Method
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtGeometryYes
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtGeometryYes constant
- The query_geometry Method
- Basic Core Methods in Composite Widgets
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The geometry_manager Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtGetActionKeysym
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtGetApplicationNameAndClass
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtGetApplicationResources
- Application Resources
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- XtGetConstraintResourceList
- The Constraint Resource List
- XtGetErrorDatabase
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtGetErrorDatabaseText
- Errors and Warnings
- Application Contexts
- XtGetGC
- Creating GCs
- Graphics from the Application
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The set_values Method
- when not to use
- Creating GCs
- XtGetKeysymTable
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtGetResourceList
- Defining the Resource List
- Resource Precedence Rules
- XtGetSelectionRequest
- Converting the Standard Selections
- XtGetSelectionTimeout
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- Application Contexts
- XtGetSelectionValueIncremental
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtGetSelectionValues
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Requesting the Selection (Requestor)
- Possible Target Type Atoms
- ICCCM Compliance
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- XtGetSubresources
- Managing Subresources
- XtGetSubvalues
- Managing Subresources
- XtGetValues
- Widget Configurability with Resources
- Getting a Resource Value
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtGrabButton
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtGrabKey
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtGrabKeyboard
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtGrabNone grab mode
- About Dialog Boxes
- XtGrabPointer
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtHasCallbacks
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtIMAlternateInput constant
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- XtImmediate address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtIMTimer constant
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- XtIMXEvent constant
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- XtInherit constants
- Initializing the Core Methods
- XtInheritDeleteChild
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- XtInheritGeometryManager
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtInheritInsertChild
- The insert_child and delete_child Methods
- XtInheritRealize
- A Sample Method
- XtInheritSetValuesAlmost
- The set_values_almost Method
- XtInitialize
- R4 to R5
- XtInsertEventHandler
- Adding Event Handlers
- arguments
- Adding Event Handlers
- when to call
- Adding Event Handlers
- XtInstallAccelerators
- Xt Accelerators
- Xt Accelerators
- XtInstallAllAccelerators
- Xt Accelerators
- Xt Accelerators
- Installing Accelerators in Multiple Widgets
- XtInternAtom Xlib function
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- XtIsComposite
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtIsManaged
- Macros For Getting Information
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtIsRealized
- The expose Method
- Macros For Getting Information
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtIsSensitive
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtIsSubclass
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtKeyProc
- function prototype
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtKeysymToKeycodeList
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtLoseSelectionIncrProc
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtLoseSelectionProc
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- XtMainLoop
- User Resizes the Application
- Application Contexts
- XtMakeGeometryRequest
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- Application Resizes a Widget
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtMakeResizeRequest
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- XtMalloc
- The destroy Method
- Memory Allocation
- XtManageChild
- The Code
- XtManageChildren
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Code
- XtMapWidget
- The change_managed Method
- XtMenuPopup
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- argument to
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtMergeArgLists
- Merging Argument Lists
- XtMoveWidget
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Core Resources
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- XtN symbols
- A Pulldown Menu
- See Also XmN
- XtNameToWidget
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtNbaseTranslations
- The XtNbaseTranslations Resource
- XtNcreatePopupChildProc resource
- Delayed Popup Creation
- XtNcustomization
- File Finding and Internationalization
- XtNew
- Memory Allocation
- XtNewString
- Memory Allocation
- XtNextEvent
- Application Contexts
- XtNFontSet
- XFontSet Resources
- XtOffsetOf
- The Resource List
- XtOffsetOf macro
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- XtOpenDisplay
- Connecting to Multiple Servers
- R4 to R5
- XtOverrideTranslations
- Hardcoding Translations
- XtOwnSelection
- How Atomic Selection Works
- Highlighting the Selected Data (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- Making the Selection with XtOwnSelection (Owner)
- XtOwnSelectionIncremental
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtParseAcceleratorTable
- Defining the Accelerator Table in the Code
- XtParseTranslationTable
- Hardcoding Translations
- The Translation Table and Actions Table
- Defining the Accelerator Table in the Code
- XtPeekEvent
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- Application Contexts
- XtPending
- XtPending and XtPeekEvent
- Application Contexts
- XtPointer
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- Private Header File
- XtPopdown
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtPopup
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Cascaded Menus
- XtPopupSpringLoaded
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtProcedureArg address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtProcessEvent
- Application Contexts
- XtQueryGeometry
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Widget Desires a Size Change
- XtR symbols
- A Pulldown Menu
- See Also XmR
- XTranslateCoordinates Xlib function
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtRealizeWidget
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- User Resizes the Application
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Code
- Description of Core Methods
- The change_managed Method
- XtRealloc
- Memory Allocation
- XtRegisterCaseConverter
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtRegisterGrabAction
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- XtReleaseGC
- The set_values Method
- XtRemoveAccelerators
- Xt Accelerators
- XtRemoveActionHook
- Action Hooks and Calling Actions Directly
- XtRemoveAllCallbacks
- warning about
- Callback Lists
- XtRemoveCallback
- Callback Lists
- Callback Lists
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtRemoveCallbacks
- Callback Lists
- Callback Lists
- XtRemoveEventHandler
- The destroy Method
- Removing Event Handlers
- XtRemoveGrab
- About Dialog Boxes
- XtRemoveInput
- Getting File Input
- XtRemoveRawEventHandler
- Adding Raw Event Handlers
- XtRemoveTimeOut
- The destroy Method
- Timeouts
- XtRemoveWorkProc
- Work Procedures
- Work Procedures
- XtResizeWidget
- Initial Geometry Negotiation
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- XtResolvePathname
- Merging of Resource Files
- Customized Resource Files
- File Finding and Internationalization
- XtResource
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- XtResourceDefaultProc
- example
- Special Resource Defaults That Do Not Use Conversion
- XtResourceList
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- XtResourceQuark address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtResourceString address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtRFontSet
- XFontSet Resources
- XtRImmediate representation type
- Review of Resource Fundamentals
- XtScreenOfObject
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtSelectionCallbackProc
- How Atomic Selection Works
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtSelectionDoneIncrProc
- How Incremental Selection Works
- XtSelectionDoneProc
- How Atomic Selection Works
- XtSetArg
- Another Way to Set Arguments
- Setting Resources with the ArgList Interfaces
- Setting Resources with the ArgList Interfaces
- Getting a Resource Value
- XtSetErrorHandler
- Application Contexts
- XtSetErrorMsgHandler
- Application Contexts
- XtSetKeyboardFocus
- The accept_focus Method and the Keyboard Focus
- XtSetLanguageProc
- Merging of Resource Files
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- Establishing Locale in an Xt Application
- XtSetSelectionTimeout
- Miscellaneous Selection Routines
- Application Contexts
- XtSetSensitive
- About Dialog Boxes
- XtSetSubvalues
- Managing Subresources
- XtSetTypeConverter
- Registering Type Converters
- Registering Type Converters
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- arguments
- Registering Type Converters
- XtSetValues
- Widget Configurability with Resources
- Setting Resources with the ArgList Interfaces
- Hardcoding Translations
- Description of Core Methods
- A Sample Method
- Laying Out Child Widgets
- The Core and Constraint set_values Methods
- XtSetValuesFunc
- The set_values Method
- XtSetWarningHandler
- Application Contexts
- XtSetWarningMsgHandler
- Application Contexts
- XtTimeOut
- Application Contexts
- XtTranslateCoords
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- A Pulldown Menu
- XtTranslateKey
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtTranslateKeycode
- Keyboard Interpretation
- XtUngrabButton
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtUngrabKey
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtUngrabKeyboard
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtUngrabPointer
- A Spring-loaded Menu: Pointer Grabbing
- Xt Grabbing Functions
- XtUnmanageChild
- The change_managed Method
- XtUnmanageChildren
- The change_managed Method
- XtUnmapWidget
- The change_managed Method
- XtVaAppCreateShell
- Multiple Top-level Shells
- XtVaAppInitialize
- The Code
- Structure of Motif Applications
- R4 to R5
- arguments
- The Code
- fallback resources in
- Fallback Resources
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- Structure of Motif Applications
- The Code
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- XtVaCreateWidget
- Structure of Motif Applications
- Using Composite Widgets
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- How Xt's Resource Manager Works
- XtVaGetSubresources
- Managing Subresources
- XtVaGetSubvalues
- Managing Subresources
- XtVaGetValues
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- XtVaSetSubvalues
- Managing Subresources
- XtVaSetValues
- Setting Resources with the Varargs Interfaces
- The Private Header File--BitmapEdiP.h
- Instance Part and Instance Record
- Basic Widget Methods
- The X Graphics Model Inside Widgets
- The set_values Method
- The set_values Method
- XtVaTypedArg
- used with compound strings
- Using the Varargs Interfaces
- Simple Compound Strings
- XtVersion constant
- The Core Class Part
- XtVersionDontCheck constant
- The Core Class Part
- XtWarning
- Application Contexts
- XtWarningMsg
- Application Contexts
- XtWidgetBaseOffset address mode constant
- Passing Arguments to a Type Converter
- XtWidgetGeometry
- XtQueryGeometry and the query_geometry Method
- XtMakeGeometryRequest and the geometry_manager Method
- The set_values_almost Method
- XtWidgetGeometry structure
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- The query_geometry Method
- XtWidgetToApplicationContext
- Timeouts
- XtWindow
- The set_values Method
- The Gadget Source File
- XtWindowOfObject
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtWindowToWidget
- Macros For Getting Information
- XtWorkProc
- Application Contexts
- Customized Resource Files
- XUSERFILESEARCHPATH~environment variable
- Merging of Resource Files