Volume Four: X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming ManualList of Examples
| Table of Contents | List of Figures | List of Examples | List of Tables |
- Example 2-1. xhello.c: a minimal "hello, world" application
- Example 2-2. XHello: the app-defaults file
- Example 2-3. xgoodbye.c: complete code
- Example 2-4. XGoodbye: the app-defaults file
- Example 2-5. Using XtVaSetValues to set a widget resource
- Example 2-6. Using XtSetValues to set a widget resource
- Example 2-7. Code fragment to set multiple resources of a widget
- Example 2-8. Code fragment to get a widget resource using XtVaGetValues
- Example 2-9. Code fragment to get a widget resource using XtGetValues
- Example 2-10. Alternate resource settings for xgoodbye
- Example 3-1. xrowcolumn.c: complete code
- Example 3-2. XRowColumn: app-defaults file
- Example 3-3. xform: constraint resource settings added
- Example 3-4. xmainwindow.c: code for implementing standard Motif screen layout
- Example 3-5. Adding a File menu to an existing menubar
- Example 3-6. xmainwindow: creating a Help button and Help dialog box
- Example 3-7. XMainWindow: setting help text in the app-defaults file
- Example 3-8. Passing a single value to a callback function
- Example 3-9. Passing a pointer to a structure to a callback function
- Example 3-10. ANSI non-conformant callback function definition
- Example 3-11. The XmPushButtonCallbackStruct structure
- Example 3-12. Initializing a callback list
- Example 3-13. xbitmap: getting application resources
- Example 3-14. The resource list for xbitmap4
- Example 3-15. Calling XtGetApplicationResources and checking values
- Example 3-16. xbitmap: specifying command-line options
- Example 3-17. The R4 varargs interface to creating a widget
- Example 3-18. An argument list
- Example 3-19. Using an argument list in widget creation
- Example 3-20. Setting the argument list with XtSetArg
- Example 3-21. Incorrectly setting the argument list with XtSetArg
- Example 4-1. xbitmap1: complete code
- Example 4-2. XBitmap1: app-defaults file
- Example 4-3. xbitmap2: implementing small pixmaps with DrawingArea widgets
- Example 4-4. xbitmap2: creating pixmaps and GCs
- Example 4-5. xbitmap2: the CellToggled routine
- Example 4-6. xbitmap2: the RedrawSmallPicture routine
- Example 4-7. xbitmap2: writing a bitmap file
- Example 4-8. xbitmap3.c: adding a feature to a Primitive widget
- Example 4-9. An XtActionProc with widget and event arguments
- Example 4-10. A simple translation table
- Example 4-11. A complex translation table
- Example 4-12. XBitmap3: specifying translations in the app-defaults file
- Example 4-13. Code fragment: specifying translations in the program
- Example 4-14. A translation table with action parameters
- Example 4-15. xbitmap4: implementing the bitmap editor from the application
- Example 5-1. xcomstring.c: code to use multiple fonts in a compound string
- Example 5-2. xcomstring: app-defaults file
- Example 5-3. The .c file for a simple UIL application
- Example 5-4. The .uil file for a simple UIL application
- Example 6-1. BitmapEdiP.h: the class part and class record
- Example 6-2. BitmapEdiP.h: the instance part and instance record
- Example 6-3. BitmapEdiP.h: declaring the external class record
- Example 6-4. BitmapEdit.c: include files
- Example 6-5. BitmapEdit's resource list
- Example 6-6. Setting the resource list into the class structure
- Example 6-7. The default translation table and the actions table
- Example 6-8. Translations in the Core class record
- Example 6-9. BitmapEdit.c: function type declarations
- Example 6-10. BitmapEdit.c: initialization of Core class record
- Example 6-11. BitmapEdit.c: declaring the class record pointer
- Example 6-12. BitmapEdit.c: inheriting a self-contained method
- Example 6-13. Inheriting by invoking the superclass method from a widget method
- Example 6-14. BitmapEdit.h: complete public header file
- Example 7-1. The initialize method
- Example 7-2. Creating GCs from the initialize method
- Example 7-3. The expose method
- Example 7-4. The set_values method
- Example 7-5. BitmapEdit: the resize method
- Example 7-6. The XtWidgetGeometry structure
- Example 7-7. BitmapEdit: the query_geometry method
- Example 7-8. The destroy method
- Example 7-9. BitmapEdit: action routines
- Example 8-1. Installing accelerators in an application
- Example 8-2. Specifying the XtNaccelerators resource from the app-defaults file
- Example 8-3. Conflicting translations and accelerators
- Example 8-4. Installing accelerators from both command widgets
- Example 8-5. Accelerators resource settings for two widgets
- Example 9-1. Using an event hander to pop up a popup menu
- Example 9-2. Registering an event handler, and the handler function itself
- Example 9-3. Adding a nonmaskable event handler
- Example 9-4. Casting the event structure by declaring action routine arguments
- Example 9-5. Handling multiple event types in an action routine
- Example 9-6. Getting file input with XtAppAddInput
- Example 9-7. Reading stdin from an Xt application
- Example 9-8. xtetris: registering a timeout and the timeout function
- Example 9-9. xtetris: calling XtRemoveTimeOut
- Example 9-10. Registering an Xt work procedure
- Example 9-11. A work procedure to create a popup widget
- Example 9-12. Skeleton of a custom main loop
- Example 10-1. Three resources defined by the Motif Primitive widget
- Example 10-2. The resource file XMail-color.
- Example 10-3. An app-defaults file for the Spanish language
- Example 10-4. A user defaults file for color and monochrome screens
- Example 10-5. Setting fallback resources in XtAppInitialize
- Example 10-6. A sample merged resource database
- Example 10-7. Sample resource database with eliminated entries and components
- Example 10-8. Resource database after final elimination of entries and components
- Example 10-9. Resource database finalists in original form
- Example 10-10. A resource definition converting an integer to a pixmap
- Example 10-11. A resource definition using XmRImmediate
- Example 10-12. A resource definition using XmRCallProc
- Example 10-13. An example of an XtResourceDefaultProc
- Example 10-14. Registering a type converter
- Example 10-15. Adding a converter with arguments
- Example 10-16. Manually invoking a type converter
- Example 10-17. A simple type converter
- Example 10-18. Testing for a special-case default value
- Example 10-19. Simplified get_values_hook method of the AsciiSrc subpart of the Text widget
- Example 11-1. Setting the XmNinput resource of a Shell widget
- Example 11-2. Creating an icon pixmap, and setting XmNiconPixmap
- Example 11-3. BitmapEdit: actions that highlight selection
- Example 11-4. BitmapEdit: getting the atom for a widget-specific target type
- Example 11-5. BitmapEdit: action to paste a selection
- Example 11-6. BitmapEdit: converting the selection value
- Example 11-7. BitmapEdit: pasting selection in requestor_callback function
- Example 11-8. BitmapEdit: the lose_ownership_proc
- Example 11-9. BitmapEdit: initializing Xmu's atom caching mechanism in the initialize method
- Example 11-10. BitmapEdit: converting standard targets in the convert_proc
- Example 12-1. ScrollBox: the set_values method
- Example 12-2. ScrollBox: the resize method
- Example 12-3. ScrollBox: the query_geometry method
- Example 12-4. ScrollBox: private routine to lay out child widgets
- Example 12-5. A basic change_managed method
- Example 12-6. A simple geometry_manager method
- Example 12-7. Form: the Core resource list
- Example 12-8. Form: constraint resource list
- Example 12-9. Form: constraint data structure
- Example 12-10. Form: class structure initialization
- Example 12-11. Form: the Constraint initialize method
- Example 12-12. Form: the class_part_init method
- Example 12-13. Form: the geometry_manager method
- Example 12-14. Form: private functions: RefigureLocations and the layout method
- Example 12-15. Form: the LayoutChild private function
- Example 12-16. Form: the resize method
- Example 12-17. Form: the change_managed method
- Example 12-18. Form: the query_geometry method
- Example 12-19. Form: the public function for delaying calls to change_managed
- Example 13-1. Creating, placing, and popping up a popup menu
- Example 13-2. Adding a cascading submenu
- Example 13-3. xmenu1: complete code
- Example 13-4. XMenu1: the app-defaults file
- Example 13-5. xmenu2: code to place pulldown menu
- Example 13-6. XMenu2: translation portion of the app-defaults file
- Example 13-7. xmenu5: actions that place, pop up, and pop down main menus and submenus
- Example 13-8. XMenu5: translation portion of app-defaults file
- Example 13-9. xmenu7: using the SimpleMenu widget and its children
- Example 13-10. XMenu7: app-defaults file
- Example 13-11. Sme gadget: class part and complete class structure declaration
- Example 13-12. Sme gadget: instance part and complete instance structure declaration
- Example 13-13. SimpleMenu: expose method calling gadget children's expose methods
- Example 13-14. SimpleMenu: resize method
- Example 13-15. SimpleMenu: the Notify action routine
- Example 13-16. SimpleMenu.c: Setting accepts_objects in the Composite extension structure
- Example 14-1. How to invoke XtAppErrorMsg (from AsciiSrc.c)
- Example 14-2. Common fields in a class extension record
- Example 14-3. Adding editres support in an application
- Example 14-4. Establishing the locale in an Xt application
- Example B-1. Sample fonts.alias file
- Example B-2. a portion of the fonts.dir file in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi
- Example B-3. Listing scalable fonts
- Example B-4. Finding derived instances of scalable fonts
- Example B-5. Font name patterns that don't match scaled fonts.
- Example B-6. Determining if a font is scalable
- Example B-7. Loading a derived instance of a scalable font
- Example E-1. BitmapEdit: complete widget code
- Example E-2. BitmapEdiP.h: complete private header file
- Example E-3. BitmapEdit.h: complete public header file
- Example E-4. xbitmap5: complete application code