- “Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command
- The “Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command
- ”Add to Global” command
- Placing a Window in All Desks
- The “Add to Global” Command
- ”An Icon” command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- ”Arrange” command
- ”by Date”
- The “by Date” Command
- ”by Name”
- The “by Name” Command
- ”by Size”
- The “by Size” Command
- ”by Type”
- The “by Type” Command
- ”as Columns” command
- The “as Columns” Command
- The “as Columns” Command
- The “as Columns” Command
- ”as Gallery” command
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- ”as Icons” command
- The “as Icons” Command
- The “as Icons” Command
- The “as Icons” Command
- ”as List” command
- The “as List” Command
- The “as List” Command
- The “as List” Command
- ”Audio Control” command
- The “Control Audio” Command
- ”by Date” command
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Date” Command
- ”by Name” command
- The “by Name” Command
- The “by Name” Command
- ”by Size” command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- ”by Type” command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- ”Copy Selected” command
- The “Copy Selected” Command
- ”Customize” command
- The “Customize” Command
- ”Desks Overview” command
- The “Extra Desks” Command
- ”Desktop Help” command
- The “Quick Answers” Command
- ”Display Icon Name” command
- The “Display Icon Name” Command
- ”Display No Names” command
- The “Display No Names” Command
- ”Display Window Name” command
- The “Display Window Name” Command
- ”Empty Dumpster” command
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- The “Empty Dumpster” Command
- ”Find an Icon” command
- Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- ”Get Info” command
- The “Get Info” Command
- The “Get Info” Command
- The “Get Info” Command
- ”Goto Selected” command
- The “Goto Selected” Command
- ”Hidden Files” command
- The “Hidden Files” Command
- ”Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk” command
- The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command
- ”Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” command
- The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command
- ”Home Directory” command
- The “Access Files > In my Home Directory” Command
- ”Legal Notice” command
- The “Legal Notice” Command
- ”List All...” command
- Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
- The “List All...” Command
- ”Log Out” command
- The “Log Out” Command
- ”Lower” command
- The “Lower” Command
- ”Make Copy” command
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Reference” Command
- ”Make Linked Copy” command
- Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
- The “Make Reference” Command
- ”Man Pages” Command
- The “Man Pages” Command
- ”Minimize All” command
- The “Minimize All” Command
- ”Minimize” command
- The “Minimize” Command
- ”New Desk” command
- The “New Desk” Command
- ”New Directory” command
- Creating a Directory
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- ”New Page” command
- The “New” Command
- ”New” command
- The “New” Command
- ”Online Books” command
- The “Online Books” Command
- ”Open Icon” command
- Starting Applications From the Selected Menu
- The “Open” Command
- The “Open” Command
- The “Open” Command
- ”Overview” menu
- The Overview Menu
- ”Page Down” command
- The “Page down” Command
- The “Down” Command
- ”Page Up” command
- The “Page up” Command
- The “Up” Command
- ”Permissions” command
- The “Change Permissions” Command
- ”Print” command
- Printing From Icon Views or the Desktop
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- ”Quit” command
- The “Exit” Command
- The “Exit” Command
- ”Quit” command, Desks Overview window
- The “Exit” Command
- ”Raise” command
- The “Raise” Command
- ”Release Notes” command
- The “Release Notes” Command
- ”Remote Directory” command
- Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
- ”Remove from Desk” command
- The “Remove from Desk” Command
- ”Remove” command
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- ”Rename Selected” command
- The “Rename Selected” Command
- ”Rename” command
- The “Rename” Command
- The “Rename” Command
- ”Restore All” command
- The “Restore All” Command
- ”Restore” command
- The “Restore” Command
- ”Scaling” command
- The “Scaling” Command
- ”Show Query” command
- The “Show Query” Command
- ”System Shutdown” command
- Turning Off Your Workstation
- ”to Grid” command
- The “Align to Grid” Command
- ”Unix Shell” command
- The “Open Unix Shell” Command
- access privileges
- Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition
- default settings
- Changing Default Permission Settings
- defined
- Permissions Settings: A Definition
- activating screen savers
- Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay
- additional fonts
- About Impressario
- appearance of moving windows
- Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
- applications
- available on remote systems
- Accessing Applications On Remote Systems
- Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
- finding available
- Accessing Available Applications
- installing
- Installing Applications
- removing
- Removing Applications
- running
- Starting Applications
- running automatically
- Saving Your Desktop Layout
- specifying command line options for
- Starting Applications with Command Line Options
- arranging icons
- Sorting Icons
- Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
- Displaying Icons in Columns
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “as List” Command
- The “as Columns” Command
- The Display as List Button
- The Display in Columns Button
- The “by Name” Command
- The Display as List Button
- The Display in Columns Button
- The “by Name” Command
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “Align to Grid” Command
- The “as List” Command
- The “as Columns” Command
- The Display as List Button
- The Display in Columns Button
- The “by Name” Command
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “as List” Command
- The “as Columns” Command
- arranging windows
- Organizing Windows Into Desks
- ASCII files, printing
- About File Format Filters
- Changing Printer Settings for ASCII Text Files
- audio, volume of
- The “Control Audio” Command
- .auxchestrc file
- Adding Toolchests and Toolchest Menu Items Using the .auxchestrc File
- background
- changing pattern for
- Changing the Desktop Background
- making solid
- Choosing a Solid Color for Your Desktop Background
- background. See desktop.
- Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
- borders on windows
- The Border
- cancelling print requests
- About Print Status
- changing
- background pattern
- Changing the Desktop Background
- default permission settings
- Changing Default Permission Settings
- desks moving
- between desks
- Switching Between Desks
- languages
- Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout
- size of windows
- Resizing Windows
- toolchest contents
- Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)
- .chestrc file
- Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Toolchests and Toolchest Menu Items Using the .chestrc File
- click speed
- Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed
- closing windows
- Closing Windows
- columns, arranging icons in
- Displaying Icons in Columns
- command line options
- Starting Applications with Command Line Options
- The Launch Window
- control panels
- The “Customize” Command
- copying
- desks
- The “Copy Selected” Command
- files to other systems
- Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command
- icons
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Reference” Command
- windows
- Copying Windows Between Desks
- copyright information
- The “Legal Notice” Command
- creating
- desks”New Desk” command
- Creating a Desk
- cursor speed
- Customizing Mouse Settings
- customizing
- background pattern
- Changing the Desktop Background
- mouse and cursor speed
- Customizing Mouse Settings
- print jobs
- About Print Panel
- Customizing Print Jobs With Print Panel
- Search tool
- Creating and Saving a Custom Search
- The “New” Command
- default permission settings
- Changing Default Permission Settings
- default printer
- Designating a Default Printer
- Delete Selected” command
- The “Delete Selected” Command
- deleting
- applications
- Removing Applications
- desks
- Deleting a Desk
- The “Delete Selected” Command
- files
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- deleting files
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- Desk menu
- The Desk Menu
- desks
- The Desks Overview Window: An Overview
- The “Goto Selected” Command
- and the Desks Overview command
- The “Extra Desks” Command
- arranging windows into
- Organizing Windows Into Desks
- changing display of
- Viewing Desks as Snapshots or Buttons
- copying desks
- The “Copy Selected” Command
- copying windows on
- Copying Windows Between Desks
- creating new
- Creating a Desk
- The “New Desk” Command
- deleting
- Deleting a Desk
- The “Delete Selected” Command
- displayed in Desks Overview window
- The Desk Display Area
- global desk
- The Global Desk
- The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command
- The “Add to Global” Command
- moving windows between
- Moving Windows Between Desks
- rearranging
- Changing the Order of Desks
- removing desks
- Deleting a Desk
- The “Delete Selected” Command
- removing windows from a desk
- The “Remove from Desk” Command
- removing windows from global desk
- Removing a Window From the Global Desk
- renaming
- Renaming a Desk
- The “Rename Selected” Command
- resizing display of
- Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
- The “Scaling” Command
- switching between
- Switching Between Desks
- the global desk
- Placing a Window in All Desks
- Desks Overview window
- The Desks Overview Window: An Overview
- ”Overview” menu on
- The Overview Menu
- and window names
- Displaying the Names of Windows in a Desk
- desk display area
- The Desk Display Area
- The “Show Snapshots/Hide Snapshots” Command
- Desk menu on
- The Desk Menu
- displaying the menubar
- The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command
- hiding the menubar
- The “Hide Menubar/Show Menubar” Command
- keyboard shortcuts for
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
- quitting
- The “Exit” Command
- rearranging desks in
- Changing the Order of Desks
- resizing
- Hints for Resizing the Window
- Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
- Window menu on
- The Window Menu
- desktop
- changing the background
- Changing the Desktop Background
- defined
- Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
- disabling icons on
- Disabling Icons on the Desktop
- making solid
- Choosing a Solid Color for Your Desktop Background
- placing icons on
- Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
- printer icons on
- Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
- saving layout of
- Saving Your Desktop Layout
- size of icons on
- Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
- desktop help
- The “Quick Answers” Command
- Desktop Settings Control Pane
- Displaying Application Errors
- Desktop Settings Control Panel
- Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
- Changing Default Permission Settings
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- Turning File Overwrite Messages On and Off
- Disabling Icons on the Desktop
- Desktop toolchest
- The Desktop Toolchest
- directories
- copying to other systems
- Copying a Directory Using the rcp Command
- creating new
- Creating a Directory
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- determining ownership of
- Viewing Permissions Information
- finding
- Finding Directories
- home directory
- The “Access Files > In my Home Directory” Command
- in your search path
- Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)
- opening
- Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
- renaming
- Renaming Files and Directories
- sharing with other users
- Sharing Directories With Other Systems
- Directory View windows
- copying files between
- Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
- Display as Icons button
- The Display as Icons Button
- The Display as Icons Button
- The Display as Icons Button
- Display in Columns button
- The Display in Columns Button
- The Display in Columns Button
- The Display in Columns Button
- Display Shelf Button
- The Shelf Button
- keyboard shortcuts for
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
- List Button
- The Display as List Button
- The Display as List Button
- The Display as List Button
- on other systems
- Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
- opening
- Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
- Preview Images button
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- Selected menu on
- The Selected Menu on an Icon View Window
- shelf
- The Shelf
- thumbwheel on
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- toolbar on
- The Toolbar
- disabling the desktop
- Disabling Icons on the Desktop
- disks
- copying from floppy
- Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
- copying to floppy
- Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk
- dot (.) files
- Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files
- The “Hidden Files” Command
- double-click speed
- Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed
- dragging and dropping icons
- The Drop Pocket
- The Drop Pocket
- drop pocket
- Placing an Icon Into the Drop Pocket
- The Drop Pocket
- The Drop Pocket
- dumpster
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- The “Empty Dumpster” Command
- files in
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- enlarging windows
- The Maximize Window Button
- error messages
- file overwrite message
- Turning File Overwrite Messages On and Off
- printing errors
- Troubleshooting Printing
- status panel for
- Displaying Application Errors
- EZsetup account
- Using Existing Login Accounts
- files
- copying files from floppy
- Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
- copying files to floppy disk
- Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk
- determining ownership of
- Viewing Permissions Information
- finding
- Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
- Using the Search Tool: An Overview
- Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- finding certain types
- Finding Types of Icons
- naming
- Renaming Files and Directories
- Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines
- on remote systems
- Finding Files on Another System
- opening
- Opening and Saving Files
- printing
- Printing Files
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- removing
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- renaming
- Renaming Files and Directories
- saving
- Saving Files
- viewing hidden
- Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files
- Find toolchest
- The Find Toolchest
- finding
- application icons
- Accessing Available Applications
- directories
- Finding Directories
- files
- Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
- Using the Search Tool: An Overview
- Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
- large files
- Finding Large Files
- types of files
- Finding Types of Icons
- floppy disks
- copying files from
- Copying Files From a Floppy Disk
- copying files to
- Copying Files Onto a Floppy Disk
- fonts, additional
- About Impressario
- ftp command
- Accessing Files Using the FTP Command in a Shell
- global desk
- Placing a Window in All Desks
- The Global Desk
- The “Hide Global Desk/Show Global Desk Command
- The “Add to Global” Command
- removing windows from
- Removing a Window From the Global Desk
- group
- Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition
- guest account
- Using Existing Login Accounts
- Help toolchest
- The Help Toolchest
- hidden files
- Viewing Hidden (“Dot”) Files
- horizontal toolchest layout
- Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
- Icon Catalog
- Accessing Available Applications
- Creating a Collection of Application Icons
- The Icon Catalog: An Overview
- adding icons to
- Adding Icons to an Icon Catalog Page
- adding pages to
- The “New” Command
- closing
- The “Exit” Command
- creating new collections
- Adding Your Own Pages in the Icon Catalog
- The “New” Command
- keyboard shortcuts for
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
- page display area on
- The Page Display Area
- removing pages from
- Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
- The “Remove” Command
- renaming pages in
- The “Rename” Command
- turning pages
- The “Down” Command
- turning pages in
- Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog
- The “Up” Command
- icons
- accessing easily
- Giving Yourself Easy Access to Icons
- Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
- Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
- accessing from multiple places
- Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
- and the Icon Catalog
- Creating a Collection of Application Icons
- arranging
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “by Name” Command
- The “by Name” Command
- The “by Date” Command
- The “by Size” Command
- The “by Type” Command
- The “Align to Grid” Command
- collections of
- Creating a Collection of Application Icons
- The “New” Command
- copying
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Copy” Command
- The “Make Reference” Command
- displaying in columns
- Displaying Icons in Columns
- finding
- Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
- Using the Search Tool: An Overview
- Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- The “File QuickFind” Command
- group icons
- Creating a Collection of Application Icons
- linked copies of
- Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
- The “Make Reference” Command
- listing
- Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
- naming
- Renaming Files and Directories
- Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines
- on a shelf
- Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
- on desktop
- Placing Reference Icons on the Desktop Background
- printer icons
- About Desktop Printer Icons
- removing
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- renaming
- Renaming Files and Directories
- resizing
- Resizing Icons
- Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- sorting
- Sorting Icons
- storing on Icon Catalog pages
- Adding Icons to an Icon Catalog Page
- image files
- previewing
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- printer settings for
- Changing Printer Settings for Image Files
- printing
- About File Format Filters
- Impressario
- About Impressario
- InSight
- The “Online Books” Command
- installing applications
- Installing Applications
- interactive window placement
- Turning On Automatic Window Placement
- international settings
- Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout
- IRIX commands
- and command line options
- Starting Applications with Command Line Options
- The Launch Window
- keyboard settings
- Turning On Key Click
- Adjusting Key-Repeat Speed and Delay
- keyboard shortcuts
- for Desks Overview window
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
- for Directory View windows
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
- for Icon Catalog
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
- for Search tool
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool
- languages, keyboard layouts for
- Changing the Language and Keyboard Layout
- large files, finding
- Finding Large Files
- Launch window
- Starting Applications with Command Line Options
- The Launch Window
- layout, saving desktop
- Saving Your Desktop Layout
- left-handed mouse
- Switching the Mouse for Left-Handed Use
- linked copies
- Making a Referenced Copy of an Icon
- The “Make Reference” Command
- listing icons
- Viewing File Information (Viewing “as List”)
- The “as List” Command
- The Display as List Button
- The Display as List Button
- The “as List” Command
- The Display as List Button
- The “as List” Command
- listing windows
- Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
- The “List All...” Command
- The List All Window
- locking screen savers
- Locking Your Screen
- logging in
- to remote systems
- Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command
- Using telnet to Log In to Another System
- logging out
- The “Log Out” Command
- login accounts
- Using Existing Login Accounts
- creating
- Why Create a Login Account?
- lowering windows
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Lower” Command
- makeDotDesktop window
- Understanding the makeDotDesktop Window
- making copies of windows
- Copying Windows Between Desks
- man pages
- The “Man Pages” Command
- Maximize button
- The Maximize Window Button
- maximizing windows
- The Maximize Window Button
- Minimize button
- The Minimize Window Button
- minimizing windows
- Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
- Minimizing Windows
- Displaying the Windows Overview
- The Minimize Window Button
- The “Minimize All” Command
- The “Minimize” Command
- monitor, and screen savers
- Choosing a New Screen Saver
- mouse setting
- for left-handed use
- Switching the Mouse for Left-Handed Use
- mouse settings
- Customizing Mouse Settings
- click and double-click speed
- Adjusting the Mouse Click Speed
- moving
- icons
- onto the desktop
- Detailed Instructions on Moving Files or Directories
- icons between systems
- Detailed Instructions on Moving Files or Directories
- windows between desks
- Moving Windows Between Desks
- naming
- desks
- Renaming a Desk
- The “Rename Selected” Command
- guidelines for
- Renaming Files and Directories
- Naming Icons: A Few Guidelines
- networks
- copying files between
- Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
- printers available on
- Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
- searching across
- Finding Files on Another System
- new directories, creating
- Creating a Directory
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- The “Add New Directory” Command
- nodesktop file
- Disabling Icons on the Desktop
- online documentation
- The “Online Books” Command
- online help
- The “Quick Answers” Command
- opaque windows
- Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
- opening
- applications
- Starting Applications
- directories
- Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
- files
- Opening and Saving Files
- remote directories
- Accessing Files and Directories On Other Systems
- order of desks
- Changing the Order of Desks
- organizing windows
- Organizing Windows Into Desks
- OutofBox account
- Using Existing Login Accounts
- owner of files
- Viewing Permissions Information
- Page menu
- The Page Menu on the Search Tool
- pages
- in Icon Catalog
- Adding Your Own Pages in the Icon Catalog
- Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog
- The Page Display Area
- in Search tool
- The Page Display Area
- removing from Icon Catalog
- Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
- The “Remove” Command
- removing from Search tool
- The “Remove” Command
- renaming in Icon Catalog
- The “Rename” Command
- renaming in Search tool
- The “Rename” Command
- turning Icon Catalog pages
- Navigating Pages in the Icon Catalog
- passwords, and locking screen savers
- Locking Your Screen
- path bar
- Using the Path Bar in the Path Finder
- The Path Bar
- The Path Bar
- path, adding directories to
- Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)
- pathname field
- The Path Finder Field
- The Pathname Field
- permission settings
- The “Change Permissions” Command
- and file ownership
- Owner, Group, and Others: A Definition
- default settings
- Changing Default Permission Settings
- defined
- Permissions Settings: A Definition
- popping windows
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Raise” Command
- PostScript files, printing
- About File Format Filters
- Changing Printer Settings for PostScript Files
- powering off the system
- Turning Off Your Workstation
- previewing images
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- The Thumbnail Images Button
- The “as Thumbnail Images” Command
- Print Panel
- Overview of Print Panel
- Printer Manager, starting
- About the Printer Manager
- printers
- checking queue for
- About Print Status
- choosing default
- Designating a Default Printer
- dropping icons on
- Printing by Dragging Icons Onto Printers or Print Panel
- icons for
- About Desktop Printer Icons
- Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
- job status
- About Desktop Printer Icons
- queue for
- About Desktop Printer Icons
- searching network for
- Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
- status of
- Using Print Status to Monitor Print Jobs and Printers
- testing
- Testing a Printer
- printing
- ASCII files
- About File Format Filters
- banner pages
- Using Print Panel to Set the Banner Page Title Options
- cancelling requests
- About Print Status
- Cancelling a Print Job
- customized settings
- About Print Panel
- Customizing Print Jobs With Print Panel
- files
- Printing Files
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- The “Print” Command
- image files
- About File Format Filters
- multiple copies
- Using Print Panel to Specify the Number of Copies to Print
- PostScript files
- About File Format Filters
- text files
- About File Format Filters
- troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Printing
- pushing windows
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Lower” Command
- raising windows
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Raise” Command
- rcp command
- Anatomy of the rcp Command
- rearranging desks
- Changing the Order of Desks
- recycle button
- Using the Recycle Button
- The Recycle Button
- The Recycle Button
- red outline of moving windows
- Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
- release notes
- The “Release Notes” Command
- remote directories, opening
- Using the Access Desktop Panel to Access Applications on Another System
- Accessing Files and Directories On Other Systems
- remote systems
- and the rsh command
- Using rsh to Perform Commands on Another System
- and the telnet command
- Using telnet to Log In to Another System
- applications on
- Accessing Applications On Remote Systems
- copying files between
- Accessing Remote Files Using Automount
- copying files to and from
- Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command
- finding files on
- Finding Files on Another System
- logging in to
- Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command
- printers on
- Placing Available Printers on Your Desktop
- removing
- applications
- Removing Applications
- desks
- Deleting a Desk
- The “Delete Selected” Command
- files
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- Icon Catalog pages
- Removing a Page From the Icon Catalog
- The “Remove” Command
- icons
- Removing Files and Reference Icons
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- The “Remove” Command
- Search tool pages
- The “Remove” Command
- windows from global desk
- Removing a Window From the Global Desk
- renaming
- desks
- Renaming a Desk
- The “Rename Selected” Command
- Icon Catalog pages
- The “Rename” Command
- icons
- Renaming Files and Directories
- Search tool pages
- The “Rename” Command
- resizing
- Desks Overview window
- Hints for Resizing the Window
- Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
- display area in Desks Overview window
- Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
- The “Scaling” Command
- icons
- Resizing Icons
- Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- windows
- Resizing Windows
- results of a search
- The Results Area
- rlogin command
- Using the rlogin Command to Access Applications on Another System
- Logging In to Another System Using the rlogin Command
- root account
- Using Existing Login Accounts
- rsh command
- Using rsh to Perform Commands on Another System
- running applications
- Starting Applications
- sash
- The Window Sash
- saving
- custom searches
- Creating and Saving a Custom Search
- files
- Saving Files
- scanners, support for
- About Impressario
- screen savers
- choosing
- Choosing a New Screen Saver
- when to activate
- Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay
- scroll bars
- The Scroll Bars
- The Scroll Bars
- Search tool
- The Search Tool: An Overview
- adding pages to
- The “New” Command
- closing
- The “Exit” Command
- custom searches
- Creating and Saving a Custom Search
- The “New” Command
- keyboard shortcuts for
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool
- Page menu on
- The Page Menu on the Search Tool
- pages in
- The Page Display Area
- removing pages in
- The “Remove” Command
- renaming pages in
- The “Rename” Command
- results area
- The Results Area
- turning pages in
- The “Page up” Command
- The “Page down” Command
- searching
- across networks
- Finding Files on Another System
- by file type
- Finding Types of Icons
- default search path
- Adding Directories to Your Search Path (Advanced)
- for files
- Finding Files, Applications, or Directories Using File QuickFind
- Using the Search Tool: An Overview
- Using the Search Tool: Basic Instructions
- for large files
- Finding Large Files
- security
- and locking screen savers
- Locking Your Screen
- and login accounts
- Why Create a Login Account?
- Selected menu
- The Selected Menu on an Icon View Window
- Selected toolchest
- The Selected Toolchest
- session management
- Saving Your Desktop Layout
- .sgisession file
- Running Applications When You Log In Using the .sgisession File
- sharing directories
- Sharing Directories With Other Systems
- shelf
- defined
- Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
- The Shelf Button
- The Shelf
- placing icons on
- Using a Shelf for Convenient Icon Access
- shell windows
- The “Open Unix Shell” Command
- shortcuts
- for Desks Overview window
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Desks Overview Commands
- for Directory View windows
- Keyboard Shortcuts for Icon View Windows
- for Icon Catalog
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Icon Catalog
- for Search tool
- Keyboard Shortcuts for the Search Tool
- shutting down
- Turning Off Your Workstation
- size
- finding large files
- Finding Large Files
- of Desks Overview window
- Resizing Snapshots or Buttons
- of icons
- Changing the Default Size of Icons on the Desktop
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- of windows
- Resizing Windows
- software
- copyright notice
- The “Legal Notice” Command
- installing
- Installing Applications
- sorting icons
- Sorting Icons
- sounds
- volume of
- The “Control Audio” Command
- starting, applications
- Starting Applications
- stowing windows
- Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
- Minimizing Windows
- Displaying the Windows Overview
- The Minimize Window Button
- The “Minimize All” Command
- The “Minimize” Command
- switching between desks
- The “Goto Selected” Command
- System toolchest
- The System Toolchest
- system.c hestrc file
- Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)
- telnet command
- Using telnet to Log In to Another System
- text files, printing
- About File Format Filters
- title bar
- The Title Bar
- toolbar, on Directory View windows
- The Toolbar
- toolchests
- changing orientation of
- Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
- Desktop toolchest
- The Desktop Toolchest
- Find toolchest
- The Find Toolchest
- Help toolchest
- The Help Toolchest
- modifying
- Modifying the Toolchests (Advanced)
- Selected toolchest
- The Selected Toolchest
- System toolchest
- The System Toolchest
- transferring directories
- Copying a Directory Using the rcp Command
- transferring files
- Accessing Remote Files Using the rcp Command
- trash icon. See dumpster.
- Making “Remove” Delete Instantly
- troubleshooting
- opening remote directories
- Accessing Remote Files and Directories With the Access Desktop Tool
- print problems
- Troubleshooting Printing
- turning off desktop icons
- Disabling Icons on the Desktop
- turning off the system
- Turning Off Your Workstation
- turning on screen savers
- Changing the Screen Saver Activation Delay
- vertical toolchest layout
- Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
- viewing directories
- Basic Instructions for Opening a Directory
- volume
- The “Control Audio” Command
- Window menu
- The Window Menu
- Window Menu button
- The Window Menu Button
- Window Settings control panel
- Changing the Orientation of the Toolchests
- Displaying the Windows Overview
- Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
- Turning On Automatic Window Placement
- Saving Your Desktop Layout
- windows
- anatomy of
- Anatomy of a Window
- appearance while moving
- Changing the Appearance of a Moving Window
- arranging in desks
- Creating a Desk
- Organizing Windows Into Desks
- border surrounding
- The Border
- closing
- Closing Windows
- copying
- Copying Windows Between Desks
- displaying names of
- Displaying the Names of Windows in a Desk
- The “Display Window Name” Command
- The “Display Icon Name” Command
- The “Display No Names” Command
- drop pockets on
- The Drop Pocket
- The Drop Pocket
- listing all open windows
- Listing All the Windows in Your Desks
- The “List All...” Command
- The List All Window
- lowering
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Lower” Command
- Minimize button on
- The Minimize Window Button
- The Maximize Window Button
- minimizing
- Minimizing All Windows in a Desk
- Minimizing Windows
- The “Minimize All” Command
- The “Minimize” Command
- moving between desks
- Moving Windows Between Desks
- path bar on some windows
- The Path Bar
- The Path Bar
- pathname field on some windows
- The Path Finder Field
- The Pathname Field
- placing automatically
- Turning On Automatic Window Placement
- placing on all desks
- Placing a Window in All Desks
- The “Add to Global” Command
- raising
- Raising and Lowering Windows
- The “Raise” Command
- recycle button on
- The Recycle Button
- The Recycle Button
- removing from a desk
- The “Remove from Desk” Command
- resizing
- Resizing Windows
- scroll bars on
- The Scroll Bars
- The Scroll Bars
- title bar on
- The Title Bar
- Window Menu button on
- The Window Menu Button
- zooming icons
- Resizing Icons
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel
- The Thumbwheel