The ImageVision tools are a suite of applications that let you view, enhance, arrange, and obtain information on images, which can then be printed or used in other Silicon Graphics applications. The ImageVision application tools are ImageView, ImageCopy, ImageInfo, ImageFormats, Image Works, and ImageTcl.
Here are some of the ways you can use the ImageVision tools with other Silicon Graphics applications:
Use the Capture tool to take a picture of an image, and then use the Image Works and ImageView tools to enhance the image and arrange it with other images.
Customize an image using the ImageVision tools, then use the image in the Movie Maker application to make your own movies.
Add a voice-over to an image using the Sound Editor application.
Print your image to use in hard-copy presentations.
This book contains the following additional chapters:
Chapter 2, “ImageView,” describes how to view images, save images to different file formats, manipulate and compare images, arrange multiple images, and obtain information on images.
Chapter 3, “ImageCopy, ImageInfo, and ImageFormats,” describes command-line utilities available to you. These tools let you copy and change the format of image files, obtain information about image files, and see a list of supported file formats.
Chapter 4, “Image Works,” describes how to manipulate images—blur, sharpen, stretch, scale, and flip images—and save them to a file. Many of these image manipulations are also available in the ImageView tool described in Chapter 2.
Chapter 5, “ImageTcl,” describes how to write your own scripts or programs, incorporating the image-processing operations available in the ImageVision Library (IL).
The icons for the ImageVision tools are located on the MediaTools page of the Icon Catalog. To open the MediaTools page of the Icon Catalog, choose Media Tools from the Find menu of the toolchest.
This guide uses the following conventions:
References to other documents are in italics.
References to other chapters and sections within this guide are in quotation marks.
Names of buttons found in dialog boxes and panels are in italics.
“Clicking” refers to pressing and releasing the left mouse button, unless otherwise specified.
“Dragging” refers to pressing and holding the left mouse button while moving the mouse in the desired direction, unless otherwise specified.
The “+” character is used to indicate a sequence of keyboard keys to be pressed (for example, Ctrl+A). While holding down the indicated command key, press the indicated letter key.
Step-by-step instructions used to perform a task are shown as numbered sentences.