Installation Caveats
This page provides information on the
following topics:
These caveats make you aware of
changes or potential problems that could significantly affect your
Different caveats will be
relevant for different types of users; scan the list for information
that is applicable for you.
This is not a complete list of all
known bugs, workarounds, or changes, which are documented in the release notes for each
individual product. In addition to reviewing this list, you may want to
check the "Caveat and Release Note Updates" for the current
release at Supportfolio Online for
any late-breaking information.
Updated version of Inst requires patch 5086
New installation features were used starting with IRIX 6.5.21 that
necessitate an updated version of the Inst program. If you plan to install using
the miniroot, then you may do so by the usual method. However, if you
plan to upgrade by 'live' install to IRIX 6.5.21 or later, you may have
to install a patch.
If you wish to do a live install and are running 6.5.19 or earlier, then
you must first install patch 5086. This patch can be found in the
directory on CD1. Once the patch is installed, you must
exit and restart Inst before beginning your upgrade. The patch will be
removed automatically once the images have been installed.
Failure to use the patch can result in the following errors during
WARNING: Invalid filetype "X" ...
Warnings about corrupted images during initialization
Unexpectedly long lists of 'missing prerequisites' and 'incompatible
with' lines in the 'conflicts' list
Confirm that
the applications you rely on are supported.
(This is also
Step 3 of the Preparation Checklist.)
Note: An application supported on any release
in the IRIX 6.5 family will run on all subsequent IRIX 6.5 family
releases. Additionally, the application will be compatible with all
prior releases of the IRIX 6.5 family, as long as the application does
not utilize a new feature from a later 6.5.x release.
Here are some examples (not a
complete list) of applications that either need to be
upgraded or are not yet supported:
DFS Domestic
DFS Domestic version
1.2.2a (1275426100) is incompatible with IRIX 6.5.17. DFS Domestic
version 1.2.2c is available and is compatible with IRIX 6.5.17. DFS
Domestic users must remove DFS Domestic version 1.2.2a before they
upgrade and install DFS Domestic version 1.2.2c after they upgrade.
Netscape Communicator or
By default, version 4.79 will install the new N32 version of the
browser. Any existing third-party plugins for the browser that are O32
will no longer function. If you require existing O32 plugins, you can
install an O32 version of the browser from netscape.sw.o32_client and
An O32 version of the Macromedia Flash4 plugin
exists today with an N32/O32 version of the Macromedia Flash5 plugin
planned for the near future. has released an N32
version of their plugin. Check the third-party web sites for updates on
the status of their plugins.
REACT/Pro>Version 3.2 is
incompatible with IRIX 6.5.2 or later releases. REACT/Pro users need to
upgrade to version 4.1 to run frame scheduler applications on IRIX
6.5.2 or later.
HIPPI Version 4.0
or later is needed to run on IRIX 6.5.9 or later.
To find out how to upgrade, see
Contact the Isogon
Corporation at for the latest
release of LicensePower/iFOR (formerly known as iFOR/LS) that runs on
IRIX 6.5.
2.1.6 or later is needed to run on IRIX 6.5.15. The
Inventor overlay 2.1.6 is available from the /CDROM/dist directory of
IRIX 6.5.15 Overlays CD (3 of 4), February 2001. This overlay requires
that the base Inventor 2.1.4 image be installed already, or with the
overlay during the same install session. The Inventor overlay 2.1.6 can
be installed on IRIX 6.5.5 and later.
If you have Inventor 2.1.5 installed
through some other mechanism, you will get a conflict when you attempt
to install this release. If you get this conflict, you can resolve it
by using the following set of commands. You will need your Inventor
2.1.4 installation CDROM or a network distribution for it as part of
the process. From within your installation session, enter the following
open <Inventor 2.1.6+ from
open <Inventor 2.1.4 from the base IRIX 6.5 CD>
install inventor_eoe
set neweroverride on
Ensure that you have not selected
any other downgrades before proceeding or an incorrect installation may
occur. You can check for other downgrades by using the following
list i D
If any subsystems other than inventor_eoe
are listed, you must deselect them before you continue.
Intranet Junction
Version 1.0.2 or later is needed to
run on IRIX 6.5.x releases.
Software site for information on purchasing a version
of ClearCase that runs on IRIX 6.5.
Contact Sybase, Inc. for
information on purchasing a version of Sybase that runs on
IRIX 6.5.
Cumulative for 6.5 through
6.5.26, and still applicable for 6.5.27:
Installing GNU 1.1
The GNU 1.0 product is distributed on the base IRIX 6.5 CDs as a
courtesy to customers who wish to install these unsupported products.
This product is not installed by default; it must be explicitly
selected. The GNU 1.0 packages have become obsolete, and contain
several bugs and known security holes. Version 1.1 of the GNU product
is included with IRIX 6.5.19 and later distributions and removes all
content from the GNU package, instead installing symbolic links to the
corresponding package in the IRIX Freeware distribution.
If you installed any of the GNU 1.0 subsystems and have not installed
their freeware counterparts the Software Manager may report conflicts
during installation. From within your installation session you may
enter the following command to preserve the original GNU 1.0
keep gnu
SGI recommends
that you either download and install the prerequisite freeware
packages from and complete the upgrade or
remove the GNU package entirely by entering the following command:
remove gnu
Kodak CMM Color Management Removed in 6.5.15
Kodak CMM Color Management library
was removed from the cms_eoe and cms_dev products
with IRIX 6.5.15. If you are upgrading from IRIX 6.5.14
or earlier and depend on color correction for scanning and
image rendering then you will want to save a copy of
/usr/lib/ and /usr/lib32/
prior to the upgrade. After the upgrade you can copy the libraries
back to their original locations.
Installation of
ftn_eoe.sw.lib from the MIPSpro 7.3 product downgrade conflict
Users who have installed
ftn_eoe.sw.lib from the MIPSpro 7.3 product before installing the IRIX
6.5.x images may see a downgrade conflict with distribution subsystem
ftn_eoe.sw.libeag when they install with the install
maint command if they also have the original 6.5
Foundation-1 CD open when they do the installation.
If this downgrade conflict
occurs, you must specify the keep
ftn_eoe.sw.libeag command. The conflict occurs
because ftn_eoe.sw.libeag was replaced by the 7.3 ftn_eoe.sw.lib, and
the install program logic with install maint
now automatically selects downgrades.
Customers who have the MIPSpro 7.3
compilers installed or who will install MIPSpro 7.3 on R4000 or R4400
platforms running IRIX 6.5.5 should install the new 7.3.1m runtime
libraries that are available from Supportfolio at
Supportfolio Online
Customers enrolled under a valid
support contract who do not have web access can obtain these libraries
on CD media free of charge upon request from their local support
Configuration files
If you
have edited configuration files, check for changed versions at end of
Ideally, configuration file
differences should be merged prior to restarting the system at
the end of an installation. Before restarting the
system at the end of your installation, use the Inst command admin
config changed to find out which
system configuration files were modified since installation. You can
find out more about this command by entering help
config at the Inst prompt. To avoid
compatibility problems, merge configuration files if new versions were
created. The "Updating Configuration Files" section of the
versions(1M) man page describes configuration file updating, as does
the online IRIX Admin: Software Installation and
Licensing guide.
One example of a file that may
need to be merged is the /etc/group file.
If you have edited your /etc/group file,
see the Default group file now
reinstalled caveat under Caveats to Read After
XVM root filesystem
If you are running the 6.5.13f
release leg of the IRIX operating system and are installing or
upgrading to a mirrored XVM root filesystem from under the miniroot,
you will need to detach all mirror legs except for the one on the boot
device before running the install command. Failure to do so could
result in filesystem damage. The detached legs can then be re-attached
once the install is complete and the system is booted
The Fortran BLAS libraries
packaged under ftn_eoe.sw.libblas (ftn_eoe.sw64.libblas on IRIX64
systems) are marked for default installation
As a result of this packaging,
you may receive the following conflict during installation if you did
not already install these libraries:
Overlay product
ftn_eoe.sw.libblas (1276765510) cannot be installed because of missing
prerequisites: base product ftn_eoe.sw.libblas (1274567300):
1a. Do not install
ftn_eoe.sw.libblas (1276765510)
1b. Also install base
product ftn_eoe.sw.libblas (1274567300) from an additional distribution
-- insert another CD or specify another software distribution
You can resolve this conflict by
either not installing libblas or by installing the base product from
the IRIX 6.5 Foundation 1 CD.
System processor
compatibility with XVM
XVM installed with CXFS is
currently qualified on IP27 systems (Origin 200, Origin 2000, and
Onyx2), IP30 systems (Octane) and the SGI Origin 3000 server series.
Use the XVM give and steal
commands with extreme caution
XVM runs in either the local
domain or in the cluster domain, and XVM disks are classified according
to whether they are owned by the local domain, an active cluster
domain, or a foreign domain. The XVM give and steal commands let the
administrator change the ownership of a list of XVM disks. Here are
some guidelines to follow when using the give and steal commands:
If you are changing the
domain ownership of XVM disks, you should use the give command instead
of the steal command. The steal command is intended to be used only as
a last resort when the give command cannot be used.
In general, an XVM probe
command should be run after the give command. If the XVM disk was given
to a local host, the probe command is run on the new owner host. If the
XVM disk was given to a new cluster, the probe command is run on any
host that is a member of that cluster.
The give and steal commands
should never be used so that a multidisk volume configuration is split
between domains. The user must ensure that the list of disks that will
move from one domain to another is complete; that is, all volume
configurations are fully contained on this set of disks. The XVM show
command can be used to examine the top-down configuration for all
volumes in the system, including the full set of disks that contain
parts of these volumes.
The NUMA migration call
migr_range_migrate() was not reporting a migration failure
The NUMA migration call
migr_range_migrate() was not reporting a migration failure when the
migration target was either a nonexistent node or an uninitialized
policy module of an SGI Origin system. Beginning with the IRIX 6.5.9
release, this error condition is now reported back to the user
application as EINVAL. For more information, see the migration(5) man
page. This caveat will affect the MediaBase application and it will be
fixed in a subsequent release.
The fibre channel storage
area network (SAN) port names may change
There has been a change in the
way the final component of a fabric target's path will be generated.
Some paths that include a 16-digit port name in the final component may
have that port name shortened to a single digit port number. If you use
fibre channel switches to form SANs, this change will
affect you. This name change will require you to update the
configuration files that contain the paths to fibre channel fabric
devices, including the following files:
You are not impacted by
this change if the paths to your SAN targets are similar to the
You may be impacted by
this change if the paths to your SAN targets are similar to the
The path name to the target
might be shortened as follows:
Miser unable to schedule jobs
during the transition from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time
If the requested time of a
submitted Miser job is such that the job, when scheduled, will be
executed during the transition time period from Daylight Saving Time
back to Standard time, Miser will not schedule the job until after the
transition occurs.
The miser_qinfo command only
reports the first 7777777777led jobs
This limitation is due to the
Miser buffer limit and will be fixed in a subsequent release.
The miser_qinfo command
rounds up the amount of reported available system memory
The amount of reported system
memory available may be inaccurate by 0.5 gigabytes (GB) when Miser is
configured with more than 1 gigabyte (GB) of memory.
Repacking stops scheduled
Miser jobs if daemon is restarted
If scheduled Miser jobs are in
a Miser queue that has a repack scheduling policy, after Miser has been
stopped and restarted, the repacking stops for the existing jobs.
Submitting a large number of
jobs to a Miser queue
If you submit a large number of
jobs to a Miser queue, it may result in some of these jobs being hung
and failing to terminate.
Xservers file changes
Starting with 6.5, the file /var/X11/xdm/Xservers
is no longer automatically replaced when
installing new versions of x_eoe.sw.eoe. Instead, the new version is
installed as Xservers.N . This allows most
users to preserve changes that they have made to their Xservers
file without having to merge them back in with each new software
Also, the Xsgi command line
argument shmnumclients is no longer supported,
and will prevent the X server from coming up if it's specified in the
Xserver file. If you added the shmnumclients flag to
the Xservers file, remove the shmnumclients flag
before upgrading to 6.5 or later.
"Filesystem too large
for device" error message
If you have repartitioned your
disk drive with fx but did not create a
filesystem with mkfs , you may see a
message like this (under certain rare conditions) when booting the
"Mounting file
mount: /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on
/root: Filesystem too large for device.
mount: giving up on: /root
Unable to mount partition:
/dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on /root.
This is your system disk:
without it we have nothing on which to install software.
Please manually correct
your configuration and try again.
Press Enter to invoke C
Shell csh:"
This generally indicates that
you need to run /sbin/mkfs on the
named disk partition. Inside the miniroot, a convenience script (mrmkfsrc )
is provided to run mkfs .
For example, for the above
failure, you could press Enter and do the
following (only if the disk is free of important data, because this
procedure will remove all the data on the disk):
# mkfs /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 (if this is the system disk)
# exit
(to exit csh and have
the miniroot script try to remount root.)
Upgrade the flash PROM after
installation on diskless systems (see under O2-specific
caveats and Octane-specific
Obsolete software may cause
installation conflicts
Starting with the 6.5.3
release, the installation process detects some additional software
package versions that are obsolete and incompatible with the 6.5
release family. During installation, you may see conflict messages
caused by such software. When you see these conflict messages, simply
choose to remove the incompatible software or replace it with newer
versions (if available).
MediaMail now replaced by Netscape mail
MediaMail is no longer
available from SGI. The Netscape mail program, which is bundled with
Netscape Communicator, is the new default installed e-mail program for
all SGI systems. SGI recommends a transition to Netscape e-mail
(Netscape Messenger) and have included software with Netscape that
enables conversion of MediaMail mail to Netscape e-mail format.
When you transition from
MediaMail to Netscape mail:
Be sure to check your home
directory for a
.forward file.
If you have one that contains a line that mentions /usr/lib/Zmail/bin/reassembler ,
remove or rename the .forward file immediately
before or after the IRIX installation, in order
to prevent problems with mail delivery to your account. On multi-user
systems, each user should check for this file within their own home
To learn about getting
started with Netscape Mail, see About Netscape Messenger (you
can also access this page by choosing Find > WebTools from the
Toolchest, and double-clicking the AboutNetscapeMessenger
Note: If you still require MediaMail,
please contact NetManage, Inc. for product and sales information:
(Note that NetManage's Z-Mail for UNIX product is the same as
MediaMail.) Please be aware that MediaMail is no longer officially
supported on IRIX.
Appletalk will not work on
diskless systems
Appletalk (Xinet Macintosh
Connectivity) won't work on a diskless system because appletalk
installs files into /usr/adm .
XFS filesystem is strongly
To install this version of IRIX
you should have an XFS filesystem. If you want to move a disk with a
6.5 (or later) filesystem to a pre-6.5 system, use the
-d unwritten=0 option when you run mkfs ,
or install the current XFS patches on the
pre-6.5 system.
During miniroot installation:
innocuous disk space error message
You may may ignore the
following message if you see it during a miniroot installation:
"/proc/pinfo/: no such
file or directory"
The ftn_eoe.sw.libblas and
ftn_eoe.sw64.libblas are no longer marked for default installation.
This caveat applies only to the
IRIX 6.5 through IRIX 6.5.9 releases; it is not applicable to the IRIX
6.5.10 and later releases. If you require these subsystems, you must
specifically select them during installation.
If you are upgrading from a
pre-6.5 release or to a clean disk, you must open the core 6.5 CDs
during the installation.
The instructions in the
Installation Instructions CD booklet will prompt you to do this at the
right time.
If you have an
Octane, O2, Origin 2000, Origin
3000, or Silicon Graphics Onyx4
please check the relevant caveats below before you
begin your installation.
Octane Systems |
Upgrade the flash
PROM after installation on diskless systems
On diskless
systems, the installation may fail if the flash PROM is too old. To
upgrade the flash PROM on an Octane, enter the following lines in a
-P /usr/cpu/firmware
You can compare the
before and after results of /usr/sbin/flash
-V to confirm the revision change.
Reboot afterward.
Systems |
Upgrade the flash
PROM after installation on diskless systems
On diskless
systems, the installation may fail if the flash PROM is too old. To
upgrade it on an O2, enter the following in a shell:
-T -y -q /usr/cpu/firmware/ip32prom.image
You can compare the
before and after results of /sbin/flashinst
-v to confirm the revision change.
Reboot afterward.
If you program
device drivers for the O2 PCI expansion slot, you must use the
routines (pciio_pio_*()) described in Chapter 22 of the 6.5
Device Driver Programmers Guide, under
the section"PCI Drivers for the IP32 (O2) Platform," to
perform PIO (Program IO) accesses. You
must use the pciio_pio_* routines for all PIO access to the device,
including the PCI config space. These
routines were made available in 6.3 via patch 2801 (if your PCI device
driver is already using these routines then there is nothing more you
need to do).
2000 Systems |
Special upgrade
instructions for SGI Origin 2000 systems with 65+ processors
There are special
upgrade instructions for SGI Origin 2000 systems that have 65 or more
processors titled Upgrading an IRIX
Operating System on a /target_root. To
receive a copy of these instructions, please send a request to your
local Customer Support Center. For more information, see
System now
reboots on panic without stopping at the PROM menu
Rebooting on panic
without stopping at the PROM menu is the new default behavior. You can
stop the system during reboot by pressing the Esc
key at the "Starting Up The
System " message.
If the system panics
during the reboot, the system will go into a panic/reboot loop. If this
should happen, press the Esc key to break the loop.
If you do not want
the system to reboot on panic, you can override the default
reboot_on_panic variable with the PROM variable rebound. To do this,
enter the following at the PROM prompt, accessed via option 5 at the
PROM menu:
rebound n
To get the MMSC
version number, check the bottom line of the LCS control panel.
MMSC version
numbers for this version of IRIX operating system should be 1.2.E (or
higher). SGI recommends that you upgrade to version 1.2.E if your
version is lower.
A second way to get
the version of all the MMSCs is to connect to the alternate console
port on one MMSC and enter the following:
^T track * ver
Potential FLEXlm
licensing problems
The Flexible
License Manager (FLEXlm) controls the use of certain software products
that are asynchronous to the IRIX operating system.
A FLEXlm key is
generated for each asynchronous software product, based on a unique
system identifier. Because the Origin 2000 system does not have a
unique system identifier, the FLEXlm host ID (lmhostid) of the first
system module is used to create a FLEXlm key.
If an Origin 2000
system is reconfigured, a different module with a different FLEXlm host
ID could be located in the first position, causing a previously valid
FLEXlm key to fail.
If a license key
problem arises after a system has been reconfigured, a new license must
be generated. Contact the vendor of the software product in question
and give them the host ID number (the FLEXlm host ID of the first
module) of the reconfigured system to generate a new key.
SGI Origin 3000 server
series |
Origin 3000 system change
If your Origin 3000
system is currently partitioned, or if you want to enable system
partitioning, you must now install the eoe.sw.partition software
package. Editing the /var/sysgen/system/ file is no longer
necessary when enabling system partitioning and should not be done.
FLEXlm licensing change
Starting with the IRIX
6.5.15 release, each partition of a partitioned Origin 3000 system will have a
new unique FLEXlm host ID (lmhostid). Any FLEXlm license based on the
old non-partitioned lmhostid value will no longer work and a new
license key must be generated. See the following web page for
additional details,
Contact the
applicable software product vendor and provide the lmhostid number of
the partition to generate a new license key.
For nodelock
licenses, provide the lmhostid for all partitions of the software
installed and operating.
For software
licensed by SGI, see the following web page for more details,
For email and
telephone contact information, see the IRIX 6.5.27 Welcome page and
follow the "Bundled software and licenses" link.
Silicon Graphics Onyx4 UltimateVision
If you upgrade to the Silicon Graphics Onyx4 Ultimatevision from
an earlier SGI platform,
you may encounter the following software differences:
Onyx4 will introduce software differences that may require porting
existing IRIX software:
IrisGL is being retired and will not be available.
Xfree86 has been selected as the X Windows server for this platform.
The following X server extensions will not be available on the Onyx4:
The following executables are unavailable on the Onyx4
in the current release:
From: desktop_tools (Desktop Tools)
shared objects under /usr/lib/ImageVision/
From: il_eoe (ImageVision Library Execution Only Environment, 3.2.1)
From: imgtools (ImageVision Tools, 3.2.2)
From: x_eoe (X11 Execution Environment, based on X11R6.6)
From: desktop_eoe (IRIX Interactive Desktop)
Note: A few desktop background designs do not appear on
the Onyx4.
Most desktop backgrounds do appear on the Onyx4.
From: eoe.sw.gltools (Graphics Library Tools)
From: eoe.sw.imagetools (Graphics Library Image Tools)
From: eoe.sw.perf (Performance Measurement Utilities)
From: confidence (Confidence Tests)
From: sitemgr (Sitemgr)
The Onyx4 does not support
additional input devices beyond a keyboard and a mouse.
The following features and applications function with the limitations listed:
Screensaver panel: monitor power save option is unavailable
SGImeeting: some features (such as application sharing) do not work
ISO8859-15 locales do not work properly (CID-keyed bitmap fonts
are not displaying correctly).
The backgrounds CPU Eater, SGI
Logo and Twilight are not supported on non-English locales.
When running the Onyx4, you may
see the following message:
WARNING: /hw/module/001c01/node/cpubus/0/a: UCE interrupt on PIO access
NOTICE: /hw/module/001c01/node/cpubus/0/a: User Data Bus error in IO space at physical
address 0xb2003ba (EPC 0x1006c098)
This warning may be safely ignored.
These caveats make you aware of
changes or potential problems that could significantly affect your
experience after your upgrade.
Different caveats will be
relevant for different types of users; scan the list for information
that is applicable for you.
This is not a complete list of all
known bugs, workarounds, or changes, which are documented in the release notes for each
individual product. In addition to reviewing this list, you may want to
check "Caveat and Release Note Updates" at
Supportfolio Online
for any late-breaking information.
Cumulative for 6.5 through
6.5.26, and still applicable for 6.5.27:
Cloning system disks with OpenSSH files
If the OpenSSH server software (openssh.sw.server) is
installed on a system disk that you are copying for use on
another system, you should ensure that the system
keys are not duplicated. The openssh keys should
be unique for each system.
If the following files exist on your system disk, you
should remove them from the copy of the disk when you copy
the disk to another system:
OpenSSH server and Privilege Separation
The OpenSSH server software runs in Privilege Separation mode by
default. To start the sshd daemon, first you will need to create
an unprivileged user and group named sshd or you will need to
change the sshd_config file to disable Privilege Separation.
DFS warning message
On systems that have DFS installed, an ld warning
will occur when a new kernel
image is configured. This will occur after installation of IRIX 6.5.19 and
when kernel components are removed or installed. It may also occur after
permanent systune parameter changes have been made. This warning is harmless
and may be safely ignored. An example of the warning follows.
ld: WARNING 15 : Multiply defined:(strrchr) in sgi.a(libc_src.o) and
krpch.a(subr_krpc.o) (2nd definition ignored).
Do not Use XVM give and steal commands with XVM snapshot volumes
Use of the XVM give and steal commands with XVM snapshot volumes
can cause loss of data and should not be used.
Reboot system to ensure correct vswap value for sadc/sar
For IRIX 6.5.17, a fix was implemented to ensure that
sadc/sar will give a correct vswap value. To enable
the fix, reboot the system to the new kernel. If you
do not reboot the system, sadc/sar will continue to
work, but vswap numbers may be inaccurate.
If the accuracy of the sadc/sar number is important,
we recommend that you reboot as soon as possible
after upgrading.
Supported usage of group quotas
Group quotas, new for the 6.5.15 release, are supported
in the feature stream only. If you implement group quotas
on a disk and, subsequently, mount that disk with the pquota
mount option on a machine running the maintenance stream or
an earlier release of the feature stream on which group
quotas are not supported, the quota
accounting could be corrupted.
SGI Origin 3000 Series of
If you are an Origin 3000
customer (IP35 systems), you should install Patch 4332 on an IRIX
6.5.13m system or Patch 4333 on an IRIX 6.5.13f system to avoid an
intermittent reset problem with I/O bricks and the BASEIO PROM
partitioning commands.
Netscape FastTrack Personal
Web Server replaced by the SGI Web Server based on Apache
The new default web server on
the IRIX 6.5.12 Applications CD is the SGI web server based on the
Apache web server, version 1.3.17.
Functionally, the SGI web server
replaces the Netscape FastTrack web server. If you still have Netscape
FastTrack enabled through the chkconfig command, the new SGI web server
will not start up. To enable the new SGI web server, you must enter the
following commands before you reboot your system:
# chkconfig nss_fasttrack
# chkconfig sgi_apache on
If you changed the default
Netscape FastTrack configuration, you must manually move those changes
into the new SGI web server. For more information, see the SGI release
notes about the SGI web server and the Apache web site (httpd://
If you use the Web Setup
product, you must turn off the Netscape FastTrack version to run the
SGI version, by entering the following commands before you reboot your
# chkconfig webface off
# chkconfig webface_apache
The SGI web server includes
software that was developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
The Websetup 3.3 release
contains a GUI administrator tool for Apache based on the Apache module
contained in the Webmin 0.85 release. The Webmin framework has been
configured to only run the Apache module and is accessed via Websetup
by clicking on Administration and then Webservers. The Apache
administrator tool can also be accessed directly by accessing the
following URL: http://localhost:8184/
The only caveat to doing this is
that you must have an administrator account for Websetup created prior
to visiting the Apache administrator tool since it will prompt you for
a username and password.
For information about the Apache
module for Webmin, click on the following URL:
For general information about
Webmin, click on the following URL:
For information on how to
configure and administer the Apache web server from the command line,
click on the following URL:
For a list of frequently asked
questions about Apache, click on the following URL:
Downgrading using a live
(non-miniroot) installation
If you are downgrading
from feature stream 6.5.x to 6.5 using a
live (non-miniroot) installation, inst/swmgr
will prompt you to continue installing from the miniroot. The prompt
is as follows:
This software must be
installed from the miniroot. The system is about
to be shut down and
automatically booted to the miniroot where the
installation will continue
automatically. Okay to proceed?
It is not necessary to perform
this type of installation from the miniroot. To avoid this prompt, the
user should set the "live_install "
preference to "on " before typing
go/pressing start.
If you want to downgrade to an
earlier 6.5.x version of the feature stream, use
the following set of commands:
set newoverride on
k *
install standard
install downgrades
install prereqs
keep incompleteoverlays
Default group file
now reinstalled
With release 6.5.3, the default
group file, /etc/group , is reinstalled.
The original group file is saved as group.O, which appears only if you
have previously edited /etc/group . This
update is necessary because some optional packages, such as
nss_fasttrack, require the group "nobody"
to be present during the installation process.
After installation, users
who have defined new groups will have to merge the old group file into
the new group file. When merging, please be sure to preserve
the entry for "nobody ."
The Inst command admin
config change and the post-installation command versions
changed will both report any changed configuration
files, including the /etc/group file. As
mentioned in the Caveats to Read
Before You Upgrade, this should ideally be done
before at the end of the installation process, but before you restart
the system.
New file for setting NIS
It is no longer possible to set
the NIS server in the /etc/config/ypbind.options
file. If your system is configured this way, create the file
where < DOMAIN> is
the NIS domain name. Type the NIS server on a new line in this file.
There were several other
NIS-related changes in 6.5
that affect customers who upgrade
from a pre-6.5 release of the IRIX operating system. For example, the
IRIX name services have been completely rewritten. Please refer to the
IRIX eoe release notes
(chapter 3, Changes and Additions) for details.
Remote host display now off
by default
In the interest of security,
the ability to display applications that are running on other systems
is now disabled by default. There are a few different ways you can
re-enable the remote host display. For details, see "About the
Remote Display Feature" in Chapter 13 of the online Desktop
User's Guide.
Printer may not be recognized
if turned on after system
Even after a printer is
configured, it may not function if you turn it on after turning on your
system. This is because the printer device is not present in the
hardware graph. To work around this problem, perform the following
commands in a shell:
% su
# cd /dev
# ioconfig -f /hw
# exit
Full hostname now used by
For customers installing IRIX
on new systems, or reconfiguring existing systems after IRIX is
installed or upgraded: the graphical system administration tools now
use the fully qualified hostname by default. This affects scripts that
assume that only the partial hostname is used. Scripts may need to be
modified to use hostname -s rather than hostname. If you wish, you can
override this default and use only the partial hostname.
Gang-scheduled graphics
processes can cause graphics to hang
Graphics programs using the
schedctl(2) system call to choose gang scheduling mode (SGS_GANG) may
cause the graphics to hang. (Gang-scheduled processes that do not use
graphics are not affected by this problem.)
Origin/Onyx System Caveats
The following caveat is for
all large (64+ processers) Origin/Onyx systems.
Process Activity Reporter
(par) sometimes hangs
Par hangs when the
system-monitoring daemon, rtmond ,
produces a data stream that overloads the clients. As a result,
clients that feed par, like padc, will discard events. If the process
exited event is discarded by these clients, par
hangs. When this happens, you see messages like the following in /var/adm/SYSLOG :
"rtmond[669]: (CPU 0)
Client <local>:11:64505 events 1718 dropped (2%) 289 writes(0%
push)for 4720560 bytes, 5 push buffers for 80 KB"
As shown in this example, you
can tell that par has hung because the message tells you that the
dropped count is other than 0.