Welcome to the Octane workstation! The Octane Workstation Owner's Guide is your complete guide to installing, diagnosing, and repairing your Octane workstation. Specifically it tells you how to
set up your Octane workstation and turn it on
access online hardware movies and information in Octane Hardware Central
install and remove internal parts
install and remove peripherals
install and remove software
diagnose hardware problems
order replacement parts
This guide also provides:
regulatory information
technical specifications
This book is intended for the use of any Octane workstation user or technical support person. Most of the hardware tasks are relatively simple and no prior computer hardware knowledge is necessary. A few tasks are lengthy, and are more easily performed by users who have some hardware experience. References are provided to other appropriate documentation.
A listing of available Octane hardware configurations (upgrades and options) is available on the Web. In the location window, type http://www.sgi.com/octane/.
For complete information on installing software, see the online Personal System Administration Guide. It is located on your desktop in the Toolchest > Help> Online Books. For more advanced information, see the online IRIX Admin: Software Installation & Licensing Guide. For system administration information, see the SGI_Admin section of the online bookshelf.
It's always a good idea to back up your system. For instructions on backing up your system, see the online Personal System Administration Guide.
The Octane workstation is designed so that you may maintain and repair the workstation without the help of a trained technician. Contact your SGI subsidiary or authorized distributor for information about product support.
SGI provides a comprehensive range of product support for its products. If you are in North America and would like support for your SGI-supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI or your authorized service provider. If you are outside North America, contact the SGI subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country.