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Revision as of 18:13, 20 February 2025 by Raion (talk | contribs)

IRIXNet, short for IRIX Network, is a Silicon Graphics-focused website, forum and archive of former hobbyist sites that was founded in 2017 by Raion (Kaz Kuroi) and Praetor (George). It was founded with the express purpose of providing a secondary Silicon Graphics site separate to due to recent concerns of downtime at the time, and to facilitate open sales of commercial software.


IRIXNet has an archive, file servers, gallery and forums. It exists as one of two English language SGI-related sites offering forums, the other being SGUG.


IRIXNet was founded in 2017 to serve as a feeder site for However on May 21, 2018 Nekochan went offline for the final time and IRIXNet was pushed into a role of being the primary community. SGUG was founded a year later in 2019 for the same purpose.

Association with TechPubs

TechPubs is owned by Raion, who also owns IRIXNet, but the purpose of Techpubs is far more focused on documentation and to serve as an SEO-friendly SGI instructional website. It does not inherit the moderation team or policies of IRIXNet.