Jurassic Park

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The 1993 Hollywood film prominently features several SGI systems in various shots, including a Crimson. Additionally much of the CGI produced was produced on SGI hardware.

Sequence of Events

During the part where Dennis Nedry shuts down the security system, he prevented Mr. Arnold (the system administrator for the park played by Samuel L. Jackson) from being able to make changes to the security grid. After typing in xwsh 3 times to access the security grid (in actuality the commands were pure Hollywood), the system's terminal says "YOU DIDN'T SAY THE MAGIC WORD" and over on Nedry's Macintosh an animated sequence of Nedry in an Elvis costume taunts "You didn't say the magic word, ah-ah-ahhh!".

Later, John Hammond orders to hard reset the power grid and the SGI monitor says "System Ready". Again, this is not congruent with an SGI boot sequence.

At the climax where Lex Murphy uses the Crimson to re-enable the door locks, the program she uses is FSN, Filesystem Navigator. It's a 3D demo, and it would not have been used in such a time sensitive situation due to slow frame rates. She would have been better off typing the system path, but such tensions do not pay for Hollywood.

Jurassic Classic

Some IRIS Indigo and Crimson units have Jurassic Classic logos.