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Revision as of 21:45, 16 February 2025 by Raion (talk | contribs)

The GNU Compiler Collection is officially supported on IRIX through GCC 4.7. Unofficial support by various groups has resulted in versions as high as 9.5 being successfully built.

Officially Supported Versions

GCC 3.4.6 is in the Nekoware collection, and is one of the older versions to survive linkrot. GCC 3.3 was distributed via SGI freeware. 4.x versions include 4.6.3 in Nekomimiware (A play on Nekoware's name), and GCC 4.7.1 is packaged by Nekoware as well. An older version supported GNAT and GNU Java (4.4.x)

Unofficial Versions

GCC 4.7.4 is cross-compilable as is 8.2 and 9.2 (via SGUG RSE). Raion has made GCC 6.5.0 with C, C++ and Fortran available with fixes applied to improve the compiler. He also released an experimental GCC 9.5.0 in February of 2025.

GCC 6.5.0 Build

A minimum compiler version of approximately GCC 4.4.x is required to build GCC 6.5.0 successfully on IRIX, this has not been thoroughly tested. Raion reports using GCC 4.7.4 with fixincludes applied to build IRIX.


GCC 4.4.x or later

GMP 6.x

MPC 1.x

MPFR 3.1.x

ISL 0.18 (for Graphite Loop Optimization.

Binutils 2.23.2 (Link to the prepatched code)

zlib 1.x

libffi version 3.3.1

Bash, any version for compiling GCC

star or libarchive tar or gnu tar to extract.

Build zlib and libffi into the prefix for GCC. Make sure they're in the search paths to get picked up.

Per the relnotes, build binutils with the specific commands.

Per the relnotes, prepare the build environment for GCC. Make sure the system ncargs are set appropriately as well. get into bash, set the env up, and run the build and checks.

                === gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes            81595
# of unexpected failures        470
# of unexpected successes       15
# of expected failures          171
# of unresolved testcases       17
# of unsupported tests          1806

Failures: https://pastebin.com/eKwMrgUT

                === g++ Summary ===                                                                                                                                                                                                              
# of expected passes            93269                                                                                                                                                                                                            
# of unexpected failures        14                                                                                                                                                                                                               
# of expected failures          313                                                                                                                                                                                                              
# of unsupported tests          4151                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Failures: https://pastebin.com/mHunc8bD

                === libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes            9471
# of unexpected failures        119
# of expected failures          66
# of unresolved testcases       2
# of unsupported tests          967

Failures: https://pastebin.com/a0vnnMQi

                === gfortran Summary ===

# of expected passes            42294
# of unexpected failures        124
# of expected failures          78
# of unsupported tests          97

Failures: https://pastebin.com/C30hwj0a

GCC 9.5.0 Build

A minimum compiler version of approximately GCC 4.6.x is required to build GCC 9.5.0 successfully on IRIX, this has not been thoroughly tested. Raion reports using GCC 6.5.0 with fixincludes applied to build IRIX.


GCC 4.4.x or later

GMP 6.x

MPC 1.0.x

MPFR 3.1.x

ISL 0.18 (for Graphite Loop Optimization.

Binutils 2.23.2 (Link to the prepatched code)

zlib 1.x

libffi version 3.3.1

Bash, any version for compiling GCC

star or libarchive tar or gnu tar to extract.

Raion's 9.5.0 Patch

Build zlib and libffi into the prefix for GCC. Make sure they're in the search paths to get picked up.

Per the 6.5.0 relnotes, build binutils with the specific commands.

Make sure the system ncargs are set appropriately as well. get into bash, set the env up, and run the build. Testsuites skipped for time reasons.

Seemed to work fine on first glance.