User talk:Raion
Nekoware Draft.
Nekoware is a community project targeting IRIX 6.5.21 or later (most commonly .22 and .30) MIPS IV systems.
It is a high performance, well-optimized group of LTS supported software. Each package has a maintainer.
Nekoware is released on a quarterly basis, with the newest iteration of it starting at 2025-Q2.
Each quarter, the entire base release is rebuilt. Not all packages are turned over, but many are.
This is the official N32 Nekoware build environment standard:
setenv CC c99 setenv CXX CC setenv CFLAGS '-O2 -mips4 -TARG:proc=r10000' setenv CXXFLAGS '-O2 -mips4 -TARG:proc=r10000' setenv CPPFLAGS '-I/usr/nekoware/include -I/usr/include' setenv LDFLAGS '-L/usr/nekoware/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/nekoware/lib32' setenv PKG_CONFIG '/usr/nekoware/bin/pkgconfig' setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH '/usr/nekoware/lib32/pkgconfig' setenv ACLOCAL 'aclocal -I/usr/nekoware/share/aclocal/'
Additional opts can be added as necessary as well as ENV vars.
GCC Policy:
Nekoware does primarily build software with MIPSPro, but in light of GCC advancements and the fact it's a decent compiler, it is permitted for software. The following caveats for making GCC packages apply:
GCC does not play nice with the C++ of MIPSPro. The C++ ABIs are dissimilar so any projects making use of C++ must reduplicate their C++ dependencies at minimum.
Paths for GCC libs and includes are:
/usr/nekoware/gcc-include /usr/nekoware/gcc-lib32
GNOME, KDE and FreeDesktop projects Policies: We wish to avoid integrating security and bloat issues into IRIX where possible. As such, we do not permit most GNOME and KDE dependencies, and even less FreeDesktop libs. This can include:
Policykit Consolekit dbus/messagebus GNOME bonobo/KDE DCOP/CORBA
Such systems are better suited for the likes of SGUG-RSE.
Otherwise, go wild. We accept any packages otherwise.