The total available virtual memory has been exhausted. The total virtual memory is the amount of swap space plus the amount of physical memory (RAM.) The amount of virtual memory required by the programs currently running has exceeded this. Until this problem has been corrected there may be no more memory available to start new processes or for currently running processes that need additional memory.
You can correct this problem by the following steps:
Exit all applications that you are not currently using. If you are using multiple desks, be sure to check all of your desks.
If the problem continues, you might wish to reboot the workstation in case the problem is transitory.
Add real swap space by selecting “System” and then “System Manager” from the Toolchest. Then select “System Performance” and then “Add Real Swap Space” and follow the steps described there.
You can also permanently increase swap size by repartitioning the disk. An experienced System Administrator can do this by referring to the book Irix Admin: System Configuration and Operation, chapter 6.
Note: If new physical memory (RAM) is added to your workstation this will also help alleviate the problem. Additional physical memory can be ordered from your service provider.
If the problem persists, contact your System Administrator or your service provider.
For information on how to configure or disable System Alerts, click here.