As you build 3D filters or transitions, you may want to manipulate the 3D viewing area in order to see the objects from different perspectives. This section includes “Viewing Objects More Closely,” and “About the View Menu.”
Here are a couple different ways to get a closer view of objects in the 3D viewer:
Turn off Expanded View Mode:
Choose View > Expanded View to turn off Expanded View mode.
Zoom in and out with the Dolly thumbwheel:
Choose View > Display Controls.
Drag the Dolly thumbwheel down to get a closer view of objects.
To return objects to original positioning, hold the cursor over the 3D viewer, hold down the right mouse button and select Functions > Home.
Your 3D viewer options are contained in the View menu, as follows:
Expanded View: This mode is turned on by default. It positions the movie frame outline further away so that you can see more objects in the viewer. To bring objects closer, select “Expanded View” again to turn this mode off.
Display Controls: Displays the standard Inventor 3D viewer controls. For information on using these controls, position the cursor over the 3D viewer, hold down the right mouse button and select Functions > Help.
Show Actual Sources: Allows you to preview the effect with the actual video clips you have selected in your movie editing application.
Orthographic Camera: Selecting this turns on orthographic camera mode. The orthographic camera eliminates the natural distortion of a perspective view. Use the orthographic camera for visual accuracy when measuring parts and checking relative sizes.
Perspective Camera: This is the default mode. Perspective camera displays objects so that natural perspective is taken into account.
Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, and Bottom Views: Front is the default. You can select any other view to see objects from a different angle.