You can look for files and directories in a couple of different ways:
Use File QuickFind to open a small window into which you can type the name of file, and directories whose icons you want to find on your system. To open File QuickFind, select from the Toolchest Find > File QuickFind.
If you do not know the full pathname of the icon you want to find, or you want to find an icon based on additional characteristics, such as its type or owner, use the Search tool instead. To open the Search tool, select from the Toolchest Find > Search for Files.
See also Tips for Locating Files & Directories. To find this topic, choose Help > Hints & Shortcuts from the Toolchest.
You can find icons for applications that are installed on your system in one of several ways:
Use the Icon Catalog . It shows collections of applications and tools that are available on your system.
To open the Icon Catalog, from the Toolchest choose Find > Icon Catalog.
See the Help menu in the Icon Catalog for information on using the tool.
Use the Search tool to find the application icon.
From the Toolchest, choose Find > Search For Files.
See the Help menu in Search for information on using the tool.
If you know the command line name of the application, from the Toolchest choose Find > File QuickFind. Type the application name in the window that appears. The application icon appears in the drop pocket to the left of the type-in field. Click the Help button on the File QuickFind window for more details.
To search or browse hardware or software online books, man pages, release notes, or FAQs, choose Help > InfoSearch from the Toolchest. You can also access man pages or release notes directly, by choosing Help > Man Pages or Help > Release Notes, respectively.
If the documentation you seek is not installed on your system or server, try searching the Tech Pubs Library at the following location: