The Live Time Control dialog is shown in Figure 1-1.
The Live Time Control dialog allows the user to change the update interval, the reporting timezone, and the reported time resolution used by the application(s) attached to this pmtime instance. The update interval can be changed by editing the text box labeled Interval. The change does not take effect until the enter key is pressed. The option menu to the right of the update interval text box allows the units of the update interval to be changed from the default Seconds to other natural untis of time such as Minutes or Milliseconds. To change the reporting timezone, use the Options/Timezone menu choice and select a new timezone from the cascading radio menu. This will change the timezone used to display dates and times in the pmtime dialog and in all the applications attached to this pmtime instance. The text box labeled Time cannot be edited, however, you can select Options/Detail/Show Milliseconds to display millisecond resolution if required, or deselect Options/Detail/Show Year to suppress the year.
The File menu provides the Hide option only. It may be used to dismiss the Live Time Control dialog, however, pmtime will continue to run as long as at least one PCP application is attached to it.