WebJumper is a tool that lets you create Indigo Magic desktop icons that “jump” to your favorite World Wide Web sites. You can drag these icons onto your desktop or place them on an Icon Catalog page for easy access. When you double-click an icon, it opens the Web site in the Netscape Navigator Web browser.
You can also drag a WebJumper icon into the drop pocket in an Icon View window. When you do this, an icon for every link on the Web page, including all files and images, appears. You can copy any of these files or images by dragging an icon into an Icon View of a directory on your system or onto the desktop background.
See the following for information on using WebJumper:
To create a jumpsite icon using WebJumper, follow these steps:
Type the URL for the site in the Location field.
The URL is the Web location of the page. For example, if you want to create an icon for the Silicon Surf homepage, type:
Type a name for the icon in the Icon Name field.
For example, you may type silicon_surf for the Silicon Surf homepage.
![]() | Note: When creating an icon name, do not add the suffix .html to the end of the file. If you do, the desktop will recognize the icon as an HTML document instead of as a jumpsite icon. |
If you want to add a detailed description of the icon, follow these steps:
Click the Options... button.
The WebJumper Options window appears.
Click the button next to Show Description Field.
Click OK to close the Options window.
A Description field appears in the main WebJumper window.
Type a description for the jumpsite icon.
Click the Save button.
WebJumper creates the icon and saves it by default in a directory called web in your home directory. The icon also appears at the bottom of the WebJumper window.
![]() | Note: If the directory called web does not exist, a notifier appears, asking you if you want to create it. Click Yes to create the directory. If a file called web exists, a notifier appears, informing you that the jumpsites directory needs to be changed to a different name so your file does not get overwritten. You will be prompted to type a new directory name into the Default Jumpsites Directory field on the WebJumper Options panel. See “Changing the Default Location of Jumpsite Icons”. |
Click the Close button to close WebJumper.
To create multiple icons in one session, type in the information for the first icon, click the Save button, click the Clear button, then type in the information for the next icon.
To open the web directory, click the View button in the main WebJumper window. All the icons you created appear in the Icon View. You can use the commands in the Selected menu to perform actions on jumpsite icons, or edit an icon in WebJumper by selecting the icon and choosing Edit from the Selected menu. For more information on editing jumpsite icons, see “Editing Jumpsite Icons”.
By default, when you double-click a jumpsite icon, it opens the Web site in the Netscape Navigator Web browser. To change the default Web browser, see “Changing the Default Web Browser”.
You can create a WebJumper jumpsite icon by selecting a URL and pasting it onto the desktop background or into an Icon View window. To do this, follow these steps:
Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of a URL, press the left mouse button, and drag across the URL to select it.
The URL is the Web location of the page. For example, the URL for the Silicon Surf homepage is:
Move the cursor to the desktop background or into an Icon View window and click the middle mouse button.
A WebJumper icon appears with the name PastedURL.
To rename the icon, click the icon name, type the new name, and press <Enter>.
![]() | Note: When renaming an icon, do not add the suffix .html to the end of the file. If you do, the desktop will recognize the icon as an HTML document instead of as a jumpsite icon. |
Jumpsite icons you create in WebJumper are automatically saved in a directory called web in your home directory. This directory acts as a “hotlist” of your favorite Web sites, similar to your hotlist in Netscape Navigator. Unlike a hotlist in Netscape Navigator, you can open multiple jumpsites at once by selecting the icons and double-clicking them.
You can also categorize icons by creating directories or Icon Catalog pages for different topics. Just drag related icons from the web directory or from WebJumper into other Icon Views or onto an Icon Catalog page.
To open the web directory from the main WebJumper window, click the View button.
You can use WebJumper to view and edit jumpsite icon information. You can also add a detailed description to an icon to help you identify it. For information, see:
You can use WebJumper to view or change the icon name, URL location, or description of an icon or multiple icons. To do this, follow these steps:
Open the directory that contains the jumpsite icon you want to view or edit.
If the icon is located in your default web directory, you can open the directory by clicking the View button in the main WebJumper window.
In the Icon View window, select the icon.
To select multiple icons, select the first icon. Then press the <Shift> key to select additional icons.
Choose Edit from the Selected menu.
WebJumper appears with the icon you selected in the display.
If you selected multiple icons, all the icons appear in the display at the bottom of the WebJumper window. The information for the last icon you selected appears in the top of the window.
If you want to edit information, type the information you want to change.
Click the Save button.
If you want to edit multiple jumpsite icons, select the next icon after you click the Save button.
Click Close to close the WebJumper window.
When you create a jumpsite icon in WebJumper, you type the URL for the site and a descriptive icon name. If you have trouble identifying an icon by its icon name, you can add a more detailed description by turning on the Description field when creating or editing the icon.
To turn on the Description field, follow these steps:
Open the directory that contains the jumpsite icon you want to edit.
If the icon is located in your default web directory, you can open the directory by clicking the View button in the main WebJumper window.
In the Icon View window, select the icon.
To select multiple icons, select the first icon. Then press the <Shift> key to select additional icons.
Choose Edit from the Selected menu.
WebJumper appears with the icon you selected in the display.
If you selected multiple icons, all of the icons appear in the display at the bottom of the WebJumper window. One of the icons is selected, and the information for that icon appears in the top of the window.
Click the Options... button.
The WebJumper Options window appears.
Click the box next to Show Description Field.
A checkmark appears.
Click the OK button to close the Options window.
A Description field appears in the main WebJumper window.
Type a description for the jumpsite icon.
Click the Save button.
Click the Close button to close the WebJumper window.
To view the description, select the icon in an Icon View window, then choose Edit from the Selected menu. The description appears in the WebJumper window with the icon.
To open a jumpsite, you can double-click the icon or drag it onto the Netscape Navigator icon. Either method opens the jumpsite in a new Netscape window. You can also use <Alt> while double-clicking to open the jumpsite in a new Netscape window.
When authoring pages in WebMagic Pro, you can drag a WebJumper jumpsite icon onto a page to provide a link to the site represented by the icon. For more information on dragging icons and images onto a page, see the online help in WebMagic Pro.
You can drop a jumpsite icon into an Icon View window drop pocket. When you do this, the URL for the icon appears in the Pathname field, and icons appear for every link accessible from that Web page. You can select an icon, click the <Ctrl> button, and drag it onto the desktop to create a jumpsite icon for that link.
You can change the default Web browser for jumpsite icons from Netscape Navigator to Mosaic. You can also change the default location of jumpsite icons. For information, see:
By default, when you double-click a jumpsite icon, the Web site opens in the Netscape Navigator Web browser. You can choose Mosaic instead if it is installed on your system in /usr/bin/X11. To change the default Web browser, follow these steps:
Click the Options button in the main WebJumper window.
The Options window appears.
Click the button next to the Web Browser label select Mosaic.
Click OK to close the Options window.
All current jumpsite icons and any jumpsite icons you create will open in Mosaic.
By default, all jumpsite icons you create using WebJumper are saved in a directory called web in your home directory. You can change the default directory by following these steps:
Click the Options button in the main WebJumper window.
The Options window appears.
Type a directory path in the field below the Default Icon Location label.
Click the OK button to close the Options window.
From now on, all jumpsite icons you create are saved in the new default directory. When you press the View button in the main WebJumper window, an Icon View of the new default directory opens.