This chapter describes how to install software using the Inst Main menu. It explains how to use Main menu commands in a typical installation session and what to do after the installation is done to put the target back into service. Use the instructions in this chapter to complete the installation after you have performed the procedures in Chapter 3, “Starting an Installation”.
This chapter contains these sections:
If you prefer to use a graphical user interface and Software Manager is installed on the target system, you can access Software Manager from the System toolchest and use it instead of Inst. See the software installation instructions in the Personal System Administration Guide for how to use Software Manager.
The procedure in this section shows you how to perform a software installation using a particular sequence of commands from the Inst Main menu. The order in which the commands are described illustrates one of many command sequences that might be used to do an installation. As you become familiar with Inst, you can vary the command order, repeat commands, use additional keyword arguments, and enter commands from other menus during installation sessions (Chapter 5, “Using Supplementary Menus”, and Chapter 6, “Inst for Experts”, contain information about additional Inst features).
![]() | Note: If you are an experienced Inst user, you might prefer to use the “Condensed Installation Instructions” in Appendix A instead of this procedure. |
This procedure partitions the installation into seven steps. Each step is explained in the subsections that follow.
Start Inst.
Specify the distribution source(s) using the from, open, and close commands.
Display software information using the list commands.
Make your software selections with install, remove, and keep commands.
Launch the installation using the go command.
Resolve any conflicts (conflicts command) or errors.
Quit the installation session.
Figure 4-1 illustrates the steps in the installation process. In this figure, the automatic initialization function is shown at step 2. However, initialization can occur at other steps in the session (see “Automatic Initialization Functions” for details).
For miniroot installations, which are required whenever you install software that is fundamental to the IRIX operating system, Inst is automatically started when the miniroot is loaded (see “Starting a Miniroot Installation” in Chapter 3). For live installations, Inst is started from the command line of an IRIX shell (see “Starting a Live Installation” in Chapter 3). After Inst is started, it displays the default distribution source and the Main menu, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Specifying a distribution source is not always necessary during an installation procedure, for frequently the default distribution is appropriate. By default, Inst uses the distribution that was previously specified as the source of installable software for a live installation. For miniroot installations, Inst expects to use the distribution from which you loaded the miniroot. The default source is posted in a message above the Main menu when Inst is started (see the final step in “Loading From a Local CD” in Chapter 3 or “Loading From a Remote Distribution Source” in Chapter 3).
If the default source is not appropriate, however, use the from command to replace the current distribution source; use the open command to specify additional sources of installable software. The close command closes any distribution that you specified with either the from or the open command. You can use the from, open, and close commands as many times as necessary during an installation session.
![]() | Note: When Inst posts multiple distributions in from, open, and close listings, it numbers each item in the list. You can use this number as a command argument instead of typing the entire distribution pathname. For example, close 2 4 7 closes the three distribution sources numbered 2, 4, and 7 in the distribution list. |
Use the from command to replace the current distribution source with one or more different sources. Your entry can take one of the forms of from listed below (also see “Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution” in Chapter 6):
Use the open command to add a distribution source to the sources that are currently available to Inst. The open command requires the location of the additional distribution as an argument. For example, if easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist is the current distribution source, the command in example Example 4-1 opens the distribution at easyboy:/CDROM/dist and makes it available for installation.
When you use the list command (see “Step 3: Displaying Software Information”, which follows), the installable components from the newly opened source are added to the listing following the components from the original source. In the Example 4-1 case, the listing from easyboy:/CDROM/dist would follow the listing from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist.
Also see “When Multiple Distributions Are Open” for more information.
Notice in Figure 4-1 that Inst performs an automatic initialization sequence during the installation procedure. Initialization is triggered by the first command of a session that requires Inst to collect information about the distribution or target software. In Figure 4-1, the trigger is the from command. During initialization, Inst obtains historical data about previous installations and reads the product descriptions on the distribution. It also checks for software dependencies among subsystems, makes preliminary installation selections , calculates their sizes, and checks disk availability on the target.
As this initialization occurs, you see this message:
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done. |
When initialization is complete, the Inst> prompt is posted and you can continue with the installation session.
![]() | Note: If you do not enter the from command in this step, Inst performs initialization before executing the next command that requires data collection. |
Displaying software information is an optional step in the installation procedure. You can omit this step if you are already familiar with the products that you want to install or if you plan to accept the selections made during initialization (see “Accepting Automatic Selections”). For most operating system installations, however, this step is necessary to evaluate distribution and target software and do progress checks during the selection process.
By default, the list command displays a list of all subsystems in the distribution inventory, but you can also display a complete list of software on the target using the view command (see “Using the View Commands Menu” in Chapter 5 for additional ways of using view to control list displays). As you select software for installation or removal (step 4 of this procedure), list displays are automatically updated to reflect your selections.
Use the list command with no arguments to display the distribution list (if you did not enter the from command in step 2, Inst performs initialization before executing the list command). You can use the names of products and their components, metacharacters, and other keywords as arguments to list commands to save time (see “Using Command Shortcuts” in Chapter 6 for details).
Example 4-2 illustrates a list entry and the legend that precedes list displays.
Inst> list View: distribution Status: N=New, U=Upgrade, S=Same, D=downgrade Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Subsystem Type(s) [bdrpc]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, p=Patch, c=client only |
As Example 4-2 shows, the list legend provides information about software components and about actions taken during the installation session:
View identifies the location of software in Inst displays: target or distribution.
Status mnemonics convey comparison information between software on the target and software on the distribution software.
Selection mnemonics convey information about installation actions that have been specified either during automatic initialization or by the user.
Subsystem Types mnemonics are the only mnemonics to appear to the right of the software name in a list display; they provide information about distribution software requirements and designations.
![]() | Note: If the distribution contains patches, patch mnemonics are also shown. See “Interpreting Patch Information in list Displays” in Chapter 7 for details. |
Example 4-3 illustrates sample list output of a distribution inventory.
Example 4-3. Distribution Software Posted by the list Command
S bvo.sw.bvo 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Software S bvo.sw.diag 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Diags i U compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr] 0 Source Code Preprocessor i U compiler_eoe.sw.lboot 43+ Kernel lboot Software D [d] 0 Desktop Tools N onc3_eoe.sw.cachefs 0 ONC3 6.3 Cache File System |
Frequently, list displays contain several screens of information. To display more information, press Enter at the more prompt to see a new line and press the space bar to see a new screen. You can also quit the display before reaching the end by typing q at the more prompt.
Use these commands to change the view and display target software:
Inst> view targ Inst> list |
Example 4-4 shows sample list output of target software (the legend is omitted from this display).
Example 4-4. Target Software Posted by the list Command
I bvo.sw.bvo 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Software I bvo.sw.diag 0 VGX Broadcast Vidio Option Diags u I compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr] 0 Source Code Preprocessor u I compiler_eoe.sw.lboot 43- Kernel lboot Software I [d] 0 Desktop Tools R [d] 0 Necessary Data Files R showcase.sw.showcase [d] 0 IRIS Showcase 3.3 Software |
Use this command to return the view to the distribution:
Inst> view dist |
A list display contains several columns of information about each software component in the display. Some columns convey information by means of mnemonic tags, which are defined in the list legend (see Example 4-2). Columns appear empty when a tag is unassigned or when the tag is masked by the current view setting (see “The target and distribution Commands” in Chapter 5 for more information).
The columns in list displays contain this information:
Column 1 | A pending selection on the software component, if a selection was made. This column may contain any item listed in the Selection line of the list legend. | |
Column 2 | The status of the software component relative to its corresponding component on the target or distribution. This column contains an item listed in the Status line of the list legend (see Example 4-2). | |
Column 3 | The name of the software component. When software subsystems are displayed, the name may be followed by one or more special designations from the Subsystem Type line of the list legend (see Example 4-2). | |
Column 4 | For software items being installed (i) or removed (r), a comparison between the disk space requirements of the distribution and target versions of the software. The amount, which is displayed in kilobytes by default, is followed by a plus sign if additional space is required or a minus sign if there is space free. If items are not selected for installation or removal or if there is no net change, the size shown is zero. | |
Column 5 | A brief description of the software component. The content of this description varies slightly with each product. |
These items from Example 4-3 further illustrate the information provided about distribution software by the list command:
S bvo.sw.bvo | The distribution version of the bvo.sw.bvo subsystem is the same (S) as the version on the target; no action is to be taken on this subsystem (the first column is blank). | |
i U compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr] | The distribution version of compiler_eoe.sw.cpp is an upgrade (U) to the version that is currently on the target. This subsystem is selected for installation (i). Installing compiler_eoe.sw.cpp requires a reboot (b) of the target, the manufacturer has selected this subsystem as a default (d) for installation; compiler_eoe.sw.cpp is required (r) for system operation. | |
i U compiler_eoe.sw.unix...26- | The distribution version of compiler_eoe.sw.unix is an upgrade (U) to the version that is currently on the target. This subsystem is selected for installation (i); the distribution version is 26 kilobytes smaller than the corresponding version on the target. | |
D [d] | The subsystem in the distribution is a downgrade (D) of the corresponding subsystem on the target. Because the target version of this subsystem is newer, no action is to be taken on this subsystem, even though the manufacturer recommends it as a default (d) installation selection. |
The information in Example 4-4 indicates that most products from the distribution are currently installed (I) on the target but that the showcase subsystems have been removed (R). One distribution product from Example 4-3, onc3_eoe, does not appear in the target list in Example 4-4. Also notice that items marked for installation (i) in the distribution list (Example 4-3) are marked for upgrading (u) in the target list (Example 4-4).
When multiple distributions are open, list posts the name of the distribution at the top of the distribution contents. For example, this listing indicates that two distributions are open, one on server pearl and one on server cameo:
Example 4-5. List Output for Multiple Open Distributions
pearl:/6.5/options/SoftWindows95: i U [d] 0 SoftWindows 95 Man Pages i U [d] 0 Release Notes i U SoftWindows95.sw.eoe [d] 14+ SoftWindows95 core i N [d] 5+ SoftWindows95 Help files cameo:/apps/acrobat_3.0: i U [d] 0 Acrobat reader Manual Pages, 3.0 i U [d] 1- Acrobat reader Release Notes, 3.0 i U acrobat.sw.reader [d] 2245+ Acrobat reader, 3.0 |
At the end of each listing, the list command posts a disk space summary similar to those shown in Example 4-6. The summary identifies the target filesystems to receive the selected software, estimates the additional space (or space savings) that will result if the selected software is installed, calculates the space overhead required by installation processing, and reports the amount of space that will be available on the target filesystems after the installation. Estimates in disk space summaries are based on the current installation selections.
Example 4-6. Disk Space Summary
Disk Space summary (Kbytes) / Current free space 564432 - Selections net change 1276+ - Temporary inst overhead 53+ = Minimum free during install 563103 Final projected free space 563156 |
Three types of actions can occur on a target during an installation: Distribution software is installed, target software is removed, and some target software is kept in its present condition. In this step, you specify which of these actions should be taken against selected software when the installation is performed (step 5 of this procedure). The install, remove, and keep commands select software for the designated action.
In most cases, the selection step is needed to adjust software for the disk capacity of the target and the needs of its users. However, in some cases it is possible to accept the automatic selections that Inst makes during initialization. These selections are described in “Accepting Automatic Selections”.
![]() | Note: If the automatic selections described in “Accepting Automatic Selections” are suitable for your circumstances, you can accept these selections and go directly to step 5 of this procedure. |
The install, remove, and keep commands select software products and their components for a particular action. No action is taken until you enter the go command, so you can change your selections as many times as necessary before entering go (described in “Step 5: Launching the Installation”).
![]() | Note: You can use the step command to display items on the distribution individually and make your selections as each item is displayed. See “Using step to Make Selections” in Chapter 6 for details. |
When you make your selections, keep these points in mind:
Usually, Inst has already made some installation selections automatically (see “Accepting Automatic Selections”). Use the install command to select software that has not already been selected.
In some cases, you might not want a selected software component installed or you might want to retain the currently installed version rather than upgrade it. When this is the case, use the keep command to preserve the current condition on the target.
During the installation, Inst automatically removes target software that will be upgraded with software from the distribution (illustrated by Example 4-4). It is not necessary to use the remove command on these products—use the remove command only on currently installed software that you no longer want on the target.
Use the list command periodically to check the selection status of products and product components during the selection step (see “Step 3: Displaying Software Information”).
It is sometimes useful to alternate the selection process with the launch process (see “Step 5: Launching the Installation”), selecting and installing a subset of software in each cycle. In this case, alternate the selection commands with the go command.
In their simplest form, the install, remove, and keep commands contain one argument that identifies the product, image, or subsystem on which the action will be taken. If you specify a product or image as the argument to the install, remove, or keep commands, the action is taken on all subsystems of the product or image.
These sample entries explain the effects of selection command entries:
Inst> install sysmon |
Install all parts of the product sysmon, which is either a new product for the target or an upgrade to the installed version.
Inst> install prereqs |
Automatically resolve conflicts by installing any prerequisites for selected software.
Inst> remove InPerson.books |
Remove the currently installed InPerson.books image from the target.
Inst> keep DeltaCC.sw.backend |
Retain the current version of DeltaCC.sw.backend that is installed on the target; if DeltaCC.sw.backend is not installed, prevent installation of the distribution version.
Inst> keep conflicting |
De-select all subsytems causing conflicts.
You can use multiple arguments in install, remove, or keep commands, as shown in Example 4-7.
Example 4-7. Multiple Arguments to the install, remove, and keep Commands
Inst> install sysmon cadmin mmail desktop_eoe dmedia_eoe quickt ime_dev imgtools.sw showcase Inst> keep InPerson.books InPerson.sw Inst> remove DeltaCC.sw.backend |
You can use the name of a distribution, products and their components, metacharacters, and keywords as arguments to the install, remove, and keep commands to save time (see “Using Command Shortcuts” in Chapter 6 for more information). These sample entries illustrate the use of shortcuts in selection commands (see “Using Command Shortcuts” in Chapter 6 for more information):
Inst> install required |
Install all subsystems that are required for optimum system operation.
Inst> remove distribution_name: *.man |
Remove all images with a .man extension from the specified distribution. The distribution name must end with a colon (:).
Inst> keep I eoe* |
Keep all eoe1 subsystems that are currently installed on the target (do not install upgrade versions from the distribution).
You can enter a list command during the selection process whenever the Inst> prompt is displayed. The first column of the listing and the disk space summary information reflect your selections and their effects on disk space.
Recall from step 3 that Inst automatically makes preliminary selections during initialization (see also “Automatic Initialization Functions”). If you accept the automatic selections, you can omit step 4 and go on to “Step 5: Launching the Installation”.
Use this command to display the list of software that is selected for installation:
Inst> list i |
Example 4-8 illustrates a portion of the display that was generated by the previous list command. Notice that the display concludes with an estimate of space requirements, which may help you decide whether to accept the automatic selections.
Example 4-8. List of Subsystems Selected for Installation
i U eoe.sw.gfx_lib bdr 19+ Graphics Execution Libraries i U eoe.sw.irix_lib bdr 991+ IRIX Execution Libraries i U eoe.sw.unix bdr 6674+ IRIX Execution Environment i U eoe.sw.cdrom d 241+ CD-ROM Support i U eoe.sw.crypt d 25+ Security Administration Utilities i U eoe.sw.gltools d 80+ Graphics Library Tools Disk Space summary (Kbytes): / Current free space 564432 - Selections net change 64793+ - Temporary inst overhead 53+ = Minimum free during install 499586 Final projected free space 499639 |
The selections that you made in step 4 are processed when you launch the installation with the go command. You can process any number of selections; it is not necessary to complete all your selections before you enter go. The order in which you made selections (step 4) has no effect on the order in which they are processed.
![]() | Note: Inst reports a conflict during go processing if you failed to include any prerequisite software in a selected subset (see “Step 6: Resolving Conflicts”). |
As the go command executes, Inst determines whether your selections contain incompatibilities, missing prerequisites, space shortages, or other errors that might make the new software configuration unsuitable for the target. To keep you informed of events, Inst posts status messages during go processing (see Example 4-9).
Example 4-9. Successful Installation Messages
Inst> go Reading fileset information.. Pre-installation check .. 100% Done. Checking space requirements ... Installing/removing files .. 44% Upgrading selected pv.sw subsystems Installing/removing files.. 100% Done. Running exit commands .. 100% Done. Checking dependencies .. 100% Done. Installations and removals were successful. You may continue with installations or quit now. Inst> |
Notice that Example 4-9 contains a success message:
Installations and removals were successful |
When you see this message, you can either continue the installation session or go directly to “Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session”. If you receive an error message instead of a success message, complete “Step 6: Resolving Conflicts” before going on to step 7.
The installations and removals that you specified in step 4 are not performed if conflicts or error conditions are detected during go processing. Conflicts occur if you select software that depends on prerequisites that you did not select or if a selection is incompatible with other selections or with installed software. Errors other than conflicts that occur during go command processing are resolved with routine corrective actions (see Appendix B, “Troubleshooting Installations” for additional error-handling information).
If Inst detects a conflict in the software that you selected, it posts a conflicts message after you enter the go command. Conflict error messages are followed by a description of the conflicts and recommended actions that you can safely perform to resolve the conflicts. You use the conflicts command to select a suggested resolution. You can also enter the conflicts command periodically during the selection process to display any conflicts that might be accumulating as a result of your selections.
Example 4-10 illustrates a message describing two conflicts.
Example 4-10. Conflicts Message
ERROR: Conflicts must be resolved. Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites: 1a. Do not install Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion 1b. Also install Compression Execution Environment DLPI Execution Environment cannot be removed because other products depend on it: 2a. Do not remove DLPI Execution Environment 2b. Also remove 4DDN Software |
To resolve a conflict, enter the conflicts command and your choice of resolutions as command arguments, as shown in Example 4-11.
When you have successfully resolved all conflicts, Inst posts a success message. Enter the go command after the message to process any new selections.
No conflicts Inst> go |
If the go command returns a success message (see Example 4-9), you can continue with the session or go on to “Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session”.
If Inst is unable to execute go for reasons other than conflicts, it posts error messages that suggest the cause of the error and presents choices for your next action. Errors can occur during preinstallation checking, while software is being installed and removed, or during exit operations. If you need additional information to correct an error, see Appendix B, “Troubleshooting Installations” which describes the errors that occur in each phase of the installation process and suggests how to handle them.
A common error in preinstallation checking occurs if software is to be installed into or removed from a directory with read-only permission, which makes the directory inaccessible to the inst utility. Example 4-12 illustrates the message that is displayed during preinstallation checking when this error occurs.
Example 4-12. Error With Directory Permissions
Inst> go ERROR: Cannot begin processing the following subsystems because they must install/remove files in read-only directories that are on your system or on a remote NFS server. Okay to continue without these subsystems? |
If you continue, Inst deselects the subsystems that require access to the read-only directories listed in the message, then it continues with go processing. However, if deselecting these subsystems will generate conflicts with other subsystems that are being installed or removed, Inst posts one of the directory-permissions errors shown in “Preinstallation Check Errors” in Appendix B
During go processing, you see status messages like those shown in Example 4-13. If an error occurs that requires you to take further action, Inst displays the Interrupt Menu, also shown in Example 4-13.
Example 4-13. Error in Installation Processing
Inst> go Pre-installation check Installing/removing software Upgrading selected subsystems Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems ERROR : An error occurred while Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems Archive /swmgr/products/prod1/images/prod1.sw is corrupt Error/Interrupt Menu 1. retry Retry the failed operation 2. stop Terminate current command 3. continue Continue current command 4. set[preferences] List all preferences or set/clear a preference 5. help [topic] Get help in general or on a specific word 6. sh [cmd] Escape to a shell or run a command 7. shroot [cmd] Escape to a chrooted shell or run a command Interrupt> |
The version of the Interrupt menu in Example 4-13 includes a “retry” choice, which causes Inst to attempt the failed operation again (commonly, these failures are due to a network timeout). Whenever the Interrupt Menu is displayed, check the ERROR line above the menu for a suggested reason for the failure, take the appropriate corrective action (if any is required), then retry the operation. See “Using the Interrupt Menu” in Chapter 5 for information on other Interrupt Menu selelctions (notice that the Interrupt Menu in Figure 5-3 does not contain the “retry” choice).
You can leave an installation session at any time by issuing the quit command at the Inst prompt.
Inst> quit Requickstarting ELF files (see rqsall(1))...100% Done. Automatically reconfiguring the operating system. |
If any installation or removal selections are pending when you enter the quit command, Inst notifies you:
There are products marked for installation or removal. Do you really want to quit?(y/n) |
If you enter y, the session ends and your pending selections are not processed. Enter n if you want to continue the session.
In some cases, there may be unresolved conflicts when you enter the quit command. For example, unresolved conflicts occur when you try to end a session without installing all software that is required for an operating system upgrade.
If there are unresolved conflicts when you enter the quit command, Inst posts the message shown in Example 4-14.
Example 4-14. Conflicts Message When Quitting Inst
ERROR: INCOMPATIBLE SUBSYSTEMS INSTALLED Some software that was already installed on your system prior to this session is incompatible with the new software. The conflict messages above (or below) list the incompatible software. You can either: - Insert another CD or specify another distribution directory that contains compatible versions of software (for example, if you are in the middle of an operating system upgrade, insert the next CD that you received with the upgrade), then start the installation. - Remove the incompatible software by making conflict resolution choices as shown above (or below). |
This message is followed by a list of conflicts that must be resolved before you can end the session successfully. See “Step 6: Resolving Conflicts” for information on conflict resolution.
![]() | Note: If you set the rulesoverride preference on (not recommended), the conflicts message varies from the one shown in Example 4-14. With rulesoverride on, the message identifies the unresolved conflicts and warns you that the installation will be performed despite remaining conflicts. |
If you performed a live installation and installed products that require a system reboot, you see the message in Example 4-15.
Example 4-15. Quit Prompt With Reboot Message
Installations and removals were successful You must reboot your system to complete the installation. Inst> |
If an installation session is interrupted by an abnormal event (such as a power failure), Inst saves a record of pending requests for product installations and removals in a checkpoint restart file. At the start of the next session, Inst posts a checkpoint restart notice that identifies the software distribution and lists the products on which actions are pending.
This checkpoint restart menu (see Figure 4-3) is displayed if an installation session is interrupted abnormally:
To proceed, choose one of the restart selections from this prompt. Checkpoint restart selections have these effects:
If you select Retry the previous installation (the default), Inst attempts to restore the previous session and continue the installation.
If you select Restore the previous installation session and let me look at it, Inst displays the Inst> prompt. Use the list i command to see what remains to be installed, and then enter the go command.
If you select Ignore the previous installation session, the previous session is aborted (pending selections are disregarded) and Inst is started in a new session.
Failures during a checkpoint restarts are frequently caused by four conditions, which are usually easily corrected:
A missing software distribution
ERROR : The distribution server:pathname does not exist |
This failure occurs if the distribution source that was saved in the checkpoint restart file no longer is exists or is unavailable. For example, the distribution source may be unaccessible because of a network failure or because the distribution was moved.
If the distribution is missing and you select item 1, the error message is posted as soon as you make your selection. If the distribution is missing and you select item 2, the error message is posted when you try to list the distribution.
Different software distribution
ERROR : Invalid product in selections file |
This failure occurs if the location of the distribution source in the checkpoint restart file is the same but the products in the distribution are different. For example, you see this error if a CD other than the correct distribution CD is loaded in the CD-ROM drive or if the contents of the distribution directory were changed since the previous session.
If the software distribution is different from the previous installation and you select item 1, the error message is posted as soon as you make your selection. If the software distribution is different from the previous installation and you select item 2, the message is posted when you try to list the distribution.
ERROR : Could not retry previous installation because of errors in the selections. Conflicts must be resolved. |
This failure occurs when the installed software on the target or the product dependencies on the distribution has changed since the previous installation. The changes result in conflicts that prevent installation. If there are bad selections and you select item 1 to restart the installation, the installation is stopped and you see the error message.
After the message, you see the standard conflicts screen. If there are bad selections and you choose item 2 to restart the installation, you see only the conflicts screen. See “Using the conflicts Command” if you need instructions on how to proceed.
Not enough disk space
This failure occurs when the software that was selected for the previous installation requires more disk space than is available on the target. If there is not enough disk space and you select item 1 to restart the installation, you see this message:
ERROR : Could not retry previous installation because of errors in the selections. Installation requires too much space. |
If you select item 2 to restart the installation, you see this message:
ERROR: Installation requires too much space. |
To complete the installation, remove files from the target system or change your installation selections; then enter the go command.
Sometimes a distribution contains configuration files, which are either required or recommended for operation, that exist on the target in a modified form (an /etc/rpc file, for example). When the target system contains modified configuration files, Inst preserves the modified files during the installation in one of two ways:
If the new configuration file is required for operation, Inst copies the existing target version to a file of the same name, appending a .O (obsolete) extension to it (/etc/rpc.O, for example). Then it installs the new, required version of the file by its standard name (/etc/rpc).
If the new configuration file is recommended (but not required), Inst leaves the existing file on the target untouched; it writes the recommended version to a file of the same name, appending a .N (new) extension to it. You can use .N files at your discretion.
For example, assume that the target contains a modified /etc/fstab file before an installation and the distribution contains a new, recommended /etc/fstab. After the installation, the original target version is still in /etc/fstab; the new version is contained in /etc/fstab.N.
In most cases, Inst handles modified configuration files with predictable results: after installation, the target contains an installed version and an alternate version of the file. Normally, relevant portions of the alternate versions are subsequently merged into the installed version and the alternate version is removed. However, if you repeat an installation of the same software, the results may be different.
For example, it is possible to create both a .O and a .N version of the same configuration file. This happens when Inst creates a .O version of the file and you modify the newly installed version instead of merging and removing the .O version. During the repeat installation, Inst compares the installed file with the version on the distribution; when it finds that the two are different, it creates a copy of the distribution version, assigning it a .N extension.
As another example, assume that the .N version of a configuration file is merged with the installed version and erased. During the repeat installation, Inst detects differences between the installed file and the distribution version, so it creates a copy of the distribution version, assigning it a .N extension.
When a new version of a configuration file is created during an installation, Inst posts a message about the changed files after go processing is completed. The message, shown in Example 4-16, is repeated the next several times that the target system is rebooted.
Example 4-16. Notice of Configuration File Changes
Software installation has installed new configuration files and saved the previous version in some cases. You may need to update or merge old configuration files with the newer version. Please see “Updating Configuration Files” in the versions(1M) manual page for details. |
To avoid compatibility problems, plan to merge configuration files if new versions were created. Use the procedure below to merge configuration files.
Identify changed configuration files with this command:
# versions changed |
Example 4-17 illustrates output of the previous versions command. (You can use an equivalent command from the Inst application: admin config changed.)
Example 4-17. Listing of Changed Configuration Files
Configuration Files m = modified since initial installation ? = modification unknown blank = file is as originally installed /etc/halt ? /etc/halt.O m /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.N /etc/reboot ? /etc/reboot.O m /etc/services /etc/services.N |
The .O versions of the configuration files are the earlier versions. In this case, the no-suffix version contains changes that are required for compatibility with the rest of the newly installed software, that increase functioning, or that fix bugs.
The .N versions of the configuration files are the versions created during the installation. They contain changes or new features that can be added to the no-suffix version of the configuration file at your option.
![]() | Note: The release notes might have information about the changes that were made to configuration files in the new release. |
Merge information from both versions of the configuration files.
Use diff or xdiff to compare .O and .N files with their no-suffix counterparts. Transfer information that is needed from the .O version to the no-suffix version. Add information from the .N version to the no-suffix version if you want it.
Delete the .O and .N versions of the configuration files.
If you want to keep .O and .N files, rename them; otherwise they might be removed automatically during the next installation. When you remove all .O and .N configuration files, no message about configuration files appears when you reboot the system and the startup process is faster.