- administration, system
- documentation
- IRIX Admin Manual Set
- cables, null modem
- Defining the Serial Interface
- cabling
- serial interface
- Defining the Serial Interface
- CD-ROM filesystems
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- compact disk filesystems
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- compact disk support
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- configuring an ASCII terminal
- Configuring the Terminal Software
- connecting
- a modem
- Installing a Modem
- ASCII terminal
- Installing an ASCII Terminal
- DAT audio
- DAT Audio and Video Storage
- DAT video
- DAT Audio and Video Storage
- default printer, changing
- Managing the lp System
- device files
- Peripheral Device Files
- dial and button box
- Terminals and Modems
- Terminals and Modems
- disable printer
- cancel: Remove a Print Request
- DLT storage capacity
- DLT Devices
- error messages
- lp
- lp Error Messages
- tape drive
Tape Drive Error Indications
- floppy disk filesystems
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- floppy disk support
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- infocmp command
- Configuring the Terminal Software
- IRIX administration
- documentation
- IRIX Admin Manual Set
- lp
- commands
- User Command Summary
- maintenance
- Managing the lp System
- lp error messages
- lp Error Messages
- lp spooler
- Removing a Printer
- lp troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Your Printing System
- lpmove
- lpmove: Move a Request to Another Printer
- lpsched
- lpsched: Start the lp Scheduler
- MAKEDEV , tape options
- MAKEDEV Commands for Tape Drives
- mediad(1M)
- Floppy Disk, CD-ROM, and DVD Filesystems
- modems
- connecting
- Installing a Modem
- network printing
- Managing Printing on Print Server Systems
- print requests
- allowing
accept: Allow Print Requests
- checking remote
- Checking Print Server Status
- Canceling Print Server Requests
- rejecting
- reject: Prevent Print Requests
- printers
- adding
- Adding a Printer
- commands
- User Command Summary
- disabling
- cancel: Remove a Print Request
- enabling
enable: Allow Printer to Process Requests
- removing
- Removing a Printer
- status
- Checking Print Server Status
- printing
- canceling
- lp: Send a Print Job to a Printer
- over the network
- Managing Printing on Print Server Systems
- removing printers
- Removing a Printer
- scheduler
- starting
- lpsched: Start the lp Scheduler
- stopping
- lpsched: Start the lp Scheduler
- sending files
- lp: Send a Print Job to a Printer
- serial interface
- Defining the Serial Interface
- spaceball
- Terminals and Modems
- spooler, lp
- Removing a Printer
- stop printing
- lp: Send a Print Job to a Printer
- system administration
- documentation
- IRIX Admin Manual Set
- tape
- adding a drive
- Configuring Floppy Disk Drive Device Files
- Adding a Tape Drive
- capacities
- Tape Capacities
- supported types
- Tape Capacities
- using MAKEDEV
- MAKEDEV Commands for Tape Drives
- troubleshooting
- hardware
- Troubleshooting Your Printing System
- lp
- Troubleshooting Your Printing System
- network printers
- Troubleshooting Network Printers
- software
- Software Troubleshooting Checklist
- the print system
- Troubleshooting Your Printing System
- tty file
- Configuring the Terminal Software