This appendix describes the information that is returned with ATM signaling requests. The cause codes that are described are provided as out values (in the reject_reason_t data structure or in the cause field of other data structures) for many of the ATM signaling commands. The value in the cause field matches the numbers assigned by the ATM user network interface (UNI) standard to the message texts.
Table C-1 lists the cause codes (content of cause field) that are used by implementations that conform to the ATM User-Network Interface Specification (ATM UNI) standard. The Comments column points out codes that are specific to particular versions of the ATM UNI (for example, 3.0 and 3.1). Table C-1 lists implementation-specific (local) cause codes used by the IRIS ATM signaling software. Table C-3, summarizes the diagnostic information that accompanies some of the cause codes. IRIS ATM does not currently pass these up to the higher-layer applications.
Table C-1. ATM UNI Cause Codes
Text for ATM UNI Cause | Value for cause Field | Comments |
Unallocated / Unassigned Number | 1 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
No Route to Specified Transit Network | 2 |
No Route to Destination | 3 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Unacceptable VPCI_VCI | 10 |
Normal_3.1 | 16 | Not used with UNI 3.0. Used only with UNI 3.1. |
User Busy | 17 |
No User Responding | 18 |
Call Rejected | 21 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Number Changed | 22 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
User Rejects Calls With Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) | 23 |
Destination Out of Order | 27 |
Invalid Number Format | 28 |
Response to STATUS ENQUIRY | 30 |
Normal_3.0 | 31 | Used only with UNI 3.0. Not used with UNI 3.1. |
Requested VPCI/VCI Unavailable | 35 |
VPCI Assignment Failure | 36 |
User Cell Rate Unavailable | 37 | Not used with UNI 3.0. Used only with UNI 3.1. |
Network Out of Order | 38 |
Temporary Failure | 41 |
Access Information Discarded | 43 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
No VPCI/VCI Available | 45 |
Resource Unavailable, Unspecified | 47 |
QOS Unavailable | 49 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
User Cellrate Unavailable | 51 | Used only with UNI 3.0. Not used with UNI 3.1. Additional information may be supplied. SeeTable C-3. |
Bearer Capability Not Authorized | 57 |
Bearer Capability Not Presently Available | 58 |
Service or Option Unavailable, Unspecified | 63 |
Bearer Capability Not Implemented | 65 |
Unsupported Combination of Traffic Parameters | 73 |
AAL Parameters Cannot Be Supported | 78 | Not used with UNI 3.0. Used only with UNI 3.1. |
Invalid Call Reference | 81 |
Identified Channel Does Not Exist | 82 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Incompatible Destination | 88 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Invalid Endpoint Reference | 89 |
Invalid Transit Network Selection | 91 |
Too Many Pending Add Party Requests | 92 |
AAL Parameters Cannot Be Supported | 93 | Used only with UNI 3.0. Not used with UNI 3.1. |
Mandatory Information Element Missing | 96 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Message Type Nonexistent or Not Implemented | 97 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Information Element Nonexistent or Not Implemented | 99 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Invalid Information Element Contents | 100 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Message Not Compatible With Call State | 101 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Recovery On Timer Expiry | 102 | Additional information may be supplied. See Table C-3. |
Incorrect Message Length | 104 |
Protocol Error, Unspecified
| 111 |
Table C-2. Silicon Graphics Cause Codes
Text for Silicon Graphics Cause | Value for cause Field | Comments |
CAUSE_LOCALERROR | 128 | Local Error: unknown driver or signaling-daemon error. |
CAUSE_ALREADY | 129 | Registration denied: broadband low layer information (BLLI) already taken, or application already registered. |
CAUSE_INVALBESTEFFORT | 130 | Best Effort requires that both directions be Best Effort and QOS_0. |
CAUSE_INVALCELLRATE | 131 | Invalid cellrate field. |
CAUSE_INVALBLLI | 132 | Invalid broadband low layer information (BLLI) code specified. |
CAUSE_INVALBEARERCLASS | 133 | Invalid bearer class. |
CAUSE_INVALADDRESSFMT | 134 | Invalid address format. |
CAUSE_NOTMULTI | 135 | Add or drop party on a point-to-point call. |
CAUSE_PARTYHANDLEINUSE | 136 | Trying to add a party using a party handle that has already been used. |
CAUSE_INVALPARTYHANDLE | 137 | Request was dropped because the party handle was not found. |
Table C-3. ATM UNI Diagnostics
Accompanying ATM UNI Cause | ATM UNI Diagnostic Provided | Diagnostic Values |
Unallocated / Unassigned Number | 1 octet | The diagnostics provide a description of the condition, whether the condition is normal or abnormal, and who supplied the diagnostic. For specific diagnostics, see Table C-4.[a] |
Call Rejected | 2 octets | The diagnostics provide the following information: the most significant octet contains the reason, and a description of the condition. For a list of the reasons and conditions, see Table C-5. The least significant octet contains either user-specific values or the identifier for the ATM UNI information element (IE), whichever is appropriate. |
No Route to Destination | 1 octet | Same as Unallocated Number. |
Number Changed | 6 to 25 octets | The new destination address formatted with a Called Party Number information element. |
Access Information Discarded | 1 or more octets | Each octet specifies one ATM UNI information element identifier. |
QOS Unavailable | 1 octet | Same as Unallocated Number. |
User Cell Rate Unavailable | 1 or more octets | Each octet specifies one subfield identifier from the ATM UNI User Cell Rate information element. |
Identified Channel Does Not Exist | 4 octets | Most significant two octets specify VPCI value. Least significant two octets specify VCI value. |
Incompatible Destination | 1 octet | The ATM UNI information element identifier. |
Mandatory Information Element Missing | 1 or more octets | Each octet is one ATM UNI information element identifier. |
Message Type Nonexistent or Not Implemented | 1 octet | Specifies one ATM UNI message type: for example, SETUP, RELEASE, CONNECT. |
Information Element Nonexistent or Not Implemented | 1 or more octets | Each octet is one ATM UNI information element identifier. |
Invalid Information Element Contents | 1 or more octets | Each octet is one ATM UNI information element identifier. |
Message Not Compatible With Call State | One octet | Specifies one ATM UNI message type: for example, SETUP, RELEASE, CONNECT. |
Recovery On Timer Expiry | 3 octets | Each octet specifies one IA5 character to indicate one numeral identifying an ATM UNI timer. For example, for the timer called T308, the first octet specifies 3, the second 0, and the third 8. |
[a] IRIS ATM does not currently pass these diagnostics up to higher-layer applications. |
Table C-4. Diagnostics for Unallocated/Unassigned Number
Condition | Normal/Abnormal | Who |
0x80 Unknown | Normal | Provider |
0x81 Permanent | Normal | Provider |
0x82 Transient | Normal | Provider |
0x84 Unknown | Abnormal | Provider |
0x85 Permanent | Abnormal | Provider |
0x86 Transient | Abnormal | Provider |
0x88 Unknown | Normal | User |
0x89 Permanent | Normal | User |
0x8A Transient | Normal | User |
0x8C Unknown | Abnormal | User |
0x8D Permanent | Abnormal | User |
0x8E Transient | Abnormal | User |
Table C-5. Diagnostics for Call Rejected
Reason | Condition |
0x80 user-specific | unknown |
0x81 user-specific | permanent |
0x82 user-specific | transient |
0x84 IE missing | unknown |
0x85 IE missing | permanent |
0x86 IE missing | transient |
0x88 IE missing | unknown |
0x89 IE missing | permanent |
0x8A IE missing | transient |