The Digital Video Option (DIVO) board (marketing code XT-DIVO) is an XIO option board that provides broadcast-quality video for SGI workstations and servers that accept XIO boards. The option also provides 4 channels of audio.
The DIVO-DVC XIO option board (marketing code XT-DIVO-DVC) has all the functionality of the DIVO board and also supports DVCPRO, DV video coding and decoding, and DVCam.
![]() | Note: These option boards require IRIX 6.4 or later. Installations on SGI 3000 series systems require IRIX 6.5.10 or later (with patches, as required). |
Features of both options are controlled with the Video Library (VL) and the Audio Library (AL). VL device-independent calls and controls are explained in the Digital Media Programming Guide (007-1799-060 or later; online only). That manual also gives information on using the AL.
This guide was written for the sophisticated video user in a professional or research environment. You should be familiar with video standards, the operation of the SGI workstation or server, and the VL information in the Digital Media Programming Guide.
Many current SGI owner's guides, programming guides, and user's guides are available through the World Wide Web: .
This guide includes the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, “DIVO and DIVO-DVC Features and Capabilities”, outlines the main components of the DIVO option.
Chapter 2, “Programming DIVO and DIVO-DVC”, describes using the VL to accomplish common specific tasks.
Chapter 3, “Audio Data Conversion ”, describes the Digital Media Audio Conversion Library, its converters, and its use.
Appendix A, “DIVO/DIVO-DVC I/O Panel Connectors”, summarizes technical specifications for the option boards.
Appendix B, “Setting Up DIVO and DIVO-DVC for Your Video Hardware ”, describes connecting video equipment to DIVO or DIVO-DVC board connectors and using the control panel vcp to configure the DIVO board for the equipment.
Appendix C, “Pixel Packings and Color Spaces ”, sets forth all packing formats used by the DIVO or DIVO-DVC hardware.
Appendix D, “Color-Space Conversions”, explains DIVO/DIVO-DVC color spaces, the mathematical operations performed during conversions, and the implications of color-space conversions.
Appendix E, “Programming Methods for Real-Time Digital Media Recording and Playback”, explains programming concepts, such as real-time disk I/O, and gives examples.
Appendix F, “DV and DVCPRO Standards”, explains the DV and DVCPRO standards.
Appendix G, “GPI Interface (DIVO Option Only)”, contains information on the DIVO board's GPI receiver settings.
An index completes this guide.
Besides this guide, Digital Media Connections (007-3525-002 or later) is shipped with the DIVO and DIVO-DVC option boards.
The Digital Media Programming Guide is available with the IRIX digital media development environment software (dmedia_dev).
It is also a good idea to have your system owner's guide available.
If you do not have these guides handy, the information is also online in the following locations:
IRIS InSight Library: from the Toolchest, choose Help > Online Books > SGI EndUser or SGI Admin, and select the applicable guide.
Technical Publications Library: if you have access to the Internet, enter the following URL in your Web browser location window:
Once you are in the library, choose Catalogs > Hardware Catalog > and look under the Owner's Guides for the applicable owner's guide. For software guides, look on the bookshelf for the applicable IRIX version.
In command syntax descriptions and examples, square brackets ( [ ] ) surrounding an argument indicate an optional argument. Variable parameters are in italics. Replace these variables with the appropriate string or value.
In text descriptions, IRIX filenames are in italics.
Helvetica Bold font is used for labels on hardware, such as the names of ports on the I/O panel.
Messages and prompts that appear on-screen are shown in typewriter font. Entries that are to be typed exactly as shown are in boldface typewriter font.
Because the DIVO and DIVO-DVC options share most features, most of the information in this guide covers both options at once, such as the VL controls explained in Chapter 2, “Programming DIVO and DIVO-DVC”. Specifically:
The options are referred to as DIVO/DIVO-DVC in sections that describe features common to both (identical functionality); for example, “DIVO/DIVO-DVC Panel” in Chapter 1.
The options are referred to as DIVO and DIVO-DVC in sections that describe both options; for example, “DIVO and DIVO-DVC Board Architecture ” in Chapter 1.
Separate portions of the guide describe features that occur in one option only; the heading or title clearly distinguishes these sections; for example, “DIVO-DVC Features” in Chapter 1, or Appendix G, “GPI Interface (DIVO Option Only)”.
In each chapter or appendix in which the Digital Media Programming Guide is referenced, it is referred to by its full title at the first occurrence and thereafter as the DMPG.
If you have comments about the technical accuracy, content, or organization of this document, please send them to SGI. Be sure to include the title and document number of the manual with your comments. (Online, the document number is located in the front matter of the manual. In printed manuals, you can find the document number on the back cover.)
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